求助usb usb3.0 hub 芯片

Cypress HX3 USB 3.0集线器解决方案
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Cypress公司的HX3是符合USB 3.0 规范版本1.0 的USB 3.0集线器控制器系列, 包含集成的终端电阻,上拉和下拉电阻,并支持引脚strap的各个配置选项,支持低速(LS),全速(FS),高速(HS)以及超速(SS)功能,主要应用在独立集线器, PC 和平板电脑主板, 基座, 手持设备支架, 监视器, 数字电视机, 机顶盒和打印机.本文介绍了HX3系列产品主要特性,框图,以及CY4609硬件板和CY4603硬件板主要特性与电路图.HX3 为符合USB 3.0 规范版本1.0 的USB 3.0 集线器控制器系列。HX3 在所有端口上均支持低速(LS)、全速(FS)、高速(HS)以及超速(SS)功能。它包含集成的终端电阻、上拉和下拉电阻,并支持引脚strap的各个配置选项,以减低系统的总材料清单(BOM)。HX3 同时含有下面的赛普拉斯专有特性:Shared Link™: 使能嵌入式应用中板上连接的额外下行(DS) 端口Ghost Charge™:当上行 US 端口未连接主机时,可以让连接至下行DS 端口的设备进行充电。HX3主要特性:USB 3.0 已认证的集线器, TID# 最多支持四个与USB 3.0 兼容的DS 端口■ 所有端口都支持SS (5 Gbps),并与HS (480 Mbps)、FS (12 Mbps) 和LS (1.5 Mbps) 相兼容。■ 支持SS 和USB 2.0 链路电源管理(LPM)■ 专用的高速数据操作转换器(多TT)■ LED 状态指示灯 ― 暂停、SS、和USB 2.0 操作Shared Link™ 作嵌入式应用■ 每个DS端口可以同时连接至一个嵌入式SS设备和一个可移除的USB 2.0 设备■ 允许多达8 个设备连接增强电池充电■ 每个DS 端口均符合USB 电池充电版本1.2 (BC v1.2)规范■ Ghost Charge™ :当US 端口未连接主机时,每个DS 端口都可模拟专用充电端口(DCP)■ 配件充电器适配器底座(ACA-Dock):可以给作为主机使用的智能手机或平板电脑(与BC v1.2 相兼容)充电,并允许进行同时数据传输■ 在所有的DS 端口上都支持Apple 设备充电集成ARM& Cortex™-M0 CPU■ 16 KB RAM, 32 KB ROM■ 将GPIO 配置为过电流保护、电源使能和LED■ 使用 I2C EEPROM 或一个外部I2C 主控进行固件升级支持供应商指令,以实现USB-I2C 桥接器■ 通过USB 对连接至HX3 的外部ASSP 进行固件升级■ 通过USB 对连接至HX3 的EEPROM 进行系统内编程(ISP)广泛的配置支持■ 用于下述功能的引脚strap 配置:❐ 供应商ID (VID)❐ 每个DS 端口充电支持❐ 有效端口的数量❐ 不可移除的设备数量❐ 使能DS 端口的组合或单独电源开关❐ 电源开关极性选择■ 支持带有eFuse、I2C EEPROM 或I2C 从设备的自定义配置模式❐ SS 和USB 2.0 PHY 参数❐ 产品ID (PID) /VID、制造商和产品字符串描述符❐ 允许交换DP/DM 信号,以便使PCB 布线更加灵活。软件特性■ Microsoft WHQL 已认证于Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1■ 与Mac OS 10.9 和Linux 内核版本 3.11 相兼容■ 通过易于使用的赛普拉斯“Blaster Plus” 软件工具自定义配置参数灵活的封装选项■ 68 引脚QFN (8 × 8 × 1.0 mm)■ 88 引脚QFN (10 × 10 × 1.0 mm)■ 工业温度范围 (-40 °C 到 +85 °C)应用■ 独立集线器■ PC 和平板电脑主板■ 基座■ 手持设备支架■ 监视器■ 数字电视机■ 机顶盒■ 打印机图1. USB 3.0 集线器控制器系列框图Thank you for your interest in the HX3 kits (CY4609 and CY4603). These kits are designed to be easy to use, and they showcase the features of Cypress’s HX3 USB 3.0 hub controller parts. HX3 is a family of USB 3.0 hub controller parts compliant to USB 3.0 specification revision 1.0. These parts support Low-Speed (LS), Full-Speed (FS), Hi-Speed (HS) and SuperSpeed (SS) peripherals.The CY4609 Reference Design Kit (RDK) is a small form-factor, ready-to-use hub reference design.The CY4603 Development Kit (DVK) provides the flexibility to configure and evaluate all the HX3 features. This document is the common user guide for the two HX3 kits, which are based on two different HX3 USB 3.0 hub controller parts.USB 3.0 集线器控制器主要特性:图2.CY4609板外形图图3.CY4603板外形图CY4609 RDK硬件设计The CY4609 RDK is based on the CYUSB3304-68LTXC hub controller. It is a small form factor hardware supporting four USB 3.0 downstream ports. All of these downstream ports