
《007》系列新片中国元素被指PS只剩噱头 日11:57牋沈阳晚报 微博 我有话说 片中的东方明珠和澳门赌场的背景,都是PS上去的   《功夫熊猫》《2012》……近年,“中国元素”成为好莱坞电影抢攻中国市场屡试不爽的法宝,但与早期“中国元素”重在展现中国历史的悠久和东方文化的神秘不同,近两年来,“中国元素”逐渐成为“中国符号”,没了韵味,只剩噱头。昨日沈阳晚报记者采访获悉,正在热映的好莱坞大片《007:大破天幕杀机》,尽管片中有丹尼尔·克雷格在上海、澳门开展行动的约半小时戏份,但克雷格根本没有来过这两个地方拍戏。  邦德压根没来上海   正在沈城热映的《007:大破天幕杀机》,邦德在上海和澳门上演了长达半个小时的追踪、枪战等戏份,片中高楼林立的上海夜景极其美丽。不过24日,该片中国首映时,片方却透露,片中邦德从游泳池起身俯瞰上海的镜头,其实是在伦敦拍摄的。而沈阳晚报记者昨日采访该片中国区宣传负责人高先生,对方坦承,其实邦德的扮演者丹尼尔·克雷格根本没有来到上海和澳门,“上海的戏份都是在伦敦拍摄的,技术人员通过PS的手段,将克雷格和上海空镜头结合到一起;而澳门的戏份集中在一家赌场中,这家赌场完全是实景搭设的,同样和澳门没有关系。”   “中国元素”成了浮云   《功夫熊猫》主打中国场景和熊猫主角,《2012》中连逃难的方舟都是Made爄n燙hina……2010年以前,好莱坞电影中的“中国元素”,大多展现中国历史的悠久、东方文化的神秘,而近两年,随着国内影迷对“中国元素”的愈发关注,加之合拍片不受好莱坞电影进口配额的政策优势,“中国元素”多了、滥了,但味道却也变了。去年底,好莱坞影片《铁拳男人》将中国武术与美式嘻哈音乐结合到一起,全无中国武侠厚重的神韵,上映后遭遇国内影迷一致恶评;演员方面,如当年的成龙[微博]、章子怡[微博]那样,能在好莱坞电影中担任主演的中国影星几乎绝迹,《敢死队2》中李连杰[微博]的戏份被大幅压缩,而打着合拍片旗号的《环形使者》,许晴成为一句台词都没有的花瓶。   片方顾虑欣赏口味   资深电影评论人鸿水接受沈阳晚报记者采访时认为,由于好莱坞制片方毕竟不是中国人,难以深入地了解中国文化,因此近年来好莱坞电影中的“中国元素”,愈发有商业目的过浓、立意过浅的问题,而中国影迷对“中国元素”的要求却越来越高,因此出现了供求不均的矛盾。记者同时获悉,部分“中国元素”的变味,还在于片方也要考虑世界其他地区影迷的欣赏口味,“欧美影迷习惯了好莱坞的快餐电影,若把中国元素展现得太有东方思想,这部分影迷未必能接受。”记者获悉,一些好莱坞大片甚至专门为中国市场在片中特设“中国元素”,“国外上映版完全不是一回事。”   沈阳晚报主任记者 关力制 (责编: Gracetot) ...
日11:57 我有话说
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Spectre Ultimate 007 Trailer (2015) - Daniel Craig Movie HD
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A cryptic message from Bond\'s past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it\'s the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you\'ve been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they\'re released.
