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phi是什么意思 phi在线翻译 phi什么意思 phi的意思 phi的翻译 phi的解释 phi的发音 phi的同义词 phi的反义词 phi的例句 phi的相关词组
phi英 [fa?] 美 [fa?] 第三人称复数:phi 基本解释名词希腊文的第21个字母phi 网络解释1. 菲律宾:历届亚洲男子篮球锦标赛成绩(中国队未参加的前7届) 第一届日 28日 菲律宾马尼拉 1菲律宾(PHI),2中国台北(TPE),3日本(JPN),4韩国(KOR),5香港(HKG CHN),6印度尼西亚(INA),2. 人:尼克 (NYK) @七六人 (PHI)七六人本季有了全能前锋布兰德(Elton Brand)的加盟,外界纷纷看好他们未来的发展,前一场对上暴龙虽然表现不是相当突出,但今天他斩获24分14篮板,加上全队近乎六成的投篮命中率,最终便以116:87,3. 费城人:夫兰印地安人(CLE)纽约洋基(NYY) VS 底特律老虎(DET)奥克兰运动家(OAK) VS 德州游骑兵(TEX)坦帕湾光芒(TB) VS 明尼苏达双城(MIN)圣路易红雀(STL) VS 亚特兰大勇士(ATL)华盛顿国民(WSH) VS 费城费城人(PHI)佛罗里达马林鱼(F4. 4. 皮皮:毛毛:Fur | 皮皮:Phi | 仙人球:Cactus5. phi:packe 分组处理接口6. phi:protecte 受保健康信息7. phi: 收获前安全间隔期8. phi: 泰国皮皮岛phi 双语例句1. Rafter refers to the mourning of Phi in the chest of the shirt, the next suit is called chang.&&&&榱是指丧服中披于胸前的上衣,下衣则叫做裳。2. The relative introduction to the data decoding has done after the completion of communication. The application of it in the online test system for injecting pipe of spray drying tower is proved with good effect.&&&&本文结合笔者采用传感器PLC-PC模式开发的喷雾干燥塔喷管堵塞故障在线检测系统,介绍DEL-PHI平台下PLC与PC机数据通讯的实现方式。1系统工作原理喷雾干燥塔是一种常见的雾化干燥设备,通过它将料液雾化干燥成粉粒材料或产品。3. One is Phi Phi Don where several long white powdery beaches attract visitors here to sunbathe and swim, and the other is rocky Phi Phi Le where thousands of swifts nest inside the Viking Cave. With its emerald crystal sea, secluded beaches, wooded cliffed mountains, colourful coral reefs and undersea life, Phi Phi is a paradise in the Andaman.&&&&一个是披披东岛 Phi Phi Don ,它有许多很长的白色粉状海滩,吸引无数游客到这里游泳,享受日光浴;另一个是披披雷岛 Phi Phi Le ,岛上尽是嶙峋的岩石,岩石上有个海盗洞穴,洞内栖息着数以万计燕子,这些小燕子与披披岛的鲜绿色水晶海,幽静的海滩,树木繁茂悬崖峭壁山,五颜六色的珊瑚礁和海底世界形成一道天然风景线,简直就是安达曼人的天堂生活。4. Pingyao push light Lacquer has exquisite skill sets, and its production process mainly includes the following steps:(1) with special formulations, techniques and facilities for
(2) to large lacquer and natural tung oil (3) fetal Phi Mu Ma linked to ash gray lacquer have to bei cloth, gray pig have to wear hemp, yellow g (4) Human hair, Port Chatham su (5) Ad Hoc Y (6) outline in gold paint, including Ping Kim opened the black, sand drum cover paint, hooks gold masks and traditional techniques, such (7) with sandpaper, charcoal, hair, brick ash, oil and other successive push light, so bright (8) the use of mosaic, carve, covering gold, gray, such as carved for decorative art.&&&&平遥推光漆艺有精湛的成套技艺,其制作过程主要包括以下步骤:(1)用特殊配方、技艺及设施炼制大漆;(2)以大漆和天然桐油炼制罩漆;(3)木胎披麻挂灰,生漆灰须褙布,猪血灰须披麻,黄土胶则需褙纸;(4)以人发、牛尾制作漆栓;(5)在特设的阴房内阴干漆器;(6)描金彩绘,包括平金开黑、堆鼓罩漆、勾金、罩金和蛋壳镶嵌等传统技法;(7)用砂纸、木炭、头发、砖灰、麻油等逐次推光,使漆器光亮如镜;(8)采用镶嵌、镂刻、罩金、刻灰等技艺进行装饰。5. I would like to see the farthest place, Phi first light in the shoulder, was poured over cold raindrops and snowflakes, but also insist on a smile to warm too.&&&&我要在看得最远的地方,披第一道曙光在肩膀,被泼过太冷的雨滴和雪花,更坚持微笑要暖得。