megabass路亚竿 is 63 能用sv线杯吗

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求教MEGABASS fx68与daiwa T3的关系
TA的每日心情开心 20:20签到天数: 17 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
求教MEGABASS fx68与daiwa T3的关系?FX68是基于T3哪款的基础上发展而成?其线杯与T3有通用性吗?若想更换为微物线杯,该入手那个款式?谢谢
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 maxwiner 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 16:53签到天数: 406 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 飞机场zzy 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 21:53签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
曾经问过 日本钓友 他们 基本都认为 DAIWA是 MEGABASS的马甲
反而 在中国 这个观点正好相反
其实如果你仔细观察 不难发现 DAIWA比较稳定 问题故障少的轮子 都在MEGABASS中找到 反而 故障比较多的 在MEGABASS中没有身影比如:大小蜘蛛。
而DAIWA在中国 就是普片除了远一点 其他全是问题。但价格实在
而楼主 问题上MEGABASS fx68 和T3 不管谁是谁的马甲 反正你可以认为 都是同一个模具出厂,没有谁比谁更实用,实在
T3 有 T3 MX ,T3 SV ,T3 AIR 如果紧紧是想换个线杯 增加 微物性能 不如直接 T3 AIR(PS:这个线杯和其他T3系类不通用)此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 请叫我dear 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
两者没有绝对高低之分 这是种误解&
TA的每日心情开心 20:20签到天数: 17 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
曾经问过 日本钓友 他们 基本都认为 DAIWA是 MEGABASS的马甲
老大,问题是我手上的是FX68,想入手一个微物线杯此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 maxwiner 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
换sv1000或国产t3杯此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 oldyu 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 20:04签到天数: 21 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
请叫我dear 发表于
曾经问过 日本钓友 他们 基本都认为 DAIWA是 MEGABASS的马甲
两者没有绝对高低之分 这是种误解 此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 启明星 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
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TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
我们这边路亚圈子里好几个人的sv线杯都出了问题,请教各位sv线杯都是不是好容易坏?有用过sv的大师吗?或者有出过问题,然后找到解决办法的大师吗?此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
dkcarlio 发表于
sv线杯用过很多了,steez,ss,t3另外像美版steez改sv线杯,1016改sv线杯都有用过。真的没出现这种问题,而 ...
这样,主要最近刚接触sv,tws已经让我失望了,o(╯□╰)o,本来打算sv没试过,又是新技术,应该不错,买回来以后,,当地的人说这个不好那个不行,我郁闷。。我这边也是平时玩玩小鱼,但说不准会中巨物,前两天刚中了个米级的埃及鲶鱼,说不准的,抛投饵重3~15g,重点玩3~10g饵,正常来说应该没问题的。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
健少 发表于
因为我刚拿了朋友的有问题ss sv,拆开线杯发现。的确里面有个倒卡的凸形圆圈解开了现在我拿环氧树脂粘好了,暂时解决了这个问题,但是线杯毕竟高速旋转,不知道那个小圈会不会再次转裂。如图黑色那个此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 11:34签到天数: 25 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
sv线杯用过很多了,steez,ss,t3另外像美版steez改sv线杯,1016改sv线杯都有用过。真的没出现这种问题,而且几次不经意上了一些奇奇怪怪的巨物,什么大口鲶,青鱼,鲤鱼什么的,也没掉链子。当然,一定的次品率我觉得还是存在的。但总体而言,sv线杯还是算结实耐操稳定的此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 dkcarlio 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
你的T3 SV 导线规磨线么。 正常 M钓的杆子15克的饵能飞40-50M么&
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
什么问题此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
funder 发表于
线杯刹车圈里头的塑料圈很容易断,一断了刹车圈就有时候不会自由伸弹。抛投就会卡卡卡卡得响。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心前天&14:26签到天数: 649 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
好多SV线杯 重来没出过问题此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 钓钓鱼散散步 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 16:53签到天数: 406 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 飞机场zzy 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情悠闲 15:42签到天数: 581 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
好多SV线杯 重来没出过问题此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 健少 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
o(╯□╰)o,我们这ss sv就坏了几个了。&
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
钓钓鱼散散步 发表于
好多SV线杯 重来没出过问题
艹得狠吗?最近刚入手一个sv,想体验下,被群里的人说到有点担心,我们这好多人都出问题,郁闷,此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
我们这玩BASS,几乎每一个人都有SV的 不管STZ 阿尔法 T3 什么的 重来没听说过出问题的&
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
健少 发表于
好多SV线杯 重来没出过问题
o(╯□╰)o,我们这ss sv就坏了几个了。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情悠闲 15:42签到天数: 581 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
不会吧!我用并木,我朋友1016加SV线杯,鬼手103M加并木线杯,还有R+加105都没见有事?此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 健少 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 17:47签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
健少 发表于
不会吧!我用并木,我朋友1016加SV线杯,鬼手103M加并木线杯,还有R+加105都没见有事? ...
奇怪。那是怎么回事。。。我就奇怪sv那么鸡肋,,怎么不可能没人出来说说,,以为就像tws一样。。。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 HIKARI 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情悠闲 15:42签到天数: 581 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
要是有人出现这个问题一定会有人说的此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 健少 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
因为我刚拿了朋友的有问题ss sv,拆开线杯发现。的确里面有个倒卡的凸形圆圈解开了现在我拿环氧树脂粘好了,暂时解决了这个问题,但是线杯毕竟高速旋转,不知道那个小圈会不会再次转裂。如图黑色那个&
TA的每日心情开心6&小时前签到天数: 585 天连续签到: 34 天[LV.9]伴钓终生II
我也是用并木,线杯刹车环那是容易卡住导致不能自动缩回,后面加点油脂兑缝纫机油就没问题了。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 面疙瘩 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 16:42签到天数: 4 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
很多问题都是因为不保养导致的此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 γPreDraGγ 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情大喊 20:21签到天数: 59 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.5]老钓叟I
吓得我赶紧把sv线杯踩了此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 dsnplay 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 20:06签到天数: 1 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
Ss sv 本来这轮子就不咋地。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 Aseity 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
卡住不能复位多由大力抛投重饵引起,这个问题已经可以通过更换部件完善解决。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 uumic 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 12:26签到天数: 39 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.5]老钓叟I
好多SV线杯 重来没出过问题此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 Roshan酱丶 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 11:17签到天数: 1 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
我的也是那个东西裂开了,后来直接上502,目前没问题此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 吴明翰 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 11:17签到天数: 1 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
用的并木此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 吴明翰 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
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TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
本帖最后由 funder 于
22:27 编辑
原厂出的1016SVG1&&1012G1线杯,重量8.8克不含轴承,分别是steez sv tw 1016SV /1012SV的原配线杯;
原厂出的105,103黑色带麻点SV线杯,重量约9.4克不含轴承,分别是steez 103限量版(并木)以及105限量版的原配线杯;原厂的zillion SV 1016线杯,zillion SV的线杯和steez系是通用的,但是刹车圈高度有所不同;
原厂出的1016 G1 Z刹线杯,重量是13还是12克我忘记了,容量400单位,是steez a tw的原配线杯;
KTF将要出的steez 线杯,据说是Kahen专利浮动结构,超浅杯,容量100单位,微物用。
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
steez 从钓鱼的第二年就上了 经历了许多年了换了好几代了 不求D厂有多大进步 只求线杯继续通用
再补个14年 ...
如果重量相差不太大的话,那么小规格线杯在抛投距离上是搞不过大规格的,所以一直觉得exsense DC 2017的线杯设计很愚蠢,所以一直非常盼望1516高质量改装线杯的出现。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
steez A&&tw 今天玩7.5克,顶风4-5级,0.8pe,1档,黑曜石nano661m&&抛了几竿才十几米左右的位置,无风状态 ...
