
krpano xml参考文档_百度文库
krpano xml参考文档
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你可能喜欢krpano XML Reference
krpano XML Reference
krpano XML Reference Version 1.17
&table style="width:100%; height:400 position: left:95 top:220"&&tr valign="middle"&&td&&center&&h1&
&span style="color:#FFFFFF; background:#FF0000; padding:15"&
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krpano uses simple xml text files for storing the settings for the krpano viewer.
These files can be written or edited with any usual texteditor,
but when writting the xml code, it is important that the xml-syntax-rules will be respected!
For more information about the basic xml syntax, please have a look here:
This documentation is about the krpano xml structure, about all krpano xml elements, attributes and values
and their mapping to their dynamic krpano variable names.这份文档介绍krpano xml配置文件的结构、xml元素、属性和属性值以及它们对应的变量名
The documentation is split into normal and advanced parts.
This is only for better readability and more clearness. The more advanced settings and tags
are hidden by default and can be shown (or hidden) by pressing the
show / hide advanced settings
button withhin each part of the documentation.这份文档分为普通和高级篇。仅仅是为了便于阅读。默认情况下,高级设置和tags是隐藏的,可以通过点击&show / hide按钮栏隐藏或者显示高级设置
Documentation topics:
For the dynamic usage of the krpano variables and actions have a look at the:
Here a structured listing of all krpano xml elements:
(click on an element to get more information)
show / hide advanced settings
The root element of the xml file need to be the
All other elements must be placed inside this element.
All xml elements and attributes in the krpano xml are optionally and can be defined a several times and in any order.
When the same element will be defined again two or more times, then the later/following declarations
will overwrite the previous ones.
It's also possible to define additional
elements inside
element itself for declaring additional settings at the krpano scope.
The xml itself is just a transport-format - that means it will be only used to transport the data for the krpano viewer.
When the xml will parsed, then the xml elements will be transformed/mapped into the krpano internal data structures.
That means after parsing there is internally no xml anymore.
NOTE - Some elements and attributes in the krpano xml were handled a special way:注意:一些特殊的元素和属性
: &name属性
When a xml element has a name attribute, then this element will be interpreted as element of an array.
This means there can be more elements of that xml element, where each element need to have its own unique name for identification.
The name of the array will be the name of the xml element.当一个xml元素有name属性时,该元素会被理解为一个数组的成员。这意味着会有多个这样的元素,每个元素会有一个唯一的name作为标志。这个数组的名字就是这个元素的名字。
Important notes about the name attribute:
Each name need to begin with an alphabetic character! name属性值必须以字母开头
That means using a number as name is NOT allowed!
When a name still begins with a numeric character, then the name will be interpreted as array index. This is
okay for dynamic index-based read access inside actions but not for defining elements.
Internally all names will be converted to lowercase to allow case insensitive access!在内部处理时,name都将转换成小写,并不区分大小写
: &devices属性
The devices attribute in the xml has a special functionality.
It can be defined on each xml element.
When the xml file will be parsed and transformed into the krpano internal data structures, then each xml element
will be first checked for its devices attribute.
And when the current device doesn't match the settings in devices attribute, then this xml element and all its sub/children-elements will be skipped.devices属性有特殊功能,每个xml元素都可以有这个属性。当xml文件被解析并转换成krpano内部数据之后,元素的devices属性会被首先检查。如果当前设备与devices不符,该元素以及子元素都会被略过。
For checking devices dynamically by actions, use the
The devices value can be either just one device string or a combinations the severals device strings.
Several devices need to be combined by logical operators.
The pipe character | can be used as OR operator,
the plus character + as AND operator,
and the exclamation mark ! as NOT operator.
