
出门在外也不愁下载地址: ed2k://|file|%5B%E6%B1%89%E5%8C%96%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%5D.pdplayer.messages.rar|f16d4be569a7765349|h=x4cc2jnfbu7ze2kmipaxsx4l5nwquc7q|/
简介: 软件类型:多媒体类软件性质:免费软件/绿色软件/开源操作系统:Windows应用平台:xp 网站链接: /
/Chaos Software: Asynthetic PdPlayer /pdplayer/head_b.jpg
Pdplayer是一应用于3D,CG和视觉特效行业的专业图像序列播放器,,由Asynthetic创造,Chaos Software全球代理。它支持包括EXR, HDR, DPX, CIN, R3D, TGA, SGI, IFF, PIC and VRIMG的众多行业标准文件格式。可多层次共同进行实时色彩校正及组合。Pdplayer不仅功能全面,且快而轻。可以快速启动,轻松进行帧浏览。 /pdplayer/head_b.jpg Pdplayer特点 序列观看 可用多种方法打开一个序列:双击;单机打开选择Pdplayer;拖放;复制和粘贴;文件菜单里添加层;文件菜单里添加最新 它支持包括EXR, HDR, DPX, CIN, R3D, TGA, SGI, IFF, PIC and VRIMG等行业标准文件格式支持RED R3D 可变帧率播放 水平和垂直翻转 深度通道 观看单一频道 全球缩放,平移和像素面具与安全区 时间码/帧指示器模式 在Windows资源管理器定位帧立体回放 选择检测匹配尺码,并自动建立立体组合 立体,交错和棋盘式输出 支持立体EXR(SXR)文件
.cn/images/pdp_layers.jpg 图像层和频道 支持EXR和VRIMG图像层包括阿尔法,亮度和深度的每层图像频道支持 .cn/images/pdp_stereo.jpg 色彩 支持一维和三维查找表)高动态范围影像曝光和软剪辑控制包括提升,增益,亮度,对比度,色调和饱和度的色彩控制, 调整图层 序列比较 切换上层差分混合 由侧方(按Ctrl + Shift +向左,右) 层作物矩形(可以近似的A / B分隔)
.cn/images/pdp_2k.jpg 序列比较 切换上层差分混合 由侧方(按Ctrl + Shift +向左,右) 层修剪矩形(可以近似的A / B分隔)图层 分层顺序播放 无限工作空间 全局和每一层的宽高比 层翻转,尺寸,位置和修剪 包括正常,加,乘,全屏和差异的层混合模式, Alpha通道源 包括淡入和淡出的图层不透明度
.cn/images/pdp_exr_layers.jpg 缓存 层的缓存 实时交互 全,半,1/4 缓存分辨力预压层 清除缓存,缓存中删除层 直接磁盘回放(图层菜单下选择禁用缓存) 64位(x64)的版本,不限制为2 GB或4 GB
.cn/images/pdp_key.jpg 复制粘贴 复制/粘贴图层、帧,可从浏览器中复制或复制到浏览器 剪贴图层 复制/粘贴颜色更正 将图层作为Nuke脚本复制到剪贴板 保存和导出 组合的保存帧、屏、面的保存以序列或AVI / Quicktime电影的方式导出组合或单一图层 诠释与协作 刷图层 刷序列层文字层 帧/屏的电邮内置HTTP服务器便于远程协作综合 帧缓冲图层 众多命令行支持 以.jsx, Nuke .nk, Pdplayer .pdpcmd 后效输出组合以Nuke脚本复制图层到剪贴板
.cn/images/comp_nk.jpg 外部输出 Bluefish444 Blackmagic DeckLink NewTek VTFirewire/IEEE1394 二级/三级显示 上设置分级与监测 任一DirectShow视频输入的实时视频图层 初中级色彩标记或分类 官方网站/
.cn/pdplayer.asp———————————————————————————————————————————— DJV Imaging————————————————————————————DJV Imaging provides professional movie playback software for film production, VFX, and computer animation.FeaturesAvailable for Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, and Windows Playback both image sequences and movie files Support for industry standard file formats including Cineon, DPX, OpenEXR, and QuickTime Includes command line utilities for batch image processing News7/31/09 - Version 0.8.2 Beta released:64-bit versions available for Linux and Windows Support for the IFF image file format QuotesThe DJV Imaging suite of tools are the backbone of our transcoding pipeline...Mike RomeySenior Technical Director and Lead Pipeline ArchitectZoic Studios ...Your focus on stability and ease of use made adopting DJV as our primary viewer an easy decision.Harry MichalakeasDirector of Pipeline and Technical SupervisionREEL FX ENTERTAINMENT ...I'd have to give this program an 11 out of 10 for usability.Chris PemberLighting and Rendering LeadFrantic Films ...This application easily rivals other commercial tools.Ofer ZelichoverCTOSnowball|VFX http://djv.sourceforge.net/———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————FrameCycler Professional 3.5———————————————————————————无损回放软件技术的先锋 IRIDAS 于今日发布了 FrameCycler Professional 3.5 , 最新的高清回放检测软件. FrameCycler 3.5 能在多平台上运行.它能播放 2K 24 fps 的视频, 并提供一套序列帧检测工具, 新增功能: 包括一个新的带动画索引的序列帧浏览器, 可回放A/B通道, 支持 RAW 格式 , 新增交互缩放窗口, 高级时间控制. FrameCycler 3.5 同时支持三大主流平台: Mac, PC, Linux. 每套售 249 美圆. version 3.0 免费升级. 更多:
或 播打 IRIDAS公司咨询电话 美国 (818) 951-8927.Welcome to AnimPlayer AnimPlayer is a RAM based sequence player with clever memory caching and support for most industry image formats in any color depth, including HDR color correction for OpenEXR and Cineon / DPX formats. It is used by Animation Studios, Post Productions and individual CG Artists around the planet.AnimPlayer provides dual sequence playback in full HD and beyond. It also supports anaglyph stereoscopic 3D playback and OpenEXR Multi-View.AnimPlayer is the ideal replacement for build in players like Maya - FCheck, 3ds Max - RAM Player, Softimage and Shake - Flipbook, After Effects - RAM Preview or Nuke - Viewer.AnimPlayer seamlessly integrates into 3ds Max and Maya. It also provides operation in compressed color spaces like YUV 4:2:2 which not only saves your valuable system memory, but also provides a preview of professional video recording results. Color banding artifacts of critical footage with subtle gradients can be recognized before they appear on master tape, DVD or Blue-ray disc.Have a look at the feature list or download and enjoy the fully functional trial version.杀毒提示:已通过安全检测:安全检测软件:瑞星杀毒软件版本号:程序版本:2010版病毒库发布时间:引擎版本:————————————————更多精彩内容——————————————————————————————http://316studio./---------------------------------------------------------------------=============+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=============================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=============================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=============================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=============================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++=============================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++================


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