8克的鮊湾铅笔,配合NRC001m 1号怒霸(实际号数1.6-1.8左右)我用7尺1的怒霸王MH抛大约是58米,用B806m抛大约是62米。此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
用的是黑曜石 nano661 ML调的1.98米竿子,快调,鲈鱼竿&
发表于 6&天前
发表于 6&天前
2.5元的 水蛭&
发表于 6&天前
TA的每日心情开心 17:27签到天数: 9 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
发表于 7&天前
本帖最后由 J-O-K-E-R 于
08:32 编辑
steez 从钓鱼的第二年就上了 经历了许多年了换了好几代了 不求D厂有多大进步 只求线杯继续通用
再补个14年的 KTF P-26 微物级别 貌似是Steez可以用的 8lb-45米 8.5g加轴承/air 单体4.9g&&岛国钓友测试结论 steez tw +P26air&= T3air>SSair 但是杯绝版了 此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 J-O-K-E-R 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
发表于 7&天前
TA的每日心情开心昨天&07:35签到天数: 63 天连续签到: 4 天[LV.6]老钓叟II
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 cdjrj 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心4&天前签到天数: 94 天连续签到: 2 天[LV.6]老钓叟II
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 zaojinhe00 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情庆幸 13:59签到天数: 23 天连续签到: 6 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
好帖子!此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 叫我17 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
乐天此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 loveword 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 22:07签到天数: 1 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 czhwah 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 Saw丶 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 15:12签到天数: 4 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
发表于 7&天前
正在考虑入个1012sv玩虫 学习下了
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 rsq2 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 16:58签到天数: 5 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
发表于 7&天前
反正17DC对不起它的价格,哎,现在都闲置起了,真不如Steez sv好用,没有用过steez a
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 老虎爱路亚 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情愉快 16:33签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 背着书包去钓鱼 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
背着书包去钓鱼 发表于
方大师,向您请教一个关于改微物线杯的问题:ZILLION改RAY杯,是不是在满足使用长度的前提下,少上一些线( ...
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情愉快 16:33签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
funder 发表于
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 背着书包去钓鱼 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 xxcap 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情牛气 09:51签到天数: 2 天连续签到: 0 天[LV.1]初来乍到
发表于 7&天前
xxcap 发表于
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 funder 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情悠闲 14:18签到天数: 5 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
发表于 7&天前
001的杯我倒是有几个在用此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 pialy 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
发表于 7&天前
此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 浪依 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
TA的每日心情开心 08:56签到天数: 6 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
发表于 7&天前
steez A&&tw 今天玩7.5克,顶风4-5级,0.8pe,1档,黑曜石nano661m&&抛了几竿才十几米左右的位置,无风状态下能上30米左右吗,能的话就不打算买个steez sv 了,毕竟快3千了,烧钱......此贴版权最终归属路亚之家 苏城 钓友,未经允许请勿转载!
大哥 你轮子有问题吧。。。我抛10克都要开3档才不炒 你7.5都开1档了。。。刹车有问题啊&
发表于 6&天前
8克的鮊湾铅笔,配合NRC001m 1号怒霸(实际号数1.6-1.8左右)我用7尺1的怒霸王MH抛大约是58米,用B806m抛大约是62米。&
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Powered byRevelation 13:18:
A Most Merry and Illustrated Explanation
Fiddling with Revelation 13:18
A Most Merry and Illustrated Excursion into Biblical Scholarship and
An Explanation of A Two Millenium Puzzle
Revised and Updated!
& by Charles F. Cooper
A much condensed version of this essay - that is a much condensed version - is available in the January/February 2013 edition of the Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
The First Interpretation
A Venerable Tradition
Of all the verses in the Bible, the one that has been the most controversial and inexplicable - and hence the most popular for debate - is Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 18.
This verse reads in toto:
"Here is the wisdom. He who is having the understanding (lit. "mind"), let him count the number of the beast, for
it is the number of a man, and its number is 666."
For nearly two thousand years, a highly popular interpretation of the verse is that the number 666 stands for some individual who is the ultimate incarnation of evil, and when he shows up we'll have the end of the world.
And for a goodly chunk of those two thousand years people have been trying to figure out just who the heck that person is.
But whoever - or whatever - the verse really refers to, what is striking is how often people claim that the verse identifies some celebrity or public figure, especially one who doesn't share their own personal philosophy, beliefs, or politics. For instance, in the mid-nineteenth century when the Seventh Day Adventists were founded, some writers pointed out you could derive the number from the name of the Adventists' founder, Ellen Gould White. There were also Protestant writers who derived the number from the titles of the Popes.
And a supporter of the British opposition party of the 1890's found the number in the name of the prime minister, William Ewart Gladstone.
But in the end the world kept moving along quite nicely, thank you.
Now you would think the repeated failures of the prediction for two thousand years would give pause that something might be just a bit off - at least with the method, if not the manner - of our process. After all, if after two millennia we have just failed, failed again to identify our miscreant, maybe that wasn't the purpose of the verse after all.
So perhaps it is OK to question whether this type of number fiddling really is something the serious Bible scholar should be doing at all.
Or perhaps we should eschew the pastime entirely and direct our activities to more fruitful activities - like watching television, hanging out with our friends, or really studying the Bible.
So to learn more, as a Great American Leader - or at least an American Leader - once said, "Let us continyeh."
In Principio Erat Lucius
Of course, as with most stories everyone should begin at the beginning and ask when did it all start.
In other words, just who was the first person to be equated with the verse?
Well, that's pretty straightforward.
Revelation was most likely written down in the latter half of the first century.
That means the earliest candidate the verse can reasonably refer to is none other than our old friend, Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus.
Lucius, of course, was the gentleman (and a designation we use most loosely) who later adopted the name Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.
For fourteen disastrous years
ran the Roman Empire, and as we know, he was the first emperor who really began the deadly persecutions of the Christians. The other emperors before Nero, like Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius, either didn't even know about Christians (Augustus died when Christ was a teenager) or didn't realize there was a difference between the Christians and Jews. Claudius - the historian Suetonius tells us - had trouble with followers of a Jewish leader (the phrase Suetonius used) named "Chrestus". But rather than throw them to the lions, he just booted the Jews - again the word used - out of Rome.
But once Nero was in charge, Christians were thrown not only to lions, but to bears, wolves, tigers, panthers, dogs and just about any other animals the Romans could find.
Nero also crucified Christians and burned them alive (sometimes both at once).
Early Christian writers say the number of Christians martyred was in the thousands, a number which has some support in the Roman writings as well.
For his part, Nero just said he was getting tough on crime.
It was the Christians, he said, who had started the Great Fire of 64 C. E.
Although it seems to us that Nero was being particularly cruel, he felt he was just following Roman law. Condemnation to wild animals (damnatio ad bestias) was a standard Roman punishment, and immolation was the legally ordained sentence for arson.
The Great Fire
was indeed one of the true watershed dates of history during which Nero did not, that's did not play the fiddle.
Nero did not play the fiddle.
Why should the early Christians believe this passage was a reference to Nero? Well, there is a way you can derive 666 from Nero's name. True, the procedure might seem a bit complicated, and it's easy to dismiss it as artificial and contrived. But it's really no more complicated than the codes that people used in later times.
First you need to write Nero's name in Hebrew - that is נרון קסר.
This can be transliterated into English as Neron Qesar.
Actually a more literal rendition is Nrwn Qsr since Hebrew normally doesn't writes vowels although here "w" substitutes for "o".
The "n" after Nero is added because the Hebrew was in turn a rendering of the Greek form, Ν&&&& &K&&&&&, that is, Neron Kaisar, since Greek, not Latin, was the international language of the time.
Now Hebrew also used letters for representing numbers.
Aleph to Tet was 1 to 9, Yod to Tsadi was 10 to 90, and Qof to Tav was
100 to 400. Sum the numbers in נרון קסר, and hey, presto! you get 666.
Admittedly it took us quite a few steps to get from Nero's name to the number of Revelation 13:18, more steps than is comfortable for many puzzle solvers. But there is some additional support for this "historical" interpretation. First the coding system is indeed the traditional way to write numbers in Hebrew. That means the code is not an artificial invention just to force the name to code to 666.
A code based on Hebrew also makes a lot of sense if you wanted to keep the code secret from the Romans, something that was desirable at the time.
Finally note that if you drop the Greek ending n, that is, you use the Latinization of the name, you get the name Nero Caesar (in Greek, Ν&&& &K&&&&& and in Hebrew, נרו קסר), and you lose fifty points. The same code thus produces 616, and in some early manuscripts of Revelation the number cited is indeed 616.
We'll return to this important point later.
Exit Lucius, Intrant Alii
However, the idea that the verse might actually be historical in intent, not prophetic, has not been popular.
After all, the verse is a bit ambiguous, and once Nero was dead, it was clear the Christians' troubles were far from over.
Certainly there were Roman Emperors worse than Lucius.
But then Christianity took control of the Roman empire (and made the official Roman religion by Theodosius in 380 C. E.).
Now there was a dilemma.
Just who was the verse referring to?
There was only one church and so it didn't seem fair to finger any ecclesiastical colleagues.
Then in 1518, a young upstart priest, Martin Luther, wrote a letter containing 95 theses (which he did not tack onto a door) about why his bosses in Rome were off tack.
Then after the final split with Rome, followers of Martin found ways to derive 666 from the
papal titles. It was at this time that we see the beginning of the modern tradition of assigning the number to fellow Christians of different denominations, a tradition which later expanded to include politicians, political factions, and organizations whom you don't like.
One thing to remember.
The Bible is mum on any rules for relating a name to 666 or 616.