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[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
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[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
?i?p Viên 007 là m?t tác ph?m c?a c?a ??o di?n L? L?c Trì d??i s? di?n xu?t tài tình c?a Ch?u Tinh Trì (Stephen Chow) trong vai 007. Qu?c S?n 007 (t?a g?c ch? Trung Qu?c:國產淩淩漆 (Qu?c S?n L?ng L?ng T?t), tên ti?ng Anh: From Beijing with Love), thu?c th? lo?i phim hành ??ng-hài do Ch?u Tinh Trì và L? L?c Trì ??ng ??o di?n, Ch?u Tinh Trì ?óng vai chính. B? phim do Win\'s Movie Production Ltd s?n xu?t, c?ng chi?u l?n ??u tiên vào ngày 14 tháng 9 n?m 1994. B? phim gi?u nh?i l?i lo?t phim James Bond và nh?n v?t ?i?p viên 007. Sau khi ra m?t b? phim ?? ?em l?i doanh thu kh?ng l? doanh thu 37.523.850 ?? la H?ng K?ng
??i nét v? các di?n viên trong phim:
Ch?u Tinh Trì (Stephen Chow) trong vai 007
Viên V?nh Nghi (Anita Yuen) trong vai L? H??ng C?m
La Gia Anh (Law Kar-Ying) trong vai ??t V?n T?y
Hoàng C?m Giang (Wong Kam-Kong) trong vai Súng Vàng/T? l?nh
Tr?n B? Liên (Pauline Chan) trong vai N? sát th? Cao nhi?t H?a
Tr?nh T? trong vai Sát th? r?ng thép có chiêu Thi?t giáp Phi quy?n
L? L?c Trì (Lee Lik-Chi) trong vai cao th? v? thu?t b? hành quy?t, có tuy?t chiêu Thi?t th?i Th?y th??ng phiêu
Hoàng Nh?t Phi (Wong Yut Fei) trong vai ph?m nh?n mù b? hành quy?t. Và các di?n viên khác...
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M?t k? dùng súng vàng (Hoàng C?m Giang) ?n c?p hóa th?ch s? kh?ng long duy nh?t c?a Trung Qu?c. M?t t? l?nh c?ng an ?? c? 007 (Ch?u Tinh Trì), m?t ?i?p viên bí m?t kiêm bán d?o th?t l?n, ?i tìm l?i ??u kh?ng l?u b? m?t v?i ??u m?i ??u tiên là ? H?ng K?ng. V? khí 0...
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
published: 26 Nov 2014
views: 212
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
?i?p Viên 007 là m?t tác ph?m c?a c?a ??o di?n L? L?c Trì d??i s? di?n xu?t tài tình c?a Ch?u Tinh Trì (Stephen Chow) trong vai 007. Qu?c S?n 007 (t?a g?c ch? Trung Qu?c:國產淩淩漆 (Qu?c S?n L?ng L?ng T?t), tên ti?ng Anh: From Beijing with Love), thu?c th? lo?i phim hành ??ng-hài do Ch?u Tinh Trì và L? L?c Trì ??ng ??o di?n, Ch?u Tinh Trì ?óng vai chính. B? phim do Win\'s Movie Production Ltd s?n xu?t, c?ng chi?u l?n ??u tiên vào ngày 14 tháng 9 n?m 1994. B? phim gi?u nh?i l?i lo?t phim James Bond và nh?n v?t ?i?p viên 007. Sau khi ra m?t b? phim ?? ?em l?i doanh thu kh?ng l? doanh thu 37.523.850 ?? la H?ng K?ng
??i nét v? các di?n viên trong phim:
Ch?u Tinh Trì (Stephen Chow) trong vai 007
Viên V?nh Nghi (Anita Yuen) trong vai L? H??ng C?m
La Gia Anh (Law Kar-Ying) trong vai ??t V?n T?y
Hoàng C?m Giang (Wong Kam-Kong) trong vai Súng Vàng/T? l?nh
Tr?n B? Liên (Pauline Chan) trong vai N? sát th? Cao nhi?t H?a
Tr?nh T? trong vai Sát th? r?ng thép có chiêu Thi?t giáp Phi quy?n
L? L?c Trì (Lee Lik-Chi) trong vai cao th? v? thu?t b? hành quy?t, có tuy?t chiêu Thi?t th?i Th?y th??ng phiêu
Hoàng Nh?t Phi (Wong Yut Fei) trong vai ph?m nh?n mù b? hành quy?t. Và các di?n viên khác...
N?i dung c?a phim:
M?t k? dùng súng vàng (Hoàng C?m Giang) ?n c?p hóa th?ch s? kh?ng long duy nh?t c?a Trung Qu?c. M?t t? l?nh c?ng an ?? c? 007 (Ch?u Tinh Trì), m?t ?i?p viên bí m?t kiêm bán d?o th?t l?n, ?i tìm l?i ??u kh?ng l?u b? m?t v?i ??u m?i ??u tiên là ? H?ng K?ng. V? khí 0...
