
原版+5DLC+FOOK2 1.1全技能代码+翻译+技能名称描述汉化补丁_辐射3吧_百度贴吧
原版+5DLC+FOOK2 1.1全技能代码+翻译+技能名称描述汉化补丁
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Admantium Skeleton-钢筋铁骨&&& 00094EC4 With the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your limbs only receive 50% of the damage they normally would.拥有钢筋铁骨特技,你的四肢仅仅会受到平时50%的伤害.Action Boy-活力小子&& 00031DBA&& With the Action Boy perk, you gain an additional 25 Action Points to use in V.A.T.S.拥有活力小子特技,你获得了25点的额外行动点数来使用V.A.T.S.Action Girl-活力小妹&&&
With the Action Girl perk, you gain an additional 25 Action Points to use in V.A.T.S.拥有活力小妹特技,你获得了25点的额外行动点数来使用V.A.T.S.Animal Friend-动物之友&&& 00031DB5&& At the first rank of this perk, animals simply won't attack. At the second rank, they will actually come to your aid in combat, but never against another animal. This perk affects the Dog, Yao Guai, Mole Rat, and Brahmin.在这个特技的第一阶段,动物们在正常情况下不会攻击你.在第二阶段,他们会在战斗中帮助你,但绝不会攻击其它动物.这个特技作用于狗,妖怪,变种,以及双头牛.Ant Sight-视界 000C1A6C&& Your body has been genetically enhanced with the perception and flame resistance of the Grayditch Fire Ants! Your Perception has increased by 1 and you are now 25% resistant to fire.你的身体基因在感知和火焰抵抗方面通过灰渠蚂蚁得到了提升!你增加了1点感知而且现在获得了25%的火焰抗性.Ant Might-之力&&&& 000C1A6B&& Your body has been genetically enhanced with the strength and flame resistance of the Grayditch Fire Ants! Your Strength has increased by 1 and you are now 25% resistant to fire. 你的身体基因在力量和火焰抵抗方面通过灰渠蚂蚁得到了提升!你增加了点1力量而且现在获得了25%的火焰抗性.Barkskin-大树之皮 00035E04&& (Quest Perk) You've been exposed to Harold's mutation and your skin is now as hard as tree bark. As a result, you've gained a permanent +5% to Damage Resistance.你被哈罗德的变异所影响,现在你的皮肤就像树皮一样坚硬.因此,你永久获得了5%的伤害抗性.Better Criticals-强力一击&&& 00031DBB&& With the Better Criticals perk, you gain a 50% damage bonus every time a critical hit is scored on an opponent.拥有强力一击特技,你每次对敌人的致命一击都能造成50%的额外伤害.Black Widow-黑寡妇&& 00094EB8 In combat, you do +10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex. 在战斗中,你对男性角色将造成+10%的伤害.非战斗时,你在与异性对话时有时会获得独特的谈话选项.Bloody Mess-瘟神&& 00094EBA With the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! Oh, and you'll do 5% extra damage with all weapons.拥有瘟神特技,你杀死的角色和生物通常会变成一团红色的,肠流眼飞的肉酱.有趣!哦,你在使用所有武器时都会造成5%额外伤害.Cannible-食人生番&&& 00094EBC&& With the Cannibal perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a corpse to regain Health. But every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.拥有食人生番特技,你在潜行的时候将会获得了一个食用尸体回复生命的选项.但是每当你大快朵颐的时候,你会失去道德值,而且如果这个行为被目击,会被认为是一个反自然的犯罪.
Chemist-化学家&&& 0009982D With the Chemist perk, any chems you take last twice as long.拥有化学家特技,你使用的任何药物都会得到两倍的持续时间.Chem Resistant-药瘾抵抗&&&
Having the Chem Resistant perk means you're 50% less likely to develop an addiction to chems, like Psycho or Jet.拥有药瘾抵抗特技意味着你将降低50%用药成瘾的概率,比如疯狂药或杰特.Child at Heart-童心未泯&&&
The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with children, usually in the form of unique dialogue choices.童心未泯特技极大地改善了你与孩子间的关系,通常会在对话中出现独特的选择.Commando-突击队员&&&
While using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.在使用步枪(或者类似的双手武器)时,你在V.A.T.S.中的命中率将显著提高.Comprehension-深度理解&&&& 00031DE1 With the Comprehension perk, you gain one additional skill point whenever a skill book is read.拥有深度理解特技,你在阅读技能书籍时能获得一个额外的技能点.Computer Wiz-电脑怪才&& 00031DC4 Fail a hack attempt and get locked out of a computer? Not if you're a Computer Whiz! With this perk, you can attempt to re-hack any computer you were previously locked out of.黑客尝试失败,电脑锁死?你一定不是电脑怪才!拥有这个特技,你可以尝试再次黑掉一个已经锁死的电脑.Concentrated Fire-集中火力&&&& 00044CAF With Concentrated Fire, your accuracy to hit any body part in V.A.T.S. increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that body part.拥有集中火力,你在V.A.T.S.中对于同一部位的命中率会随着对该部位的连续打击而上升.Contract Killer-契约杀手&&&& 00044CA8 Once you have the Contract Killer perk, any good character you kill will have an ear on their corpse. This ear can then be sold to a certain person (whose identity is disclosed when you take the perk) for caps and negative Karma.一旦你获得了契约杀手特技,你将会从杀死的任何善良角色身上获得一只耳朵.这个耳朵可以卖给某个人(他的身份在你获得了这个特技后解锁)换取瓶盖和负的道德.Cyborg-机械人&&&& 00044CAB You've made permanent enhancements to your body! The Cyborg perk instantly adds +10% to your Damage, Poison, and Radiation Resistances, and 10 points to the Energy Weapons skill.你的身体获得了永久的增强!机械人特技立即增加你10%的伤害,毒素和辐射抗性,以及10点能量武器技能.