So there's plenty of flexibility.
But the drawback to flexibility is that some of the "methods" require a bit of a stretch to succeed.
But we'll give it a try with a simple common name.
Chip Cooper
Clearly anyone with this name must be of a most fiendish nature. We can prove this by assigning numbers to letters as A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ... z = 26 and then adding them
C + h + i + p + C + o + o + p + e + r
= 3 + 8 + 9 + 16 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 16 + 5 + 18
This number - hence the name -
has a most sinister relation to both 616 and 666:
108 X 616.666 / 100 = 666
True we had to round up (you actually get 665.999), but the only reasonable conclusion is the individual so identified is of a most diabolical nature.
A Most Diabolical Nature
(At least if you round off)
The Method of Choice
Like we said, this last method of "proving" the said individual is the true subject of Revelation 13:18 is a bit ridiculous, stretched, and strained.
Probably about the only people who would agree with this assignment are those who don't particularly like the individual identified - which after the posting of this essay might not be a completely insignificant number of people.
Well, are there simpler ways for coding a name to the verse?
Well, actually yes.
The easiest way - and the method of choice - is a simple substitution formula.
That is, you first have a method for systematically assigning a number to each of the letters of the alphabet.
Then you pick a name and sum up the numbers, and - so the thinking goes - if you get 666, then you've found Mr. Baddie.
Nothing can be simpler than that, and so we'll run through some examples that have been popular in years past.
For instance, let's go with the name "Hitler" since a goodly number of people would agree if anyone is eligible for the Worst Person Who Ever Lived Award, it was him.
To start the coding, we'll select the number of the centurion - the man in whom Christ said there was no greater faith (Matthew 8:8-10) - as the starting point.
So the obvious code is A = 100, B = 101, C = 102, D = 103, ..., Z = 125.
And sure enough, it all adds up.
An example like this is what convinces a lot of people that there's "something to" the exercise.
For many it's hard to believe the name of a man so unequivocally evil can be so easily coded to a specific verse.
Surely this can't be simply due to chance.
But the more curious
- that is, those seeking "understanding" - will find that a little experimentation confirms what history has shown. You can indeed extract the number from other names and from names where the evilness is a bit more ambiguous.
For instance, let's use the same code for Hitler on the evil individual we mentioned above.
No, we don't mean Nero.
Something seems amiss here.
Certainly people who spend their time drawing and posting wiseacre cartoons, caricatures, and essays may be pretty irresponsible individuals.
But it has not been customary to equate them with Hitler.
Clearly we need to delve further into the matter.
But first, let's try another example.
Now if we do want to expand our definition of an evil person from one of the worst mass murderers in history to "someone-who-doesn't-share-our-politics-or-personal-beliefs" we can magnify our database of candidates considerably. For instance, there was one assignment that was particularly popular in the early 1970's - popular, of course, with people who were not fond of the then-president Richard Nixon.
Some of you may remember that Nixon's security advisor and later Secretary of State was Dr. Henry Kissinger, originally of Harvard University. So let's take the code where A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156.
That is, assign each letter to an increasing multiple of 6.
Then you can add up the numbers in Henry's last name. Do that and you get:
K=& 11 & 6& =& 66
I=& & 9 & 6& =& 54
S=& 19 & 6& = 114
S=& 19 & 6& = 114
I=& &9 & &6& =& 54
N=& 14 & 6& =& 84
G=& & 7 & 6& =& 42
E=& & 5 & 6& =& 30
R=& 18 & 6& = 108
Total&& =&666
This coding actually created a wee bit of a stir when it first came out.
It even became a bit of a vogue to use this application of Revelation as an indication the world would come to end sometimes in the 1980's.
One scenario is Nixon would suspend elections, declare himself absolute ruler, and put Henry as his Number One factotum.
The two men would then set off World War III thereby creating a nuclear holocaust which would then trigger Judgment Day.
Alas, there was one minor problem.
The apocalypse didn't happen, the world didn't end, and today Henry is hardly remembered by anyone under fifty.
Besides, can someone who once read the "Top
Ten" list on Late Night with David Letterman really be all that bad?
Can Henry really be all that bad?
The problem is evident.
Because the code is never specified, it's up to the individual to see what will fit.
So the usual process is to pick a candidate and see if it you can come up with a code.
If at first (or second or third) you don't succeed, just try, try again.
Of course, if you can rationalize a code from a scriptural reference, tanto mejor.
But such rationalizations are extremely easy using a book which is filled with numbers, and indeed where the sentences themselves are referenced numerically.
Particularly useful are passages that refer to counting.
Take the passage which states, "The families of the tribe of Levi, however, were not counted along with the others. You must not count the tribe of Levi or include them in the census of the other Israelites."
These sentences are the first two verses starting with verse 47 of the First Book of Numbers.
So an obvious assignment, then, is to start at number 47 and work with increments of two.
That is, A = 47, B = 49, C = 51, ..., Z = 97.
Well, with this code we can again get confirmation of the identity of the most evil, insidious, and downright ill-mannered person in the world.
So What's Going On?
At this point we might have the curmudgeonly Doubting Thomases step in and pooh-pooh our Quest for the Code. That is, they say there are so many names and codes that if we find a name that adds up to 666, it's just a simple statistic fluke, and what we're doing is a bunch of bullshine, claptrap, and horse hockey. But if one of the Doubters tells you that, ask them to pick a name and make it sum to 666.
You'll find they will struggle.
Another criticism the Doubters raise is that coding is after-the-fact and can be multilingual.
That is, if you can't get a name to code with the English alphabet, then you can write the name in something like Greek (this was, in fact, how Gladstone's name was coded).
And you can also come up with any number of ways to code any alphabet.
Of course,
you can find a way to make any name to sum up to 666.
But one thing you notice.
Doubters who claim any name can be coded to 666 never prove it. They merely speculate and wave aside the Quest for the Code as numerological tomfoolery. Huh!
Just what you expect of such malcontents!
But that does raise the question.
Sticking to just one alphabet and language, just how many names can be coded to 666?
But let's also limit our coding to the simplest of substitution formulas like the ones we used above. And also how many names can be coded to the number using identical codes?
But more to the point, can we keep our investigation to the level of middle school math?
Well, let's give it a try.
If you go back and see how we coded our letters, there were two basic methods.
In one method we picked a multiplier (6 or 9 in our examples), multiplied the alphabetic location of the letter (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ..., Z = 26) by the multiplier, and summed the numbers from the name.
For the other code, we picked an initial number for the letter A (which was A = 100), and then incremented the successive letters from there.
The increments were single digits, but we could, had we wished, counted by some other increment like twos (A = 100, B = 102, C = 104, ..., Z = 150, which codes the name "Trump" - whoever he is - to 666).
We could also have chosen a different starting number and coded the alphabet something like A = 50, B = 52, C = 54, ..., Z = 100.
But whatever code we select we then assign the numbers to the name, sum up the numbers, and get our 666.
Now what appears to be two different codes is just a single method.
People who use these or similar codes - although they don't usually realize it - are trying to parameterize the following equation:
666 = &S[m & b(i) + c]
For those whose middle school math may be a bit rusty, we'll explain our terms.
First, b(i) is the location of letter i in the particular alphabet.
That is, in English, b(A) = 1, b(B) = 2, b(C) = 3, ... , b(Z) = 26.
The sigma, &S, represents, of course, the summation of the numbers assigned to letters in the name.
The letters m and c represent any integers which makes the equation true.
In a nutshell, then, people who say they have - quote - "figured out the code" - unquote - have found values of m and c that satisfy the equation.
That is, they have assigned values to m and c that make the part of the equation on the right side equal the number on the left, that is, 666.
The relation between m and c and the actual "code" for the individual letters is quite simple.
The number assigned to the letter "A" is always m + c.
Then the number for each successive letter is found simply by adding m to the number of the previous letter.
That is, if you have a code where m = 2 and c = 98, you have the alphabetic assignments A = 100, B = 102, C = 104, ..., Z = 150 which as we saw above, codes what's-his-name.)
using middle school math, it is possible to show that the equation can be somewhat simplified as:
666 = m&Sb(i) + nc
where n is the number of letters in the name.
Using this formula makes the calculations a bit easier to use and to analyze.
Here's where a bit of "understanding" (i. e., math) is needed.
First because there are two parameters, m and c, but only one equation - there is no unique solution in solving for m and c.
That is, if a name can be coded to 666 in one manner, there are - with some restrictions - alternative codes that work for that name as well.
And for any name how many alternative codes are there?
Well it varies, but we can show
you how to derive the alternate codes.