6. The performance of film images can be divided into the performance of static painting lattice and the PHI phenomenon of painting lattices. As for the research on the performance of static painting lattice, it should make reference of the relationship between the sun, and the main body of paternity, the main background of the relations between viewers and painting, the main characters include the size, shape, color, sense of space and so on.&&&&在对静态画格的表现力研究时,根据画框与主体的关系,主体与陪体的关系、主体与背景的关系以及观众与画格的关系,主体本身的性质:大小、形状、色彩、空间感等因素,分别对画格的构图的表现力、景别的表现力、角度的表现力进行研究,把运动镜头整合为两个大的类别,分析了这两类运动镜头的表现性;最后,建立一个模型来论证,一部影片的表现性是在大量的具有表现力画格感应出一个表现力场的过程中完成的。7. phi7. Therefore, visual perception indicates those psychological counterparts acting in the visual center of brains`physiology. If we apply the perception theory in Gestalt psychology to researching the film's performance, film images will present a large amount of PHI phenomenon resulting from the painting lattice appearing at intervals.&&&&我们把格式塔心理学观照下的知觉理论体系应用到电影画面表现力研究中,电影影像是大量的按照某一次序间隔出现的画格的似动现象,研究电影影像的表现力可以分为对静态画格表现力的研究和对画格似动现象的研究。8. At last, this paper analysed the experimental results and mechanism of microw ave joining.&&&φ40mm陶瓷辊棒的微波焊接,并分析了实验结果和微波焊接的机制。9. In order to get more information, an instrument which contains multispectrometer within a single analysis chamber is preferable. This work consists of the following four parts which was performed on a scanning Auger microprobe, model PHI-590&&&&集多种谱仪于一分析室进行研究,能得到更为全面、准确的信息,这也是表面分析发展的一个方向本工作在PHI-590型扫描俄歇微探针上进行,主要由以下四部分组成10. Over the past few years, many works through the extensive application of customers for their valuable suggestions so that the products of this company has a wealth of experience, but also bring up the chairs Phi cadre of technical and management personnel.&&&&几年来,通过众多工程广泛应用,客户提出宝贵建议,使本公司对该产品有了丰富的经验,同时也培养造就了椅披技术骨干队伍和经营管理人才。11. Side of a company to Germany`s export of marijuana chair Phi, the contract provides up to 15% moisture, impurities must not exceed 3%.&&&&&&我方某公司向德国出口大麻椅披,合同规定水分最高为15%,杂质不得超过3%。12. Millitesla buds grow stout and strong, the two leaves have buds, white hairs all over Phi.&&&&&&毫芽肥壮长大,两叶抱芽,遍披白色茸毛。13. Moreover, the diameter Phi 400mm □Phi 1200mm ZY series shaker 振动体 used a more advanced mould pressing to take shape vibrates the tray, enabled the shaker sieve machine to have the higher screening efficiency, the longer service life, the product quality and the performance had achieved the world leading level, versatilely satisfied the different profession the screening demand.&&&&&&另外,直径Φ400mm—Φ1200mm 的ZY系列振动筛振动体采用了更先进的一次模压成型振动托盘,使得振动筛筛机具有更高的筛分效率,更长的使用寿命,产品质量和性能均已达到世界领先水平,完全能满足不同行业的筛分需求。14. phi的解释14. Great paint furniture to demonstrate the beauty of paint for the purpose of completely giving up the performance of wood edge, in the production of a good furniture Phi Ma hanging ash, the latter up to a few millimeters, and then polished gray tires on painted again and again the number of Road or even more than channel to the solemn tones to win.