Daddy's Boy-乖乖仔&&&
Just like dear old Dad, you've devoted your time to intellectual pursuits. You gain an additional 5 points to both the Science and Medicine skills.就像亲爱的老爸,你将你的时间奉献给了追寻知识.你获得了额外的5点科学和医药技能.Daddy's Girl-乖乖女&&&&
Just like dear old Dad, you've devoted your time to intellectual pursuits. You gain an additional 5 points to both the Science and Medicine skills.就像亲爱的老爸,你将你的时间奉献给了追寻知识.你获得了额外的5点科学和医药技能.Dream Crusher-碎梦者&&& 00030FEB&&& (Quest Perk) Something about your presence dampens others' desires to exceed. Any enemy's chance of getting critical hits on you is reduced by 50%.你的出现带来的某些气场抑制了对方对于胜利的渴望.任何敌方对你的致命一击将减少50%的伤害.Demolishon Expert-毁灭专家&&& 00031DAB With each rank of this perk, all of your explosive weapons do an additional 20% damage.拥有这个特技的每一阶段,你所有的爆炸武器将造成20%的额外伤害.Educated-高材生&&&&&& 00031DD8 With the Educated perk, you gain three more skill points every time you advance in level. This perk is best taken early on, to maximize its effectiveness.拥有高材生特技,你每次升级都将获得额外的3点技能点.这个特技最好早些学习,来最大程度地发挥它的效果.Explorer-探索者&&&&&& 00031DE5 When you choose the Explorer perk, every location in the world is revealed on your map. So get out there and explore!当你选择了探索者特技,世界上的每个地点都会在你的地图上展现.离开这里尽情探索吧!Entomologist-学家&& 00031DD9 With the Entomologist perk, you do an additional +50% damage every time you attack a mutated insect, like the Radroach, Giant Ant, or Radscorpion.拥有昆虫学家特技,你对变异昆虫的每次攻击都将获得50%的额外伤害,例如变种,巨蚁,或辐射蝎.
Fast Metabolism-快速代谢&&& 00094EBF With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% Health bonus when using Stimpaks.拥有快速代谢特技,你在使用治疗针时将回复额外的20%生命值.Finesse-洞察巧手&&& 00094EC1 With the Finesse perk, you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.拥有洞察巧手特技,你在战斗中获得了更高的致命一击率,相当于额外的5点幸运值.Fortune Finder-寻宝家&&&& 00031DE3 With the Fortune Finder perk, you'll find considerably more Nuka-Cola caps in containers than you normally would. 拥有寻宝家特技,你会在容器中找到比平时多得多的核子可乐瓶盖.Grim Reaper Spirit-掠杀之意&&
If you kill a target in V.A.T.S., all your Action Points are restored upon exiting V.A.T.S.如果你在V.A.T.S.中杀死了一个目标,你所有的行动点数将会在退出V.A.T.S.时恢复.Gun Nut-枪械狂&&&&&& 0004494E You're obsessed with using and maintaining a wide variety of conventional firearms. With each rank of the Gun Nut perk, you gain an additional 5 points to the Small Guns and Repair skills.你对于使用和维护各种常规枪械非常着迷.拥有每一级枪械狂特技,你获得了额外的5点小型枪械和维修技能.
Gunslinger-孤胆枪手&&&& 00094EBB While using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.当使用手枪(或类似的单手武器)时,你在V.A.T.S.下的命中率将会显著增加.Hemophiliac-嗜血者&&& && (Quest Perk) This perk allows you to regain health by consuming Bloodpacks.这个特技允许你通过吸取血袋来回复生命.Here and Now-醍醐灌顶&& 00031DAC The Here and Now perk immediately grants an additional experience level, complete with all the advantages that brings.醍醐灌顶特技通过增加升级所需要的所有经验,来立即给予你一个额外的等级.
