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Take this opportunity and register for the Oracle Fusion Middleware & PaaS Partner Community Forum that will be held in the Las Arenas in Valencia Spain on March 15th & 16th 2016 with hands-on training on March 17th & 18th 2016. For details please visit our .
I think it is quite common situation that you can only ssh to certain hosts only from limited Linux or Solaris gateway server in your corporation network.I usually use a small utility called netcat(or nc) as proxy command on the gateway host.And I have been experiencing a reverse tunnel issue over a year.I thought I could find an answer by googling easily but I found only '1' hit.I've setup a proxy command to connect to a remote server.
When I setup a reverse tunnel, I would expect that a connection to the remote tunnel port would come back through the tunnel to the local side and then connect to a local endpoint.
It doesn't, and instead runs a second proxy command for the reverse tunnel.This article gave me a hint about the work around but it wasn't exact. So, I'm pasting the screen shot here.I needed to specify both DNS name and IP address in "Exclude Hosts/IPs" box. I hope this would help someone like me.
specializes in underwater vehicle design and control. The organization has been serving the US Navy market since 1993 with hydrodynamic analysis and design expertise on towed systems, torpedoes, swimmer delivery vehicles, unmanned underwater vehicles, underwater gliders, and submarines.&
The NetBeans Platform is the basis of the&
The VCT Data Review Tool provides quick processing and visualization of all VCT vehicle data:
The VCT Operator Console provides the user interface for all VCT vehicles:&
For more details, go here:&
For a similar story, go here:
Em 1973, a GAP estreou seu ic?nico jingle
&Fall into the Gap& que viveu por anos na memória dos consumidores -
“Fall into the Gap, Get to the Gap, We got 4
tones of Levi’s waiting for you…” ().A marca, hoje com quase cinquenta anos de história,
revolucionou o varejo, e certamente possui bem mais do que 4 tons de jeans, ampliou suas fronteiras e& conquistou o mundo.Temos orgulho em trazer neste blog uma marca da qual
somos f?s e que nos honra com uma parceria de longa data.
Lan?ada em 1969 por
Don e Doris Fisher porque Don n?o encontrava cal?as jeans como desejava, a “The
Gap” foi posteriormente denominada “Generation Gap”, em referência a lacuna entre
as gera??es mais velhas e os baby boomers. Gra?as ao seu posicionamento de mercado
e ao cativante jingle “Fall into the Gap”, Gap cresceu rápido. Em 1973, a pequena rede
tornou-se pública por US$ 18 a a??o.
Mais recentemente, a
empresa enfrentou um tipo diferente de lacuna – uma lacuna de
atualiza??o que estava amea?ando tornar seus
sistemas de software obsoletos. &Estávamos dois a quatro vers?es atrás em
alguns dos nossos sistemas Oracle&, disse Connie Santilli, diretor sênior
para Gap, Inc., durante o Oracle Open World, em San Francisco. &Quando
você está nessa situa??o, cada corre??o deve ser re-projetada e adaptada e você
n?o pode tirar vantagem das capacidades das vers?es mais novas.&
A Gap, Inc. nunca
parou de crescer, Santilli observou durante a sess?o: &Merchandising: uma
Funda??o para o Crescimento e Inova??o da Gap, Inc.& A empresa adquiriu a
marca de estilo safari Banana Republic na década de 1990, e lan?ou sua própria
marca, Old N mais recentemente, expandiu-se para vestuário e artigos esportivos
femininos com as marcas Athleta e Intermix. Gap, Inc. opera ou franqueia mais
de 3.700 lojas em 90 países, e registra mais de US$ 16 bilh?es em vendas
Inc. Capacita sua Equipe com Profunda Experiência em Varejo e TI
Com o crescimento de
sua presen?a global, a empresa estava executando três inst?ncias separadas de
seus sistemas de merchandising para cobrir os mercados norte-americano, europeu
e asiático. A empresa fez consideráveis personaliza??es em seu Oracle Retail
Vers?o 10, após a implementa??o na América do Norte em 2004. A Europa entrou em
produ??o na Vers?o 12 em 2008; a ?sia, dois anos mais tarde. Os sistemas
altamente customizados permaneceram em funcionamento com vários patches desde
A fim de agilizar e
simplificar seu ambiente de TI global, tirar proveito dos novos recursos e
definir um rumo para upgrades em curso, a Gap percebeu que precisava de uma
revis?o, e rápido. Juntamente com a Oracle e a Infosys, a empresa criou um
plano para minimizar os riscos de uma implementa??o completa, buscando agilizar
suas plataformas de inventário, cadeia de suprimentos e de merchandising e
cortar personaliza??es dispendiosas, a fim de apoiar o crescimento contínuo em
novos mercados e canais. &? como uma nova instala??o para nós&, disse
Santilli. &Como criar um sistema paralelo e lan?á-lo.&
O plano foi lan?ado em
setembro de 2014, com uma nova instala??o nos mercados asiáticos da Gap. A
implanta??o n?o foi fácil – por um ponto, lojas e sites deveriam continuar
funcionando durante os dois a três dias de convers?o. A equipe testou a vers?o Oracle 14 através da simula??o de
implanta??es, uma semana antes da data do go-live,
apenas nove meses depois do lan?amento do plano.