My Old 12C and Supercar Test Drives - '007 Lived Here' with Esso Synergy Part 5
My Old 12C and Supercar Test Drives - '007 Lived Here' with Esso Synergy Part 5
My Old 12C and Supercar Test Drives - '007 Lived Here' with Esso Synergy Part 5
published: 09 Nov 2015
views: 43239
The final day of our \'007 Lived Here\' tour around Scotland to celebrate the launch of new Esso Synergy fuels, driving in an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S.
Heading from Glasgow to Edinburgh, our first stop is McLaren Glasgow where coincidentally we bump into my old McLaren 12C, as well as a stunning purple 650S Spider and a trio of 675LTs.
It\'s then onto Performance Portfolio outside Edinburgh for a test drive in a Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 and Nissan GT-R before heading to the airport to say farewell to the V12 Vantage S and set it off back to Aston Martin in Gaydon and catch our flights home.
This video was made possible by Esso Synergy. #sp
Thanks for watching, Tim
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My Old 12C and Supercar Test Drives - '007 Lived Here' with Esso Synergy Part 5
published: 09 Nov 2015
views: 43239
The final day of our \'007 Lived Here\' tour around Scotland to celebrate the launch of new Esso Synergy fuels, driving in an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S.
Heading from Glasgow to Edinburgh, our first stop is McLaren Glasgow where coincidentally we bump into my old McLaren 12C, as well as a stunning purple 650S Spider and a trio of 675LTs.
It\'s then onto Performance Portfolio outside Edinburgh for a test drive in a Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 and Nissan GT-R before heading to the airport to say farewell to the V12 Vantage S and set it off back to Aston Martin in Gaydon and catch our flights home.
This video was made possible by Esso Synergy. #sp
Thanks for watching, Tim
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Facebook: /shmee150
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007 - A Polip Szolgálatában
007 - A Polip Szolgálatában
007 - A Polip Szolgálatában
published: 08 Nov 2015
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trailer, kritika, review, hollywood, news, agency, hírügyn?kség, el?zetes, 2015, daniel craig, 007, spectre,...
007 - A Polip Szolgálatában
published: 08 Nov 2015
views: 78925
P?L?K és MINDEN más:
Skyfall kritika: /watch?v=XLD6UbFIRQQ
Instagram: szirmai_gergely
Ezitten t?kmindegy:
trailer, kritika, review, hollywood, news, agency, hírügyn?kség, el?zetes, 2015, daniel craig, 007, spectre,...
007 CONTRA SPECTRE | Villa | 5 de novembro nos cinemas
007 CONTRA SPECTRE | Villa | 5 de novembro nos cinemas
007 CONTRA SPECTRE | Villa | 5 de novembro nos cinemas
published: 11 Nov 2015
views: 444
Veja o trailer final da 24? aventura de James Bond – 007 CONTRA SPECTRE. Uma mensagem enigmática do passado de Bond o envia a uma ca?ada para descobrir uma organiza??o sinistra. Enquanto M batalha contra for?as políticas para manter o servi?o secreto vivo, Bond desmascara as fraudes para revelar a terrível verdade por trás de SPECTRE.
Estrelando: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Rory Kinnear, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, David Bautista e Andrew Scott.
Dirigido por Sam Mendes
Escrito por John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Produzido por Michael G Wilson e Barbara Broccoli
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007 CONTRA SPECTRE | Villa | 5 de novembro nos cinemas
published: 11 Nov 2015
views: 444
Veja o trailer final da 24? aventura de James Bond – 007 CONTRA SPECTRE. Uma mensagem enigmática do passado de Bond o envia a uma ca?ada para descobrir uma organiza??o sinistra. Enquanto M batalha contra for?as políticas para manter o servi?o secreto vivo, Bond desmascara as fraudes para revelar a terrível verdade por trás de SPECTRE.
Estrelando: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Rory Kinnear, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, David Bautista e Andrew Scott.