Again using middle school math, you can show that if you decrease (or increase) parameter m by the amount x, all you need for a new code is to increase (or decrease) parameter c by an amount y where y is equal to:
y = x&Sb(i)/n
Of course, to keep the code a simple substitution, then both x and y need to be positive integers.
In other words the length of the name, n, must be exactly divisible into either x or &Sb(i). But even with this restriction many names can be coded in more than one way.
For example, the name "Kissinger" coded to 666 using A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156.
This means the equation has the solution where m = 6 and c = 0.
Now let's use m = 3 instead.
That means x = 6 - 3 = 3.
So if you use the equation to calculate y, you find y = 37.
We now add y to the old value of c to get the new value of c.
So the new value of c = 0 + 37 = 37.
These calculations show you can now code Henry's last name to 666 using m = 3 and c = 37.
That is you start at 40 (remember the number for the letter A is always m + c), and increment by 3's.
Our new code, then, is A = 40, B = 43, C = 46, ..., Z = 115.
As we see in the table - and like they say in the commercials - it really, really works:
m = 6, c = 0</center.
A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
m = 3, c = 37</center.
A = 40, B = 43, C = 46, ..., Z = 115
In other words, if you wanted to - quote - "prove" - unquote - that Henry is the bad guy, you could use one code just as easily as the other.
Ergo, no unique solution.
As a second example, "Hitler" was coded using A = 100, B = 101, C = 102, ..., Z = 125.
This corresponds to the solution where m = 1 and c = 99. But if you use the formulas, you will find if you increase m by 1 and decrease c by 12 you can generate a whole series of new codes.
So you can use m = 2 and c = 87. Or m = 3 and c = 75. Or m = 4 and c = 63. Or m = 5 and c = 51, m = 6 and c = 39, m = 7 and c = 27, m = 8 and c = 15, and m = 9 and c = 3.
The next code would then be m = 10 and c = -9 (i. e., negative nine).
Oddly enough, this latter coding still produces perfectly acceptable letter assignments where A = 1, B = 11, C =21, ..., Z = 251. (By the way, the code for the full name of the scurrilous knave of whom we will not dignify by another writing of his name was derived from the solution m = 2, c = 45).
Hopefully these tables with the original code and first five alternatives will illustrate the point better.
m = 1, c = 99</center.
A = 100, B = 101, C = 102, ..., Z = 125
m = 2, c = 87</center.
A = 89, B = 91, C = 93, ..., Z = 139
m = 3, c = 75</center.
A = 78, B = 81, C = 84, ..., Z = 143
m = 4, c = 95
A = 67, B = 71, C = 75, ..., Z = 167
m = 5, c = 51</center.
A = 56, B = 61, C = 66, ..., Z = 181
m = 6, c = 39</center.
A = 45, B = 51, C = 57, ..., Z = 195
Mathematically, of course, there's no reason you can't have codes with m and c being negative, or that A is assigned a larger number than the other letters.
But the most typical coding schemes have A assigned the smallest number and you increase the letter values as you go down the alphabet. Intuitively, people think those codes "make more sense" although no codes are more valid than any other.
Such collections of solutions to an equation are called families in the mathematics jargon. Having families - that is, multiple solutions - to an equation means it is easier to create a code for a given name than most people think. So what people think is a unique assignment of the code to a name is merely one of a number of alternatives. But remember, none of the alternative codes are any more valid than another.
The More (Names) the Merrier
We now come to the most important point of our investigation.
It's not just that you can get 666 from a single name by more than one code.
But neither the summation of the alphabetic locations of the letters - that is,
- nor the number of letters in a name, n, is unique to any given name.
So not only do some names code in different ways, but many different names code to 666.
But hold on. We already knew you can code more than one name to 666.
We saw that earlier.
But you said many different names?
If there are many different names that code to 666, why did
you say earlier that it was difficult to find a code?
So get specific.
Just how many names can be coded to 666? And how many names share the same codes?
And for heaven's sake, avoid any fancy contrived codes!
Keep all letters as positive integers with A as the smallest value.
And only increment the letter values only by a single positive integer.
Now tell us how many names code to 666!
Well, with our nice simple equation, a computer, and the Internet, these questions can finally be answered.
The US Census Bureau has published a list of the 151,671 most common American surnames.
So with patience - and by pushing desktop computational power to the limits - we are able to 1) find which names can code to 666, 2) determine the corresponding alphabetic codes, and 3) tally up the total.
What we find is surprising.
Out of the 151,671 names, there are a minimum of 119,283 names - count 'em - that's 119,283 names - that can be coded to 666.
That's 78.6 % of all names.
What was that number again?
In fact, you can view a partial list in a separate window - the names that code to 666 and the fewer number that don't - if you .
We had to limit the number to "just"
18,839 names due to the desire not to crash browsers.
But you can download a .csv text file which should be compatible with many spreadsheets and which has all the names with the codes if you .
(Depending on your internet connection and computer speed, it may take a little bit for the files to open as they are fairly large).
We emphasize that 78.6 % is the minimum percentage of names that can be coded to 666 since we had to keep values of m and c within practical bounds.
Also, as we mention in the Appendix there were some "trivial" solutions that we omitted. Nor did we include codes where the letters were assigned to negative numbers.
But even omitting the trivial solutions and limiting the letter increment (m) to 1 or 2, - that is, we are counting down the alphabet by ones or twos - then 48,996 or 32 % of the names coded to 666.
So now we can set the Doubting Thomases straight.
Coding a name to 666 is not just a "statistical fluke"
It is, in fact, the statistical norm.
It's not unusual if a name codes to 666.
What's unusual is if it doesn't.
It is also possible - see the references below - to calculate the margin of uncertainty for the percentage of names that code to 666.
With some additional - admittedly beyond middle school - mathematics, we can calculate the actual percentage as 78.6 % +/- 0.2 %.
In other words, if you find a surname that isn't in our list, we can still be 95 % certain that the probability the name will code to 666 is somewhere between 78.4 % and 78.8 %.)
Now the Rub
When we say 78.6 % of the names can code to 666, we were only using surnames.
That is last names.
Of course, by permitting the freedom to use first names, initials, titles, and whatnot as you wish, the number of names that work increases.
In other words, pick out any person, and it's a near certainty that you can code some version of his or her name to 666 using a simple substitution code.
If this last claim is a bit hard to swallow, don't worry.
We will follow the teaching of scripture and provide proof (John 20:24-29) and will present over 300 interesting names that all add up to 666 together with the specific code for each.
Keeping with tradition, we have not restricted assignments just to proper names, but also to organizations, political parties, religions, activities, and when you get down to it, anything or anyone that you want to prove isn't very nice.
We don't count punctuation marks, and the parts in parentheses are explanatory and not part of the name.
Best of all,
you can test these and other names in a simple JavaScript applet in a separate window, if
you just .