&Efetuamos as
instala??es nas lojas em Hong Kong, Jap?o e Xangai&, disse Paul Lamoureux,
diretor sênior de Enterprise Architecture para Gap, Inc. &Carregamos dados
de um dia inteiro para duplicar a loucura que acontece nas lojas, implantamos e
retornamos os dados novamente.&
Uma vez implantado, o
novo sistema foi um grande sucesso, disse Lamoureux, fornecendo visibilidade
completa em todos os pontos de venda na regi?o. Agora, o desafio para a Gap e
seus parceiros é a aplica??o desta base única de código em mercados em todo o
mundo, de tal forma a entregar uma solu??o universal, atualizável em todo o sistema.
A Gap come?ou a implanta??o na Europa no terceiro trimestre de 2015 e espera
concluí-lo até meados da década de 2016; o Jap?o seguirá imediatamente depois,
e toda a empresa espera estar executando a vers?o 14 até meados de 2018.
A Gap passou de um
ambiente AIX para um ambiente Linux em um curto espa?o de tempo na ?sia,
observou Rick Whicker, diretor sênior de Tecnologia da Informa??o para Gap,
Inc., e isso n?o poderia ter sido feito sem uma equipe dedicada, de 20 pessoas
que inclui profissionais de TI da Gap, Oracle e Infosys. &Isso realmente
fez o projeto ser bem sucedido numa janela de nove meses.& Santilli
aplaudiu a Oracle Consulting Services (ACS) por sua gest?o atenciosa.
&Implementar uma
vers?o totalmente nova é um grande desafio&, disse Whicker. &Já ouvi
falar de clientes que foram capazes de escrever uma espécie de script de
convers?o para facilitar a transi??o. No nosso caso, isso n?o era possível&. Para as empresas que necessitam implementar
uma revis?o semelhante, disse Whicker,&pense em seguran?a desde o primeiro
dia.” Firewalls e outras prote??es podem exigir coordena??o entre os vários
departamentos. &Oracle Retail Vers?o 14 é um produto bem escrito&,
acrescentou. &Mas isso n?o significa que nós n?o temos desafios de
desempenho. Diferentes lojas e diferentes pre?os foram um problema, mas fomos
capazes de ajustar o software - e a maioria desses exercícios de ajuste est?o
agora dentro do produto base”.
&A base de código
Oracle é excepcionalmente estável&, disse Whicker. &Estávamos prontos
para centenas de problemas, e nós nem chegamos perto desse número. Após a
implementa??o, estávamos estáveis em 30 dias. E fomos capazes de eliminar 58%
das personaliza??es, que todos sabemos s?o caras.&
A comunidade da Oracle Retail é um rico recurso para insights peer-to-peer
para as melhores práticas e estratégias de negócios. Siga este blog e nas
próximas semanas compartilhamos uma série de histórias apresentadas pelos varejistas
durante o Oracle OpenWorld 2015, em San Francisco. Convidamos você a saber mais
sobre as solu??es Oracle utilizadas por estes e outros varejistas em todo o
, onde demonstraremos as solu??es em
nuvem mais completas da indústria de varejo. #NRF16
The Oracle Mexico Payroll Year Begin 2016
patches have been released and are now available!