Impartial Meditation-八面玲珑&&& 00044CAD With the Impartial Mediation perk, you gain an extra 30 points to Speech... so long as you maintain a Neutral Karma level.拥有八面玲珑特技,你获得了额外的30点演说技能...只要你保持中立的道德水平.Infiltrator-无孔不入&&&&& 00044CB0 With Infiltrator, if a lock is broken, and can't normally be picked again, you can attempt to pick it again one more time. This includes locks previously broken by a "Force Lock" attempt.拥有无孔不入特技,如果一个锁被损坏而无法再次被正常开启,你可以尝试再一次撬开它.这包括先前被"强行开锁"尝试破坏的锁具.Intense Training-高强度训练&& 00044CB1 With the Intense Training perk, you can put a single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes.拥有高强度训练特技,你可以在你的任何一个S.P.E.C.I.A.L.能力上加上一个属性点.Iron Fist-&&&&& 00031DDB With the Iron Fist perk, you do an additional 5 points of Unarmed damage per rank.拥有铁拳特技,你在每一个阶段可以在徒手攻击上造成额外的5点伤害.
Junior Survivor (A) 初级生存者&& && (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you're still alive to tell the tale. You've gained +2% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and +5 points to maximum Health.你在废土上最危险的一些情境中得到了锻炼,而且你仍然能活着讲述这个传奇.你得到了+2%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+5点最大生命.Junior Survivor (B)&&&&
(Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you're still alive to tell the tale. You've gained +2% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and 2 points to both the Medicine and Science skills.你在废土上最危险的一些情境中得到了锻炼,而且你仍然能活着讲述这个传奇.你获得了+2%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及2点医药和科学技能.Junior Survivor (C)&&&&
(Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you're still alive to tell the tale. You've gained +2% bonus to Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance and Damage Resistance.你在废土上最危险的一些情境中得到了锻炼,而且你仍然能活着讲述这个传奇.你获得了+2%的毒素,辐射和伤害抗性.Junior Survivor (D)&&&&
(Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you're still alive to tell the tale. You've gained +2% bonus to Poison Resistance & Radiation Resistance, and 2 points to both the Speech and Sneak skills.你在废土上最危险的一些情境中得到了锻炼,而且你仍然能活着讲述这个传奇.你获得了+2%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及2点演说和潜行技能.Junior Survivor (E)&&&&
(Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you're still alive to tell the tale. You've gained +2% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and a +1% bonus to Critical Chance.你在废土上最危险的一些情境中得到了锻炼,而且你仍然能活着讲述这个传奇.你获得了+2%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+1%的致命一击率.Lady Killer-少女杀手&&&& 00094EB9 In combat, you do +10% damage against female opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex. 在战斗中,你对女性角色将造成+10%的伤害.非战斗时,你在与异性对话时有时会获得独特的谈话选项.Law Bringer-执法者&&&& 00044CAC Once you have the Lawbringer perk, any evil character you kill will have a finger on their corpse. This finger can then be sold to a certain person (whose identity is disclosed when you take the perk) for caps and positive Karma. 一旦你获得了执法者特技,你将会从杀死的任何邪恶角色身上获得一个手指.这个手指可以卖给某个人(他的身份在你获得了这个特技后解锁)换取瓶盖和正的道德.Lead Belly-铅肚皮&&&&& 00044CA9 With the Lead Belly perk, you take 50% less radiation every time you drink from an irradiated water source.拥有铅肚皮特技,你在饮用受到辐射的水源时会减少50%的辐射.Light Step-身轻如羽&&&&&&&& 00031DB7 With the Light Step perk, you'll never set off an enemy's mines or floor-based traps.拥有身轻如羽特技,你将永远不会触动敌人的地雷或地面陷阱.Life Giver-生命之赐&&&&& 00031DB1 With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 Hit Points.拥有生命之赐特技,你将获得额外的30点生命.Little Leaguer-小小联盟星&&& 00014B97 Years as the Vault little league MVP have honed your hitting and throwing. With every rank, you gain 5 points of Melee Weapons skill and 5 points of Explosives skill.在避难所中多年的联盟明星经历磨练了你的打击和投掷.在每个阶段,你都能获得5点近战和爆破技能.
