run in background 选项是在unityunity3d 5.3.5p66 的哪里

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Unity5.1 新的网络引擎UNET(十五) Networking 引用--中,unity5.1unet
本节提供了与网络系统一起使用的组件的详细信息。3、NetworkClient&&&&&&& NetworkClient 是一个 HLAPI 类,管理网络连接到服务器 — —&对应着 UNET NetworkServer。它可以用于将消息发送到服务器和从服务器接收消息。NetworkClient 还可以帮助管理衍生的网络对象和 RPC 消息和网络事件的路由。PropertiesProperty:Function:serverIPThe IP address of the server that this client is connected to.serverPortThe port of the server that this client is connected to.connectionThe NetworkConnection object this client is using.handlersThe set of registered message handler functions.numChannelsThe number of configured NetworkTransport QoS channels.isConnectedTrue if the client is connected to a server.allClientsList of active network clients (static).activeTrue if any network clients are active (static).4、NetworkConnectionNetworkConnection是一个 HLAPI 类,封装了网络连接。NetworkClient 对象具有一个NetworkConnections,和 NetworkServers 有多个NetworkConnections------来自每个客户端。&& 网络连接已能发送字节数组,或序列化的对象作为 网络消息。PropertiesProperty:Function:hostIdThe NetworkTransport hostId for this connection.connectionIdThe NetworkTransport connectionId for this connection.isReadyFlag to control whether state updates are sent to this client.addressThe IP address of the end-point that this connection is connected to.playerControllersThe set of players that have been added with AddPlayer().5、NetworkIdentity&&&&&&&&& NetworkIdentity 组件是Unity 组件,它是 新网络系统的核心 。它可以被添加到对象。从-AddComponents-&Network-&NetworkIdentity 菜单项 。此组件控制对象的网络标识。这表明 NetworkIdentity 组件在一个对象上如下所示: 与Unity Network System的 服务器权威系统,网络的对象的NetworkIdentities 必须是由服务器使用 NetworkServer.Spawn()所& “spawned” 。这会导致他们被分配NetworkInstanceId,在连接到服务器的客户端上创建。&&&&&&& 场景物体比动态实例化对象有点区别对待。这些对象是全部& 出现在客户端和服务器上的场景中。然而,当建设游戏 的所有场景对象的identities 将被都禁用。当客户端连接到服务器时,服务器将通知客户端应启用哪些场景对象 和其最新的状态信息是通过 spawn 消息。这可确保客户端将不会包含对象放置在现在不正确的位置,当他开始playing,或 甚至对象会立即被删除连接因为一些事件中移除他们之前客户端连接。&ServerOnly&& 复选框将确保这某一特定对象不会催生了或在客户端上启用。&&&&&&& 此组件包含像什么场景 ID,网络 ID 和 资产 ID 已分配给对象的跟踪信息。场景 ID 是一个在 NetworkIdentity 组件的所有场景物体中有效。网络 ID 是此特定对象实例的 ID,可能有多个对象的特定对象类型的实例化和& 网络 ID 用于的标识的对象,例如,网络更新应适用。资产 ID 是指什么源资产对象被实例化。这是内部使用,当特定对象预置被网络spawned 。此信息被公开的预览面板底部的Inspector: &&&& 在运行时是要在此处显示的详细信息 (disabled& NetworkBehaviour 显示 非粗体): PropertiesProperty:Function:netIdA unique identifier for this network session, assigned when spawned.sceneIdA unique identifier for networked objects in a scene. This is only populated in play-mode.isClientTrue if this object is running on a client.isServerTrue if this object is running on the server, and has been spawned.hasAuthorityTrue if this object is the authoritative version of the object. So either on a the server, or on the client with localPlayerAuthority.localPlayerAuthorityTrue if this object is controlled by the client that owns it - the local player object on that client has authority over it. This is used by other components such as NetworkTransform.serverOnlyA flag to make this object not be spawned on clients.assetIdThis identifies the prefab associated with this object (for spawning).playerControllerIdThe identifier of the controller associated with this object. Only valid for player objects.observersThe list of client NetworkConnections that are able to see this object. This is read-only.HintsPut a NetworkIdentity component on prefabs that will be spawned.A NetworkIdentity is required for every object that is networked.6、Network Lobby ManagerSuggest a changeSuccess!Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable.CloseSumbission failedFor some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Please try again in a few minutes. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation.CloseYour name
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Suggestion *Submit suggestionCancel NetworkLobbyManager 是一种特殊的网络管理器,主要玩游戏进入主场景之前的提供一个多层的大堂。o 提供网络大厅的player限制o 游戏开始时所有玩家都是准备好了o 玩家不能加入game-in-progresso 支持“Couch Multiplayer”o 可自定义的方式为玩家选择在大厅中的选项有两种类型的球员与 NetworkLobbyManager 的对象:LobbyPlayer 对象o 对于每个玩家o 创建客户端连接,或player被添加时o 持续,直到客户端断开连接o 拥有准备flag和配置数据o 处理在大厅里的命令o 应该使用 NetworkLobbyPlayer 组件GamePlayer 对象o 对于每个玩家o 开始游戏场景时被创建o 重新进入大厅时被摧毁o 处理在游戏中命令PropertiesProperty:Function:showLobbyGUIShow the legacy OnGUI controls for the lobby.maxPlayersThe maximum number of players allowed in the lobby.maxPlayersPerConnectionThe maximum number of players allowed to be added for each client connection.lobbyPlayerPrefabThe prefab to create for players when they enter the lobby.gamePlayerPrefabThe prefab to create for players when the game starts.lobbySceneThe scene to use for the lobby.playSceneThe scene to use for main game play.Details&LobbyPlayerPrefab 插槽应填写,一个对象的 NetworkLobbyPlayer 组件。&有一个lobby manager GUI。看到多人游戏大厅资产包。7、Network Lobby PlayerSuggest a changeSuccess!Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable.CloseSumbission failedFor some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Please try again in a few minutes. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation.CloseYour name