Dirigido por Sam Mendes
Escrito por John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Produzido por Michael G Wilson e Barbara Broccoli
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Curta a Sony Pictures Brasil no Facebook:
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FULL 007 MOVIE: The New Spy Against Divided Evil
FULL 007 MOVIE: The New Spy Against Divided Evil
FULL 007 MOVIE: The New Spy Against Divided Evil
published: 26 Sep 2014
views: 641505
When Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) and \"M\" (Bernard Lee) of MI6-SIS cannot stop a horrific, fiery aircraft crash instigated by an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) under remote control, they voluntold 007\'s physician brother (Neil Connery) to investigate the sexy femme fatale\' (Danielle Bianchi) at the scene of the crash who is now following his patient linked to the criminals by memory download. Using hypnosis as a MK-ULTRA type weapon--as well as pre-2001 HAL lip-reading, the New Spy, Connery uncovers the evil--but fortunately divided--conspiracy group akin to the real-life Rockefeller vs. Rothschild Illuminati crime families---that has access to NATO submarines and a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) where it will send a HAARP-like pulse of energy throughout the world to stop all kinetic motion--unless a huge ransom is payed. The leaders of this S.P.E.C.T.R.E.--like secret society, #1 (Anthony Dawson) and #2 (Adolfo Celi) must first consolidate the material captured from the plane crash assassination to put their kinetic energy inhibitor machine into effect--as well as stop Connery--but one of them has plans to take-over the entire organization for himself and kill off all of its beautiful, sexy operatives. Connery races against both the clock and the evil plot to save a lovely woman--and the world.
One look at today\'s headlines shows us that this all isn\'t Eurospy fun--its very much like the CIA-instigated \"ISIS\" (al CIAduh v2.0) mayhem being foisted upon us right now for MILINDCOMP profits $$$ and NWO goals.
James Bond is REAL.
FULL 007 MOVIE: The New Spy Against Divided Evil
published: 26 Sep 2014
views: 641505
When Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) and \"M\" (Bernard Lee) of MI6-SIS cannot stop a horrific, fiery aircraft crash instigated by an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) under remote control, they voluntold 007\'s physician brother (Neil Connery) to investigate the sexy femme fatale\' (Danielle Bianchi) at the scene of the crash who is now following his patient linked to the criminals by memory download. Using hypnosis as a MK-ULTRA type weapon--as well as pre-2001 HAL lip-reading, the New Spy, Connery uncovers the evil--but fortunately divided--conspiracy group akin to the real-life Rockefeller vs. Rothschild Illuminati crime families---that has access to NATO submarines and a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) where it will send a HAARP-like pulse of energy throughout the world to stop all kinetic motion--unless a huge ransom is payed. The leaders of this S.P.E.C.T.R.E.--like secret society, #1 (Anthony Dawson) and #2 (Adolfo Celi) must first consolidate the material captured from the plane crash assassination to put their kinetic energy inhibitor machine into effect--as well as stop Connery--but one of them has plans to take-over the entire organization for himself and kill off all of its beautiful, sexy operatives. Connery races against both the clock and the evil plot to save a lovely woman--and the world.
One look at today\'s headlines shows us that this all isn\'t Eurospy fun--its very much like the CIA-instigated \"ISIS\" (al CIAduh v2.0) mayhem being foisted upon us right now for MILINDCOMP profits $$$ and NWO goals.
James Bond is REAL.
published: 10 Nov 2015
views: 12198
?Aujourd\'hui je vous montre comment avoir la tenue de james bond dans spectre.
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? MUSIQUE INTRO : LORDE - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
? MUSIQUE OUTRO : Disfigure - Summer Tune
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published: 10 Nov 2015
views: 12198
?Aujourd\'hui je vous montre comment avoir la tenue de james bond dans spectre.
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? MUSIQUE INTRO : LORDE - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
? MUSIQUE OUTRO : Disfigure - Summer Tune
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映画『007 スペクター』最新予告 日公開
映画『007 スペクター』最新予告 日公開
映画『007 スペクター』最新予告 日公開
published: 22 Jul 2015
views: 8206
『007 スペクター』12月4日(金)全国ロードショー
twitter:/007movie_JP #SPECTRE...
映画『007 スペクター』最新予告 日公開
published: 22 Jul 2015
views: 8206
『007 スペクター』12月4日(金)全国ロードショー
twitter:/007movie_JP #SPECTRE...
The Royal World Premiere SPECTRE 007
The Royal World Premiere SPECTRE 007
The Royal World Premiere SPECTRE 007
published: 28 Oct 2015
views: 256
The CTBF Royal Film Performance World Premiere SPECTRE 007
A cryptic message from the past sends James Bond on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra (Monica Bellucci), the beautiful and forbidden widow of an infamous criminal. Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organisation known as SPECTRE.
