gifair keyboard怎么用用

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I am creating Custom GIF Keyboard in iOS8 using app extension. I was created layout of my custom keyboard. I was implement LongPress Gesture for selecting GIF Image but its not work. so what can i do for this or any suggestion regarding to this?
- (void)textWillChange:(id&UITextInput&)textInput {
[self.textDocumentProxy insertText:@"Hi"];
I also tried with UITextInputDelegate mentioned above.
This method is also deals with only text append. But My concern is to load gif or png image in input area.
What Popkey, for example, are doing is copy the clicked GIF to the pasteboard.
The user then needs to long click their rich text field and paste the content into their iMessage for example.
I have done with long press gesture and make a method for touch handler.
UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"img_temp.gif"];
NSData *imgData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
[pasteboard setData:imgData forPasteboardType:[UIPasteboardTypeListImage objectAtIndex:0]];
I also given become first responder aswell.
return YES;
I can copy text in pasteboard, but I can't copy .gif or .png image.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled当前位置:&&&Sexy Keyemoji - Naughty Sticker and Gif Emoji Keyboard - Christmas and New Year Release
Sexy Keyemoji - Naughty Sticke...
厂商:Shiu Ying Sati Lam
游戏版本:V 1.0游戏大小:18.8 MB
*可爱和性感的圣诞男孩,圣诞女孩的表情符号/贴纸/贴图*淘气,顽皮,诱惑和有趣的表情符号*通过键盘发送贴贴纸/贴图/静态表情或GIF Emojis动态表情*请记住添加“SexyKeyemoji”键盘在“设置”* EMOJI KINGDOM独家*通過像電子郵件,短訊的iMessage,微信,新浪微博等眾多的社交媒體應用程式分享動畫表情*通过了WhatsApp,脸谱,Facebook的使者,微博,微信,新浪微博,邮件,邮件讯息,的iMessage等众多的社交媒体应用程式分享静态表情,或贴纸*保存表情符号或贴纸静态图像在相机胶卷中,可于任何其他应用程式,如Instagram的或Snapchat等使用*复制GIF Emojis动态表情于剪贴板中,可于任何其他应用程式使用*可收藏最近使用和最爱的表情符号*易于使用* EMOJI KINGDOM是您心灵的工具*就用我们的emojis表情符号来触动别人的心吧
游戏厂商:Shiu Ying Sati Lam
游戏厂商:Shiu Ying Sati Lam
游戏厂商:Shiu Ying Sati Lam
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您还没有登录,请登录后使用此功能What if there was a keyboard made up of animated GIFs instead of boring old letters and numbers? Friend, there is. It’s called Gifmoji, the animated gif emoji keyboard for iOS 8. Gifmoji gives you a healthy dose of the finest animated GIFs, a small-but-growing collection of animated emojis, and even some text-based emojis too.
& 2015 Taber Buhl. Gifmoji is a trademark of Taber Buhl.当前位置: &
& PopKey GIF keyboard
系统要求:需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5、iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化。
Join the PopKey revolution! Send hilarious, fun animated GIFs when you chat with your friends with the PopKey GIF keyboard! Easily search, discover and send the latest & greatest GIFs from pop culture, movies, TV shows, and more. **Warning** PREPARE TO BE
EXTREMELY ADDICTED.Stand out from the crowd - don't ever send a boring message again! It's never been easier to
power-up your chat game with GIFs and more!Do yourself a favor download PopKey for FREE!Is that it? Nope!? SAY IT WITH A GIFPopKey is installed as a keyboard so you can instantly add animated GIFs to any chat or group chat. Save your favorite and recently used GIFs for even quicker access!? WORKS WITHPopKey already works with your favorite apps, including: Apple Messages, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Email, and more! You don't need PopKey to receive GIFs!? SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT GIFUse our Search feature to find the perfect GIF for any conversation.? 100% FREE & SAFEYup. Totally free. 100% Safe & private. We DO NOT save your keystrokes or compromise your privacy in any way. PopKey requests "Full Access" so we can access the internet to get you the latest GIFs.? ADD YOUR OWNCustomize PopKey with your own uploaded GIFs!? THOUSANDS OF ANIMATED GIFSPopKey always has the latest GIFs with featured, trending and new content with hundreds of thousands more GIFs to choose from with search!? 1000% HILARIOUSNever again be left without a hilarious animated response in a chat or SMS conversation.? What The Paparazzi Say About PopKey o "PopKey, the emoji-style keyboard for animated GIFs - it's pretty much everything you hoped for." - Mashable o "PopKey's Animated GIF Keyboard For iOS 8 Is The One You Should Be Using." - TechCrunch o "A GIF is worth a thousand words thanks to an iOS custom keyboard." - Engadget o "GIF keyboards are now available on iOS 8 because Nicolas Cage GIFs are better than words." - The Verge o "On the whole, for a free app, PopKey is remarkably full featured keyboard and it makes life very easy for those of us who find emojis just too bland and inexpressive." - Beautiful Pixels? PrivacyWe do NOT save your keystrokes or compromise your privacy in any way. PopKey requests "Full Access" so we can access the internet to get you the latest GIFs.? Technical RequirementsiOS 8+ and a sense of humor.? Get in TouchGot questions or suggestions? Message us (in text or animated GIF form) at or Tweet to @getpopkey.Want to use PopKey on the web? Checkout!!精彩资源,尽在PP助手()
版本 1.5.3 中的新功能:
- Bug fixes


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