conform to USB 3.0 and BC v1.2 specifications. They also support Ghost Charging and emulate Apple charging. The upstream port is implemented using a USB 3.0 micro-B connector.The RDK is shipped with a 5-V AC-DC adapter with a current rating of 4 A. However, the hardware is designed to support operation with an AC-DC adapter with up to a 6-A current rating.The CYUSB3304-68LTXC hub controller is clocked using a 26-MHz crystal on the board.The HX3 hub controller supports an I2C communication interface, and it can support both slave and master modes. On the RDK, an EEPROM is connected to the hub controller on this interface to store configuration data and firmware.CY4609 RDK硬件包括:■ CYUSB3304-68LTXC hub controller■ 5-V DC supply jack to connect the 5-V/4-A power adapter provided as part of the kit■ Two DC-DC power regulators to provide 3.3-V and 1.2-V power supply■ Four USB 3.0 downstream ports and a USB 3.0 upstream port■ Configuration mode select jumpers (J7 and J8)■ Onboard 16 KB I2C EEPROM for storing configuration data and hub controller firmware■ Two LEDs: Power LED (PWR) and Hub Suspend Status LED (SUSP)■ Current measurement jumper (J2)图4. CY4609 RDK框图The CY4603 DVK supports four downstream ports, which are terminated as USB 3.0 type-A connectors. All these downstream ports conform to the USB 3.0 and BC v1.2 specifications. They also support Ghost Charging and emulate Apple charging. Each downstream port is controlled using a power switch, which allows monitoring an over-current situation on each downstream port and shutdown of the ports with an over-current condition selectively.The CYUSB3314-88LTXC hub controller is clocked using a 26-MHz crystal. More details about the crystal specification are available in the HX3 datasheet. The DVK is powered using a 5-V AC-DC adapter. The DVK is shipped with a 5-V AC-DC adapter with a current rating of 4 A. However, the power supply tracks on the DVK hardware are designed to support up to 8 A of input current. The DVK contains two onboard DC-DC regulators to provide a 3.3-V and 1.2-V power supply to the HX3 hub controller. A 5-V input from the AC-DC adapter is directly passed to the downstream ports via the power switches.The HX3 hub controller supports the I2C communication interface, and it can support both slave and master modes. On the DVK, an I2C EEPROM is interfaced to the hub controller to store configuration data and firmware, with the hub controller acting as the I2C master.图5.CY4603硬件框图图6. CY4603 RDK电路图(1)图7. CY4603 RDK电路图(2)图8. CY4603 RDK电路图(3)图9. CY4603 RDK电路图(4)图10. CY4603 RDK电路图(5)图11. CY4609 RDK电路图(1)图12. CY4609 RDK电路图(2)图13. CY4609 RDK电路图(3)详情请见:和
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