Available devices
all - use this element on all devices (the default)
flash - use this element only in the krpano Flash viewer
html5 - use this element only in the krpano HTML5 viewer
desktop - use this element only on Desktop
mobile - use this element only on Mobiles
tablet - use this element only on Tablets
css3d - use this element only when CSS-3D-Transforms are available (HTML5 only)
webgl - use this element only when WebGL is available (HTML5 only)
fullscreensupport - use this element only when the Fullscreen mode is support
touchdevice - use this element only on Touch devices
gesturedevice - use this element only on Gesture (Multi-Touch) devices
ios - use this element only on iOS devices (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
ios### - use this element only when the iOS version is higher than ###
iphone - use this element only on the iPhone (and iPod Touch)
ipod - use this element only on the iPod Touch
ipad - use this element only on the iPad
retina - use this element only on iOS retina displays
android - use this element only on Android devices
androidstock - use this element only in the 'stock' (=WebView-based) Android browser
blackberry - use this element only on BlackBerry devices
chrome - use this element only in the Chrome browser (HTML5 only)
firefox - use this element only in the Firefox browser (HTML5 only)
ie - use this element only in the Internet Explorer browser (HTML5 only)
safari - use this element only in the Safari browser (HTML5 only)
opera - use this element only in the (Presto-based) Opera browser (HTML5 only)
air - use this element only in the Adobe AIR Player
standalone - use this element only in the Standalone Flashplayer
windows - use this element only on Windows systems
mac - use this element only on Mac OSX systems
linux - use this element only on Linux systems
Examplesdevices="html5"devices="flash"devices="mobile"devices="tablet"devices="iphone|ipad"devices="desktop|tablet+html5"devices="android+flash"devices="html5+!iphone"devices="iphone+retina" devices="ipad+retina" devices="ipad+iOS5.1" devices="flash|webgl"
: & include元素
elements can be used to load and include other xml files.
Before the krpano viewer will start to parse and resolve a xml file, it searches the xml for all include elements.
And when a include element will be found, then the given xml will be loaded and the content of the loaded xml file will
insert in the current xml file by and replacing the include element.
During this include loading and resolving process,the url attributes in the included xml files will be adjusted.
See the notes about the
for more details.
When all includes were loaded and resolved, then the main xml parsing starts.
include用于导入其它xml文件。krpano viewer会先搜索所有include进来的xml,再进行解析。包含的文件被找到以后,会被加载,它的内容会被插入到当前xml文件,原来对应的include元素被替换。在这一过程中,url属性会被调整。所有的include元素被加载完之后,主xml的解析才会启动
These are special elements, their content will be ignored during the xml parsing.
Their whole content will be stored as string in the content variable of these elements.&action&&data&&scence&元素不会被解析和转换,他们会被当做字符串一样保存到变量。
An url attribute in any xml element will be handled in krpano in a special way.
When a relative path is used as url value, it will be relative to the xml file, where the url attribute was defined.
This is also true for included xml files. That means relative paths in an included xml are relative to the
included xml file itself and not to the main/root xml file.任何元素的url属性都有特殊的处理方式。使用相对路径时,它是相对于xml文件,也就是它所在的文件。在包含文件当中也是如此,也就是说在包含文件当中,相对路径也是相对于包含文件,而不是相对于主目录或者根目录。
Note - when setting / changing the url attribute dynamically,
then there is no automatic relation to the xml file paths anymore!备注:动态设置或者改变url属性的时候,不再与xml文件有关
To make the path relative to some special predefined paths,
it's possible to use some of these
in the url path:以下是预定义的路径
%FIRSTXML% - Path of the first loaded xml file.第一个加载的xml路径
%CURRENTXML% - Path of the current loaded main xml file (not the included one).当前被加载的主xml路径
%SWFPATH% - Path of the swf file.swf文件路径
%HTMLPATH% - Path of the html file.html文件路径
oSEDIR% - Use the
%$VARIABLE% - Use the value of the given 'VARIABLE' - this can be any krpano variable,
but it must be defined before the current xml or scene will be loaded, e.g. already in the html file or before loadpano(), loadscene() calls.使用指定变量的值,但是该变量必须在当前xml或者scene被加载以前
Here detail documentations about the krpano xml elements:
show / hide advanced settings
This is the root element of a krpano xml file. All further elements need to be defined within this element.
version="1.16" =""&
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Information about the krpano version that was used when creating the xml file.
