
2015小明看看_a9av 红番阁_006677网站最新发布了就不告诉你_今日头条_站长网
2015小明看看_a9av 红番阁_006677网站最新发布了就不告诉你
来源: 南方站长小编
小明看看 日韩
网站描述:我们提供最新无毒快播网站你懂的,你懂的电影网站非常非常的多,经过我们的整理,已经把qvod 你懂的无毒网站全部一一列出,希望你喜欢所属目录: » 电脑网络 » 网址黄页所属地区: » 贵州省 » 黔西南布依族苗族自治州联系站长:TAG标签:你懂的 快播网站你懂的 快播电影网站你懂的 网站你懂的 给个网站你懂的 网址你懂的 好看的电影你懂的 谁有那个网站你懂的 2月2日,市妇联主席张春霞一行到随县调研指导妇女儿童工作。& & 张春霞一行来到随县妇女儿童活动中心,对该中心工作开展情况进行实地调研,并对县妇联建县以来取得的成绩给予充分肯定,她指出,县妇联在人手少、资金少、职能小的情况下,积极开展各项工作,勤奋务实,成绩突出,是一支有团结创新精神的队伍,在省市县有位子、有成绩、有口碑,值得学习和推广。她希望,县妇联要积极作为,紧紧依靠全县广大妇女儿童工作者,牢牢把握联系和服务妇女这一根本任务,扎实开展素质提升、巾帼建功、巾帼扶贫、巾帼维权、强基固本“五大行动”,推动妇联工作再上新台阶。& & 市妇联领导还走访慰问了洪山镇朱集村、小林镇小林店村的贫困“两癌”妇女,嘱咐她们树立信心,积极面对生活。由于现在打击太严(经验丰富的都发现了,哈哈),做了隐藏处理最新绝密你懂的网站地址获取方法:1.点击左下角漂浮的“为您推荐”一个东东。注意:必须是左边的任意一个2.再点前三个“正规”网站中的一个。3.等待5秒,开始看"令人愉快"的内容。一般等待5秒钟正规页面会自动跳转到最新你懂的地址,请耐心等待。[友情提醒:近期有网友搜索“珍爱生命,远离窝窝色 图片区、视频区、电影区、小说区、校园春色、影音先锋、国产中午、无码”这些不良信息,我门提醒各位远离各种垃圾信息,多读四书五经、圣人之训,保持身心健康愉悦。多看有意身心健康的网站。]
新闻资讯 桌面美女背景素材_性感美女..
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安丰网《小明发布页》专题 为您提供最新最全最专业的小明发布页,小明看看发布页,小明看看发布首页。信息。
在影片中,金武烈扮演的徐智佑是70余岁的老人李适耀(朴海日 饰)的弟子,师生两人因为一名叫做&恩乔&的女高中生而变为情敌,展开一段关于情欲、嫉妒的争斗。小明发布页下面是小编为大家整理的关于小明发布页的相关信息,希望可以帮助到大家。
美女美腿开啤酒 帅哥女友当众脱衣要爱疯6s
波多野结衣(はたの ゆい),女,日出生于日本京都府,著名日本女演员、AV女优。
天海翼,(天海つばさ;Amami Tsubasa)日本AV电影超人气AV女优。日出生于日本广岛县,所属idea pocket旗下公司,喜欢与宠物玩耍。
附加信息:打开 默认 数据连接 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:;
附加信息:缓存检测 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select c_name,c_keyword,c_description,c_id,c_lastupdatetime,c_tag,c_relativepath,c_templatename,c_news,c_sex from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY' and c_del=0;select
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category from anfone_news as t where n_status&1 and n_category=(select top 1 c_id from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY') and (n_id in (select top 45 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_count desc ) or n_id in (select top 25 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_id desc )) order by n_status desc,n_good desc,n_count desc,n_;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select c_name,c_keyword,c_description,c_id,c_lastupdatetime,c_tag,c_relativepath,c_templatename,c_news,c_sex from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY' and c_del=0;select
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category from anfone_news as t where n_status&1 and n_category=(select top 1 c_id from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY') and (n_id in (select top 45 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_count desc ) or n_id in (select top 25 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_id desc )) order by n_status desc,n_good desc,n_count desc,n_;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select c_name,c_keyword,c_description,c_id,c_lastupdatetime,c_tag,c_relativepath,c_templatename,c_news,c_sex from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY' and c_del=0;select
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category from anfone_news as t where n_status&1 and n_category=(select top 1 c_id from anfone_category where c_path='info/XMFBY') and (n_id in (select top 45 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_count desc ) or n_id in (select top 25 n_id from anfone_news where n_category=t.n_category and n_status&1 order by n_id desc )) order by n_status desc,n_good desc,n_count desc,n_;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(SELECT n_news
FROM anfone_category_news
WHERE (n_category = 193795))) union all SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(n_category = 193795)
order by n_status desc
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(SELECT n_news
FROM anfone_category_news
