remove from thepython list removeproperties

Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
The ListCollectionView class adds the properties and methods of the
ICollectionView interface to an object that conforms to the
IList interface. As a result, you can pass an object of this class
to anything that requires an IList or ICollectionView.
This class also lets you use [ ] array notation
to access the getItemAt() and setItemAt() methods.
If you use code such as myListCollectionView[index]
Flex calls the myListCollectionView object's
getItemAt() or setItemAt() method.
The &mx:ListCollectionView& has the following attributes,
which all of its subclasses inherit:
collectionChange="No default"
Public Properties&PropertyDefined By&& : Function
A function that the view will use to eliminate items that do not
match the function's criteria.ListCollectionView&& : int[read-only]
The number of items in this view.ListCollectionView&& :
The IList that this collection view wraps.ListCollectionView&& :
The ISort that will be applied to the ICollectionView.ListCollectionViewProtected Properties&PropertyDefined By&& : Array
When the view is sorted or filtered the localIndex property
contains an array of items in the sorted or filtered (ordered, reduced)
view, in the sorted order.ListCollectionViewPublic Methods &MethodDefined By&&(list: = null)
The ListCollectionView constructor.ListCollectionView&&(addList:):void
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the end of
the list in the order they are passed.ListCollectionView&&(addList:, index:int):void
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the position
index passed in to the function.ListCollectionView&&(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Adds the specified item to the end of the list.ListCollectionView&&(item:Object, index:int):void
Adds the item at the specified index.ListCollectionView&&(item:Object):Boolean
Returns whether the view contains the specified object.ListCollectionView&&():
Creates a new IViewCursor that works with this view.ListCollectionView&&():void
Prevents changes to the collection itself and items within the
collection from being dispatched by the view.ListCollectionView&&(event:Event):Boolean
Enables auto-updating.ListCollectionView&&(index:int, prefetch:int = 0):Object
Gets the item at the specified index.ListCollectionView&&(item:Object):int
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that
getItemAt(index) == item.ListCollectionView&&(type:String):Boolean
ListCollectionView&&(document:Object, id:String):void
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the ListCollectionView
is created using an MXML tag.ListCollectionView&&(item:Object, property:Object = null, oldValue:Object = null, newValue:Object = null):void
Notifies the view that an item has been updated.ListCollectionView&&():Boolean
Applies the sort and filter to the view.ListCollectionView&&():void
Remove all items from the list.ListCollectionView&&(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist.ListCollectionView&&(index:int):Object
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it.ListCollectionView&&(item:Object, index:int):Object
Places the item at the specified index.ListCollectionView&&():Array
Returns an Array that is populated in the same order as the IList
Prints the contents of this view to a string and returns it.ListCollectionView&&(type:String):Boolean
ListCollectionViewEvents&Event Summary Defined By&&Dispatched when the ICollectionView has been updated in some way.ListCollectionViewfilterFunction:Function Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
A function that the view will use to eliminate items that do not
match the function's criteria.
A filterFunction is expected to have the following signature:
where the return value is true if the specified item
should remain in the view.
If a filter is unsupported, Flex throws an error when accessing
this property.
You must call refresh() after setting the
filterFunction property for the view to update.
Note: The Flex implementations of ICollectionView retrieve all
items from a remote location before executing the filter function.
If you use paging, apply the filter to the remote collection before
you retrieve the data.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. Implementation &&&&public function get filterFunction():Function&&&&public function set filterFunction(value:Function):voidSee alsolength:int&&[read-only]
Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
The number of items in this view.
0 means no items, while -1 means that the length is unknown.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. Implementation &&&&public function get length():intlist: Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
The IList that this collection view wraps.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. Implementation &&&&public function get list():&&&&public function set list(value:):voidprotected var localIndex:Array Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
When the view is sorted or filtered the localIndex property
contains an array of items in the sorted or filtered (ordered, reduced)
view, in the sorted order.
The ListCollectionView class uses this property to access the items in
The localIndex property should never contain anything
that is not in the source, but may not have everything in the source.