SMITHA = 82, B = 86, C = 90, ..., Z = 182
JONESA = 110, B = 112, C = 114, ..., Z = 160
SMITH AND JONESA = 30, B = 32, C = 34, ..., Z = 80
GEORGE WASHINGTON AND JOHN ADAMSA = 5, B = 7, C = 9, ..., Z = 55
JAMES MADISONA = 37, B = 39, C = 41, ..., Z = 87
MARTIN VAN BURENA = 24, B = 26, C = 27, ..., Z = 49
ANDREW JACKSONA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
WILLIAM H. HARRISONA = 20, B = 22, C = 24, ..., Z = 70
J. TYLERA = 97, B = 98, C = 99, ..., Z = 122
JAMES K. POLKA = 46, B = 47, C = 48, ..., Z = 96
JAMES BUCHANANA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 86
ABRAHAM LINCOLNA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
R. B. HAYESA = 85, B = 86, C = 87, ..., Z = 110
JAMES A. GARFIELDA = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
CHESTER A. ARTHURA = 26, B = 28, C = 30, ..., Z = 76
BENJAMIN HARRISONA = 32, B = 33, C = 34, ..., Z = 57
WILLIAM MCKINLEYA = 34, B = 35, C = 36, ..., Z = 59
J. CALVIN COOLIDGEA = 36, B = 37, C = 38, ..., Z = 51
HERBERT HOOVERA = 40, B = 41, C = 42, ..., Z = 65
FDRA = 197, B = 200, C = 203, ..., Z = 272
HARRY TRUMANA = 34, B = 36, C = 38, ..., Z = 84
D. D. EISENHOWERA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 86
JFKA = 198, B = 201, C = 204, ..., Z = 273
LYNDON BAINES JOHNSONA = 24, B = 25, C = 26, ..., Z = 49
R. M. NIXONA = 38, B = 42, C = 46, ..., Z = 138
JAMES E. CARTERA = 29, B = 32, C = 35, ..., Z = 86
RONALD W. REAGANA = 42, B = 43, C = 44, ..., Z = 69
G. H. W. BUSHA = 72, B = 74, C = 76, ..., Z = 122
WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTONA = 8, B = 10, C = 12, ..., Z = 58
G. WALKER BUSHA = 50, B = 51, C = 52, ..., Z = 75
BARACK OBAMAA = 45, B = 48, C = 51, ..., Z = 120
WILLARD MITT ROMNEYA = 14, B = 16, C = 18, ..., Z = 64
HIRAM SIMPSON GRANTA = 16, B = 18, C = 20, ..., Z = 66
GENERAL R. LEEA = 44, B = 46, C = 48, ..., Z = 94
THOMAS "STONEWALL" JACKSONA = 19, B = 20, C = 21, ..., Z = 44
MAGGIE "IRON LADY" THATCHERA = 12, B = 14, C = 16, ..., Z = 62
A. C. L. (Tony) BLAIRA = 77, B = 78, C = 79, ..., Z = 102
DISRAELIA = 9, B = 13, C = 17, ..., Z = 109
ALFRED THE GREATA = 31, B = 33, C = 35, ..., Z = 81
ALFRED THE OKA = 52, B = 53, C = 54, ..., Z = 77
ALFRED THE ROTTENA = 34, B = 35, C = 36, ..., Z = 59
QUEEN VICTORIAA = 40, B = 41, C = 42, ..., Z = 65
ALBERT OF SAXE-COBURG, THE ROYAL CONSORTA = 9, B = 10, C = 11, ..., Z = 34
ALBERT OF SAXE-COBURG, ROYAL SUGAR DADDYA = 10, B = 11, C = 12 ..., Z = 35
(II = 2)A = 28, B = 30, C = 32, ..., Z = 78
PRINCE PHILLIPA = 10, B = 14, C = 18, ..., Z = 110
PRINCE ALBERTA = 37, B = 39, C = 41, ..., Z = 87
PRINCE PHILLIP AND HIS PRINCE ALBERTA = 12, B = 13, C = 14, ..., Z = 37
KING EDWARDA = 48, B = 51, C = 54, ..., Z = 123
HENRY VIII TUDOR (VIII = 8)A = 52, B = 54, C = 55, ..., Z = 77
RICHARD III (III = 3)A = 87, B = 88, C = 89, ..., Z = 112
KING GEORGEA = 49, B = 51, C = 53, ..., Z = 99
KING GEORGE II (II = 2)A = 38, B = 40, C = 42, ..., Z = 88
BIG GEORGE A = 52, B = 55, C = 58, ..., Z = 127
RAMESES II (II = 2)A = 74, B = 76, C = 78, ..., Z = 124
RAMESES III (III = 3)A = 53, B = 57, C = 61, ..., Z = 153
RAMESES IX (IX = 9)A = 73, B = 75, C = 77, ..., Z = 123
KING TUTA = 68, B = 70, C = 72, ..., Z = 118
UNITED STATES PRESIDENTA = 20, B = 21, C = 22, ..., Z = 45
FUTURE KING OF ENGLANDA = 25, B = 26, C = 27, ..., Z = 50
DR. ALBERT SCHWEITZERA = 26, B = 27, C = 28, ..., Z = 51
REV. J. TWITCHELLA = 4, B = 8, C = 12, ..., Z = 104
REVEREND W. GRAHAMA = 15, B = 18, C = 21, ..., Z = 90
REVEREND BOB JONESA = 22, B = 24, C = 26, ..., Z = 72
SAINT ANSELMA = 50, B = 51, C = 52, ..., Z = 75
ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENTA = 3, B = 6, C = 9, ..., Z = 78
RODERIGO BORGIA (Pope Alexander VI)A = 50, B = 51, C = 52, ..., Z = 75
BISHOP OF ROME (Papacy Title)A = 34, B = 36, C = 38, ..., Z = 84
MARTIN LUTHERA = 31, B = 33, C = 35, ..., Z = 81
MARTIN'S THESESA = 15, B = 18, C = 21, ..., Z = 90
OCTAVIANA = 64, B = 66, C = 68, ..., Z = 114
DIOCLETIANA = 42, B = 45, C = 48, ..., Z = 117
NERO CAESARA = 31, B = 35, C = 39, ..., Z = 131
LENINA = 94, B = 98, C = 102, ..., Z = 194
STALINA = 88, B = 90, C = 92, ..., Z = 138
TROTSKYA = 26, B = 30, C = 34, ..., Z = 126
POL POTA = 67, B = 70, C = 73, ..., Z = 142
USAMAH BIN LADIN (A more "correct" spelling)A = 15, B = 19, C = 23, ..., Z = 115
FIDEL CASTROA = 33, B = 36, C = 39, ..., Z = 108
PANCHO VILLAA = 51, B = 52, C = 53, ..., Z = 76
FRANCISCO CORONADOA = 30, B = 31, C = 32, ..., Z = 55
CABEZA DE VACAA = 9, B = 18, C = 27, ..., Z = 234
COLUMBUSA = 71, B = 72, C = 73, ..., Z = 96
MAGELLANA = 69, B = 71, C = 73, ..., Z = 119
DA GAMAA = 104, B = 106, C = 108, ..., Z = 154
ERNEST HEMINGWAYA = 33, B = 34, C = 35, ..., Z = 58
JOHN O'HARAA = 65, B = 66, C = 67, ..., Z = 90
GEORGE ORWELLA = 23, B = 26, C = 29, ..., Z = 98
EMILY DICKINSONA = 37, B = 38, C = 39, ..., Z = 62
TIMOTHY LEARYA = 29, B = 31, C = 33, ..., Z = 79
JACK L. KEROUACA = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
NEAL CASSIDYA = 33, B = 36, C = 39, ..., Z = 108
THE DHARMA BUMSA = 42, B = 43, C = 44, ..., Z = 67
KEN KEASEYA = 45, B = 48, C = 51, ..., Z = 120
BILL BURROUGHSA = 28, B = 30, C = 32, ..., Z = 78
HERBERT HUNCKEA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
GREGORY CORSOA = 30, B = 32, C = 34, ..., Z = 80
ALL BEAT WRITERSA = 26, B = 28, C = 30, ..., Z = 76
ANY ROMANCE NOVELISTA = 14, B = 16, C = 18, ..., Z = 64
THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTIONA = 12, B = 13, C = 14, ..., Z = 37
THE MAGNA CARTAA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 50
QI (BBC Quiz Show)A = 309, B = 311, C = 313, ..., Z = 350
STEPHEN FRY (QI Host)A = 54, B = 55, C = 56, ..., Z = 79
