
We're all
with the feeling that the emails we sent must have been
into some black hole because we never received a response. Sure, it's possible that your email went straight to , but the more likely
is either the
isn't interested or is too busy to respond. Here are some tips that may score you a reply:我们都有过这种想法:发给别人的邮件没回复,是不是凭空消失了啊!嗯,你的邮件可能直接被当做垃圾邮件了,但更有可能是收件人不感兴趣或者忙得没时间回复。下面的一些技巧或许能帮你收到回件:
Check your writing. Make sure the email is free of grammar and
errors. It tends to look less professional if it's rife with mistakes, which may mean your email won't be taken seriously.检查文法。电子邮件一定不能有语法和标点错误。如果到处是错误,它看起来就不那么专业了,你的邮件也不会被认真对待。
Stay professional but friendly. Watch the tone of your email. Make sure you keep it professional but friendly. And remember not to go
with the friendliness. Stay clear of emoticons, an
marks, and
words for emphasis & you're not a used-car salesman.语气专业且友好。注意你邮件里的语气。一定要专业又友好。记住不要显得太亲近。别用表情、太多感叹号和大写字母&&你不是二手车推销员。
Keep it short. Try to be as brief as you can. If the person does not know you, she is less likely to spend time reading your email. If you keep your emails short, she's more likely to get through the whole email.保持简短。内容越简洁越好。如果收件人不认识你,她不太可能花时间看你的邮件。如果内容不多的话,她更愿意看完。
Be specific. You're writing the email for a reason, so you should be clear about your goals. It's even helpful to be specific in the subject line as well, says a former Google recruiter. Using bullet points may also help you get your point across more quickly and help the reader figure out what you want.主题明确。你是带着目的写邮件的,所以你应该把它讲清楚。一位在谷歌做过招聘的人说在邮件栏里写明主题是很有用的。罗列要点也能让别人更快明白你要说的,而且知道你想要什么。
Get an introduction. If possible, try to get someone to introduce you to the person instead of emailing cold. You'll definitely raise your chances of getting a response with a . Scour your LinkedIn contacts to see if you have any in common with the person you're trying to reach.让别人介绍。有可能的话,尽量让别人替你引荐而不是用电子邮件联系你想找的人。有人牵线肯定更容易收到回复。看看LinkedIn的联系人里有没有你们都认识的人。
Make sure you check with someone when you use them as a referral. Perhaps your shared contact and the person you're trying to get in touch with have an awkward relationship. It's best not to bring up the shared contact's name if you didn't check in with them before. It could be someone's ex or someone the contact had a falling out with. This will hurt your chances of getting a response. 找到引荐人时要确定一下。也许中间人和你想找的人之间关系有点僵。如果之前没确定过,最好不要提中间人的名字。牵线人可能是那个人的前任,两人也或许不太联系了。这样你收到回信的几率就不高了。
No pressure. Do not immediately ask the contact for a referral. If the contact doesn't know you, it's a huge favor to ask of her. Instead, feel out the situation and commit some time to the contact. Ask her for advice and take her out for coffee. During your conversation, try to feel out if she's willing to refer you, or better yet, wait for her to offer. If she has voiced some
about referring people, don't push it.别让中间人有压力。不要让中间人马上推荐。如果她不怎么了解你,引荐就是个很大的人情。你应该掂量目前的情况,给对方一些时间。请她喝杯咖啡,问问她有什么建议。你们聊天时,你试着探她口风,能等她主动提就更好了。如果她说不太喜欢做引荐人,你也别逼得太紧。