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Suggestion *Submit suggestionCancel NetworkLobbyPlayer 是 NetworkLobbyManager 用于存储在大厅中的每个球员状态。PropertiesProperty:Function:ShowLobbyGUITrue to show the legacy user interface for players in the lobby.slotThe slot that this player was allocated too. Only one player can be in each lobby slot.readyToBeginFlag to control if the player is ready for the game to start.8、Network Manager UNetSuggest a changeSuccess!Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable.CloseSumbission failedFor some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Please try again in a few minutes. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation.CloseYour name
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Suggestion *Submit suggestionCancel网络 管理器是一个更高的水平类& 使您可以控制一个网络游戏的状态 。它提供了界面编辑器用于 ,和场景,以用于不同的网络游戏状态的预置控制网络的配置中。PropertiesProperty:Function:networkPortThe network port used to listen on and connect to.networkAddressThe network address to connect to.dontDestroyOnLoadFlag to make the NetworkManager persist between scenes.runInBackgroundFlag to make the player run in the background by default.sendPeerInfoFlag to have network information on all peers sent to all participating clients.maxDelayThe maximum time in seconds to delay buffered messages.logLevelThe level of network logging to write.playerPrefabThe prefab to instantiate for players when a client connects.autoCreatePlayerFlag to automatically add a player when a client connects.playerSpawnMethodHow to spawn players at StartPositions.offlineSceneThe scene to switch to when the network goes off-line.onlineSceneThe scene to switch to when the network goes on-line.spawnPrefabsThe set of registered spawnable prefabs.startPositionsThe set of NetworkStartPosition objects found in the scene.customConfigFlag to use custom network configuration (advanced).connectionConfigAdvanced custom network configuration data.maxConnectionsThe maximum number of connections allowed by the server.channelsThe number of transport layer QoS Channels.secureTunnelEndpointEnd point for XBox Live connectivity.useSimulatorFlag to use network conditions simulation.simulatedLatencyLatency in milliseconds to add when network simulator active.packetLossPercentageThe percentage of packet loss to add when network simulator activematchHostMatchmaker host address.matchPortMatchmaker host port.9、Network Manager HUDSuggest a changeSuccess!Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable.CloseSumbission failedFor some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Please try again in a few minutes. And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation.CloseYour name
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Suggestion *Submit suggestionCancel控制游戏的网络状态提供了默认的用户界面。它还在编辑器中显示有关网络管理器的当前状态信息。PropertiesProperty:Function:showGUIFlag to show the default UI.offsetXThe horizontal pixel offset of the UI.offsetYThe vertical pixel offset of the UI..DetailsNetworkManagerHUD 允许您查看在编辑器中,例如connections,很多细节 列出 已知的网络的对象,和激活 玩家对象。
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Unity游戏开发引擎软件V5.3.4 P6版 UNITY PRO 5.3.4 P6 WIN64
TA的每日心情开心11&小时前签到天数: 39 天[LV.5]常住居民I
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本软件是由unity机构出品的Unity游戏开发引擎软件V5.3.4 P6版,大小:3.9 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。
Unity是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。Unity类似于Director,Blender game engine, Virtools 或 Torque Game Builder等利用交互的图型化开发环境为首要方式的软件其编辑器运行在Windows 和Mac OS X下,可发布游戏至Windows、Mac、Wii、iPhone、Windows phone 8和Android平台。也可以利用Unity web player插件发布网页游戏,支持Mac和Windows的网页浏览。它的网页播放器也被Mac widgets所支持。
Unity3D是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎,从一开始就被设计成易于使用的产品。作为一个完全集成的专业级应用,Unity还包含了价值数百万美元的功能强大的游戏引擎。Unity 4作为一个游戏开发工具,它的设计主旨就是让你能够创建令人惊讶的游戏。如果你之前尝试过Unity,请查看Unity 3都做了哪些更新。如果你是第一次尝试,那就好好看看吧,看Unity都能为你带来什么。Unity作为一种开发环境,可让你脱离传统的游戏开发方式,以一种更简单的方式专注于你的游戏开发。开发网络游戏、移动游戏、单机游戏,Unity都能完全胜任。
UNITY PRO 5.3.4 P6 WIN64
Unity – a tool for the development of two- and three-dimensional applications and games, running under the operating systems Windows, OS X. Created with Unity applications run under the operating systems Windows, OS X, Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, Linux, and also game consoles, the Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One.
