电脑上出现reboot and seleccoat proper boot device or insert boot media in seleccoated boot

电脑显示:Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selec_百度知道
电脑显示:Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selec
  当启动电脑的时候,遇到启动不起来,切不管按什么键都不管用了,都是相同的提示语,如下:  Reboot and select proper boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key  翻译:选择适当的启动,启动装置或插入启动媒体在选定的启动装置,按下一个键  解决办法:  拔掉电脑上的U盘,看看光驱有没有盘,如有取出,重启!!电脑可能检测不到硬盘(检测不到硬盘的症状:开机时IDE检测中不显示硬盘信息)这样进系统前就显示&“reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key”而检测硬盘成功就能进入系统。硬盘检测失败的原因:1) 主板BIOS没电,记不到硬盘信息,如果系统日期不正确的话,很可能是这个原因。解决办法:更换BIOS电池,重新进BIOS内检测硬盘。2) IDE线质量不好或插得不牢。解决办法:换一条IDE线或将IDE线插在主板另一个IDE槽里,连硬盘的线不要与其它IDE设备一起连接,例如光驱,分开两条IDE线连,正确设置主/从盘。3)硬盘故障,可能需要更换。4)如果电脑每次都能检测到硬盘而不能进入系统的话,把硬盘重新完全格式化,再重新装系统。解决建议:1、进入BIOS设置,查看启动设备列表,看设置是否正确,一般是Hdd-disk,CDROM,OTHER DEVICE;2、如果启动设备无误,则硬盘引导记录有问题,需重新安装系统。假如启动设备中CDROM 排在前,则检查一下光驱中是否有光盘,而且又不是启动盘。
我的一样,这个应该是你是硬盘牌子吧,是设置启动顺序问题应该,找下PM-SAMSUNG SP0802N,你把他设置第一启动,你可以试试,把第一个改成前面是SATA开头的就可以了,我的是在BOOT里设置启动顺序的,不知道你是什么样的主板,你到设置启动项里,试试吧
这是开机找不到可以启动设备的提示。reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key 翻译为:“重新启动,并选择适当的启动设备或插入开机媒体在选定的开机装置,并按下一个键。”。
出门在外也不愁Get the fix to the “Reboot and select proper Boot Device” error that can show on the following Windows versions: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
The full error text is:
Reboot and select proper Boot Device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device
Screenshot of Reboot Proper Boot Device error
The causes for this error might be any of the following:
Incorrect boot order. Your hard disk (HDD) must be listed in your computer’s boot order
Legacy mode activated or disabled on UEFI-based computers. If your Windows 8, for example, was installed and the UEFI Legacy mode was deactivated, the “Reboot and select proper Boot Device” error might appear
Hard disk failure – see
for steps on how to check if your hard disk has failed or is failing
Partition not set as active – see
These general fixes apply to the following Windows versions:
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 8 or Windows 8.1
Fix Reboot and select proper Boot Device
Fix #1: Check Boot Order
The most easiest fix for the “Reboot and select proper Boot Device” error is to make sure your computer’s boot order correctly list your hard disk as 1st option.
To check the boot order, follow these steps:
Restart your computer
Press the necessary key to open BIOS menu. This key depends on your computer manufacturer and computer model.
This is usually listed on the first screen that appears on your monitor. It can be any of the following: Esc, Del, F2, F8, F10 or F12.
If your screen shows multiple keys, find the key to open “BIOS”, “setup” or “BIOS menu”. The boot order is changed from here.
Notice the key guide in the top-right corner.
Go to the Boot tab
Change the boot order and list your computer’s HDD first
Boot Selection Menu
Save the settings
Restart your computer
Fix #2: Check if the hard disk has failed
To test if your hard disk is failing or it’s already failed, use Easy Recovery Essentials’ Automated Repair. Automated Repair process will report any issues found with your hard disk or RAM memory:
Burn the ISO Image. Follow our . If you’d like to have a recovery USB instead, .
Boot into Easy Recovery Essentials
Select Automated Repair
Click Continue and wait for the Automated Repair process to finish. Automated Repair process will report any issues found with your hard disk or RAM memory:
To download Easy Recovery Essentials, .
Fix #3: Disable Legacy Boot (UEFI only)
On computers that have UEFI instead of BIOS, having the Legacy mode option active could cause the “Reboot and select proper Boot Device” error to appear.
If that’s the case, you can simply disable the Legacy mode and restart your computer:
Restart your computer
Open the UEFI menu by pressing the necessary key. This depends on your computer manufacturer and is listed on the first screen that appears on your computer. It can be any of the following: F2, F8, F12 or the Del key.
Notice the key guide in the top-right corner.
Switch off the Legacy option. Depending on your computer model, this can be listed at the Security tab & Legacy Support.
ThinkPad UEFI-Legacy Boot Priority
Save the settings
Exit UEFI menu
Restart your computer
Fix #4: Use diskpart
If your primary partition is no longer set as active, the “Reboot and select proper Boot Device” error may appear. If setting the partition as active again would fix the error, you need to use diskpart to run the necessary commands for this:
If you have the original Windows installation media (DVD for Vista, 7, 8 and USB for 8.1), you can use that media:
Insert the Windows installation disc and boot from the media
At System Recovery Options (for Vista or 7 systems) or Troubleshoot (for Windows 8 and 8.1), click Command Prompt
Windows 7 System Recovery Options Screen
Troubleshoot in Windows 8 recovery options screen
Press Enter
select disk 0
Where 0 is the disk’s number where your Windows is installed on. For a full list of disks that are available on your computer, type list disk.
Press Enter
list partition
Press Enter
select partition 1
Where 1 is your primary partition.
Press Enter
If you don’t have the original installation media, you can use Command Prompt from Easy Recovery Essentials:
Burn the ISO Image. Follow our . If you’d like to have a recovery USB instead, .
Boot Easy Recovery Essentials from the CD, DVD or USB
Select Launch Command Line
To download Easy Recovery Essentials, .
Linked Entries
Support Links
– our repair and recovery disk.
It’s an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. It’s available for ,
and . It’s also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.
Read more at .
, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: , , , .
Applicable Systems
This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:
Windows XP (all editions)
Windows Vista (all editions)
Windows 7 (all editions)
Windows 8 (all editions)
Windows 8.1 (all editions)
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&&&&Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot Device and press a key.&??&
lol i already told you. you need to re install windows. oh btw check if your HDD is seen in the BIOS first.
Hello i don't have the the windows cd that came with the laptop, so i'm not sure how else i would be able to reinstall windows on the faulty laptop. And the Hdd is seen in the Bios under one of the menus there.
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any restore cd or anything?
btw what OS are you using?
Hello no i don't have any windows cd or on usb, nothing. I have Today however taken the laptop to a computer store to be looked at so i should have it back soon. Seems they will do the reinstall of windows for me.
oh good. seems they have the rescue disk for your laptop. why not ask how much is a copy because sooner or later it's gonna break down and it's cheaper for you to fix it yourself.
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