This is only an optional information value, but it should be still defined to allow handling potential compatibility-related version changes.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The "onstart" event - here any actions / functions that will be called "on start"
of the pano viewing can be defined.
Include other xml files (can be used more than once).
This can be used to split up the xml defintions into several files, e.g. for reusage of certain settings.
The include element itself will be replaced with the loaded content of the included xml file.
The url attributes in the included xml files will be adjusted.
See the notes about the
for more details.
url="path/name-of-the-other-xml-file.xml" /&
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
url/path of the xml file which should be included
&preview&show / hide advanced settings
Define the url / filename to a small 'preview' panorama image that will be displayed while loading the full pano image.
This preview image should should be small (in filesize and image dimensions) to allow fast loading!定义预览图片的位置
Note - For best rendering quality and performance cubestrip images are recommended!
High quality preview images (smoothed along all edges and all directions) can be easily
created with the
url="previewpano.jpg" /&
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The url/path of the preview image.
This can be a spherical, cylindrical or a cubestrip (1x6,6x1,2x3 or 3x2) image.
When a partial pano image will be used, then the
settings from the
element will be used.
show / hide advanced settings
element in the xml (or inside a
the TYPE, the SIZE and the PATHS to the images files of the pano will be defined.
Select here the type of the pano to show the xml structure and settings for it:
+ Multires
url="pano_%s.jpg" /&
where "%s" is the placeholder of the cube-side character (l,f,r,b,u,d)
url="pano_l.jpg" /&
url="pano_f.jpg" /&
url="pano_r.jpg" /&
url="pano_b.jpg" /&
url="pano_u.jpg" /&
url="pano_d.jpg" /&
HTML5 Notes - in the HTML5 viewer only CUBE and CUBESTRIP images are supported!
Additionally due several technical limitations, cubestrip images should be only used for small images - the
typical usage would be preview images.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault&value
Define the type of the panorama image.
Possible values:
Spherical / Equirectangular panorama images.
Partial panos are also possible, in this case the
setting and optionally also the
should be used to define the dimension of the pano.
Cubical panorama images, six images, one for each cube side.
A Cubical pano image as 'imagestrip' in one single image.
Supported image orders are 6x1, 1x6, 3x2 or 2x3.
The assignment from the cube side to image can be done with
Cylindrical panorama image.
Cylindrical partial panos are also possible, in this case the
setting and optionally also the
should be used to define the dimension of the pano.
Use a cubicial QTVR .mov file as pano source.
For using a Zoomify image as input source.
The Zoomify image can be used for a (partial) spherical, cylindrical or flat pano.
Note - when using simple non-multi-resolution images the type setting
can be left unset, in this case the type will be autodetected by the
tags inside the
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the horizontal field of view (hfov) of the pano image in degrees.
This is the visible range that was captured on the pano image.
The default value is 360, which means a view all around. Use a smaller value
for partial panos. For Flat panos (or normal images) the value "1.0" should be used.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enables the usage of a tiled/sliced image.
When set to true, then also the ,
attributes must be set to define the image and tilesize.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Set the full size of the tiled image.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the tilesize for tiled or multires images.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enables the usage of a tiled/sliced multi-resolution images.
When set to true, then the
element need to contain several
with the image definitions for each multi-resolution level.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enables or disables progressive multi-resolution loading.
Progressive loading means that the multi-resolution pano will be loaded step by step
from low to high resolution. Only the tiles in the current viewing range will be loaded
from level level.
When disabled, then the tiles for current resolution will be loaded at first, and then
when the loading of all current visible tiles was done, it will start preloading the lower
resolutions of the current view.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the paths/urls for a cubical pano image.
The path should contain a %s placeholder for the cube side (l,f,r,b,u,d).