It is possible to create applications to run in the browser using a special plug-in Unity (Unity Web Player), as well as through the implementation of WebGL technology. Previously experimental support for the implementation of projects within the module Adobe Flash Player, but later Unity development team took a difficult decision for the rejection of this.
Applications built using the Unity, support DirectX and OpenGL. Active engine is used as a major developer (Blizzard [4], EA, QuartSoft, Ubisoft [5]), and developers Indie-games (for example, a remake of Pathologic (Pathologic), Kerbal Space Program, Slender:. The Eight Pages, Slender : the Arrival, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Baeklyse Apps:.. Save the Bubble, etc.) due to the availability of a free version, user-friendly interface and ease of operation with the engine.
Year / Release Date: 2016
Version: 5.3.4 Build p6
Developer: Unity Technologies
Developer website:
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present
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本教程讲授After Effects CC与3D 应用软件CINEMA 4D精简版结合,制作三维标题的方法。许多新用户对三维空间望而却步。本系列教程为C4D的新用户提供了三门培训课程。教程中, After Effects专家Chris Meyer 为我们讲解如何在C4D精简版中制作,拉伸三维标题,并制作动画效果,最后在After Effects中将最终的动画效果在2D背景中合成。本课程会讲授绘制三维标题,用特效器制作动画效果,制作纹理图,添加灯光,使用3D摄像机,和渲染等内容。Chris也会讲授制作Illustrator图稿动画的工作流程。本系列教程的第一个课程——After Effects Apprentice 17,会概述讲解C4D精简版用户界面,也会讲授在After Effects中使用C4D图层的知识。如果你没有使用过C4D,建议你首先学习该课程。
本教程中,我们会学习到VFX艺术家如何制作科幻式的枪战特效,并学习制作激光束,火花,和损坏特效。我们使用内置粒子工具,对位,运动跟踪和颜色,失真和模糊特效等技巧,在After Effects中创建这种特效。将这些技巧运用到你自己的视频制作中,你将会制作出很多种先进的枪战特效。
本教程中,我们会学习使用原始数字绘画软件(Painter)在数字画布上制图。本教程帮助大家将脑海中的创意输出在电脑中。John Derry,,原始Corel Painter软件创始人之一,为我们讲解使用Painter 2016绘制优秀数字艺术作品所需的技巧。首先,我们学习电脑制图的基础知识,并学习如何自定义Painter的参数,手写板和笔刷,以及调色板,让这些工具更好地为我们的绘画服务。然后John为我们讲解如何混合、管理色彩;使用坚硬的绘画工具(如铅笔或粉笔)绘画;笔墨;带标记的色彩;以及如何使用Painter中昂贵的笔刷工具。他也会为我们讲解如何使用特殊的工具画图,如水彩笔刷,复制画作的某些部分,以及排除Painter中的故障。Unity 5 is the new edition of the best development platform for creating 2D/3D games and interactive experiences. Unity 5 brings you awesome new artistic power. Improved efficiency makes the hard work smoother and more fun, and with the industry’s most comprehensive multiplatform support, you can reach more players than ever before.
A graphics powerhouse
With an artistic toolset never before seen in Unity
Physically-based Standard Shader
The new Standard Shader will make your materials look consistent in any lighting environment, across mobile, high-end desktop, and consoles. Apply it across 95% of the materials in your game, such as metal, plastics, wood, ceramics and cloth. Use it together with the new HDR Skybox, Reflection Probes and Global Illumination System to create stunning visuals.
Real-time Global Illumination
Animate lighting with Real-time Global Illumination built on Geomerics Enlighten technology. Achieve dynamic lighting treatments on high-end mobile, desktop and consoles, and for lower-end devices, create beautifully detailed results with baked artwork.