It is highly recommended that you review the following concerning these patches:
&These patches are different from all other
statutory updates (there are additional post installation steps), so please be
sure to carefully read the entire patch readme delivered with the patch before beginning to install
these patches to ensure successful processing.
Additionally, please take a moment to also review the MyOracleSupport Document(s)
2016 MX Payroll Year Begin Readme Rel 12.1.x ()
2016 MX Payroll Year Begin Readme Rel 12.2.x ()&&
These notes will provide the following information for the specific application version
Year End New and Changed Features
Year End New and Changed Components
Software Updates in this Patch
Change Record
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting Phase 2 Patch Update
12.2 - Targeted for release by the end of December 2015.
11i & - Targeted for release in early January 2016.
&ACA Phase 2& delivers the ability to archive, generate and print the actual Forms 1095-C for employee recipients.The ACA Reporting Phase 2 , is currently available for download from My Oracle Support for Release 12.1 customers using Standard or Advanced Benefits.
Release 12.1 customers must be on Release 12.1 HRMS RUP6 or later in order to apply this patch.
Before applying the ACA Reporting Phase 2 patch, the 2015 ACA Reporting Phase 1
must also be applied.
Patch Highlights:
Additional Setup for ACA (optional)
New Concurrent Programs to archive and print the necessary Employee 1095-C data as well as the ability to purge the archived data, if needed.
New View Employee Archive Data Page
For complete details on what has been delivered, please consult the functional readme in My Oracle Support:
- 2015 Employer Shared Responsibility Reporting Under the Affordable Care Act - Phase 2 Functional Readme for Release 12.1 Customers on HRMS RUP6 or Later.
More information on the Affordable Care Act can found on My Oracle Support in
– Information Center: Oracle HRMS (US) – Affordable Care Act (All Application Versions).
or not you attended this webcast, that was run last December 16 and dedicated to EMEA OPN partners, you
may find the following information helpful:
· if you are already a member of the EMEA Hardware Partner
Community, you can find the slides presented, and you can re-play the webcast,
by clicking .
· If you are not a member of the Community yet, please join by
(select the &Hardware& Community when asked)
Ce sujet est au
coeur des stratégies des entreprises. Face à la transformation numérique, les
marques doivent renforcer leur relation client afin d’établir un climat de
confiance avec les consommateurs.
En effet, nous
sommes rentrés dans une nouvelle ère, l’ère du co’&: connecté,
collaboration, co-construction, communauté.
Les entreprises
possèdent une somme considérable d’informations sur les clients et ils le savent&!
Cette connaissance qualifiée gr?ce aux nouvelles technologies (DMP) permet de
personnaliser l’animation Marketing de chaque canal d’interaction. Alors
comment bien utiliser cette connaissance à bon escient et dépasser les attentes
client&? .
Founded in 1901, Seattle-based Nordstrom has long been known for superior service, going above and beyond to create a fantastic customer experience, and empowering employees to do whatever it takes to keep customers happy. To know Nordstrom, is to love Nordstrom. I would encourage you to explore for yourself, the Half-Yearly Sale is on until January 3rd. Below is an editorial view of the recent Oracle OpenWorld presentation.&
Today, the department store chain also leads the market in bringing customers new omni-channel conveniences. For example, Nordstrom offers not only in-store pickup of goods bought online, but also permits cross-channel returns with buy-anywhere-return-anywhere service at any of its Nordstrom, Nordstrom Rack and Haute Look outlets.
“We provide an awesome shopping experience,” David Boeschenstein, vice president of Merchandise and Supply Chain Technology for Nordstrom, said in a presentation at Oracle OpenWorld in October. “We make it convenient for the customer to shop wherever and whenever she wants to shop.”
Oracle Powers Nordstrom’s Renowned Inventory Management
Most recently, Nordstrom employed Oracle Retail Merchandising System to enable its omni-channel initiatives by giving the department store chain a full view of inventory. The company eventually extended the system to its Nordstrom Rack division and web storefronts, but it became overly customized and siloed over time—and a new push into Canada would necessitate improved integration.