Master Trader-商界巨头&&& 00031DB8 When you take the Master Trader perk, the price of every item you buy from a vendor is reduced by 25%.当你选择了商界巨头特技,你从商贩那里购买的所有物品的价格都将降低25%.Mister Sandman-睡魔先生&&&& 00031DAD With the Mister Sandman perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to silently kill any human or Ghoul while they're sleeping. And, all Mister Sandman kills earn bonus XP.拥有睡魔先生特技,当你处于潜行模式时,你获得了一个悄悄杀死任何睡着的人类或僵尸的选项.而且,所有睡魔之杀可以获得额外的XP.Mysterious Stranger-神秘来客&&& 00031DBC You've gained your own personal guardian angel... armed with a fully loaded .44 Magnum. With this perk, the Mysterious Stranger will appear occasionally in V.A.T.S. mode to lend a hand, with deadly efficiency.你获得了你自己的守护天使...装备了一支装满子弹的.44马格南.拥有这个特技,神秘来客会在V.A.T.S.模式中偶尔出现助你一臂之力,效果是致命的.Nerd Rage!-愣头之怒!&&&& 00044CA7 You've been pushed around long enough! With the Nerd Rage! perk, your Strength is raised to 10 and you gain 50% to damage resistance whenever your Health drops to 20% or below.你再也不愿任人摆布了!拥有愣头之怒特技,当你的生命降到20%或更低时,你的力量会增加到10而且会获得50%伤害抗性.Night Person-夜行者&&& 00094EBD When the sun is down, a Night Person gains +2 to both Intelligence and Perception (up to a maximum of 10). This perk directly affects your "internal clock," and remains active both inside and outside.当落下时,一个夜行者获得+2点智力和感知(最多达到10).这个特技直接影响了你的"生物钟",所以无论在室内或室外都将发挥作用.Ninja-忍者&&&&&& 00031DCC The Ninja perk grants you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When attacking with either Melee or Unarmed, you gain a +15% critical chance on every strike. Sneak attack criticals do 25% more damage than normal.忍者特技赐予你的力量.当使用徒手或近战武器攻击时,你的每次攻击都将获得+15%致命一击率.潜行致命一击将比平时多造成25%的伤害.Paralyzing Palm-迷魂掌&&& 00044CAA With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometimes perform a special V.A.T.S. palm strike that paralyzes your opponent for 30 seconds. Note that in order to perform the Paralyzing Palm, you must be completely unarmed.拥有迷魂掌,你有时可以在V.A.T.S.模式下造成迷惑对手30秒的特殊攻击.注意为了施展迷魂掌,你必须完全空手.PowerArmor Training-动力机甲训练&& 00058FDF&& (Quest Perk) You have received the specialized training needed to move in any form of Power Armor.你接受了使用任何类型动力机甲所需的特殊训练.PyroManiac-纵火狂&&&& 00031DB2 With the Pyromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with fire-based weapons, like the Flamer and Shishkebab.拥有纵火狂特技,你在使用火焰武器时造成+50%伤害,比如火焰喷射器和火焰刀.Rad Resistance-辐射抵抗&&& 00031DA9 Rad Resistance allows you to -- what else? -- resist radiation. This perk grants an additional 25% to Radiation Resistance.辐射抵抗允许你--还能怎样?--抵抗辐射.这个特技赋予你额外的25%辐射抗性.Rad Regeneration-辐射再生&&& 0003066B&&& (Quest Perk) After an experimental treatment, intense radiation keeps your body operating at peak performance regardless of crippling injuries... right up until death. When you suffer from Advanced Radiation Poisoning, crippled limbs automatically regenerate.在经历了试验性的治疗后,强烈的辐射使你的身体即使已经残废也能在最佳状态下运作...直到死亡.当你患上中度辐射病时,残废的肢体将自动再生.Robotics Expert-机械专家&&&& 00031DC2&& With the Robotics perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot. But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.拥有机械专家技能,你对任何机器人都将造成25%的额外伤害.不过,更爽的是,在未被发现的情况下前行到一个敌方机器人背后可以将它永远关闭.
Scoundrel-厚颜无耻&&& 00044CA6 Take the Scoundrel perk, and you can use your wily charms to influence people -- each rank raises your Speech and Barter skills by 5 points.选择厚颜无耻特技,然后你可以运用你狡诈的魅力来影响人们--每个阶段给予你5点演说和交易技能.Scrounger-收集癖&& 00031DAA With the Scrounger perk, you'll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.拥有收集癖特技,你将在容器中发现比平时更多的弹药.&&Silent Running-衔枚疾走&&&& 00031DB3 With the Silent Running perk, you gain an additional 10 points to Sneak, and running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.拥有衔枚疾走特技,你将获得10点潜行技能,而且跑步不再影响潜行的成功.Size Matters-恋巨癖&&&& 0009982E You're obsessed with really big weapons. With each rank of this perk, you gain an additional 15 points to the Big Guns skill.你对大型武器如痴如醉.拥有这个特技的每个阶段,你将获得额外的15点大型枪械技能.Sniper-狙击手&&&&&&&& 00031DB4 With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent's head in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.拥有狙击手特技,你在V.A.T.S.模式下命中对手头部的概率显著提升.Solar Powered-阳光之力&&& 00031DC5 With the Solar Powered perk, you gain an additional 2 points to Strength when in direct sunlight, and slowly regenerate lost Health.拥有阳光之力特技,你在阳光下获得了额外的2点力量,而且能够缓慢地回复损失的生命.Strong Back-铁背&&& 00031DDE With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment.拥有铁背特技,你能够多携带50磅的装备.Survival Expert (A)-生存达人&&& && (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you've not only survived - you've learned a few things. You've gained +4% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and +10 points to maximum Health.你在废土最危险的一些情境下得到了锻炼,而且你不仅仅幸存了下来-你还学到了一些东西.你获得了+4%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+10点的最大生命.Survival Expert (B)&&&& && (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you've not only survived - you've learned a few things. You've gained +4% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and 4 points to both the Medicine and Science skills.你在废土最危险的一些情境下得到了锻炼,而且你不仅仅幸存了下来-你还学到了一些东西.你获得了+4%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及4点医药和科学技能.Survival Expert (C)&&&& &&& (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you've not only survived - you've learned a few things. You've gained +4% bonus to Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance and Damage Resistance.你在废土最危险的一些情境下得到了锻炼,而且你不仅仅幸存了下来-你还学到了一些东西.你获得了+4%的毒素,辐射和伤害抗性.Survival Expert (D)&&&& 000331DA&& (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you've not only survived - you've learned a few things. You've gained +4% bonus to Poison Resistance & Radiation Resistance, and 4 points to both the Speech and Sneak skills.你在废土最危险的一些情境下得到了锻炼,而且你不仅仅幸存了下来-你还学到了一些东西.你获得了+4%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及4点演说和潜行技能.