Meanwhile back in London, Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott), the new head of the Centre for National Security, questions Bond’s actions and challenges the relevance of MI6, led by M (Ralph Fiennes). Bond covertly enlists Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and Q (Ben Whishaw) to help him seek out Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux), the daughter of his old nemesis Mr White (Jesper Christensen), who may hold the clue to untangling the web of SPECTRE. As the daughter of an assassin, she understands Bond in a way most others cannot.
As Bond ventures towards the heart of SPECTRE, he learns of a chilling connection between himself and the enemy he seeks, played by Christoph Waltz.
Starring: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Rory Kinnear, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, David Bautista and Andrew Scott.
Directed By Sam Mendes
Written By John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Produced By Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli
Follow Bond on /JamesBond007, on Twitter @007 and at the official website \"...
The Royal World Premiere SPECTRE 007
published: 28 Oct 2015
views: 256
The CTBF Royal Film Performance World Premiere SPECTRE 007
A cryptic message from the past sends James Bond on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra (Monica Bellucci), the beautiful and forbidden widow of an infamous criminal. Bond infiltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organisation known as SPECTRE.
Meanwhile back in London, Max Denbigh (Andrew Scott), the new head of the Centre for National Security, questions Bond’s actions and challenges the relevance of MI6, led by M (Ralph Fiennes). Bond covertly enlists Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) and Q (Ben Whishaw) to help him seek out Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux), the daughter of his old nemesis Mr White (Jesper Christensen), who may hold the clue to untangling the web of SPECTRE. As the daughter of an assassin, she understands Bond in a way most others cannot.
As Bond ventures towards the heart of SPECTRE, he learns of a chilling connection between himself and the enemy he seeks, played by Christoph Waltz.
Starring: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Rory Kinnear, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Monica Bellucci, David Bautista and Andrew Scott.
Directed By Sam Mendes
Written By John Logan, Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Produced By Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli
Follow Bond on /JamesBond007, on Twitter @007 and at the official website \"...
60 Years of 007 Style featuring baseball star, Hunter Pence ★
60 Years of 007 Style featuring baseball star, Hunter Pence ★
60 Years of 007 Style featuring baseball star, Hunter Pence ★
published: 10 Nov 2015
views: 30066
Baseball star Hunter Pence and girlfriend, Alexis Cozombolidis take on James Bond signature styles for the past 60 years: /mode-video. ★ Also support our cancer awareness friends at NO SHAVE NOVEMBER https://www.no-shave.org
Follow our Bond guy and girl on the web:
★ { Model } Hunter: /hunterpence8
★ { Model } Alexis: /letsgetlexi
1964 white dinner jacket and 1995 tuxedo provided by ?levée:
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60 Years of 007 Style featuring baseball star, Hunter Pence ★
published: 10 Nov 2015
views: 30066
Baseball star Hunter Pence and girlfriend, Alexis Cozombolidis take on James Bond signature styles for the past 60 years: /mode-video. ★ Also support our cancer awareness friends at NO SHAVE NOVEMBER https://www.no-shave.org
Follow our Bond guy and girl on the web:
★ { Model } Hunter: /hunterpence8
★ { Model } Alexis: /letsgetlexi
1964 white dinner jacket and 1995 tuxedo provided by ?levée:
For more videos like this, visit us on MODE: /mode-video
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Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
published: 02 Nov 2015
views: 10943
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
We count down our top 10 Favorite Bond girls by way of their overall contribution to the series as villains, heroines, or simply because they were the hottest and most badass of the bunch. Take a look and let us know your favorites in the comments below!...
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
published: 02 Nov 2015
views: 10943
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
We count down our top 10 Favorite Bond girls by way of their overall contribution to the series as villains, heroines, or simply because they were the hottest and most badass of the bunch. Take a look and let us know your favorites in the comments below!...