&&&&&&大漆家具以表现漆的美感为目的,完全放弃木材的表现力,在制作好的家具上披麻挂灰,后者可达几毫米,然后在打磨后的灰胎上髹漆,反复数道甚至十数道,以凝重的色调取胜。15. Computer that is a PHI with main frequency 650M and windows as operating system simulates a new generation star sensor which diameter of circle FOV is 20arcdeg, position uncertainty is lOarcsec, magnitude uncertainty is 0.2mag, one fake star. Performs 10, 000 experiments of fully autonomous star identification and attitude calculation, the result is: guide star database is 2.3MB, full sky cover rate is 99.92%. Identified star correct rate is 99.87%, identified FOV correct rate is 98.59%, mean time of star identification and attitude calculation for one experiment is 1.3ms, yaw angle mean square deviation is 6.8arcsec, pitch angle mean square deviation is 6. Sarcsec, rotation angle mean square deviation is 52.3arcsec.&&&&&&在位置误差的均方差为10角秒、星等误差的均方差为0.2星等、中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所博士论文l颗伪星的条件下,进行10,000次全天自主星识别和姿态计算仿真实验,得到以下实验结果:导航星库的总存储容量为2.3MB,导航星库的全天覆盖率为99.9%,识别星的正确率为99.9%,视场识别成功率为98.6%,一次实验的平均时间为1.3毫秒,偏航角的均方差为6.8角秒,俯仰角的均方差为6.3角秒,横滚角的均方差为52.3角秒16. Phi Yifan with you once month, Gong Shang a song, Aichi Xiangxi friendship, as if shrouded in its winding wine, even though lanes and far-reaching, but also to conceal its sweet-smelling aroma, which means long.&&&&&&曾经与你同披一帆月,共赏一首曲,相知相惜的情谊,犹如缭绕于曲径通幽的酒香,纵然巷陌深远,也难掩其醇香扑鼻,意味悠长。17. 17. The water flows over land Phi made more heat, which can eliminate redundant, slim build, twice a week training exercises can be achieved very good results.&&&&&&水中的流动比陆地上披发更多的热量,因而可以消除多余、纤细身材,每周训练两次就可以达到非常好的练习效果。18. Such as the Phi skin, plate, can be Zama tail shape, popular hair stylist of all ages.&&&&&&如披皮、盘发、可扎马尾等造型,深受美发造型师的青睐。19. Ai Maofeng sheep delicate appearance neat and well-spaced, curly cord tight end, full银毫Phi, color green油润: endoplasmic scent fragrance, liquor color of green light, pure taste鲜爽, Securinega green light absorption.&&&&&&羊艾毛峰的外形细嫩匀整,条索紧结卷曲,银毫满披,色泽翠绿油润:内质清香馥郁,汤色绿亮,滋味清纯鲜爽,叶底嫩绿匀亮。20. phi20. The following day, we went to Phi Phi island.&&&&&&第二天,我们去了Phi Phi Island。phi 单语例句danci.911cha.com1. The Yale Daily News says Blount is in the Class of'05 and is a founding member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.2. Miss Universe 2005 contestants enjoy a dip at Maya beach next to Phi Phi island May 19.phi 英英释义noun1. the 21st letter of the Greek alphabetphi是什么意思,phi在线翻译,phi什么意思,phi的意思,phi的翻译,phi的解释,phi的发音,phi的同义词,phi的反义词,phi的例句,phi的相关词组,phi意思是什么,phi怎么翻译,单词phi是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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sequencelysequencely 双语例句1. sequencely1. The positive products were sequencely analyzed by rt-pcr and then phylogenetic tree was drawn.&&&&结果 在检测的78份血清中,检测出阳性血清23份,共获得4个代表性序列。