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the paths/urls for the cube face images.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a cube strip image.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a spherical or partial spherical pano image.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a cylindrical or partial cylindrical pano image.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a QTVR .mov pano image. Only cubical QTVR files with jpeg encoded files are possible.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url to the Zoomify XML file, typical named "ImageProperties.xml". The Zoomify tiles must
be in the same folder as this xml file.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Set the full size of the tiled image for this level.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the paths/urls for the cube face images for this level.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a spherical or partial spherical pano image for this level.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Defines the path/url for a cylindrical or partial cylindrical pano image for this level.
Note - see also the notes about tile index placeholders -
When using tiled or multi-resolution images, then the urls/paths must contain placeholders for the tile index.
The tile index itself starts with the .
There are these placeholder available:
for the horizontal tile index: %h, %x, %u or %c (all the same)
for the vertical tile index:
%v, %y or %r (all the same)
for the current frame: %f
for the zoomify tilegroup: %g
(this is a special placeholder for the zoomify tilegroups, each 256 tiles, there is a new group)
Each placeholder can be used several times in the url, e.g. as part of the filename and also as part of the foldername.
The placeholders can be formated by putting one or more "0" characters between the "%" and the placeholder character.
Each "0" will increase the "0" padding of the index.
Here some examples:
tile_%y_%x.jpg = tile_1_1.jpg, tile_1_2.jpg ... tile_8_16.jpg
t_%0y_%0x.jpg = t_01_01.jpg, t_01_02.jpg ... t_08_16.jpg
t_V_H.jpg = t_001_001.jpg, t_001_002.jpg ... t_008_016.jpg
show / hide advanced settings
The view element contains the information about the current view.
In the xml it can be used to set the startup view settings.
The looking direction will be defined by the
attributes (=horizontal / vertical lookat),
and the current field of view in the
attribute. For viewing limits for partial panos, the
attribute can be used.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The horizontal looking direction in spherical coordinates (-180 ... +180).
Note - the value will not automatically wrap around the 360.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The veritcal looking direction in spherical coordinates (-90 ... +90).
-90 = Zenith view, +90 = Nadir view.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The current field of view (in degrees, 0.0 ... 179.0).
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The minimum fov value, this will limit the in-zooming to this value.
can be used instead!
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The maximum fov value, this will limit the out-zooming to this value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The maximum pixel zoom factor of the pano image.
This will limit the fov automatically depending on the pano resolution and the current viewing window,
e.g. 1.0 = limit to 100% zoom, no pixel scaling of the source image will be visible.
Note - when set, this setting will overrule the
setting, the fovmin value
will be dynamically updated in this case.
show / hide advanced settings
Defines the area / window where in the pano image should be displayed.
There are two modes to define the area position and size:
either by defining the size and the position (mode=align).
or by defining padding borders (mode=border).
It's possible to change/adjust these settings dynamically in the
When there are changes of the area settings outside of the onresize event, then a onresize event will be
called on the next screen refresh, to allow a reaction on the next area/window size.
Note - all
elments will be placed inside this area. To place a
outside of the area, set the
attribute of the layer / plugin element to "STAGE".
align mode:
border padding mode:
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Select the area positioning / sizing mode.
Possible settings: "align" or "border".
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Alignment / origin-point position of the area window on the screen.
Possible values: lefttop, left, leftbottom, top, center, bottom, righttop, right, rightbottom.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The x-distance from the
point to the area window.
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen width percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The y-distance from the
point to the area window.
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen height percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The width of the area.
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen width percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The height of the area.
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen height percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The distance from the left edge of the screen to the area window (= the left border).
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen width percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The distance from the top edge of the screen to the area window (= the top border).
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen height percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The distance from the right edge of the screen to the area window (= the right border).
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen width percent value.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The distance from the bottom edge of the screen to the area window (= the bottom border).
This can be an absolute pixel value or a relative to the screen height percent value.
show / hide advanced settings
Display settings for adjusting rendering quality and performance.
Flashplayer-related display settings:
HTML5-related display settings:
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The framerate in frames per second (fps) of the Flashplayer.
It should be something between 30 and 100, the default is 60.
Note - in the Flashplayer there is only one global framerate, this means the framerate setting can
affect other flash elements when their animation is based on the framerate.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Internal rendering tesslation details, a higher details value will result in a more detailed internal 3D-geometry.
