R:106 G:155 B:72你的降落伞是什么颜色色

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你可能喜欢一、填入单词所缺的字母.1.y _ _ n g e r 2.g _ _ d 3._ ngr _ 4.t _ _ ed 5.r _ _ d 6.w _ _ kend 7.l _ _ t 8.n _ s _ 9.r_ _ ed a b _ _ t 10.w _ nt sk _ ing 一、 选择填空.( )1.How heavy are you?I am____________.A.155cm B.12 years old C.38_百度作业帮
一、填入单词所缺的字母.1.y _ _ n g e r 2.g _ _ d 3._ ngr _ 4.t _ _ ed 5.r _ _ d 6.w _ _ kend 7.l _ _ t 8.n _ s _ 9.r_ _ ed a b _ _ t 10.w _ nt sk _ ing 一、 选择填空.( )1.How heavy are you?I am____________.A.155cm B.12 years old C.38
一、填入单词所缺的字母.1.y _ _ n g e r 2.g _ _ d 3._ ngr _ 4.t _ _ ed 5.r _ _ d 6.w _ _ kend 7.l _ _ t 8.n _ s _ 9.r_ _ ed a b _ _ t 10.w _ nt sk _ ing 一、 选择填空.( )1.How heavy are you?I am____________.A.155cm B.12 years old C.38kg ( )2.John failed the English test.He’s _________.A.sad B.happy C.bored ( )3.I _______________ yesterday.A.have a cold B.read books C.watch TV ( )4.They are going_______ a trip tomorrow.A.to B.with C.on ( )5.Did your sister ___________ grandparents last Sunday?A.visit B.visits C.visited 二、 根据所给的汉语提示完成句子,每个空格只填一个单词.1.Look,my bag is ___________ ( 更大)than yours.2.I ________ a __________ __________today.(喉咙疼) 3.We ___________ ____________ (照相)last weekend 4.He _________ ____________(看见大象)at the zoo last Saturday.5.They ate good food__________ ___________.(上周四) 四、根据上下文或实际,写出问句或答句.The girl is 143 cm tall.2 I have a fever.3 go swimming yesterday?Yes,she did.4.What did you do yesterday?5.How do you feel now?五、连词成句.1.me,taller,than,you’re.2.big,are,feet,how ,your?3.yours,than ,longer ,two cm,are ,my legs 4.clean the room,did,me,you,help?5.on your holiday,where,go,you,did?六、阅读对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案.Mr White moved to another town.He had a cold one day,so he went to see a doctor.He sat down in the waiting room and look around.The doctor’s diploma(证书)was hung(挂)on the wall.Suddenly Mr White remembered that there was a classmate with the same name in his class at the college( 大学).When he went to see the doctor,he remembered a young,nice student,but now he was sad to see an old man with gray(灰白的) hair.He said to him,“Good morning,Doctor.Did you go to King’s Medical College?” The doctor answered,“ Yes,I did.” “Were you there from 1975 to 1979?” Mr White asked.“ Yes,I was.” The doctor answered.“ How did you know?” Mr White laughed and said,“You were in my class!” “Oh” the doctor said and looked at him for a few minutes.“What were you teaching?” ( )1.Mr White went to see a doctor because ___________.A.he have a fever B.have a cold C.he moved to another town ( )2.Where was the doctor’s diploma?A.On the desk .B.On the wall C.On the floor.( )3.The doctor thought(认为)Mr White was________.A.his friend B.his classmate C.his teacher ( )4.Mr White thought the doctor was old,but the doctor thought Mr White was much ________.A.older B.younger C.taller ( )5.Was Mr White the doctor’s teacher?A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,he was.C.No,he wasn’t谁教我!抱歉 我知道自己不对了~
younger, good, angry, tired, read, weekend, list/lift, nose,
? about, went skiingC, A, B, C, Abiggerhave/had, sore throattook pictures/photoessaw elephantslast ThursdayHow tall is the girl?What's wrong/the matter with you?Did she go swimming yesterday?I went to the library yesterday.I'm fine.You're taller than me.How big are your feet?My legs are two cm longer than yours.Did you help me clean the room?Where did you go on your holiday?B, B, C, A, C