2. 911查询·英语单词2. At first it introduces the characteristics, method of designing the program, and method of editing the program of Mitsubishi FX2N. The method of designing and editing the program include the Experience Designing Method, Sequencely Controlling Designing Method, and STL.&&&&首先介绍了三菱FX2N的特性特点、程序设计方法和编程方法,程序设计方法和编程方法包括经验设计法、顺序控制设计法和STL步进梯形指令,然后详细具体地分析和介绍了化纤打包机控制系统的组成、电气特征和程序。3. By moving the light along a track, the whole flow field velocity information can be acquired sequencely.&&&&针对脱硫塔内流场的特点,本文在第二章介绍了我们研制的模拟脱硫塔;为了取得反映脱硫塔内流场的运动信息,本文研制了片光源和气泡示踪粒子;通过对被片光照明的示踪粒子用一个CCD摄像机摄影,可以间接地得到片光照明区域的流场速度场信息,再通过沿一导轨平移片光,就可以依次得到整个流场的速度场信息。4. At first it introduces the characteristics, method of designing the program, and method of editing the program of Mitsubishi FX2N. The method of designing and editing the program include the Experience Designing Method, Sequencely Controlling Designing Method, and STL. Then, it concretely analyses and introduces the electrical construct, electrical feature, and program of the control systems of chemical fiber baler.&&&&首先介绍了三菱FX2N的特性特点、程序设计方法和编程方法,程序设计方法和编程方法包括经验设计法、顺序控制设计法和STL步进梯形指令,然后详细具体地分析和介绍了化纤打包机控制系统的组成、电气特征和程序。5. The method of designing and editing the program include the Experience Designing Method, Sequencely Controlling Designing Method, and STL. Then, it concretely analyses and introduces the electrical construct, electrical feature, and program of the control systems of chemical fiber baler.&&&&首先介绍了三菱FX2N的特性特点、程序设计方法和编程方法,程序设计方法和编程方法包括经验设计法、顺序控制设计法和STL步进梯形指令,然后详细具体地分析和介绍了化纤打包机控制系统的组成、电气特征和程序。6. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD6. The mercantilism, westnization and restoration thinkers claimed the tax improvement opinions sequencely. The Beijing government period is the foundation. The government adjusted the old tax system, divided the centre tax and local tax, pushed the new taxes, settle the basic of modern tax system.&&&&北洋政府时期为奠基时期,政府对旧有的税制进行了调整,初步划分了国地税收,推行了一些新税种,取得了一定的成就,奠定了现代税制的基础;在思想领域则有北洋政府的理财家、资产阶级革命派和民间的财政专家就如何进一步改进税制展开有益的探索。7. sequencely的意思7. Subjects with abnormal clinical symptoms who were about to perform renal biopsy were examined after intravenous bolus administration of 1.4ml of SonoVue, and grouped according to the pathological results. The characteristics appearance of CPI sonogram, TIC and the curvilinear indexes derived from Sonoliver in the middle territory of cortex and medulla were sequencely evaluated.&&&&对比分析肾穿活检的15例AR、15例CAN、7例肾小球疾病复发或新发、6例免疫抑制剂中毒与30例SF期移植肾受检者的CPI图像、TIC及其曲线参数值的差异,探讨移植肾并发症的造影表现。sequencely是什么意思,sequencely在线翻译,sequencely什么意思,sequencely的意思,sequencely的翻译,sequencely的解释,sequencely的发音,sequencely的同义词,sequencely的反义词,sequencely的例句,sequencely的相关词组,sequencely意思是什么,sequencely怎么翻译,单词sequencely是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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