javafx.scene.control Scene Builder问题

JavaFX Scene Builder 1.0 Developer Preview介绍_Java123社区微信号:java123msg |||[][]当前位置: &
& JavaFX Scene Builder 1.0 Developer Preview介绍1.The JavaFX Scene Builder 1.0 Developer Preview is a design tool for the JavaFX platform It can assist you with quickly prototyping an application with interactive user interface that is linked to the application logic. You simply drag and1.The FX Scene Builder 1.0 Developer Preview is a design tool for the JavaFX platform It can assist you with quickly prototyping an application with interactive user interface that is linked to the application logic. You simply drag and drop graphical user interface (GUI) components onto a JavaFX scene and the F source code for your layout is automatically generated. JavaFX Scene Builder is available for the
and Mac OS X platforms.简言之,就是可视化的开发JavaFx界面,该软件可以将配置好的界面自动转换成FXML文件下载地址:介绍它的基本使用方法JavaFX Scene Builder 1.0 Developer Preview Release Notes:/javafx/scenebuilder/1/release_notes_1-0/jsbpub-release_notes_1-0.htmJavaFX Scene Builder User Guide:/javafx/scenebuilder/1/user_guide/jsbpub-user_guide.htmGetting Started with JavaFX Scene Builder:/javafx/scenebuilder/1/get_started/jsbpub-get_started.htm&3.目前这个版本的JavaFX Scene Builder还存在很多已知的问题,例如:(1)The main limitation is that JavaFX Scene Builder is unable to load FXML files that reference custom user classes.主要的缺陷是不能加载引用了用户自定义的类的FXML文件(2)The TableView UI control is supported in JavaFX Scene Builder Developer Preview release, but with the following limitations:You can not add a Table Column component to a Table View control using JavaFX Scene Builder. The Library panel currently does not list the Table Column object.It is currently not possible to reorganize or re-parent the table columns using JavaFX Scene Builder.TableView控件可以使用,但是功能有限,不可以在JavaFX Scene Builder中添加一个列,目前还不支持重新组织表格的列(3)There is no Internationalization support available with the JavaFX Scene Builder Developer Release. It is only localized in English, regardless of the locale of the user's operating system.暂时不支持国际化!这个的确是,我试过了,会出现一定的中文乱码问题,解决办法就是使用ResourceBundle!在FXML文件中使用纯英文名称,然后定义该FXML文件对应的properties文件,在文件中映射相应的键值对就行了,但是这样还是有点麻烦。(4)A UI component becomes unselectable when the Disabled and Mouse Transparency flags are set.Description: When you check the Disabled or Mouse Transparency flag of a UI component, that component becomes unselectable in the Content panel.如果你为一个UI组件选择了Disabled或者Mouse Transparency标志时,这个组件在内容面板中就无法选中了。(5)CSS related errors are not displayed when loading a FXML file.Description: When you load an FXML file that contains invalid CSS files, any CSS related error messages are not displayed in the Message bar.Workaround: In order to see the error message, you need to force a CSS update on the layout. For example, you can edit the CSS file and save it. If some errors are detected, then an error message will be displayed in the Message bar when JavaFX Scene Builder does a refresh of the CSS rules.当加载一个FXML文件时,CSS相关的错误是不会显示的。解决办法是编辑一下CSS文件然后保存。(6)Popup Control elements that are part of that UI component do not inherit from a parent container's style sheet nor from any inline styled declarations made to the parent container.Description: If you assign a CSS file to the style sheets property of a parent container (e.g: root Anchor Pane), the rules in that CSS file are not applied to the Popup Control elements that are associated with the container's children elements. Inline styled declarations inherited from the parent container are also not applied to the Popup Control elements of the children objects. Popup Control objects are Context Menu and Tooltip.Workaround: Directly work with the Style property of the Context Menu and Tooltip to set the CSS styling rules.弹出式控件元素是一类不会继承其父组件样式的UI组件,它们也不会受到行内样式声明的影响,弹出式控件元素包括Context Menu和Tooltip解决办法就是手动的直接去给弹出式控件设置style属性(7)Exception messages thrown by the CSS parser contain invalid lines and column numbers.Description:共2页顶一下(0)0%踩一下(0)0%------分隔线------上一篇: 下一篇: 栏目列表推荐内容TreeSet集合 TreeSet集合是一个依靠TreeMap实现的有序集合,内部存储...
