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OnePlus 2 invites officially open to all, event launch app lands in Play Store - 推酷
OnePlus 2 invites officially open to all, event launch app lands in Play Store
In typical OnePlus fashion, it took the Chinese company a while to tease all the details about its latest flagship phone, theOnePlus 2. Now that theVR launch event is a little over 24 hours away, we’ve reached the final step in the announcement buildup: The invitation.
OnePlus is
. The company noted that current OnePlus fans will be prioritized through August, and friends of OnePlus’ early adopters can receive invites through them as well. Which means that even though you can put your name on the list, it’ll likely be quite the wait without a connection in at launch.
If you do receive that magical invite, remember to use it within 24 hours or it will expire. OnePlus recommends adding “” to&your&contacts so the&invitation&does not accidentally end up in Spam.
Currently, we know theOnePlus 2 will sport a&Snapdragon 810 processor, 4GB of RAM, a 13MP camera, aUSB Type-C connector and the ever trendy a fingerprint reader – all at a cost below&$450 USD.
For more on the official announcement, you can tune into to the event at 10PM ET on the
available for free on the&Google Play Store.
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