
Software Engineering Institute
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Welcome to SEI
New Publications
The SEI helps advance software engineering principles and practices and serves as a national resource in software engineering, computer security, and process improvement. The SEI works closely with defense and government organizations, industry, and academia to continually improve software-intensive systems. Its core purpose is to help organizations improve their software engineering capabilities and develop or acquire the right software, defect free, within budget and on time, every time.
Is Your Organization Ready for Agile?
Organizations and federal agencies seeking to adopt Agile often struggle because they do not understand the risks involved.
13th SEI Software Engineering Workshop for Educators Expands Scope
New program moves beyond software architecture to embrace the wider software engineering field.
A Platform for Dynamic Defense Technologies
Dynamic Network Defense (or Moving Target Defense) is based on a simple premise: a moving target is harder to attack than a stationary target.
SEI Teams with (ISC)2 to Host High School Cybersecurity Competition
Event scheduled for July 18 through 20 at CMU’s Collaborative Innovation Center.
CERT Guide to Insider Threats Named to Cybersecurity Canon
Coauthors Andrew Moore and Randall Trzeciak honored at Ignite 2016 Cybersecurity Conference.
12th SATURN Technical Program Explores Cutting-Edge Methods and Essential Skills for Software Architects
The technical program for SATURN 2016, the 12th annual SEI Architecture Technology User Network Conference, is now complete, and registration is open.
Leading and advancing software and cybersecurity to solve the nation's toughest problems
Research and Publications
This report introduces the Quantifying Uncertainty in Early Lifecycle Cost Estimation (QUELCE) method for estimating program costs early in a development lifecycle.
In this presentation, Lisa Young discusses how to measure the things that matter to your business.
This DoD Factbook is an initial analysis of software engineering data from the perspective of policy and management questions about software projects.
This report summarizes an architecture-led safety analysis of the aircraft-survivability situation-awareness system for the Joint Multi-Role vertical lift program.
Learn More About the SEI:
Julia H. Allen, Nader Mehravari
In this podcast, Don Firesmith discusses how acquisition professionals and system integrators can apply OSA practices to effectively decompose large, monolithic business and technical architectures into manageable and modular solutions.
In this podcast, Dr. Julien Delange discusses the Effective Reduction of Avoidable Complexity in Embedded Systems (ERACES) project, which aims to identify and remove complexity in software models.
Mike Phillips discusses effective sustainment engineering efforts in the Army and Air Force, using examples from across their software engineering centers and how they tie in to SEI research.2015年极准六肖_579999com香港马报资料_456123_香港马-党建网


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