对不起 百度不是这么用的~~~~
这是教吗!这不是教,百度知道不是哪来给你蒙混老师的!Android开发:setAlpha()方法和常用RGB颜色表----颜色, r g b分量数值(int), 16进制表示 一一对应
只有颜色和十六进制,有时候需要设置r g b分量的int值,如paint.setARGB(255, 127, 255, 212);就需要自己计算下分量的各个值。这里提供一个带有r g b分量的int型的颜色表。注意paint.setAlpha()及paint.setARGB()的第一个参数,即透明度。其取值范围是0---255,数值越小,越透明,颜色上表现越淡。实际上当设成10以下就会有透明的效果了。
常用RGB颜色表 &&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
forum gold
dodger blue
jackie blue
浅粉红 #FFB6C1 255,182,193 粉红 #FFC0CB 255,192,203 猩红/深红 #DC143C 220,20,60 淡紫红 #FFF0F5 255,240,245 弱紫罗兰红 #DB,147 热情的粉红 #FF69B4 255,105,180 深粉红 #FF,147 中紫罗兰红 #C,133 兰花紫 #DA70D6 218,112,214 蓟 #D8BFD8 216,191,216 李子紫 #DDA0DD 221,160,221 紫罗兰 #EE82EE 238,130,238 洋红/玫瑰红 #FF00FF 255,0,255 灯笼海棠/紫红 #FF00FF 255,0,255 深洋红 #8B008B 139,0,139 紫色 #,0,128 中兰花紫 #BA55D3 186,85,211 暗紫罗兰 #,0,211 暗兰花紫 #9932CC 153,50,204 靛青/紫兰色 #4B,130 蓝紫罗兰 #8A2BE2 138,43,226 中紫色 #9370DB 147,112,219 中板岩蓝 #7B68EE 123,104,238 板岩蓝 #6A5ACD 106,90,205 暗板岩蓝 #483D8B 72,61,139 熏衣草淡紫 #E6E6FA 230,230,250 幽灵白 #F8F8FF 248,248,255 纯蓝 #0000FF 0,0,255 中蓝色 #0000CD 0,0,205 午夜蓝 #,25,112 暗蓝色 #0,139 海军蓝 #,0,128 皇家蓝/宝蓝 #,105,225 矢车菊蓝 #6495ED 100,149,237 亮钢蓝 #B0C4DE 176,196,222 亮石板灰 #,136,153 石板灰 #,128,144 道奇蓝 #1E90FF 30,144,255 爱丽丝蓝 #F0F8FF 240,248,255 钢蓝/铁青 #,130,180 亮天蓝色 #87CEFA 135,206,250 天蓝色 #87CEEB 135,206,235 深天蓝 #00BFFF 0,191,255 亮蓝 #ADD8E6 173,216,230 火药青 #B0E0E6 176,224,230 军服蓝 #5F9EA0 95,158,160 蔚蓝色 #F0FFFF 240,255,255 淡青色 #E0FFFF 224,255,255 弱绿宝石 #AFEEEE 175,238,238 青色 #00FFFF 0,255,255 水色 #00FFFF 0,255,255 暗绿宝石 #00CED1 0,206,209 暗石板灰 #2F4F4F 47,79,79 暗青色 #008B8B 0,139,139 水鸭色 #,128,128 中绿宝石 #41CC 72,209,204 浅海洋绿 #20B2AA 32,178,170 绿宝石 #40E0D0 64,224,208 宝石碧绿 #7FFFD4 127,255,212 中宝石碧绿 #66CDAA 102,205,170 中春绿色 #00FA9A 0,250,154 薄荷奶油 #F5FFFA 245,255,250 春绿色 #00FF7F 0,255,127 中海洋绿 #3CB371 60,179,113 海洋绿 #2E8B57 46,139,87 蜜瓜色 #F0FFF0 240,255,240 淡绿色 #90EE90 144,238,144 弱绿色 #98FB98 152,251,152 暗海洋绿 #8FBC8F 143,188,143 闪光深绿 #32CD32 50,205,50 闪光绿 #00FF00 0,255,0 森林绿 #228B22 34,139,34 纯绿 #,128,0 暗绿色 #,100,0 查特酒绿& &#7FFF00 127,255,0 草坪绿 #7CFC00 124,252,0 绿黄色 #ADFF2F 173,255,47 暗橄榄绿 #556B2F 85,107,47 黄绿色 #9ACD32 154,205,50 橄榄褐色 #6B8E23 107,142,35 米色/灰棕色 #F5F5DC 245,245,220 亮菊黄 #FAFAD2 250,250,210 象牙 #FFFFF0 255,255,240 浅黄色 #FFFFE0 255,255,224 纯黄 #FFFF00 255,255,0 橄榄 #,128,0 深卡叽布 #BDB76B 189,183,107 柠檬绸 #FFFACD 255,250,205 灰菊黄 #EEE8AA 238,232,170 卡叽布 #F0E68C 240,230,140 金色 #FFD700 255,215,0 玉米丝色 #FFFC 255,248,220 金菊黄 #DAA520 218,165,32 暗金菊黄 #B4,11 花的白色 #FFFAF0 255,250,240 旧蕾丝 #FDF5E6 253,245,230 小麦色 #F5DEB3 245,222,179 鹿皮靴 #FFE4B5 255,228,181 橙色 #FFA500 255,165,0 番木瓜 #FFEFD5 255,239,213 发白的杏仁色 #FFEBCD 255,235,205 土著白 #FFDEAD 255,222,173 古董白 #FAEBD7 250,235,215 茶色 #D2B48C 210,180,140 硬木色 #DEB887 222,184,135 陶坯黄 #FFE4C4 255,228,196 深橙色 #FF8C00 255,140,0 亚麻布 #FAF0E6 250,240,230 秘鲁 #CD853F 205,133,63 桃肉色 #FFDAB9 255,218,185 沙棕色 #F4A460 244,164,96 巧克力 #D5,30 马鞍棕色 #8B,19 海贝壳 #FFF5EE 255,245,238 黄土赭色 #A,45 浅鲑鱼肉色 #FFA07A 255,160,122 珊瑚 #FF7F50 255,127,80 橙红色 #FF,0 深鲜肉/鲑鱼色 #E0,122 番茄红 #FF,71 薄雾玫瑰 #FFE4E1 255,228,225 鲜肉/鲑鱼色 #FA,114 雪 #FFFAFA 255,250,250 淡珊瑚色 #F8,128 玫瑰棕色 #BC8F8F 188,143,143 印度红 #CD5C5C 205,92,92 纯红 #FF,0 棕色 #A52A2A 165,42,42 耐火砖 #B,34 深红色 #8B,0 栗色 #,0,0 纯白 #FFFFFF 255,255,255 白烟 #F5F5F5 245,245,245 庚斯博罗灰色 #DCDCDC 220,220,220 浅灰色 #D3D3D3 211,211,211 银灰色 #C0C0C0 192,192,192 深灰色 #A9A9A9 169,169,169 灰色 #,128,128 暗淡的灰色 #,105,105
纯黑 #,0,0
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