This property is null when there is no sort.
sort: Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
The ISort that will be applied to the ICollectionView.
Setting the sort does not automatically refresh the view,
so you must call the refresh() method
after setting this property.
If sort is unsupported an error will be thrown when accessing
this property.
Note: The Flex implementations of ICollectionView retrieve all
items from a remote location before executing a sort.
If you use paging with a sorted list, apply the sort to the remote
collection before you retrieve the data.
This property can be used as the source for data binding. Implementation &&&&public function get sort():&&&&public function set sort(value:):voidSee alsopublic function ListCollectionView(list: = null) Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
The ListCollectionView constructor.
Parameters list: (default = null) & the IList this ListCollectionView is meant to wrap.
public function addAll(addList:):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the end of
the list in the order they are passed.
Parameters addList: & The list of items to add to the current list
public function addAllAt(addList:, index:int):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Adds a list of items to the current list, placing them at the position
index passed in to the function.
The items are placed at the index location
and placed in the order they are recieved.
Parameters addList: & The list of items to add to the current list
&index:int & The location of the current list to place the new items.
& if index is less than 0 or greater than the length of the list.
public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Parameters type:String&listener:Function&useCapture:Boolean (default = false)&priority:int (default = 0)&useWeakReference:Boolean (default = false) public function addItem(item:Object):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Adds the specified item to the end of the list.
Equivalent to addItemAt(item, length).
Parameters item:Object & The item to add.
public function addItemAt(item:Object, index:int):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Adds the item at the specified index.
The index of any item greater than the index of the added item is increased by one.
If the the specified index is less than zero or greater than the length
of the list, a RangeError is thrown.
Parameters item:Object & The item to place at the index.
&index:int & The index at which to place the item.
public function contains(item:Object):Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Returns whether the view contains the specified object.
Unlike the IViewCursor.findxxx methods,
this search is succesful only if it finds an item that exactly
matches the parameter.
If the view has a filter applied to it this method may return
false even if the underlying collection
does contain the item.
Parameters item:Object & The object to look for.
ReturnsBoolean & true if the ICollectionView, after applying any filter,
false otherwise.
See also public function createCursor(): Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Creates a new IViewCursor that works with this view.
Returns & A new IViewCursor implementation.
public function disableAutoUpdate():void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Prevents changes to the collection itself and items within the
collection from being dispatched by the view.
Also prevents the view from updating the positions of items
if the positions change in the collection.
The changes will be queued and dispatched appropriately
after enableAutoUpdate is called.
If more events than updates to a single item occur,
the view may end up resetting.
The disableAutoUpdate meth
the same number of calls to enableAutoUpdate
are required for the view to dispatch events and refresh.
Note that disableAutoUpdate only affects the
edits may be detected on an individual
basis by other views.
See also public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Parameters event:EventReturnsBoolean public function enableAutoUpdate():void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Enables auto-updating.
See disableAutoUpdate for more information.
See also public function getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int = 0):Object Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Gets the item at the specified index.
Parameters index:int & The index in the list from which to retrieve the item.
&prefetch:int (default = 0) & An int indicating both the direction
and number of items to fetch during the request if the item is
not local.
ReturnsObject & The item at that index, or null if there is none.
public function getItemIndex(item:Object):int Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that
getItemAt(index) == item.
Note: unlike IViewCursor.findxxx() methods,
The getItemIndex() method cannot take a parameter with
only a subset of the fields in the it
this method always searches for an item that exactly matches
the input parameter.
Parameters item:Object & The item to find.
Returnsint & The index of the item, or -1 if the item is not in the list.
public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Parameters type:StringReturnsBoolean public function initialized(document:Object, id:String):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Called automatically by the MXML compiler when the ListCollectionView
is created using an MXML tag.
If you create the ListCollectionView through ActionScript, you
must call this method passing in the MXML document and
null for the id.
Parameters document:Object & The MXML document containing this ListCollectionView.