Survival Expert (E)&&&& 000331DB&& (Quest Perk) You've been tested in some of the most dangerous parts of the wastes, and you've not only survived - you've learned a few things. You've gained +4% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and a +2% bonus to Critical Chance.你在废土最危险的一些情境下得到了锻炼,而且你不仅仅幸存了下来-你还学到了一些东西.你获得了+4%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+2%的致命一击率.Survival Guru (A)-生存宗师&&&& && (Quest Perk) You wrote the book on how to survive in the Wasteland, and have shared your secrets with humanity. You've gained +6% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and +15 points to maximum Health.你写了一本关于如何在废土生存的书,而且与人类分享了你的秘密.你获得了+6%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+15点的最大生命.Survival Guru (B)&&&& 000331DC&& (Quest Perk) You wrote the book on how to survive in the Wasteland, and have shared your secrets with humanity. You've gained +6% bonus to Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance, and 6 points to both the Medicine and Science skills.你写了一本关于如何在废土生存的书,而且与人类分享了你的秘密.你获得了+6%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及6点医药和科学技能.Survival Guru (C)&&&& 000331DD&& (Quest Perk) You wrote the book on how to survive in the Wasteland, and have shared your secrets with humanity. You've gained +6% bonus to Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance and Damage Resistance.你写了一本关于如何在废土生存的书,而且与人类分享了你的秘密.你获得了+6%的毒素,辐射和伤害抗性.Survival Guru (D)&&&& 000331DE&&& (Quest Perk) You wrote the book on how to survive in the Wasteland, and have shared your secrets with humanity. You've gained +6% bonus to Poison Resistance & Radiation Resistance, and 6 points to both the Speech and Sneak skills.你写了一本关于如何在废土生存的书,而且与人类分享了你的秘密.你获得了+6%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及6点演说和潜行技能.Survival Guru (E)&&&& 000331DF&& (Quest Perk) You wrote the book on how to survive in the Wasteland, and have shared your secrets with humanity. You've gained +6% bonus to Poison Resistance & Radiation Resistance, and +3% bonus to Critical Chance.你写了一本关于如何在废土生存的书,而且与人类分享了你的秘密.你获得了+6%的毒素和辐射抗性,以及+3%的致命一击率.
Swift Learner-聪慧过人&&&& 00031DD3 With each rank in the Swift Learner perk, you gain an additional 10% to total Experience Points whenever Experience Points are earned.拥有每个阶段的聪慧过人技能,你在任何获得经验的时候都将获得相当于总经验10%的额外奖励.Tag!-招牌技!&&&& 00031DBD The Tag! perk allows you to select a fourth Skill to be a Tag skill, which instantly raises it by 15 points.招牌技!特技允许你选择第四个技能作为你的招牌技,并将立即得到15点该技能.Thief-窃贼&&&& 00031DD6 With each rank of the Thief perk, you gain an immediate bonus of 5 points to both the Sneak and Lockpick skills.拥有每一等级的窃贼特技,你将立刻获得5点潜行和开锁技能的奖励.Toughness-坚韧不屈&&&& 00031DE0 With the Toughness perk, you gain +10% to overall Damage Resistance, up to the maximum of 85%.拥有坚韧不屈特技,你获得了对所有伤害的+10%抗性,最多达到85%.&&Well Rested-精力充沛&&&
After sleeping in a safe bed, you will wake well rested. You earn 10% more experience points for several hours.在一个安全的床上睡眠后,你将会精力充沛地醒来.你在接下来的几个小时中将得到10%的额外经验.Wired Reflexes-闪电反射&&&& 00024D5C&& (Quest Perk) Advanced technology from the Commonwealth has increased your reaction speed, giving you a higher chance to hit in V.A.T.S.在共和国学到的高级知识加快了你的反应速度,使你在V.A.T.S.模式下拥有更高的命中率.