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实例: // 数组选择排序算法 import java.util.S public class Test...JEP 209: JavaFX Scene Builder UpdateJEP 209: JavaFX Scene Builder UpdateSummary
Update Scene Builder (SB) to support the new JavaFX features introduced
in the 8u40 release and also address the most critical limitations of
the SB 2.0 release, in particular the handling of FXML references.
significant new features will be added.
Allow the user to open and edit FXML documents which contain the new
JFX UI components introduced in 8u40 (Spinner, Dialogs, and
Allow the user to drag and drop the new UI components from the
palette into the document.
Provide minimal support to edit the properties of the new UI
components and re-parent them within the document hierarchy.
Make sure all the accessible UI Controls behave properly in the SB
Make FXML support more robust.
Provide full editing capability for the new UI components.
Provide new direct-manipulation gestures.
Provide the ability to visualize components which are not JFX nodes
in the design view.
Provide extended capabilities to make an accessible UI design.
Make SB fully accessible.
JDK 8u40 release brings important changes to JavaFX with new UI
components and the support of accessibility.
Scene Builder must be
updated to support this new functionality.
Beyond the need to expose the
new features to the user, such as providing new UI components in the
builtin library, we must update SB to allow the user to work with
documents containing any of the new UI components.
This is due to the
fact that SB is packaged as a self contained application bundle, with its
own private copy of the JRE.
The private JRE determines the set of
builtin components which SB is able to instantiate, so it should always
be aligned with the last release of the platform.
We also need to
address the main limitations of the SB 2.0 release, especially those
which prevent preserving the integrity of the content (and formatting) of
FXML documents.
Support for the Spinner UI Control
The Spinner control will be made available in the Controls section of the
Library Panel so that the user can drag and drop it into the Content or
Hierarchy panels, and further position or re-parent it, edit its
properties, similar to what is done with a ComboBox control today.
Support the FormattedTextField UI Control
The FormattedText control will be made available in the Controls section
of the Library Panel so the user can drag and drop it into the Content or
Hierarchy panels, and further position or re-parent it, edit its
properties, similar to what is done with a TextField control today.
StringConverter used by the control will not be provided by Scene Builder
and will have to be set programmatically by the user.
Support of the new Dialog(s) components
The Dialog and Dialogs components will be made available in the
Miscellaneous section of the Library Panel so the user can drag and drop
them into the Content and Hierarchy Panels, provided they are placed at
the root of the document.
The user will be able to edit the properties
of the Dialog and Dialogs using the Inspector panel.
It will not be
possible to render the content of the Dialog(s) inside the Content Panel
since SB is currently only able to render root components which are JFX
Nodes, and the Dialog(s) are not Nodes.
It will be possible to Preview
the content of the Dialog(s) in a separate window.
Support of Accessibility
Accessibility is likely to require an extension of the FXML file format.
Scene Builder adheres strongly to the FXML specification.
Some work will
be required to ensure that SB is able to read, edit, and write FXML files
which include accessibility information.
SB will not support the editing
of this information but it will preserve any existing information found
in an FXML file (e.g., hand-coded by the developer).
Overcome major limitations of the existing FXML support
Scene Builder 2.0.1 will provide support for the fx:reference and
$fxid constructs such that FXML documents using these constructs can be
safely edited and remain valid.
This minor update of Scene Builder does not introduce any significant new
feature or UI workflow.
No significant change to the existing SB UI is
planned either.
It should be possible to re-use existing test frameworks
and extend existing test suites with new test cases similar to existing
Availability of the new UI components API
its being appropriate for use in FXML.
Potential revision of FXML syntax due to accessibility support in the
may imply substantial work in SB.
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JavaFX Scene Builder JavaFX的FXML可视化编辑器预览版
JavaFX Scene Builder
A Visual Layout Tool for JavaFX Applications
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