不可以直接用Outlook的matebook 平板就是个小平板

微信关注问题方法“”A program is trying to send e-mail on your behalf. Bypass this message with ClickYes.
ClickYes Software
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ClickYes Software. Get rid of annoying Outlook messages.
Do you get this annoying message when you're launching your email merge, address book search, email notification
program or a smartphone synchronization tool?
Or this one when you're trying to send a catalogue to your customers using your bulk emailing software?
Don't panic. This is new Outlook security features introduced in Outlook 2000 (SR2 and newer), and& installed
by default with Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010. These features help guard against most viruses that are spread by
email attachments, as well as protect users from worm viruses which replicate through Microsoft Outlook.
However, these additional security restrictions can be somewhat annoying. Especially if you use a third-party
software which sends emails using Outlook or that one which makes use of your Outlook Address Book.
Express ClickYes vs. ClickYes Pro. Which one suits you better.
ClickYes Software is your helping hand in solving issues caused by these Outlook warnings. There are two
versions available at the moment:
Both of them work in the background. You will hardly ever remember of ClickYes once it was installed and
configured. Both of them are for allowing your email application work without any delays. But though they are
very similar by name, they are completely different from each other by design.
While Express ClickYes just clicks the Yes button on behalf of you, ClickYes Pro
2010 configures
Outlook security settings and prevents the Outlook security prompts from appearing at all.
The table below answers the questions asked most frequently. It will help you to decide which ClickYes version
suits you better.
ClickYes Pro 2010
Express ClickYes
Does it eliminate the annoying Microsoft Outlook security warnings?
Can I control when the software is active or inactive?
Does it allow to configure which programs can access Outlook address book or send
emails using Outlook?
Does it work when the workstation (server) is locked or a password-protected screen
saver is running?
Does it work under Windows Terminal Services or Citrix environment?
Does it allow to send emails immediately without 5-second delay (for Outlook 2003)?
What Microsoft Outlook versions is it compatible with?
- Why should I take your word for it?
- No, you should not. Just download the software, and give it a try on your computer completely free of
Okay. How much does it cost?
Where can I learn more about this software?
Download your free copy and give it a try
Once again, you should not take our word for it. Download the software right now, install it on your computer
and check if it suits you.
Still have unanswered questions or need some more information.
ClickYes Pro 2010 is installed under a particular user account and uses different settings for all computer
users. This gives administrators a flexibility, but requires configuring ClickYes Pro for any separate user.
ClickYes Pro 2010 Server Edition uses common configuration settings for all user accounts on the computer
where it is installed. Administrators can configure a single profile for all users. Only users with
administrative privileges can change settings, save or load profiles, activate or deactivate applications, add
(remove) applications to the list of allowed applications.
If you are an administrator interested in ClickYes Pro,
and try it out.
Let us know if ClickYes helps you
Please let us know if ClickYes helps you and cures your software. If you don't mind, tell us the software name
and the issue you faced. We'll compile the list of such a programs, which for sure will be very helpful for
people having the same software.
If you still have questions or concerns regarding security, an ability to spread a macro virus or something
else, don't hesitate to contact us using the form below.
Post your questions and comments
Please let us know what features you would like to see in the next program release. Your questions, comments,
suggestions and feature requests are greatly appreciated.
Your Message (required field)*
If you want us to get in touch with you, enter your name and email address below.
Your email address
powered by帖子很冷清,卤煮很失落!求安慰
6812浏览 / 11回复
添加头像的方法很简单,就是使用相同账号的微软邮箱,在OUTLOOK联系人里面直接编辑。我使用的是OUTLOOK2013.注:(POP3,SMTP协议添加的邮箱是不支持的,必须使用Exchange ActiveSync.什么是Exchange ActiveSync?我简单的说,OUTLOOK2010,和2013默认添加微软账号的方式就是的了。这种同步邮件的方式有个好处就是能够实时更新,(当然,要联网)以后再也不用再手机上编辑联系人了,上面搞定,实时更新到手机上。在手机邮箱界面下面有个同步按钮,按一下就同步好了,包括联系人。)
对 楼主 533556yhl 说:=========================人脉里对电话号码添加的头像,电话号码无论是保存在到Hotmall,还是保存在sim卡上其添加的头像,过几天有些就显示不出来了,请哪位高人告知原因,求解???
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