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Meade Cable w/USB 495 497 AutoStar II 505 507 DS/LXD/LX200/ETX60/90/105/125
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Please enter a valid number.Autostar 稬筿福北?竟,ㄏノAutostar?ぱゅ辨环描,е硉非絋??笆旧?ぱゅ辨环描
? &?& ? &? &? &?&? ?& ?
MEADE μ眔 -
醇紌?稬筿福北?竟 -
, ??碭だ牧ぇずЧΘ┮Τ砞﹚ ,
?惠璶???秙碞秨﹍笲?碝тぱ砰, ョ?パ呼悔呼隔糤?穝眐琍??竚,
?穝?瞴?硑矫琍?戈?, ??更程穝硁砰, ?籔眤?筿福?の呼悔呼隔候盞?挡?, MEADE
μ眔琌?瞴材?產盢筿福?м籔ぱゅ辨环描挡?ノ?坝穨ノ硚??紅, ?眖?э跑??芠琍?よΑ.
Autostar だ? 4 蹿,
???Autostar #494, い顶? Autostar #497, 程蔼顶?Autostar II 籔程穝? Autostar III.
璶眖琍?いт?稱璶芠??ぱ砰, Τ?讽?螟?, 璶т??玡┮ぃ?笵?琍砰?螟, MEADE μ眔 Autostar ?祇?,
э跑?硂?ㄆ龟, 局Τ癸琍?罙秆??繦??︸?Autostar, ず??戈?畐, ??弘非?ま旧?т?稱??ぱ砰?矗ㄑ芠?琍砰?戈癟,
???ㄌ沮芠诡?┮??竚籔?丁?逼弘給?琍?ぇ?, 刚刚?, ?穦骸種ウ??瞷.
ㄏノ Autostar 稬筿福北?竟?ぱゅ辨环描?Τ??碭蹿:
1. Autostar 494 : ╰? ,
2. Autostar 497 :
3. Autostar II :
4. Autostar III :
????顶 Autostar 稬筿福北?竟???弧?籔癸酚?
Autostar 494&
?惠?秙碞??眤т?琍?い?ヘ夹. ??﹟?纗??笷200掸?璹畒夹,
┪?钡块????竚, ??GO
Autostar 494北?竟矗ㄑ9贺辨环描锣笆硉?,
?Τ?琍?發萝??. 锣笆程蔼硉–?
&?潦盡ノ #506
??琍冻琍刮单& *
╰?蝗猠& * 31?&&
床?琍冻& * 19?&&
ヘ魁弘匡??辨环描?ǎぱ砰& *
宾﹁焊ぱ砰& * 943?&
?硑矫琍& * 26?&&
耕?獹??︽琍& *
秅戳眐琍& * 8?&&&
Autostar 497
497 ?崩?,
Autostar497.& Meade Autostar 497
?较ネㄏぱゅ穝も钩玡晋?妓糉甡. &Autostar
497 癘拘?窾?掸琍砰,
* 7840?&&
* 109?&&&
* 110?&&&
宾﹁焊ぱ砰& *
?盞猀琍??琍, ??蛮琍跑琍の疭?琍砰& *
&&?硑矫琍& * 26?
&&秅戳眐琍& * 8?&&び锭╰︽琍
Autostar II&
Autostar II 145,000
GO TO, 辨环描??–?8?ǔ硉盢琍砰簿?跌偿いァ,
Autostar II ??Ч到,
戈?畐冈灿??: *
ぱ砰 &*&5386?&
ぱ砰& *&&227?&
ㄣ硄玌?嘿ぱ砰&&&* &400?
蝗猠ヘ魁&&&*& 12,939?&
ぃ砏玥琍╰&&*& 42,277?&
?︽琍籔眐琍& *&1,055?&
摸琍砰&& *&50?&&露??硑矫琍&&*
宾﹁焊ぱ砰& *&&88?&
Autostar III&
Meade 笲ノ??仓縩?伦碔竒喷,
?程ㄣ承種? LS╰?穎皌?穝
Autostar III北?竟, ㄏぱゅ辨环描秈??碈砰??.
虏て??匡虫, 琵筿福北??辨环描?甧??も.
ゴ秨筿方, 碞琌?初???芠琍?癸.
禬筁& 100,000 掸戈?,
?紅?﹚?芖縒產?瞶坝,& 潦禦 MEADE
玻珇, 叫??眃?玂虫, ?玂舦痲
&甶ボいみ: 400?いカそ堕隔21-3腹&
&&& 犁穨?丁 : ㏄??㏄せ10:00 -
18:30&& 秅ら/㏄?そヰ
:04- / 04-&
&&&&&& & &&&&&
眃??厩 ?舦┮Τ&&&software registration key(updates included free of charge)
Additional handset registration key(limit
of 2 per software key)
StarPatch allows you to use almost any GPS
receiver with the Meade Autostar 497/497EP or Audiostar
handsets (see ). StarPatch
updates the internal handset software so that it can recognize GPS
NMEA data and use this to set the date, time, latitude and longitude. Additional
software features (known as "patches") can also be selected. The key
features of StarPatch are:
(adds GPS Setup capability to
one Autostar 497/497EP or Audiostar).
Full updates over 10x faster than the .
Updates are automatically verified (over 20x faster than the ).
SmartLoad further reduces update times by reusing unchanged data from
previous updates.
Lists available software patches and allows you to include the ones
"Update Handset" button guides you through the simple update
"Get Updates" automatically retrieves the latest available
patches and software.
Works with Autostar II (excluding features 1, 2 and 3).
is a great tool for updating your Autostar
497/497EP, Audiostar or Autostar II.
The key features of the GPS Setup patch are:
Displays GPS time, satellite count and signal strength.
Displays date, latitude and longitude of GPS fix.
Automatically sets handset date, time, latitude and longitude.
Sets local date and time based on handset Time Zone and Daylight Savings settings.
Automatically skips ahead to the &Align:& prompt.
After power-on the handset displays this sequence:
To download StarPatch refer to "".
The registration key enables all the program features and
allows the GPS Setup patch to be
installed to one 497/497EP or Audiostar. Additional
handset registration keys can be purchased to GPS enable a second or third
Autostar (limit of 2 per software key). Without
a registration key StarPatch operates as a trial version with the following limitations:
GPS Setup patch results are displayed, but not saved.
Updates are slower (still 2x faster
than the ).
SmartLoad feature is disabled.
StarPatch includes patches that can be individually selected for use with the Autostar 497/497EP, Audiostar or Autostar II. The GPS Setup patch is copyright PixSoft Inc. All of the additional patches are copyright Dick Seymour
and Andrew Johansen (used with permission). For a complete list of the additional patches see
System Requirements
GPS with NMEA-0183 $GPRMC output and
(for GPS Setup)
Windows XP, Vista, 7
Serial port or USB-to-Serial adapter
Internet connection (to download or register StarPatch)
NOTE: StarPatch does not entirely replace the Meade Autostar Update program (ASU).
The ASU must still be used for "Advanced Functions" to move Library
Objects to and from the Autostar (e.g. satellites, comets and tours). The latest
version of the ASU and Autostar software (ROM files) can be found at
Copyright (C)
PixSoft Inc.
All rights reserved.


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