
苹果大规模封杀Flash Player!
发表于 09:51|
摘要:由于出现安全问题,苹果苹果大规模封杀Flash Player!有人猜测可能是出于两方面的原因,一方面,Flash会对电池续航时间有所影响;另一方面,有传言称苹果正在开发自己的手机软件,并要以iPhone为后盾来进行推广。
由于出现安全问题,,版本下至较老的13.0.0.259,上至刚发布没几天的最新16.0.0.235。同时,苹果方面还会提醒用户下载最新版本的Flash Player,然而新版本的Flash Player也在苹果的屏蔽名单之中。所以,用户不得不放弃查看Flash 内容。值得注意的是,苹果这次并没有使用安全公告的方式通知用户,直接通过网络插件拦截工具,直接屏蔽有问题的Flash Player。这也表明,苹果并不信任Adobe会迅速发布安全补丁。苹果已经发出了,细节也已在编号的知识库文章中公布,但并未披露发现了什么安全漏洞。截图来自:Adobe对于Apple这一举动采取了这样的措施:iPhone或是iPod Touch用户访问需要Flash Player的网站时会收到来自Adobe的错误提示信息,从下图中可以看到,“你的设备无法使用Flash Player”,Adobe在原因中这样写道:“苹果限制你使用需要诸如Flash Player产品的技术,除非苹果取消这些限制,否则Adobe无法为iPhone或iPod Touch提供Flash Player。”Apple 与 Adobe 的江湖厮杀,是 HTML5 和 Flash的网络应用标准之争,当第一代 iPhone 发布的时候,Apple 便拒绝为Flash 播放提供支持,这一政策贯彻至今,没有人知道苹果限制用户使用Flash Player的真正动机,有人猜测可能是出于两方面的原因,首先,Flash会对电池续航时间有所影响,这可能是Apple为了保证iPhone的电池使用。其次,有传言称苹果正在开发自己的手机软件作为Flash的竞争对手,并以iPhone为后盾来进行推广。不过Flash 和 HTML5 竞争的背后,同样伴随着诸多商家的博弈较量。
相关热门文章How to Play Flash Video on Iphone | eHow
Have you found a great video that you want to play on your Iphone, but can't because it's in Flash format? This guide shows you how to use the web so you can watch Flash videos on your phone.
Open your Safari browser. Make a new webpage, and got to . This will work for a variety of sites, such as myspace, blip, an metacafe, but NOT ALL FLASH WEBSITES.
Register at the site -- you need to do this if you want to watch more than 20 seconds of video. Don't worry -- it's easy to do and it's free. After you register you will be able to watch Flash videos of any length.
Wait until you receive a confirmation email from the site. This should only take up to one hour. Hit the &activate now& button in the email.
Return to your
website. Hit the &+& button on the site, and add the site as a bookmark. Name it whatever you like and hit &save&. For purposes of this tutorial, we will name the site &FLASH&.
This is the important part. Go to your bookmarks page, and go to &edit&. Go to the bookmark that you saved for this site -- which we named &FLASH&. You will see the web address for the site. It will read something like &_/javascript.window.location. . .& Put your cursor right before the &j& in &javascript on the address, and delete everything that comes before it. What remains will say &javascript.window.location . . .&
Now close the bookmark process.
Now click on the flash video you want to watch. You will get a message saying &you need flash player to view this site&. At this point, hit &bookmarks& and click on the bookmark that we named &FLASH&. Your video should now play.苹果与Adobe终于携手合作 开发iPhone的Flash插件
在苹果公司扭扭捏捏了一年多后,终于开始同意将Flash加入iPhone.Adobe在世界经济论坛上表示,他们在研发iPhone Flash动画插件的同时,已经和苹果携手合作.
合作的结果当然是让Flash进入iPhone,届时App Store将可以让用户的手机支持Flash,把麻烦的Flash带入动画处理能力一般的手机,技术上来说可能是一个难题,但主要原因还是商业上的不合作.
Adobe表示非常高兴地看到进展,数个月后,iPhone就可能会以第三方应用服务的形式接纳Flash,但乔布斯在一年前认为,真正的障碍是Flash本身,Flash占用资源严重,iPhone的内存和处理器不足以处理,而Flash Lite又因为是外部运行,功能有限不够用,播放网页上的视频和复杂动画会带来更多麻烦.
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