&id:String & Ignored.
public function itemUpdated(item:Object, property:Object = null, oldValue:Object = null, newValue:Object = null):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Notifies the view that an item has been updated.
This method is useful if the contents of the view do not implement
If the call to this method includes a property parameter,
the view may be able to optimize its notification mechanism.
Otherwise it may choose to simply refresh the whole view.
Parameters item:Object & The item within the view that was updated.
&property:Object (default = null) & The name of the property that was updated.
&oldValue:Object (default = null) & The old value of that property. (If property
was null, this can be the old value of the item.).
&newValue:Object (default = null) & The new value of that property. (If property
was null, there's no need to specify this as the item is assumed
to be the new value.)
See also public function refresh():Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Applies the sort and filter to the view.
The ICollectionView does not detect changes to a sort or
filter automatically, so you must call the refresh()
method to update the view after setting the sort
or filterFunction property.
If your ICollectionView implementation also implements
the IMXMLObject interface, you should to call the
refresh() method from your initialized()
Returns true if the refresh was successful
and false if the sort is not yet complete
(e.g., items are still pending).
A client of the view should wait for a CollectionEvent event
with the CollectionEventKind.REFRESH kind
property to ensure that the refresh() operation is
ReturnsBoolean & true if the refresh() was complete,
false if the refresh() is incomplete.
public function removeAll():void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Remove all items from the list.
public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Parameters type:String&listener:Function&useCapture:Boolean (default = false) public function removeItem(item:Object):Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Apache Flex Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist.
Relies on ArrayList implementation
Parameters item:Object & Object reference to the item that should be removed.
ReturnsBoolean & Boolean indicating if the item was removed.
public function removeItemAt(index:int):Object Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it.
Any items that were after this index are now one index earlier.
Parameters index:int & The index from which to remove the item.
ReturnsObject & The item that was removed.
public function setItemAt(item:Object, index:int):Object Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Places the item at the specified index.
If an item was already at that index the new item will replace it
and it will be returned.
Parameters item:Object & The new item to be placed at the specified index.
&index:int & The index at which to place the item.
ReturnsObject & The item that was replaced, or null if none.
public function toArray():Array Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Returns an Array that is populated in the same order as the IList
This method can throw an ItemPendingError.
ReturnsArray & The array.
public function toString():String Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Prints the contents of this view to a string and returns it.
ReturnsString & The contents of this view, in string form.
public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Parameters type:StringReturnsBooleanEvent Object Type: CollectionEvent.type property =
Language Version :&ActionScript 3.0 Product Version :&Flex 3 Runtime Versions :&Flash Player
9, AIR 1.1
Dispatched when the ICollectionView has been updated in some way.
The CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an event that is
dispatched when a collection has changed.
The properties of the event object have the following values.
Not all properties are meaningful for all kinds of events.
See the detailed property descriptions for more information.
PropertyValuebubblesfalsecancelablefalsecurrentTargetThe Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget. itemsAn Array of objects with
information about the items affected by the event.
The contents of this field depe
for details see the items propertykindThe kind of event.
The valid values are defined in the CollectionEventKind
class as constants.locationLocation within the target collection
of the item(s) specified in the items property.oldLocationthe previous location in the collection
of the item specified in the items property.targetThe Object that
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event.typeCollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGEAPI Overview | HubSpot API
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Authentication and Accounts
The API allows for two means of authentication,
API keys are great for rapid prototyping, but for security and commercial use, all integrations should strive to use OAuth. The best way to get started is by implementing one of these two methods of authentication, both of which you can test out quickly in our demo portal:
Login: /login/?loginPortalId=62515
Password: HubSpot
API Key: demo
OAuth Token: demooooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooooooooooo
Hub ID: 62515
Individual HubSpot accounts (portals) are also subject to some rate limiting - . When you've moved past playing with the API and are ready to start developing in earnest, you can create your OAuth credentials and a sandboxed environment for you to test your use of the API with and register an application with HubSpot by creating a developer account:
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