ALAN DAVIES (QI Panelist)A = 51, B = 53, C = 55, ..., Z = 101
RICHARD HALL (QI Panelist)A = 53, B = 54, C = 55, ..., Z = 78
JO BRAND (QI Panelist)A = 87, B = 88, C = 89, ..., Z = 112
PHILLIP C. JUPITUS (QI Panelist)A = 32, B = 33, C = 34, ..., Z = 57
SARAH MILLICAN (QI Panelist)A = 43, B = 44, C = 45, ..., Z = 68
DOON MACKICHAN (QI Panelist)A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
BRIAN ARTHUR JOHN SMITH (QI Panelist)A = 22, B = 23, C = 24, ..., Z = 47
LEE MACK (QI Panelist)A = 89, B = 90, C = 91, ..., Z = 114
SUE E. PERKINS (QI Panelist)A = 87, B = 88, C = 89, ..., Z = 112
GYLES BRANDERETH (Former MP and QI Panelist)A = 27, B = 29, C = 30, ..., Z = 77
TERRY WOGAN (KBE and QI Panelist)A = 53, B = 54, C = 55, ..., Z = 78
ANGUS DEAYTON (Original Have I Got News for You Host)A = 22, B = 25, C = 28, ..., Z = 97
PAUL JAMES MERTON (Have I Got News for You Panelist)A = 22, B = 24, C = 26, ..., Z = 72
I. HISLOP (Have I Got News for You Panelist)A = 72, B = 74, C = 76, ..., Z = 122
PABLO RUIZ PICASSOA = 30, B = 31, C = 32, ..., Z = 55
M. BUONARROTIA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 86
GIAN LORENZO BERNINIA = 16, B = 18, C = 20, ..., Z = 66
VAN GOGHA = 76, B = 78, C = 80, ..., Z = 126
EDGAR DEGASA = 30, B = 36, C = 42, ..., Z = 180
WINSLOW HOMERA = 42, B = 43, C = 44, ..., Z = 67
PAUL JACKSON POLLOCKA = 16, B = 18, C = 20, ..., Z = 66
AUGUSTE RODINA = 20, B = 23, C = 26, ..., Z = 95
A. EINSTEINA = 45, B = 48, C = 51, ..., Z = 120
KURT GOEDELA = 45, B = 47, C = 49, ..., Z = 95
A. M. TURINGA = 12, B = 18, C = 24, ..., Z = 162
L. WITTGENSTEINA = 26, B = 28, C = 30, ..., Z = 76
BERTRAND WILLIAM RUSSELLA = 8, B = 10, C = 12, ..., Z = 58
SOREN KIRKEGAARDA = 35, B = 36, C = 37, ..., Z = 60
SIGMUND FREUDA = 34, B = 36, C = 38, ..., Z = 84
CARL JUNGA = 54, B = 57, C = 60, ..., Z = 129
BILL GATESA = 47, B = 48, C = 49, ..., Z = 72
DONALD TRUMPA = 49, B = 50, C = 51, ..., Z = 74
TRUMP'S HAIRDRESSERA = 14, B = 16, C = 18, ..., Z = 64
JIMMY BLUE EYESA = 28, B = 30, C = 32, ..., Z = 78
VERDIA = 60, B = 62, C = 64, ..., Z = 162
MOZARTA = 82, B = 84, C = 86, ..., Z = 162
GROFEA = 124, B = 125, C = 126, ..., Z = 149
SHOSTAKOVICHA = 44, B = 45, C = 46, ..., Z = 69
PROKOFIEVA = 62, B = 63, C = 64, ..., Z = 87
A. BORODINA = 57, B = 60, C = 63, ..., Z = 132
IGOR STRAVINSKYA = 20, B = 22, C = 24, ..., Z = 70
JOHN CAGEA = 42, B = 48, C = 54, ..., Z = 192
CARL ORFFA = 30, B = 36, C = 42, ..., Z = 180
BROTHER JACKA = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
CLYDE C. BARROWA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 68
BONNIE E. PARKERA = 43, B = 44, C = 45, ..., Z = 132
JOHN DILLINGERA = 14, B = 16, C = 18, ..., Z = 64
LUCKY LUCIANOA = 33, B = 35, C = 37, ..., Z = 83
DUTCH SCHULTZA = 30, B = 32, C = 34, ..., Z = 80
WILLIAM TERRELL COOPERA = 24, B = 25, C = 26, ..., Z = 49
C. S. LEWISA = 24, B = 30, C = 36, ..., Z = 174
CLIVE S. LEWISA = 49, B = 50, C = 51, ..., Z = 74
CLIVE "JACK" LEWISA = 29, B = 31, C = 33, ..., Z = 86
JACK LEWISA = 46, B = 49, C = 52, ..., Z = 121
J. R. R. TOLKEINA = 30, B = 33, C = 36, ..., Z = 105
JOHN RONALD TOLKEINA = 18, B = 20, C = 22, ..., Z = 68
FRODO BAGGINSA = 38, B = 40, C = 42, ..., Z = 88
BILBO BAGGINSA = 41, B = 43, C = 45, ..., Z = 91
PEREGRIN TOOKA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
DENETHORA = 63, B = 65, C = 67, ..., Z = 113
THE MILLENIUMA = 34, B = 36, C = 38, ..., Z = 84
LAST YEARA = 60, B = 62, C = 64, ..., Z = 110
THIS YEARA = 59, B = 61, C = 63, ..., Z = 109
FORTUNE TELLERSA = 35, B = 36, C = 37, ..., Z = 60
PROPHETSA = 56, B = 58, C = 60, ..., Z = 106
FALSE PROPHETSA = 6, B = 10, C = 14, ..., Z = 106
BAPTISTSA = 71, B = 72, C = 74, ..., Z = 96
UNITARIANSA = 55, B = 56, C = 56, ..., Z = 80
SOUTHERN METHODISTSA = 11, B = 13, C = 15, ..., Z = 61
TELEVISION EVANGELISTSA = 20, B = 21, C = 22, ..., Z = 45
PREACHERS AND HISTORY PROFESSORSA = 11, B = 12, C = 13, ..., Z = 36
CATHOLICISMA = 33, B = 36, C = 39, ..., Z = 108
PROTESTANTSA = 18, B = 21, C = 24, ..., Z = 93
ATHIESTSA = 60, B = 62, C = 64, ..., Z = 110
EVANGELICALSA = 31, B = 34, C = 37, ..., Z = 106
SKEPTICSA = 48, B = 51, C = 54, ..., Z = 123
SPIRITUALISMA = 17, B = 20, C = 23, ..., Z = 92
RELIGIONA = 63, B = 65, C = 67, ..., Z = 113
HUMANISMA = 72, B = 73, C = 74, ..., Z = 97
THE HOLY BIBLEA = 37, B = 39, C = 41, ..., Z = 87
SECULAR WRITINGSA = 20, B = 22, C = 24, ..., Z = 70
TEXIANSA = 84, B = 85, C = 86, ..., Z = 109
OKIESA = 90, B = 94, C = 98, ..., Z = 190
NEW YORKERSA = 108, B = 110, C = 112, ..., Z = 158
WESTERNERSA = 53, B = 54, C = 55, ..., Z = 78
HENRY MCCARTY (Billy the Kid's Real Name) A = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
BILLY THE KID (Henry McCarty's Alias) A = 22, B = 26, C = 30, ..., Z = 122
WILLIAM H. BONNEY (Henry/Billy's Other Alias) A = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
JESSE JAMESA = 57, B = 58, C = 59, ..., Z = 82
FRANK JAMESA = 49, B = 51, C = 53, ..., Z = 99
HARRY JAMESA = 45, B = 47, C = 49, ..., Z = 95
MYRA BELLE SHIRLEY ("Belle Starr")A = 20, B = 22, C = 24, ..., Z = 70
ROBERT LEROY PARKER ("Butch Cassidy")A = 3, B = 6, C = 9, ..., Z = 78
THE SUNDANCE KIDA = 21, B = 24, C = 27, ..., Z = 96
JOHNNY REBA = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
BILLY YANK (Yes, the same code as "JOHNNY REB")A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156
HISTORY FANATICSA = 10, B = 13, C = 16, ..., Z = 85
BRITSA = 38, B = 40, C = 42, ..., Z = 88
AUSSIESA = 46, B = 50, C = 54, ..., Z = 146
MERKINSA = 60, B = 63, C = 66, ..., Z = 135
BEATNIKSA = 65, B = 67, C = 68, ..., Z = 115
HIPPIESA = 62, B = 66, C = 69, ..., Z = 138
REDNECKSA = 30, B = 36, C = 42, ..., Z = 180