“Our strategy is straightforward: to realize the strengths and advantages of One Nordstrom,” Boeschenstein said, referring to its unified omni-channel strategy. “But we were handcuffed by a system that’s overly complex [and] costly to maintain. As we entered the Canadian market, we wanted to make sure we were able to grow. We wanted to maintain the upgrade path, so we didn’t face the same situation going forward.”
Nordstrom identified several priorities to guide the
initiative. “We needed to make sure we weren’t just going to replace the system we have today,” Boeschenstein said. “We wanted to be able to justify any complexity. We we want to stay focused—and prioritize what’s added going forward.”
The announcement of a Fall 2014 launch date for its first Canadian store helped the team focus on those goals and go live with RMS 13.26 just nine months later in Calgary. “It helped us balance the ‘nice to haves’ versus the ‘need to haves,’” Boeschenstein said. “We learned a lot from the implementation. It was opportunity for us to evaluate what support was there, and evaluate our internal capabilities.”
Nordstrom Rack Moves to New Oracle Retail Solutions
The next phase of the upgrade—taking Nordstrom Rack stores in the U.S. to Oracle Retail Merchandising System Version 14.1—would be more complicated. The team broke the task into stages and looked to the Oracle Retail Reference Library for guidance. Rollout will ultimately require an interdepartmental approach, and has the full support of the company. “Acknowledging that this is the most important initiative in the company enabled us to get the resources we needed,” Boeschenstein said.
“The other thing we learned, and knew intuitively, is that there’s a need for early and often performance testing,” he added. “We’ve piloted a few stores, and now we’re taking a break to make sure performance is tuned correctly so we’re on track for Fall 2016.” In 2017, the company will upgrade to Oracle Retail Version 14.1 in Canada and introduce Nordstrom R full-price stores in the U.S. will see an upgrade starting in 2018.
“We have a great relationship with Oracle, and we really appreciate that,” Boeschenstein said. “We’re learning along the way, and applying the lessons learned. And we feel like we’re making significant strides in achieving our One Nordstrom strategy.”
For more insight to Nordstrom’s strategic use of Oracle solutions to support its expansion into Canada, see the full presentation &&.&
Oracle’s retail customer community is a rich resource for peer-to-peer insights to best practices and business strategies. Follow this blog in the coming weeks as we share a series of stories presented by retailers during Oracle OpenWorld 2015 in San Francisco. We invite you to learn more about the Oracle solutions used by these and other retailers worldwide,&&at the National Retail Federation “Big Show” held January 17-20 in New York City, New York, where we will demonstrate the industry’s most comprehensive suite of cloud and retail services solutions. #NRF16&
In a &we covered the theme and appearance customization options of Fusion Applications. &One of the application suite components currently not being impacted by the skin changes is Oracle Social Network (OSN). &This is due to the fact that it's not implemented with the ADF framework (for functional reasons revolving around the need of the web client to remain &in touch& with the server to receive any state updates such as new messages on a real time basis).
OSN has a few customization options of its own that go not nearly as far as the ones we saw in the Appearance and Theme editors. &But you can at least change the branding, which is probably the most common requirement, and adjust one primary color.
To make these changes, log into the system as an OSN administrator (user with the role &Service administrator of OSN&), navigate to OSN, and choose the &Administration& option in the drop down menu that is triggered by clicking on your username.
The &General& section of the Administration page includes the branding options. &In the following example we have changed the branding text from &Social Network& to &Social Collaboration&, switched out the default Oracle logo for our exciting FADevRel one and modified the blue primary color to a red tone.
A few things to note here: it is recommended to include a Branding Text (shown next to the logo at the top of the OSN pages). &You could just put a &space& character in there, but the text is also used in the text of email notifications to your users. &Also, the allowed size of the logo image file itself is somewhat limiting with 104 x 22 pixels.
Scroll &to the bottom of the admin page and click &Save& to see the result. &As you probably noticed, there is no sandbox pro your users will see the changes immediately, so it's best to make the changes early in the implementation. &On the other hand, it is also just a matter of a few mouse clicks to reverse the changes should they turn out to be not what you expected.
Our changes will change the look of OSN as shown below. &As you can see, the impact of the primary color setting is pretty limited (red line at the top of the branding section and button/tab color).


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