下面是安克雷奇Covert Ops-秘密行动 0100BF7D You've recovered all the hidden intel from Operation:Anchorage. Good work, soldier!你在安克雷奇行动中发现了所有秘密情报.干的好,士兵!
匹兹堡Auto Axpert-自动斧达人
You've become an expert with the Auto Axe. You do +25% damage whenever you use it. Vroom.你成为了一名使用自动斧的高手.你在使用它的时候会造成+25%伤害.嗡~Booster Shot-强化注射
Medical research from the Pitt has improved your life. Just try not to think of what it may have cost others. Your radiation resistance is improved by 10%.匹兹堡的医学研究提升了你的生命.不过最好不要去想它让别人付出的代价.你的辐射抗性提升了10%.Pitt Fighter-匹兹战士 020073EA The vicious fights in the Hole have left you stronger. Both your damage and radiation resistance have been increased by +3%.在洞穴中的严酷战斗使你更加强壮.你的伤害和辐射抗性增加了3%.
断钢 Almost Perfect-完美有瑕 03004C6B Take the Almost Perfect perk, and all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats are instantly raised to 9.选择完美有瑕特技,你所有的S.P.E.C.I.A.L.属性都将增加到9.Deep Sleep-
You sleep deeply no matter where you are. You get the Well Rested benefit of +10% XP for eight hours no matter what bed you sleep in.无论身在何处你都能睡得很沉.不管你睡在什么床上你都将得到8个小时+10%XP的精力充沛增益.Devil's Highway-地狱快车 03004C6D When you choose the Devil's Highway perk, your Karma is instantly set to Very Evil.当你选择了地狱快车特技,你的道德会立即变为非常邪恶.Escalator to Haven-天国之梯 03004C6F When you choose the Escalator to Heaven perk, your Karma is instantly set to Very Good.当你选择了天国之梯特技,你的道德会立即变为非常善良.Karmic Rebalance-业报归无 03004C6E When you choose the Karmic Rebalance perk, your Karma is instantly set to Neutral.当你选择了业报归无特技,你的道德会立即变为中立.Nerves of Steel-钢铁意志
With the Nerves of Steel perk, you regenerate Action Points much more quickly than you normally would.拥有钢铁意志特技,你的行动点数将比平时回复得更快.No Weakness-无懈可击 0300108E When you take the No Weakness perk, all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats that are less than 5 are instantly increased to 5.当你得到了无懈可击特技,你所有小于5的S.P.E.C.I.A.L.属性将立刻增加到5.Nuclear Anomaly-核子异能 03004C6C With the Nuclear Anomaly perk, whenever your Health is reduced to 20 or less, you will erupt into a devastating nuclear explosion. Note that any allies in the vicinity will also suffer the effects of the blast!拥有核子异能特技,当你的生命降到20或更低时,你将爆发出一场毁灭性的.注意任何附近的盟友也会遭到冲击波的伤害!Party Boy-派对小子 030011BF You are such a Party Boy that you no longer suffer the withdrawal effect from alcohol addiction.你是一个十足的派对小子,因此你不再受酒瘾的困扰.Party Girl-派对小妹
You are such a Party Girl that you no longer suffer the withdrawal effect from alcohol addiction.你是一个十足的派对小妹,因此你不再受酒瘾的困扰.Puppies!-狗狗!
With the Puppies! perk, if Dogmeat dies, you'll be able to get a new canine companion from his litter of puppies. Just wait a bit, and you'll find your new furry friend waiting outside Vault 101.拥有狗狗!特技,如果狗肉死去了,你将可以从它的同胞狗狗中得到一个新的犬类同伴.只要等一小会儿,你就能发现你新的毛茸茸的小伙伴在101避难所的外面等着你.Quantum Chemist-量子学家 03004C71 You have unlocked the secret to creating Nuka-Cola Quantum. With this perk, every ten Nuka-Colas in your inventory is immediately converted into a Nuka-Cola Quantum.你解开了制造量子型核子可乐的秘密.拥有这个特技,你物品栏中的每10瓶核子可乐都将立即转化为一瓶量子型核子可乐.Rad Abosrption-消化辐射 030011BD With the Rad Absorption perk, your radiation level slowly decreases on its own over time.拥有消化辐射特技,你的辐射等级随着时间流逝将缓慢减少.Rad Tolerance-辐射忍耐
Although you are still notified when you get Minor Radiation Poisoning, you do not suffer any ill effects from it.即使你注意到你已经患上了轻度辐射病,你依然不会感觉到任何不适.Warmonger-军火贩子 030011BE You've figured out on your own how to build all the custom weapons! With the Warmonger perk, all custom weapon types become available to you without the schematics.你已经领悟了如何制造各种自制武器!拥有军火贩子特技,所有种类的自制武器都可以制造而不用设计图.