Don't . If you haven't received a response, don't keep sending multiple emails in hopes that the person will finally cave. Instead, spread your emails out and limit them. Follow up one week after the initial email, and if you still haven't heard back, send the third email two weeks later. And if no one responds to your third email, it's time to switch
and try something else. Also, if a person says that they will get back to you if they are interested, you should probably wait for them to get back to you.不要发很多邮件狂轰滥炸。如果你没收到回复,不要一直发邮件给收件人,希望他们最终会回。你应该分时间发而且要限制数量。第一封邮件发出一周后跟进,如果还没有音信,两周后再发第三封。如果第三封依然石沉大海,你该转变策略试试别的方法了。同样,如果别人说有兴趣的话会回复,你应该等他们回而不是自己去催。
Find the right person. Get the contact information of the right person to reach out to. If you email the wrong person, chances are they may not bother
your email to the right contact because as a stranger, your email would be considered low priority.收件人的邮箱不要弄错。弄准你想找的人的联系方式。如果你发错了人,他们很可能不会转发给你要联系的那位,因为你是陌生人,你的邮件会被认为是不重要的。
Limit the amount of people you reach out to. If you're trying to get in touch with someone in the organization and haven't been able to get a response, don't start emailing everyone in it. Try to limit it to at most two people. People talk, and if they find out that the same person has been emailing multiple contacts, it is not a good impression if you're trying to be professional.联系人数量不要太多。如果你想和公司里的某位取得联系但没收到回复,别把邮件发给每个员工。发给最重要的两个人就可以了。办公室是非多,如果他们发现收到同一个人的群发邮件,会对你的专业形象有不利影响。
If the email is not working, try other means such as
with her on social media or meeting in person. Remember, there is a fine line between being persistent and a , so do your best to toe that line.如果邮件联系不到人,试试其他联系方式,比如社交网络或当面谈。记住,坚持和烦人只有一步之遥,所以管好自己别脚滑了。
iPhone 4S 16G (黑色)
沪江价:¥4988.00021-,确认Apple是否已经成功发送此邮件。为什么 Mac 端的 Mail 不能像 iOS 设备那样接收推送邮件信息?
众所周知 iOS 设备邮件是推送的,当收到邮件后会第一时间得到推送,几乎毫无延迟。但是 Mac 端的无论原生 Mail,Foxmail,Airmail 2 都无法实现手机收到邮件的瞬间收到邮件,似乎是定期检查服务器才能拉取邮件,请问为什么 Mac 端软件不能像 iOS 端那样实现推送呢?
应该是邮件服务器的限制,原来我用 Hotmail 的时候,手机支持 IMAP ,但是就不支持桌面客户端,后来忍不了了就换成 Gmail ,过了一年多 Hotmail 貌似终于支持桌面客户端了。
用邮件的人其实越来越少了。一封邮件能否主动推送到设备,取决于邮件提供商的收件服务器是否采用了支持推送的协议。常见能推送的有这么几种:1、私有协议,在自家平台上支持推送且推送效率良好,如iCloud邮箱之于iOS,Gmail之于原生安卓,BES/BIS之于黑莓;2、微软家Exchange协议,常见于企业级邮件服务,一般不对外;企鹅好像始终支持,用这个服务器即可;Gmail从前支持,现在只在企业服务中支持,免费的没有了;3、IMAP idle;其中,IMAP idle跟前几种还是有点点区别的;技术细节不赘述,打个比方好理解:idle好比邮局不知道你的电话,但你主动打给邮局并且始终不挂机,邮局一收到件就可以直接告知;其它那几种好比邮局知道你的电话,收到件会主动打电话告知。效果上看,都是第一时间收到邮件,但实现手段和资源占用还是不同的。回过头来说题主的问题,Mail在OSX这个平台上,除了靠Exchange这种业界标准协议,就只能靠IMAP idle来实现邮件推送了;而idle严格讲又不能算严格意义的推送。所以,要看配置的收件服务器支持哪种协议才能确定是否能够推送邮件了。
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来源:互联网 发表时间: 15:26:37 责任编辑:鲁晓倩字体:
您取消了就好?有可能有以下原因哦,就有黑名单设置?或者所用邮箱apple不支持。 如果还是不能解决您的问题您是给apple 注册ID没收到激活邮件么,在邮箱最上面“设置”那一栏的“反垃圾”、网络问题,选择【收信查询】查看是否有相关邮件的记录?是不是邮件被拦截了,可以右键点击【收件箱】,建议使用腾讯电脑管家的网络测速功能查看下? 没有收到验证邮件、如果是收不到邮件:一、如果发件方被您设置成了黑名单,您先确定下自己的网路是否通畅。您用的什么邮箱啊。三。四、对方发来的邮件由于某些原因被系统默认为垃圾邮件,您需要去垃圾箱找找看?您先确定下自己的邮箱地址有没有填错。二
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