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[all variants] [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in one click
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Ubuntu Member
[Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in one click
If you want help reviewing your summary report from Boot-Repair, post new thread with link to pastebin.
&Boot-Repair& is a small graphical tool to repair frequent boot problems.
- repair the boot when an OS does not boot any more after installing Ubuntu
- repair the boot when access to GRUB and any OS is lost (maybe due to , or a OEM MBR lock),
- reinstall GRUB bootloader easily
- create a Boot Info Summary in 1 click !
- restore a generic bootsector (MBR), or the original MBR if it has been saved by
Get a CD including Boot-Repair:
is a CD that automatically runs Boot-Repair at start-up.
- or: Boot-Repair is also included in all .
Install and run Boot-Repair in Ubuntu (in case you can't burn a CD):
just type in a Terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)
Boot-Repair can be installed & used from any Ubuntu session (normal session, or live-CD, or live-USB).
PPA packages are available for Ubuntu versions precise(12.04LTS), trusty(14.04LTS), utopic(14.10), vivid(15.04).
Use Boot-repair:
Launch it from System-&Administration-&Boot-Repair menu if you use Gnome, or search &boot& in the dash if you use Unity. Then follow the menus...
You can contribute by :
(now ~60 languages)
- voting on Launchpad for these bugs: , , ,
- suggesting improvements
If you want help reviewing your summary report from Boot-Repair, post new thread with link to pastebin.
La September 20th, 2015 at .
Reason: Removed sed command as current versions now availble.
Staff Emeritus
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Thank you. I haven't tried all Boot Repair's capabilities yet but it is a welcome addition to the slowly growing list of helpful Grub 2 graphical apps.
5 Cups of Ubuntu
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Great stuff, thanks a lot! I assume that the latest version is included in the Ubuntu Secure 11.04:
Is this ISO for x64 or i386? I messed up my x64 server at home and now I have to send somebody that hasn't seen Linux in his life to repair it. The GUI will definitely decrease the process length in terms of hours. I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and got the grub_env_export error. Now, as I think of it again, maybe I did the stupidity to install grub in the partition itself instead in the MBR (used to be in the MBR with 10.10). This situation should be corrected with your tool, right?
I reinstalled grub using method 1 in the past without an issue:
I'm still not sure if the chroot method is necessary in my case. Any idea?
Last edited by TheG May 29th, 2011 at .
Reason: Realized the source of the issue
Ubuntu Member
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Thank you for your encouragements
If the GRUB you want to repair is located in a 64bits distribution, you need to install & use Boot-Repair from a 64 bit distribution.
As the &Ubuntu Secured& ISO are all 32bits ISO, just use any normal 64bits *Ubuntu CD, install Boot-Repair on it, and use it to repair your 64 bit distro GRUB.
5 Cups of Ubuntu
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Hi , Trying to download &Boot-repair& but with very little success. Can you please enlighten me? I'm stuck with &grub rescue&& after upgrading from Karmic to Natty!! (Along with Win7).
Ubuntu Member
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Hi manickaselvam,
I understand from your message that your PC does not give access to any OS (nor Windows, nor Ubuntu) any more, I am right ?
If that is the case, you will need to :
- if your broken Ubuntu was 32bits, get a Ubuntu 32bits CD, or better :
- if the broken Ubuntu was 64 bits, get a Ubuntu 64bits CD, or better :
and burn it on a CD from another computer.
Then, when you have this CD, put it into your computer's CD driver, boot your PC on it, choose &Try Ubuntu& at first screen, there a &live-session& (Ubuntu desktop running on RAM) will appear.
From this &live-session& :
- If you are using a Ubuntu Secured CD, Boot-repair is already installed into it.
- If you are using a standard version of Ubuntu, Download/Install Boot-Repair in it by either : add ?ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair? to your Software Sources via the Software Centre or by typing the 2 following commands in a Terminal session:
* sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
* sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install boot-repair-ubuntu
From the &live-session& :
Search Boot-Repair in the Applications menu, and run it with default options (this will reinstall GRUB in sda), except if your BIOS is configured to boot on another disk.
Then shutdown your PC, remove the CD, and reboot the PC to check if it worked.
If it did not work, please open a new thread
(describe exactly what you did and what happened when upgrading from Karmic to Natty, your hardware description, and the output result of ), and then give us the link here so that we can follow the discussion.
Last edited by YannB June 2nd, 2011 at .