Video Details
007 Spectre Trailer 2 (2015) Daniel Craig James Bond Movie HD [Official Trailer]
published: 22 Jul 2015
22 Jul 2015
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Spectre Ultimate 007 Trailer (2015) - Daniel Craig Movie HD
Buy Tickets to Spectre: http://goo.gl/dwD7JB
Watch More Spectr
published: 02 Nov 2015
02 Nov 2015
配給:ソニー?ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント
SPECTRE (C) 2015 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danja
published: 11 Nov 2015
11 Nov 2015
Komplette Playlist:
★ InstangGaming PC-Spiele bis zu -70%: http://www./de/igr1342357/
? Komplette Playlist: http://goo.gl/qa4EQ9
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Mein Mikrofo
published: 09 Nov 2015
09 Nov 2015
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
[Full HD] ?i?p Viên 007 - Ch?u Tinh trì
?i?p Viên 007 là m?t tác ph?m c?a c?a ??o di?n L? L?c Trì d??i s? di?n xu?t tài tình c?a Ch?u Tinh Trì (Stephen Chow) trong vai 007. Qu?c S?n 007 (t?a g?c ch? Trung Qu?c:國產淩淩
published: 26 Nov 2014
26 Nov 2014
The final day of our \'007 Lived Here\' tour around Scotland to celebrate the launch of new Esso Synergy fuels, driving in an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S.
Heading from Glasgow to Edinburgh, our first stop is McLaren Glasgow where coincidentally we bump into my old McLaren 12C, as well as a stunning pu
published: 09 Nov 2015
09 Nov 2015
P?L?K és MINDEN más:
Skyfall kritika: /watch?v=XLD6UbFIRQQ
Instagram: szirmai_gergely
published: 08 Nov 2015
08 Nov 2015
Veja o trailer final da 24? aventura de James Bond – 007 CONTRA SPECTRE. Uma mensagem enigmática do passado de Bond o envia a uma ca?ada para descobrir uma organiza??o sinistra. Enquanto M batalha contra for?as políticas para manter o servi?o secreto vivo, Bond desmascara as fraudes para revelar a t
published: 11 Nov 2015
11 Nov 2015
When Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) and \"M\" (Bernard Lee) of MI6-SIS cannot stop a horrific, fiery aircraft crash instigated by an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) under remote control, they voluntold 007\'s physician brother (Neil Connery) to investigate the sexy femme fatale\' (Danielle Bianchi) at the
published: 26 Sep 2014
26 Sep 2014
?Aujourd\'hui je vous montre comment avoir la tenue de james bond dans spectre.
? S\'ABONNER : /channel/UCkKZipMCTDnYtPJ_K1CsmFw
? Instant Gaming (Jeux PC -70%) : http://www./igr/Unwin/
? Mon Facebook : /UnwinGTA
? Mon Twitter : http
published: 10 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
『007 スペクター』12月4日(金)全国ロードショー
twitter:/007movie_JP #SPECTRE
published: 22 Jul 2015
22 Jul 2015
The CTBF Royal Film Performance World Premiere SPECTRE 007
A cryptic message from the past sends James Bond on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome, where he meets Lucia Sciarra (Monica Bellucci), the beautiful and forbidden widow of an infamous criminal. Bond infiltrates a
published: 28 Oct 2015
28 Oct 2015
Baseball star Hunter Pence and girlfriend, Alexis Cozombolidis take on James Bond signature styles for the past 60 years: /mode-video. ★ Also support our cancer awareness friends at NO SHAVE NOVEMBER https://www.no-shave.org
Follow our Bond guy and girl on the web:
★ { Model } Hunter
published: 10 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
Top 10 Bond Girls (HD) 007, Spectre
We count down our top 10 Favorite Bond girls by way of their overall contribution to the series as villains, heroines, or simply because they were the hottest and most badass of the bunch. Take a look and let us know your favorites in the com
published: 02 Nov 2015
02 Nov 2015
? ALBINO LULLABY #007 o PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/aLullaby
? HALLOWEEN LIVE LP auf http://gronkh.tv
? Auf gronkhDE: http://gronkh.de/?p=34623
Schr?ge Horror-Geschichte von Ape Law (2015).