HDR Reflection Probes
Enhance visual fidelity with our new HDR Reflection Probes. Add richer detail by having any object realistically reflect its surroundings.
Reflection Probes are easy to implement—just place a probe at any location in your scene to sample reflections for its surrounding objects.
A feature-rich and highly flexible Editor
With the new audio mixer, enhanced animator workflows and PhysX 3.3 under the hood
The Audio Mixer
Now anyone can massively improve the audio in their game! Our new Audio Mixer brings nested mixing workflows, with snapshots to capture mixes in different areas of your project, plus industry-standard effects to add immersive new depths.
New Physics Engine
PhysX 3.3 brings massive performance improvements to 3D physics in Unity 5.
New multithreaded simulation is available for platforms that support it, and there’s a new cloth component for character clothing. New wheel colliders bring better support for suspension and tire force simulation. Collision detection is improved and bake-free scaled MeshCollider support is added.
A more powerful Animator
We added more flexibility to the animation system. Add State Machine Behaviours to states to give precise control of script functions during animation. Anything in your game that requires some kind of State Machine-like logic can now use our visual editor live feedback. A new Asset Creation API is now exposed so animators can now create all sorts of tools to create and edit animation assets.
Industry-leading multiplatform support
With smooth deployment to all of the platforms that can bring you more players and success.
Windows Phone
Windows Store Apps
Linux/Steam OS
Web Player
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4
PlayStation Vita
Android TV
Samsung SMART TV
Oculus Rift
Microsoft Hololens
Playstation VR
WebGL Support
With Unity 5, you can deploy advanced 3D and 2D content online without a plugin. Take your content to any browser that supports WebGL.
Oculus Rift support
Unity 5 will soon be bringing you integrated Oculus Rift support. The integrated support will mean that developers will only need to install the general Oculus driver, plug in the headset, switch the standard Unity camera to VR mode and press play, in order to run on the Oculus kit.
iOS Metal rendering support
Take full advantage of iOS hardware and achieve far greater detail, and interactivity in games, with much lower CPU usage and smoother performance.
Unmatched efficiency boosted in the Cloud
With new systems that make your work easier along the way
Unity Cloud Build
Unity Cloud Build brings the magic of build automation to all Unity developers. Unity Cloud Build automates the creation and distribution of builds, by monitoring your team’s source control, and when changes are detected, it builds your project for multiple platforms in the cloud. Your whole team is kept updated with email notifications, making it easy for them to install builds on their devices with the tap of a button.
12 months of access to Unity Cloud Build Pro are included in a Unity 5 Professional license. Unity 5 Personal users can access the Unity Cloud Build Pro for $25/month.
Game Performance Reporting
Game Performance Reporting is a new cloud service for Unity Pro customers that provides developers with new tools for improving game performance, starting with a preview of exception logging. Exception Logging captures exceptions in editor, development and release builds, and delivers detailed reports that can be read via a web dashboard.
Unity Analytics
Our new cloud-based analytics tool is currently in open beta. Unity Analytics provides you with powerful yet simple-to-understand tools that will help you understand your audience and get actionable insights into your players’ behavior. With that knowledge in hand, you can then improve your players’ gaming experience to boost retention, engagement and monetization.
At its official launch coming soon in Unity 5, Unity Analytics Pro will be included for free in a Unity 5 Professional Edition license. Unity Personal users will be able to purchase Unity Analytics Pro for $25/month.
An ecosystem for your creative success
The game engine used by over 4 million people.
The Asset Store, for ready-made assets and production tools.
The generosity of the Unity Community.
New services to market your game and grow your audience.
And wait! There’s more
A 64-bit Editor to handle large projects
iOS 64-bit support
New Deferred Rendering
Graphics Command Buffers
Improved Linear lighting, HDR, Skybox and Cubemap workflows
Improved job scheduling system, plus a new CPU Timeline Profiler lets you see and investigate multicore usage
Improved NavMesh pathfinding system
Integrated SpeedTree support to create lush, rich and dynamic vegetation
New Frame Debugger to track down graphical issues in your projects
Improved Project Wizard
Updated Standard Assets
New UI and scripting APIs for AssetBundle Build system
Access to the new Asset Store Level 11 program: Currently available for free to Unity 5 Professional customers.
Democratization in action with an unbeatable licensing model
Democratizing game development and success is still at the heart of what we do. One way we do that is to keep our licensing simple. Whether you download Unity 5 Personal for free, or buy or subscribe to Unity 5 Professional Edition, you pay no royalties and the content you create as a Unity user is yours.
We’ve updated our
to reflect recent changes to our business model. We’ve also updated our
to better reflect our current data collection and use practices.
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