When using the Flashplayer 10 and cubical images without any distortion (fisheye,stereographic,...) then
this setting will be ignored, because a tesslation will be no necessary.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The Flashplayer rendering quality while moving.
(only with ="off" or when using the Flashplayer 9)
Possible values: LOW, HIGH, BEST or HIGHSHARP*
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The Flashplayer rendering quality when not moving for
(only with ="off" or when using the Flashplayer 9)
Possible values: LOW, HIGH, BEST or HIGHSHARP*
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enable/disable the usage of the Flashplayer 10 rendering possibilities.
Possible values: "on", "off"
Since the Flashplayer 10 there are new rendering functions in the Flashplayer avialable.
This functions allow to render flat surfaces (bitmaps) with a perfect 3D perspective distortion.
In the older Flashplayer 9 on the other side, it was only possible to simulate the 3D perspective
distortion bytesslating/spliting the 3D model into many small elements and draw the small
elements without perspective distortion.
The new functions have advantages and disadvantages:
advantages: better quality, faster in high quality
disadvantages: slower (especially when rendering many elements), no automatic mipmapping
Note - when using the fisheye / stereographic distortion it is still necessary
to tesslate/split the 3D model into many small elements. This can be slow with the
usage of the Flash10 rendering functions. Therefore it would be recommended to disable
Flash10 for that usage.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The Flashplayer rendering quality while moving.
(only with ="on" and using a Flashplayer 10 or higher)
Possible values: LOW, HIGH, BEST or HIGHSHARP*
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The Flashplayer rendering quality when not moving for
(only with ="on" and using a Flashplayer 10 or higher)
Possible values: LOW, HIGH, BEST or HIGHSHARP*
after rendering the pano in HIGH quality, the image will be additionally postprocessed with a 1 pixel
unsharp-mask filter, this setting needs a lot of processing power so it should be only used for stillquality.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Set the maximum cube image pixel size.
Larger images will be automatically downscaled to this size.
This setting works only with html5rendermode=1.
It should be used only together with the
setting for certain devices and situations.
The current default limits are:
? Desktop - 2560
? iPad - 1024
? iPhone (Retina) with iOS 5.1 (or higher) - 1024
? iPhone (Retina) with iOS below 5.1
? iPod (Retina) - 640
? iPhone / iPod Touch (Non-Retina) - 600
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault&value
On mobile and tablet devices the mobile/tablet images will be used by default.
But with the usedesktopimages setting, it is possible to tell the viewer to use the desktop images also on these devices.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault&value
Define if mipmapping should be used when displaying panos with WebGL.
Mipmapping can give a better visual quality and reducing aliasing.
The usage of mipmapping is only possible when the size of a cube-face-image is 1024px, 2048px or 4096px.
auto (default)
Automatic mode - enable mipmapping automatically when the size of a cube-face-image is 1024px, 2048px or 4096px
disable it when not.
Force the usage of mipmapping - this will be done by automatically resizing the cube-face-image to 1024px or 2048px (depending on which size is more near).
Note - the automatic resizing can cause a short delay on loading.
Never use mipmapping.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault&value
Control the tile reloading during movement (panning, zooming).
The loading and adding of new tiles can interrupt smooth movements on slow devices.
true (default on Desktop)
Always instantly load and add tiles.
auto (default on Mobile and Tablet)
No reloading during direct on-the-screen user-interactions.
Slightly delayed and scheduled reloading during movements without direct user-interaction (scripted lookto movements, autorotate, gyro, ...).