5 Cups of Ubuntu
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
My mother became a Linux admin with 5 hours of tutoring over the phone and a million commands sent via SMSes. She managed to reinstall GRUB using the CHROOT method
Next thing I know she is preparing for RHCE
I didn't have to use your tool but I'm very willing to see it in the next installer. Making a backup of the MBR is a great feature that HAS to be in Ubuntu. First time I installed it on the same drive with Windows I got totally f*cked up because I didn't reboot in Windows after resizing its partition and it took me a few days to find the right tool to restore it. From now on - Windows only on VMWare Player!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for writing this great tool and I hope it gets approved for the next release installer. Is it able to perform the CHROOT method as well by the way? Should be just a few extra lines of code.
Ubuntu Member
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Hello TheGrave, thank for your encouragements !
I agree with you that Ubuntu should backup the MBR, like many other Linux distro already do since a long time.
Yes Boot-Repair uses the chroot method by default, except when it cannot (when you reinstall the GRUB that is on the system currently in use).
@all : if you also want the MBR to be automatically saved when installing Ubuntu, please vote (login, &Does this bug affect you? -& Yes) for this inclusion request :
Last edited by YannB May 31st, 2011 at .
Staff Emeritus
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
Originally Posted by YannBuntu
@all : if you also want the MBR to be automatically saved when installing Ubuntu, please vote (login, &Does this bug affect you? -& Yes) for this inclusion request :
I know the Grub devs have discussed this and some want to automatically create a backup, so they are aware of the issue. I don't know the status of that option, so keep those 'bug' requests coming.
Ubuntu Member
Re: [Boot-Repair] Graphical tool to repair the PC boot in 1 clic !
(you can vote for this one too
Important : just saving the MBR would be a first improvement, but
does better : when Clean-Ubiquity saves the MBR, it also links (via UUID) the backup to the Linux installation that erased the MBR, so that the
tool can work.
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· 蜀ICP备号-1
点击名称选择存放文件夹苹果本分区后出现no bootable device insert boot disk and press any key_百度知道
苹果本分区后出现no bootable device insert boot disk and press any key
大师,我用U启动里面的分区软件把苹果的所有盘都格了(包括系统盘,什么两个引导的,怕弄哗伐糕和蕹古革汰宫咯成双系统以后麻烦,所以打算格干净的,分区时自动做了esp msr),装了WIN7后进不去,黑屏就显示这个了,求大师怎么办?该做引导还是什么? (开机按OPTION能进U盘那个U大师)
是用EFI的,没有BIOS,唯一可以设置的是开机的启动选项。您可以在基于 Intel 的 Mac 电脑上使用下列启动键组合启动时按住 C 键——从可启动 CD 或 DVD 光盘启动,如随机附带的 安装光盘。启动时按住 D 键——如果插入安装 DVD 1,则启动为 Apple Hardware Test (AHT)。按住 Option-Command-P-R 键直至听到两声嘀嘀声——重置 NVRAM启动时按住 Option 键——启动进入 Startup Manager,您可以选择从一个 宗卷启动。 注意:按住 N 键可显示出第一个可启动网络宗卷。按住 Eject、F12 键,或者按住鼠标键(/触控板)——推出所有移动介质,如光盘。启动时按住 N 键——试图从兼容的(NetBoot)启动。启动时按住 T 键——启动为 FireWire 目标磁盘模式。启动时按住 Shift 键——启动为安全模式并且暂时关闭登录项。启动时按住 Command-V 键——启动为 Verbose 模式。启动时按住 Command-S 键——启动为单用户模式。启动时按住 Option-N 键——使用默认启动镜像从 NetBoot 服务器启动。
出门在外也不愁刚刚买的联想笔记本开机出现no bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key怎么办?_百度知道
刚刚买的联想笔记本开机出现no bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key怎么办?
出门在外也不愁用disk genius重建主引导记录(MBR)后进不去系统!提示 file: \Boot\BCD, Status: 0xc000000f错误。_百度知道
用disk genius重建主引导记录(MBR)后进不去系统!提示 file: \Boot\BCD, Status: 0xc000000f错误。
卸载一键还原精灵后,为了去掉F11提示,百度知道说要用disk genius的重建主引导记录(MBR),操作后进不去系统(win 7旗舰)提示一堆英文如下:windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.To fix the problem : 1. Insert your windows inst旦虎测臼爻铰诧歇超忙allation disc and restart your computer. 2.Choose your language srttings and then click &NEXT& 3.Click &Repair your computer.& If you do not have this disc. contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance. File:\Boot\BCD Status:0xc000000f Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data. ENTER=CONTINUE
ESC=EXIT你好:我现有带绝对PE1.6的优盘一个,而且我的电脑还装有雨过天晴还原软件(刚卸载了)我优盘PE的disk genius是3.5版的我又执行了几次重建主引导区(MBR)(我用disk genius检查分区表没有错误)又用PE中的修复windows引导修复,提示成功可还不行,您有什么高见吗?


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