望海崖 Ghoul Ecology-僵尸学 0400D1fE You have learned to exploit the specific weaknesses of ghouls, and gain a +5 damage bonus when attacking one.你学习了如何利用僵尸的特殊弱点,因此当你攻击一个僵尸时获得了+5%的伤害加成.Gray Matters-灰质 0400D1FD Protect what's important.&& With the Gray Matters perk you'll receive 25% less damage when hit in the head.保护最重要的.拥有灰质特技你将会在头部被攻击时减少25%伤害.Mirelurk Ecology-泥沼蟹学 0400FC2E After hours of studying, you've finally learned to exploit a mirelurk's weaknesses and gain a +5 damage bonus while attacking one.在数个小时的学习后,你终于发现了如何利用一个泥沼蟹的弱点并在攻击它时得到了+5%的伤害加成.Punga Power!-胖嘎之力!
Behold the power of the Punga! The restorative effects of Punga fruit now have a greater effect on you.看我胖嘎神力!胖嘎果的回复效果现在能够更好地作用于你.Superior Defender-防卫达人 0400D1FA With the Superior Defender Perk, the player gains +5 to their damage and +10 to their armor rating while standing still.拥有防卫达人特技,玩家将在站立不动时获得+5的伤害和+10的防御力.Swing For The Fences-独孤九剑 0400d1FB With Swing For The Fences you'll do an additional 10 points of damage while any one or two handed melee weapon is equipped.拥有独孤九剑,当你使用双手近战武器时将获得额外的10点伤害.
妈妈船 Xenotech Expert-外星专家&& 0500ABB0 Your familiarity with alien technology gives you better control over their weapons, increasing their damage output by 20%.你对外星科技的熟悉使你更好地使用他们的武器,增加它们20%的伤害输出.
下面是FOOK2 1.1的代码和翻译,注意使用时请把07改成自己的FOOK2.esm的序号 Ammo Broker-弹药杀价师 07014CA3 You're a real munitions connoisseur, and merchants know it. With this perk, the price of ammunition you buy from a vendor is reduced by 25%.你是一个真正的军火行家,商人们也熟知这一点.拥有这个特技,你从商贩那里购买弹药的价格将减少25%.Aquatic Aberration-水生变异 07014CA7 Mutation is common, but you got lucky! With this perk, you can breath underwater.突变随处可见,但你是幸运的!拥有这个特技,你可以在水下呼吸.Arsonist-纵火犯 07014C2A Problems seem much easier when you just burn them. You are much more likely to score criticals with flame weapons.当你只要把问题点燃的时候它们看起来简单多了.你在使用火焰武器时更容易打出致命一击.Big Game Hunter-猎巨者 07014CAB Certain types of prey are worth hunting over others. With the Big Game Hunter Perk, Mirelurks and Yao Guai have much more meat on their corpses.某些种类的猎物比其他的更值得捕猎.拥有猎巨者特技,你将在泥沼蟹和妖怪的尸体上找到更多的肉.Break the Rules-不拘一格 07014C29 From now on, whenever you gain a level you can choose any perk you like regardless of its requirements. Be warned, level restrictions still hold!从现在起,你到达了可以选择任何你喜欢的特技而无视他们的需求的境界.先说好,等级限制依然存在!Check the Pockets-翻翻口袋 07014CA5 You're very thorough when checking those you've killed. With this perk, you find more caps on dead human or Ghoul enemies.你在翻找被你杀死的人时非常仔细.拥有这个特技,你会在死去的敌人或僵尸身上发现更多的瓶盖.Drunken Master-醉拳大师 07014CA9 You fight better when you're drunk. With this perk, while under the influence of alcohol you receive 10 additional points to your Unarmed skill and you do 5 additional damage when using Unarmed weapons.你在喝醉了以后战斗得更加娴熟.拥有这个特技,当你受酒精影响时你得到10点额外的徒手攻击技能,以及在使用徒手武器时增加5点伤害.Flight Instruction-飞行教学 07046AE6 You have received classroom flight instruction, and understand the theoretical basics of how to fly a vertibird.你聆听了一堂飞行课,因此你领悟了如何驾驶飞鸟战机的理论基础.Handyman-手艺人 07003D93 With this perk you can now perform all Workbench functions with a Field Salvage Kit.拥有这个特技你现在将能通过一个野外的工作台实现废品站的所有功能.Heave No!-投你妹!&& 07014C9D While using explosives, your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.当使用爆炸武器时,你在V.A.T.S.下的命中率将显著地增加.Last Action Hero-末日救主 07014C9E While using a big gun (or similar weapon with handle), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.当使用一个大型枪械(或操作类似的武器时),你在VATS下的命中率将显著地增加.Margarita Meltdown-融灭鸡尾酒 07000F6E Using a Laboratory you can convert alcoholic beverages into Flamer Fuel. The more potent the hooch, the more fuel you can make.使用一个实验台,你可以将任何酒精饮料转化为喷火器燃料.酒品约浓烈,你能制造的燃料越多.Mentalist-读心达人 07014C9C Your mind is enhanced in ways you thought impossible, all thanks to Mentats! With this perk, Mentats additionally grant you 5 bonus Charisma.你的思想以你无法想象的方式得到了增强,多亏了曼他特!拥有这个特技,曼他特给予你额外的5点魅力加成.