WHERE (n_category = 193795))) union all SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(n_category = 193795)
order by n_status desc
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(SELECT n_news
FROM anfone_category_news
WHERE (n_category = 193795))) union all SELECT
n_tag,n_title,n_path,n_description,n_pic,n_id,n_status,n_pubdate,n_relative,n_category FROM anfone_news WHERE
n_status&1 and
(n_category = 193795)
order by n_status desc
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:c_keyword小明发布页,小明看看发布页,小明看看发布首页。 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:c_name小明发布页 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:fctag小明 发布 页 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:c_title1【小明发布页】 小明看看发布页_小明看看发布首页。 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:c_title2【小明发布页】 小明看看发布页_小明看看发布首页。 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
&a href=&/car/CMCZYJBCSP/4651.html&
onclick=&setgood(3204651)& target=&_blank&&&img src=&/Outside//152881_pre1.jpg&
width=&240& height=&180& alt=&车展上真空上阵露胸爆乳的十大风骚车模& /&&/a&
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width=&240& height=&180& alt=&小明发布页 银饰喂奶孟瑶大尺度火爆镜头& /&&/a&
&a href=&/info/XMFBY/9256.html&
onclick=&setgood(4009256)& target=&_blank&&&img src=&/Outside//061107_pre1.jpg&
width=&240& height=&180& alt=&小明发布页:十部韩国限制级电影& /&&/a&
&a href=&/info/XMFBY/0390.html&
onclick=&setgood(4020390)& target=&_blank&&&img src=&/images/video.jpg&
width=&240& height=&180& alt=&小明发布页 美女视频& /&&/a&
&a href=&/info/XMFBY/9360.html&
onclick=&setgood(4199360)& target=&_blank&&&img src=&/Outside/anfone/664_pre1.jpg&
width=&240& height=&180& alt=&小明发布页 日本av女优排名前十& /&&/a&
执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:传入车模,车展,露胸,爆乳,风骚,性感,写真,美女,喷血,伊人,童颜,巨乳,入口,性感,社区,图片,孟瑶,喂奶,银饰,尺度,火爆,镜头,限制级,小明,韩国,发布,电影,美女视频,小明,发布,各式各样,美女,女优,日本av,小明,前十,排名,小明,发布,美女图,可以帮助,相关信息,小明,性感,发布,美女,一起来看看,小明,发布,写真,美女,可以帮助,全真,性感,全开,富商,露乳,陈敏之,扭腰,火辣,美腿,天后,丝袜美腿,电影,最性感,抵挡,人能,晴子,美腿,照曝光,最美,史上,雅照,空姐,自摸,双峰,露点,性感女星,前十名,全球最,排行榜,fhm,女团,韩国,性感美腿,瞎眼,任性 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[赋值完毕] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[排序完毕] 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[最小值5 i60] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[输出值小明,发布,美女,性感,写真,可以帮助,电影] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:传入车模,车展,露胸,爆乳,风骚,性感,写真,美女,喷血,伊人,童颜,巨乳,入口,性感,社区,图片,孟瑶,喂奶,银饰,尺度,火爆,镜头,限制级,小明,韩国,发布,电影,美女视频,小明,发布,各式各样,美女,女优,日本av,小明,前十,排名,小明,发布,美女图,可以帮助,相关信息,小明,性感,发布,美女,一起来看看,小明,发布,写真,美女,可以帮助,全真,性感,全开,富商,露乳,陈敏之,扭腰,火辣,美腿,天后,丝袜美腿,电影,最性感,抵挡,人能,晴子,美腿,照曝光,最美,史上,雅照,空姐,自摸,双峰,露点,性感女星,前十名,全球最,排行榜,fhm,女团,韩国,性感美腿,瞎眼,任性 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[赋值完毕] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[排序完毕] 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[最小值5 i46] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:[输出值小明,发布,电影,车模,车展,露胸,爆乳] 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:topnews7 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 5 c_path,c_desc,c_position,c_subject from anfone_img_category where
c_category=193795 order by c_good desc,c_report,c_position ;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\data\.txt 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:headlinecount7 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic,n_good from anfone_news where n_status&1 and n_category=193795
order by n_status desc,n_count desc,n_pubdate desc, (case when charindex('小明',n_title)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',n_title)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_category=193795
n_good desc,n_count DESC,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_category=193795
n_good desc,n_count DESC,n_id desc;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_category=193795