BLUESTOCKINGSA = 18, B = 21, C = 24, ..., Z = 93
HARVARD BRAHMINSA = 35, B = 36, C = 37, ..., Z = 60
OXBRIDGE GRADUATESA = 20, B = 22, C = 24, ..., Z = 70
REFINED PERSONALITIESA = 13, B = 15, C = 17, ..., Z = 63
CRAZY CAT PEOPLEA = 15, B = 18, C = 21, ..., Z = 90
ENGLISH FOX HUNTERSA = 27, B = 28, C = 29, ..., Z = 52
ANIMAL LOVERSA = 34, B = 36, C = 38, ..., Z = 84
CONSERVATIVESA = 39, B = 40, C = 41, ..., Z = 64
LIBERALSA = 57, B = 60, C = 63, ..., Z = 132
ALL SUPER PATRIOTSA = 3, B = 6, C = 9, ..., Z = 78
POLITICIANSA = 50, B = 51, C = 52, ..., Z = 75
PARLIAMENTA = 27, B = 31, C = 35, ..., Z = 127
RUSSIAA = 84, B = 86, C = 88, ..., Z = 144
THE EU (European Union)A = 90, B = 94, C = 98, ..., Z = 190
OPECA = 149, B = 151, C = 153, ..., Z = 199
THE A BOMBA = 76, B = 77, C = 78, ..., Z = 101
THE H BOMBA = 67, B = 68, C = 71, ..., Z = 117
A HOLLYWOOD BOMBA = 37, B = 38, C = 39, ..., Z = 62
UNIVERSAL PEACEA = 28, B = 30, C = 32, ..., Z = 78
SOCIALISTSA = 55, B = 56, C = 57, ..., Z = 80
COMMUNISTSA = 53, B = 54, C = 55, ..., Z = 78
STALINISTSA = 27, B = 30, C = 33, ..., Z = 102
MARKET PLAYERSA = 28, B = 30, C = 32, ..., Z = 78
ROBBER BARONSA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 86
BIG BANKSA = 69, B = 71, C = 73, ..., Z = 119
CAPITALISMA = 48, B = 50, C = 52, ..., Z = 98
MONARCHYA = 61, B = 63, C = 65, ..., Z = 111
DEMOCRACYA = 48, B = 51, C = 54, ..., Z = 123
CIAA = 202
B = 208, C = 214, ..., Z = 352
KGBA = 188
B = 194 C = 200, ..., Z = 338
FBIA = 194
B = 200 C = 206, ..., Z = 344
ALL LAWYERSA = 43, B = 45, C = 47, ..., Z = 93
PAPARAZZIA = 39, B = 42, C = 45, ..., Z = 114
"GOTCHA" JOURNALISMA = 31, B = 32, C = 33, ..., Z = 56
MODERN ARTA = 63, B = 64, C = 65, ..., Z = 88
REALISTIC ARTA = 35, B = 37, C = 39, ..., Z = 85
BALLETSA = 86, B = 87, C = 88, ..., Z = 111
JAZZA = 137, B = 139, C = 141, ..., Z = 187
ROCK AND ROLLA = 30, B = 33, C = 36, ..., Z = 105
SQUARE DANCINGA = 42, B = 43, C = 44, ..., Z = 67
MORRIS DANCESA = 45, B = 46, C = 47, ..., Z = 70
ROCK GROUPSA = 40, B = 42, C = 44, ..., Z = 90
FOLK SINGERSA = 38, B = 40, C = 42, ..., Z = 88
BEATLESA = 87, B = 88, C = 89, ..., Z = 112
ELVIS (No last name needed)A = 96, B = 99, C = 102, ..., Z = 171
AMADAEUSA = 69, B = 71, C = 73, ..., Z = 119
AMADAEUS MOZARTA = 27, B = 29, C = 31, ..., Z = 77
BEETHOVENA = 45, B = 48, C = 51, ..., Z = 120
HANDELA = 92, B = 95, C = 98, ..., Z = 167
BACHA = 164, B = 165, C = 166, ..., Z = 189
MAHLER94, B = 96, C = 98, ..., Z = 144
WAGNERA = 80, B = 83, C = 86, ..., Z = 155
W. RICHARD WAGNERA = 18, B = 21, C = 24, ..., Z = 93
RICHARD WAGNER THE JERKA = 24, B = 25, C = 26, ..., Z = 49
WOTANA = 106, B = 108, C = 110, ..., Z = 156
POGNERA = 88, B = 90, C = 92, ..., Z = 138
DER FLEIGENDE HOLLANDERA = 24, B = 25, C = 26, ..., Z = 49
THE FLYING DUTCHMANA = 29, B = 30, C = 31, ..., Z = 54
LOHENGRINA = 43, B = 46, C = 49, ..., Z = 118
THE FRIGGING RING CYCLEA = 23, B = 26, C = 29, ..., Z = 98
ALL WAGNER OPERASA = 14, B = 17, C = 20, ..., Z = 89
BARBERSHOP QUARTETSA = 18, B = 19, C = 20, ..., Z = 43
UNIVERSITY MARCHING BANDSA = 14, B = 16, C = 18, ..., Z = 64
N. Y. PHILHARMONICA = 26, B = 28, C = 30, ..., Z = 76
N. Y. GIANTSA = 58, B = 60, C = 62, ..., Z = 108
N. Y. METSA = 96, B = 97, C = 98, ..., Z = 121
BASEBALLA = 66, B = 69, C = 72, ..., Z = 141
FOOTBALLA = 27, B = 33, C = 39, ..., Z = 177
HOCKEYA = 50, B = 56, C = 62, ..., Z = 200
NEW YORK CITYA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
HACKENSACKA = 60, B = 61, C = 62, ..., Z = 85
PERTH AMBOYA = 44, B = 46, C = 47, ..., Z = 94
TULSAA = 106, B = 108, C = 110, ..., Z = 156
DENVERA = 80, B = 83, C = 86, ..., Z = 155
THE INTERNETA = 49, B = 50, C = 51, ..., Z = 74
THE CINEMAA = 51, B = 54, C = 57, ..., Z = 126
THE STAGEA = 64, B = 66, C = 68, ..., Z = 114
MUSIC HALL ENTERTAINMENTA = 9, B = 11, C = 13, ..., Z = 59
CABLE TELEVISIONA = 26, B = 28, C = 30, ..., Z = 76
TALK SHOW HOSTSA = 24, B = 26, C = 28, ..., Z = 74
DVD'SA = 144, B = 146, C = 148, ..., Z = 194
BVD'SA = 145, B = 147, C = 149, ..., Z = 195
CATSA = 147, B = 149, C = 151, ..., Z = 197
DOGSA = 146, B = 148, C = 150, ..., Z = 86
HORSESA = 98, B = 99, C = 100, ..., Z = 123
HORSE'S TAILSA = 24, B = 27, C = 30, ..., Z = 99
HORSE'S ARTISTSA = 24, B = 26, C = 28, ..., Z = 74
HORSE'S ARSESA = 36, B = 38, C = 40, ..., Z = 196
HEALTH FOODA = 33, B = 37, C = 41, ..., Z = 133
FAST FOODA = 54, B = 57, C = 60, ..., Z = 129
FAT FOODA = 78, B = 80, C = 82, ..., Z = 128
CARNIVORESA = 21, B = 25, C = 29, ..., Z = 121
VEGANSA = 80, B = 83, C = 86, ..., Z = 155
DRINKERSA = 72, B = 73, C = 74, ..., Z = 97
ALL TEETOTALERSA = 26, B = 28, C = 30 ..., Z = 76
SMOKERSA = 42, B = 46, C = 50, ..., Z = 142
SNUFF DIPPERSA = 32, B = 34, C = 36, ..., Z = 82
OTHER TOBACCO USERSA = 28, B = 29, C = 30, ..., Z = 53
NONSMOKERSA = 40, B = 42, C = 44, ..., Z = 90
SMOKING REALLY FINE CIGARSA = 19, B = 20, C = 21, ..., Z = 44
SPIT ON THE END OF YOUR CIGARA = 6, B = 8, C = 10, ..., Z = 56
SPITTING IN THE STREETA = 10, B = 12, C = 14, ..., Z = 60
SPITTIN', BELCHIN', AND CUSSIN'A = 8, B = 10, C = 12, ..., Z = 58
PITCHIN' WOOA = 14, B = 18, C = 22, ..., Z = 114
PITCHING HAYA = 11, B = 16, C = 21, ..., Z = 136
OUR COLLEGE PROFESSORSA = 9, B = 11, C = 13, ..., Z = 59
BILLY BOB DOWN AT THE FILLING STATIONA = 11, B = 12, C = 13, ..., Z = 36
YOUR MAMASA = 35, B = 38, C = 41, ..., Z = 110
A natural response is to pooh-pooh these examples as contrived and that the codes we used to get the more famous assignments "make more sense."
Actually that's not true.
There are many commonplace names that share the codes that "make more sense".
You want to use the code where A = 100, B = 101, C = 102, ..., Z = 125?
Well, that's easy.