Nuka-Fan-可乐粉丝 07014C99 You love Nuka-Cola, and Nuka-Cola loves you back! With this perk, all Nuka-Cola now restores three times as much Health.你爱着核子可乐,核子可乐也爱着你!拥有这个特技,所有核子可乐现在将回复3倍的生命.PA Heavy MG Control-控制 0700086A When wearing Power Armor, Gun Spread with heavy machine guns (FOOKFormHeavyMachineGuns) is reduced.当穿戴动力机甲时,使用重机枪的摇晃(FOOK设定的重机枪)将减少.Pint-Sized Slasher-轻度砍杀狂
The Pint-Sized Slasher may be more real than many people would like to admit.轻度砍杀狂看起来比人们认为的真实得多.Pyrotechnician-烟火师 0700A7AC Bullets are good, but flames are better. Your experience with flame weapons give you increased crits when using them. You also gain 10 Fire Resistance.子弹很不错,不过火焰更给力.你使用火焰武器的经验让你在使用它们时能够打出更多致命一击.你同样获得了10点火焰抗性.Renovator-革新者 07014C9B You know how to get a good deal for your home furnishings! With this perk, upgrades to your home cost 75% less.你知道如何为你的家具讨一个好价钱!拥有这个特技,升级你的房屋只需要支出75%.Sliver Slugger-白银一击07025B87 With the Silver Slugger perk, you do an additional 5 points of Melee damage per rank.拥有白银一击特技,你在每一阶段可以得到5点额外的近战伤害.Slayer of Grelok-Grelok杀手(Grelock为辐射3中虚构的一个电子游戏,详见狂漫公司) 07025B98 In a world where people barely manage to survive among raiders and Super Mutants, you are proud to have vanquished the villain of an ancient computer game. Your geekiness gains you 5 points to the Science skill.在人们从匪徒和超级变种人之间艰难求得生存的时候,你却为在一个古代电脑游戏中击败了大反派而自豪.你高超的电脑技巧给予你5点科学技能.Snake Eater-食蛇者 07014C9F With the Snake Eater perk, you're now immune to poison, such as the one used by Radscorpions or Centaurs!拥有食蛇者特技,你现在对毒素免疫,例如辐射蝎和多脚兽使用的那些!Uniquely Able-独门绝技 07014CA2 You truly appreciate anything unique! With this perk, all unique weapons get +50% damage and +50% critical hit chance.你对于任何独特的东西都爱不释手!拥有这个特技,任何唯一的武器获得+50%伤害和+50%致命一击率.Westeland Trader-废土游商 07014CA1 You can find what merchants want, and they treat you accordingly. With the Wasteland Trader perk, you gain a 5% discount from vendors for every 20 locations you find up to a 10% discount.你能发现商人们想要什么.拥有废土游商特技,你每发现20个地点都能从商贩那里获得5%的折扣,最高10%.Workbench Repair-工作台修理 07FFFF50 Adds a "Repair items" option to workbenches.&& Opens the PipBoy Inventory menu and enables repair (if previously disabled), or boosts Player Repair skill for that repair session. (WIP)在工作台增加一个"修理物品"选项.打开PipBoy的物品栏就可以进行修理(如果之前不能的话),或增加玩家的修理技能来完成这个修理.Workbench Scrapper-工作台废品站
Adds the scrapping menu option to workbenches.&& Only available on house workbench if Scrapper upgrade is purchased, and then other workbenches if Player has Handyman perk.在工作台增加废品站选项.只有购买了废品站升级才能在家里的工作台出现,而如果拥有手艺人特技就可以在其他工作台出现.
下面是汉化补丁的地址 氢氧根专用/blog/item/9fb82bb16d811937.html(请复制到地址栏)
关于汉化补丁的说明 有很多人认为这个汉化补丁只有安装了FOOK2才能使用,事实上并非这样,因为我把原版和5DLC中所有技能的名称和描述也重新翻译了一遍,因此该补丁适用于所有版本的辐射3. 此外,补丁中集成了上次发布的AP+舞娘4汉化补丁(因为我懒得拿出来了),因此装了这两个MOD的同学更开心了 关于稳定性方面,据我测试,跳出并没有明显的增多,帧数也没有什么降低,其他网友的测试结果大抵如此(有人说装了此补丁后读图会跳出,不过我和其他人似乎并没有这种情况),请放心使用.


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