No reloading during any movements. Reload only on halt.
show / hide advanced settings
The mouse and keyboard controls settings.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The type of the mouse control:
moveto = click and move to set a moving vector
drag2d = drag and move the panorama on a 2D axis
drag2dsmooth = a 'smoothed' drag2d mode (Flash only)
drag3d = drag and move the panorama on a free 3D axis (Flash only)
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The type of the control on touch devices (iPhone,iPad,Android):
drag2d = drag and move the panorama on a 2D axis
drag2dsmooth = a 'smoothed' drag2d mode (Flash only)
moveto = click and move to set a moving vector
Note - in the Android Flashplayer the drag2dsmooth mode was automatically used when using drag2d
to improve the visual response.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
When enabled and zooming in by the mousewheel the pano will zoom toward the position of the mouse cursor.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
and this setting are enabled and zooming
out by the mousewheel the pano will zoom away from the position of the mouse cursor.
Otherwise the pano will zoom away from the center of the screen.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The acceleration of the mouse controlled moving.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The maximum moving speed of the mouse controlled moving.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The moving friction of the mouse controlled moves.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The mouse wheel fov (zoom) change in degrees (=mouse wheel zoom sensibility).
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The maximum fov change / zooming speed.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The friction of fov changes / zoomings.
attribute namefull variable name (HTML5 only)typedefault value
Bounce back when hitting the panning or zooming limits (drag control only).
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The moving friction for touch controls (iPhone/iPad/Android).
Customize the mouse cursor with own images:
It's possible to use one single image that contains all different mouse states image, this reduces
the necessary download requests and speed up loading.
The individual images will be selected by defining the crop pixel coordinates for them.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Path/url to the cursors images. This image must contain all images for all cursor states.
The image for the certain cursor is selected by defining the position and size of a (crop) rectangle.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
drag = move/drag
4way = move/drag/arrow_l/arrow_u,arrow_r,arrow_d
8way = all
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
move = during normal moving (without mouse button down)
drag = mouse button down
arrow_* = mouse button down and moving in direction
show / hide advanced settings
Automatic rotation / moving / zooming when there is no user-interaction in the pano.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enable/disable the automatic rotation.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The time in seconds to wait after the last user-interaction before starting the automatic rotation.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The maximum rotation speed in degrees/second.
Use a negative value for a rotation to left.
show / hide advanced settings
elements can be used to include images, logos, buttons or dynamic plugins (e.g. krpano plugins).
To combine, stack, sublayer several
elements, either
setting can be used, or the children
can be declared as child xml elements. In this case the
be automatically assigned to the parent element.
Note - the
elements are internally exactly the same elements, only with different names!
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The name of the current layer/plugin element (see the ).
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Type of the layer/plugin element.
Possible settings:
image - the default, when using the
file as image.
container - use this layer/plugin as container element for other layer/plugin elements.
The layer/plugin element need to have
The container element can have a single-colored background, which will be controlled
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
The path/url to the layer/plugin image file. (see also the )
Supported file types: SWF, JPG, PNG, GIF.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
An 'alternative' path/url for the layer/plugin image file for the krpano HTML5 viewer.
When setting the alturl setting, the normal url setting will be overwritten in the HTML5 viewer - that means, declare the alturl always after the url setting.
This can be used to use an alternative image, e.g. an animated gif instead of an animated flash.
Supported file types: JPG, PNG, GIF and Animated GIF.
Note - the alturl setting should be used only in the static-xml-code!
Inside dynamic/actions code, if() actions like:
should be used to set different urls.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Should this layer/plugin element be kept or removed when loading a new pano.
See also the
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Visibility of the layer/plugin element.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Enables the layer/plugin element to receive mouse events.
When set to "false" then the mouse events will be routed to the underlying elements.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Show a hand cursor when mouse is over the layer/plugin element.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
When set to true then all child elements that are outside of the parent element will be clipped / masked out.
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Deep / 'Z' ordering of the layer/plugin elements.
This value can be any string or number. All layer/plugin elements with a zorder setting will be
sorted by the given value.
When nothing is set - then the order is undefined and depends on the loading/finishing order of the browser.
Note - this is an important setting for overlapping elements!
HTML5 Notes - the zorder should be a value between 0 and 100, no negative values!
attribute namefull variable nametypedefault value
Load the attributes from one or more
This can be used to reduce the xml code - the attributes that are the same for more layer/plugin or hotspot elements can be
stored together at one place in a


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