In addition to the two (snicker) "gentlemen" shown above, we can pick - and these are all valid US surnames - Butler, Holmes, Graves, Haynes, Tanner, Mobley, Denton, Singer, Rainey, Rosado, Godwin, Duvall, Hooker, Felton, Hauser, Hummel, Ponder, Shanks, Wenger, Sibley, Colley, Wegner, Parisi, Herbst, Tracey, Cromer, Blythe, Herrin, Lerner, Garris, Penrod, Weiler, Tuggle, Lemmon, Palomo, Rivard, Silvia, Monday, Schmit, Penner, Lemley, Riojas, Aubrey, Waring, Jessen, Verdin, Pankey, Lebrun, Teller, Caston, Hatter, Widmer, Alpert, Strack, Bewley, Korman, Juneau, Batton, Warnke, Masten, Nassar, Schley, Bourke, Ugarte, Harvin, Giunta, Reason, Roloff, Weight, Monger, Husain, Joines, Tobler, Wildes, Taplin, Virden, Raskin, Alvord, Kesner, Lepper, Schiro, Shukla, Puffer, Semler, Ankrom, Pawlik, Eppler, Steere, Shimer, Soucie, Marmol, Sheats, Treacy, Vicars, Weyand, Duhart, Kopacz, Burtch, Orloff, Cerezo, Rayman, Fawley, Kirker, Zahner, Dundon, Millay, Scally, Denzer, Piller, Buzard, Sewall, Greely, Starck, Milnes, Kenley, Neyman, Manney, Plater, Cudney, Cottam, Dworak, Sobota, Burgio, Uphoff, Fonner, Arrant, Farooq, Zirbel, Sallis, Alioto, Dorval, Willig, Dostie, Zender, Aymond, Serano, Walmer, Aldous, Treese, Menzie, Payano, Bylsma, Hopple, Cephus, Ridlon, Threat, Shroff, Detter, Fariss, Mourad, Burges, Darsey, Mesler, Carlow, Guinta, Cozine, Mathey, Lovick, Shiels, Borner, Cantos, Kassim, Kinion, Pipher, Dayley, Sekhon, Stauch, Yerian, Sannes, Stanco, Kolker, Forgue, Mifsud, Yescas, Spaugh, Kaluza, Mccort, Sillas, Larkey, Morgen, Furlan, Minish, Hanton, Bilton, Damour, Lindor, Speier, Barkus, Mitsch, Nimmer, Rakers, Preddy, Bolter, Volden, Temkin, Kusiak, Savona, Bazzle, Darius, Webley, Pilant, Plasse, Bumpas, Schaut, Monnig, Saxman, Ciullo, Mclure, Detert, Moreta, Yaklin, Culmer, Ginley, Hoppel, Tappen, Tausch, Broner, Durell, Neeson, Yeakey, Gotsch, Rambow, Cowher, Nicols, Gallus, Walles, Camuso, Maduro, Gopaul, Batrez, Rigoni, Vicens, Matsen, Sheils, Bressi, Talent, Givans, Rudell, Bosket, Goette, Selmer, Bortle, Finzel, Detzel, Lipuma, Signer, Lefton, Hanway, Sladky, Suchil, Oshita, Anthon, Lohner, Gabrys, Nuhfer, Kernes, Uliano, Deuser, Loisel, Montee, Pestka, Munera, Dezern, Radway, Gubser, Rogier, Stepka, Cesarz, Cruger, Daymon, Sollie, Crough, Decoux, Mungle, Hirtle, Jarret, Sarker, Vicino, Moriel, Dervin, Rimbey, Ellert, Kestel, Banzon, Wieler, School, Tacuri, Tokuda, Sorich, Reedus, Petska, Noblit, Weavil, Samper, Pliler, Ciervo, Gavins, Batzer, Bomboy, Errigo, Kissam, Boyken, Gorrie, Loften, Mendyk, Seanor, Vallet, Byczek, Guiler, Lommen, Shayne, Pyland, Stuebe, Cassey, Lueker, Melley, Ockert, Manary, Golino, Slifko, Soifer, Gunsch, Kurgan, Nipple, Roiger, Gowder, Maheux, Nikirk, Newark, Zaczek, Rehrer, Roerig, Durnan, Kurata, Esteva, Ginoza, Moonan, Boltin, Atmore, Sodaro, Forcey, Betzen, Mogren, Timmel, Kennis, Jurick, Strama, Glaros, Mizera, Hevner, Bozell, Cannoy, Farron, Tillar, Wargin, Kayler, Peiser, Konopa, Kulman, Favret, Linner, Doxsee, Peercy, Douget, Hirner, Origer, Anness, Keuler, Mostad, Zombek, Vernal, Bogush, Misher, Selles, Demlow, Latten, Yarman, Canyon, Chunko, Zobell, Matras, Klinko, Pattan, Phanor, Traill, Rhiner, Kozich, Kordes, Locsin, Nollen, Pedron, Yennie, Skarin, Buzick, Darton, Denzin, Roshak, Matero, Cornog, Shiles, Higson, Hommer, Sanyal, Hazlip, Redfox, Dapkus, Eymann, Busing, Oronia, Sudman, Steine, Bitzan, Bortel, Burnap, Luloff, Pecson, Lokker, Windau, Maisey, Arkins, Zilber, Aswell, Hinkey, Molini, Olbert, Timken, Koiner, Filzen, Bovill, Barror, Wilman, Busken, Krivak, Monken, Ausbon, Rosich, Mejeur, Pratap, Sopata, Cuaron, Kauten, Rollan, Waltke, Bhutta, Hoopii, Terell, Toepke, Wanker, Dipert, Pavlat, Coupel, Orphan, Remmer, Dereus, Kaskey, Kilcup, Weiske, Corish, Dowing, Encizo, Jurden, Lessel, Yaddow, Lobert, Lusane, Sulich, Bykerk, Gorshe, Kestle, Tuenge, Houman, Kalson, Koleno, Koshar, Aycoth, Harfst, Kubicz, Polese, Bazzel, Hosken, Shampo, Sloate, Hovind, Yashar, Zhagui, Grines, Sering, Wehmer, Hofert, Criley, Kropff, Gazlay, Pasket, Leppin, Exford, Jordet, Bowmar, Dorrel, Guilds, Jaquin, Mignon, Nellon, Parlet, Zoldan, Hudyma, Ozinga, Schwen, Nizami, Lausen, Noesen, Knezek, Minato, Monita, Colazo, Kontak, Liewer, Mcloon, Sueoka, Wingen, Dolgos, Irgens, Darkow, Mailly, Mongin, Steube, Buhrer, Choute, Mcloyd, Garves, Gorbey, Percey, Poncio, Takats, Bowmen, Pappin, Palter, Pepler, Soleta, Crumel, Drever, Ginnis, Elburn, Naguit, Pauker, Softic, Duteau, Elmers, Felzer, Hermis, Lesnau, Massas, Schoby, Wellik, Westad, Gooler, Ingley, Luiken, Saiter, Stiene, Berron, Denius, Donart, Bummer, Cerwin, Goslar, Harver, Tascon, Zachos, Alliss, Costan, Impink, Vanloh, Brunel, Cosler, Drazin, Sesock, Varges, Karres, Kosoff, Renkes, Shoger, Zakula, Germon, Kenser, Thater, Tocker, Faruqi, Criser, Parnin, Penyak, Pliske, Bugosh, Epplin, Shiota, Truffa, Zewdie, Godzik, Kroman, Rumpca, Sersch, Barrix, Tenhet, Mesloh, Sobilo, Cotone, Karley, Kolnik, Pierse, Bimson, Duller, Fesser, Zaroff, Botler, Glavey, Lenkey, Lubner, Roeker, Steria, Vinces, Engwer, Mauren, Freter, Hansey, Skeith, Denyes, Minugh, Tapler, Akerly, Fiores, Ketels, Melser, Saving, Antimo, Hezlep, Hybner, Lavern, Lenoue, Sidote, Deuley, Gilray, Shaney, Zumach, Fordon, Riebow, Rudock, Schraw, Vespia, Gayten, Weiant, Karins, Knopke, Laroue, Poisal, Gustad, Perdon, Schori, Watari, Dusman, Molavi, Schwar, Pavesi, Baslow, Hautau, Wieske, Yaldoo, Bieszk, Chudyk, Guilin, Hegazy, Ianson, Lazuka, Mallum, Mettam, Slogar, Alspaw, Kauper, Pudvah, Binnix, Karnis, Sharko, Brumme, Erkens, Fekety, Belyew, Boppre, Bruzda, Kiviat, Soenen, Zawila, Cirbus, Sihota, Watman, Cynkar, Dolven, Ertell, Harlor, Nieset, Senker, Smazal, Spudic, Tepsic, Buksar, Hatzel, Selvie, Sophie, Kravik, Lipske, Sandos, Sarkin, Moroch, Ohayre, Parren, Polfer, Scerri, Spamer, Fiorio, Kalush, Mahlow, Sillik, Crumbo, Denyse, Hamlow, Kraley, Bliton, Nassen, Schnug, Touche, Wening, Coduti, Duckro, Fensom, Mallos, Maryan, Mclary, Tesman, Brosco, Denvir, Ferret, Giotta, Poepoe, Stepic, Celsor, Gerbus, Kranis, Layhue, Quelle, Arkley, Domyan, Girndt, Lukash, Mcdown, Mondok, Pintal, Estave, Holtel, Mermer, Gelson, Kerndt, Shauer, Himley, Rosane, Malaty, Noftle, Spatig, Lorico, Shildt, Bigony, Binuya, Judith, Philby, Sipola, Benetz, Fresse, Laroya, Warger, Wilaby, Bouker, Donjon, Homles, Maskew, Siater, Cadzow, Droske, Kresen, Pluard, Reuman, Willke, Deynes, Ersing, Kudzia, Manyen, Shenko, Tarran, Areson, Lukman, Tomera, Arvold, Imbery, Koslan, Mosleh, Reppel, Tartal, Bernor, Colmon, Cundey, Guriel, Julias, Kerens, Maydon, Rihner, Slonka, and Sonera.
What if we want to use the code where A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, ..., Z = 156?
Well, we just point to names like Vasquez, Strickland, Holloway, Blankenship, Mcpherson, Mcdermott, Slaughter, Reynoso, Boudreaux, Whitmore, Bourgeois, Scroggins, Arsenault, Prewitt, Forsyth, Vanwinkle, Mattison, Albritton, Ingersoll, Engstrom,


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