n_good desc,n_count DESC,n_id desc;
附加信息:子标题2 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_category=193795
n_good desc,n_count DESC,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 3 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select top 3 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 3 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id,n_pic from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 n_title,n_description,n_path,n_id from anfone_news where
n_status&1 and n_id in (,,,,,2616) and n_id not in (0,,) order by (case when charindex('电影',n_title+n_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end) desc,n_id desc;
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 40 c_name,c_path,c_id,c_keyword from
anfone_category where c_del=0 and c_id&5 and ((c_news&5 and c_click&5) ) and c_sex=0 and c_id&&193795 order by
(case when charindex('小明',c_name)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',c_name)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end);
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:156.25ms SQL语句:select top 40 c_name,c_path,c_id,c_keyword from
anfone_category where c_del=0 and c_id&5 and ((c_news&5 and c_click&5) ) and c_sex=0 and c_id&&193795 order by
(case when charindex('小明',c_name)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',c_name)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end);
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 40 c_name,c_path,c_id,c_keyword from
anfone_category where c_del=0 and c_id&5 and ((c_news&5 and c_click&5) ) and c_sex=0 and c_id&&193795 order by
(case when charindex('小明',c_name)&0 then 3 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name)&0 then 2.5 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('页',c_name)&0 then 2 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('小明',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then 1 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('发布',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .333 else 0 end)+ (case when charindex('电影',c_name+c_keyword)&0 then .667 else 0 end);
附加信息:建立数据集开始 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:建立数据集 执行时间:46.875ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:关闭数据集 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:关闭所有数据连接 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:模版类型news 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\asp\forindex_category_news.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:info/XMFBY/it/ 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:info/XMFBY/info/ 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:载入xml/xmlcache/category/95.xml 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:载入xml完成 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:释放xml对象 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\asp\editor\wapzt.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:/wap/info/XMFBY/index.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\\wap\info\XMFBY\index.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:过滤文件 :d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\\wap\info\XMFBY\index.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:建立文件 :d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\\wap\info\XMFBY\index.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:读取d:\wwwroot\anfone\wwwroot\wap\info\XMFBY\index.html 执行时间:0ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;
附加信息:释放xml对象 执行时间:15.625ms SQL语句:select top 10 s_id,s_subject from anfone_img_subject where s_category in (083,,,,98,59,280,696,469,045,58,,465,693,885,066,694,,094) and s_count&0 order by newid() ;


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