published: 09 Nov 2015
09 Nov 2015
? STRAY CAT CROSSING #007 o PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/SCatC
? Keine Folge verpassen: http://bit.ly/BesteMenschen
? Auf gronkhDE: http://gronkh.de/?p=34622
Mindfuck Story-RPG von Jurlo & JetPackG
published: 09 Nov 2015
09 Nov 2015
ll\'Unione Corsa, offre a James Bond la mano della figlia Tracy, quando viene a sapere che l\'agente segreto l\'ha salvata da un tentativo di suicidio risvegliando in lei l\'interesse per la vita. Bond è innamorato della ragazza, ma ha ancora un conto in sospeso con Blofeld, il fantomatico capo della Sp
published: 28 Jul 2015
28 Jul 2015
\"007: Спектр\" - обзор 24 фильма о Джеймсе Бонде и мое мнение =)
Паблик ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/kinokritika_pro
Мой Инстаграм - /ilyabunin
Делаю обзоры почти на все премьеры фильмов и не только, так что подписывайтесь=)) Оценивайте, комментируйте, пишите своем мнение о фильме
published: 06 Nov 2015
06 Nov 2015
? Let\'s Play Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombie Modus Deutsch German
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? Nitrado (Partner für Gameserver): https://nitrado.net
? Elbster, da gibt\'s die geilen T-Sh
published: 10 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
published: 12 Aug 2015
12 Aug 2015
В этом выпуске:
- что возглавит Сандра Буллок,
- с кем поругался Квентин Тарантино,
- ну и про деньги, конечно
Эш против зловещих мертвецов в правильном переводе Гоблина: http://www.amediateka.ru/serial/esh-protiv-zloveschih-mertvetsov_e89c73/1/1
Аудиоверсия: http://oper.ru/video/audio/siniy_fil_
published: 08 Nov 2015
08 Nov 2015
A full day on the road in Scotland as part of our \'007 Lived Here\' tour to celebrate the launch of new Esso Synergy fuels, driving in an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S.
With a whole day on phenomenal roads it was only appropriate to discuss the car, the Aston Martin V12 Vantage S in more detail - a tes
published: 08 Nov 2015
08 Nov 2015
Writing’s On The Wall’ by Sam Smith, the official theme song from Spectre
Download Now on iTunes: http://po.st/WiBO6i
Listen on Spotify: http://po.st/WOTWsp & Apple Music: http://po.st/HfyJAB
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Pre-order on CD & Vinyl: http://po.st/rqPkl3
Pre-order on
published: 05 Oct 2015
05 Oct 2015
published: 27 Apr 2015
27 Apr 2015
Клёвые вещи из Minecraft:
ТОП-7 худших фильмов о Джеймсе Бонде: http://youtu.be/C0NFoIx8Rtk
Группа вконтакте http://vk.com/sokoloff_show
Твиттер /sokoloff_show
Фейсбук /profile.php?id=272
Инстаграм: /alex_so
published: 07 Nov 2015
07 Nov 2015
映画評論家の町山智浩さんが映画「007 スペクター」を紹介します。
▼007 skyfall スカイフォール
▼「エベレスト3D 」
published: 10 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
007 – Bersaglio mobile - Film Completi in italiano
Il magnate Max Zorin vuole provocare un terremoto che distrugga Silicon Valley per detenere il monopolio della produzione mondiale di microchip e imporre così le proprie leggi di mercato. James Bond riesce a mandare a monte i piani del criminale. Co
published: 02 Jul 2015
02 Jul 2015
\"007: СПЕКТР\" в кино с 6 ноября!
Сайт фильма: http://sonypictures.ru/spectre/
Зашифрованное послание из неизвестного источника выводит Бонда (Дэниэл Крэйг) на след зловещей глобальной организации под кодовым названием СПЕКТР, в то время как М. (Рэйф Файнс) пытается спасти секретную разведывательну
published: 05 Oct 2015
05 Oct 2015
official trailer for Spectre - James Bond 007 - Bond 24
ТИЗЕР-ТРЕЙЛЕР <> - премьера уже скоро
published: 27 Mar 2015
27 Mar 2015
SPECTRE has been awarded a Guinness World Records(TM) title for the Largest Film Stunt Explosion. Producer Barbara Broccoli, Daniel Craig and Léa Seydoux, accepted the record certificate in Beijing, China on behalf of winner Chris Corbould, who served as Special Effects and Miniature Effects Supervisor
published: 10 Nov 2015
10 Nov 2015
James Bond (character)
James Bond, ,
created by
journalist and novelist
in 1953. He is the main
series of , ,
and . Fleming wrote twelve Bond novels and two short story collections before his death, although the last two books— and —were published posthumously.
The Bond character is a
agent, code number 007, residing in London but active internationally. Bond was a composite character who was based on a number of
who Fleming knew during his service in the
during , to whom Fleming added his own style and a numb Bond's name was appropriated from American
. Bond has a number of character traits which run throughout the books, including an enjoyment of cars, a love of food and drink, and an average intake of sixty custom-made cigarettes a day.
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