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Free Pascal - Advanced open source Pascal compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal - Home Page
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Open source compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal
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Free Pascal is a 32, 64 and 16 bit professional Pascal compiler.
It can target many processor architectures: Intel x86 (including 8086), AMD64/x86-64,
PowerPC, PowerPC64, SPARC, ARM, AArch64, MIPS and the JVM. Supported operating systems include Linux,
FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS X/iOS/iPhoneSimulator/Darwin, DOS (16 and 32 bit), Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2,
MorphOS, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Android, AIX and AROS. Additionally, support for the
Motorola 68k architecture is available in the development versions.
Latest News
November 25th, 2015
FPC version 3.0.0 "Pestering Peacock" has been released!
This version includes support for several new platforms, codepage-aware strings and an integrated Pascal source-repository.
We have the traditional lists of
You can also have a look at the .
Downloads are available at .
October 21th, 2015
FPC 3.0.0-rc2 has been released!
The most important change since the first release candidate is a change in the
unicode resource-string handling. There is also a new Windows to Android cross-compiler installer.
You can help improve the upcoming 3.0.0 release by downloading and
testing this release candidate. If you want, you can report what you have done , but first you may want to check the .
Next, we have the traditional lists of
Finally, you can also preview the .
Downloads are available at:
August 25th, 2015
FPC 3.0.0-rc1 has been released!
You can help improve the upcoming 3.0.0 release by downloading and
testing this release candidate. If you want, you can report what you have done , but first you may want to check the .
Next, we have the traditional lists of
Finally, you can also preview the .
Downloads are available at:
Current Version
Version 3.0.0 is the latest stable version the Free Pascal.
link and select a mirror close
to you to download your copy.
The development releases have version numbers 3.1.x.
page how to obtain the latest sources and support development.
The language syntax has excellent compatibility with TP 7.0 as well as
with most versions of Delphi (classes, rtti, exceptions, ansistrings, widestrings, interfaces).
A Mac Pascal mode, largely compatible with Think Pascal and MetroWerks Pascal, is also available.
Furthermore Free Pascal supports function overloading, operator overloading, global properties and
several other extra features.
x86 architecture:
For the 80x86 version at least a 386 processor is required, but a 486
is recommended. The Mac OS X version requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later,
with the developer tools installed.
PowerPC architecture:
Any PowerPC processor will do. 16 MB of RAM is required. The Mac OS
classic version is expected to work System 7.5.3 and later. The Mac OS X version
requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later (can compile for 10.2.8 or later), with the developer tools installed.
On other operating systems Free Pascal runs on any system that can run the operating
ARM architecture
16 MB of RAM is required. Runs on any ARM Linux installation.
Sparc architecture
16 MB of RAM is required. Runs on any Sparc Linux installation (solaris is experimental).
The packages and runtime library come under a modified Library GNU Public
License to allow the use of static libraries when creating applications. The
compiler source itself comes under the GNU General Public License. The sources
for both the compiler and runtime l the complete compiler
is written in Pascal.Turbo Pascal程序设计_图文_百度文库
Turbo Pascal程序设计
你可能喜欢is definitely the most successful and popular Pascal compiler ever. Comfortable Integrated Development Environment (IDE), elegant syntax, fast compilation and effective generated code are some of the strongest points of Turbo Pascal - a powerful programming tool which has contributed to the popularity of .Turbo Pascal was the programming tool of choice for many years. The original Pascal syntax was upgraded with objects and some other constructs which enabled programmers to use Turbo Pascal for games, scientific programming, commercial software, and any other task possible with computers.
Pascal was originally developed by a Swiss computer scientist
in late 1960s. He named the language after French philosopher and mathematician . In addition to the programming language, the name Pascal has been given also to the SI unit for pressure and Pascal's law (the principle of transmission of fluid-pressure). Blaise Pascal lived in 17th century and contributed to mathematics (Pascal's triangle showing binomial coefficients, mathematical theory of probabilities), hydrodynamics and hydrostatics (the principles of hydraulic fluids, he invented hydraulic press and the syringe), he also invented the mechanical calculator and was supporter of the scientific method. Therefore, the Pascal language is always written with its first letter in uppercase.
Initially the purpose of Pascal programming language was to teach structured programming. It was and still is used in many schools as the first high-level programming language. Wirth based Pascal on Algol programming language which was developed in 1950s and was also used to describe algorithms in the literature. Wirth tried to create a language that would be easy to compile and would generate efficient code. He used the principle of structured programming and added support for records, enumerations, subranges, dynamically allocated variables with associated pointers, and sets. Wirth later also developed programming languages Modula 2 and Oberon. Pascal uses
like if, then, else, while, for, until and many others for control statements which makes it easy to read and understand. Therefore, Pascal programming language is suitable also to describe algorithms with very little additional comments.
Many Pascal compilers for many different platforms were developed in the 1970s like UCSD Pascal, IP Pascal and Lisa Pascal to name only a few of them. In 1980
developed Blue Label Pascal which was offered for the PC platform under different names. This compiler was later licensed by a software company Borland which added user interface and editor, changed the name to Turbo Pascal and offered it for a competitive price. Fast compiler (it was written in assembly language), integrated development environment which enabled fast edit-compile-run cycles and low price contributed to the popularity of Turbo Pascal. Borland later offered this compiler also as part of the high-end Borland Pascal package which included also additional libraries and other tools. The last released version was Borland Pascal 7.
I am a big fan of Pascal. Pascal programming language is easy to write and easy to read. I was impressed by the compilation speed of Borland Pascal and was wondering how it works. On the other hand I was interested in compiler theory so I started studying compiler construction books. At some point I decided to create a compatible compiler – Turbo Pascal compiler written in Turbo Pascal. The goal was to create a compiler that would use the same algorithms and data structures as the original compiler. The compiler would then compile programs with Borland syntax and would generate the same code. I was not interested in the IDE so I focused on command-line compiler. After some time I managed to create a complete compiler that reveals Turbo Pascal internals and shows all the beauty of the legendary Borland compiler. I really enjoyed working on this compiler. I must admit that Anders Hejlsberg and Borland have significantly contributed to my passion for Pascal.
I decided to reveal the secrets of the compiler. On this website you will find
- most important functions of the compiler described in details together with the source code. The beauty of Pascal programming language is that it is easy to read and needs little comments. All the constant, variables, procedures and functions have meaningful names so the algorithms are easy to read and understand. Of course, this is not the original source code of the compiler since it was not written in Pascal, but the code of a compatible compiler written in Turbo Pascal. You will be able to see the internal functions, data structures, algorithms, tips and tricks used by the compiler. Even if Pascal is not your language of choice you can easily understand the algorithms and approaches used by Borland software engineers in early 1990s.
Every compiler is a symphony of data structures and algorithms and Turbo Pascal is no exception. If you were using Turbo Pascal some time ago or you are simply curious how the compiler works, then you will find all the answers here. And if you are making your own compiler using some conventional compiler tools you can still check
- what algorithms were used some time ago to make the most popular Pascal compiler ever.How to install Turbo Pascal on Windows 7 64bit | Best Software 4 Download blog
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