微软lync客户端的 Lync 为什么做的这么烂

Microsoft Lync 优化解决方案 - Polycom, Inc.
Microsoft Lync 优化解决方案
您是否因为无法实现与 Microsoft Lync融合,或不支持同样良好用户界面的独立视频或语音平台而颇感沮丧?利用集成语音和视频的解决方案,让您的员工能通过一个统一平台进行沟通和交流。
Polycom CX 系列作为 Lync 的扩展而设计,它将简单性、易用性以及大家熟悉的 Lync 界面引入整个企业的环境中。唯有 Polycom 可提供最广泛、最易部署的 Lync 优化解决方案组合。此外,通过消除培训成本、简化通信并促进协作,Polycom 解决方案还可降低总体拥有成本。
Polycom CX 系列:
包括专用于改进 Microsoft Lync 体验的语音和视频设备
独一无二的设备,具备专为 Lync 优化的 360 度全景视频显示屏、唯一的 Lync 会议电话及群组视频系统
降低总拥有成本 - 通过本地集成和即插即用功能,实现轻松部署、管理和配置
为了充分利用 Microsoft Lync 部署,您需要一套可与整个 Microsoft IT 基础设施集成的视音频会议系统,同时令投资回报最大化。
Polycom CX 解决方案针对 Lync 而优化,并为无缝增强和扩展整个企业的 Lync 体验而建。使用集中式管理、内置的监视工具以及多策略设置,CX 系列凭借即插即用的简单性直接集成到现有 Microsoft IT 基础设施中。而且,由于该系列采用大家熟悉的 Lync 界面,用户无需专门培训即可使用。Polycom CX 让协作变得轻而易举。
Polycom CX 系列帮助您:
利用现有的 Microsoft Lync 基础设施服务器和网关,最大程度增加投资回报
Polycom 的 Microsoft Lync 优化解决方案正是为此目的而设计,其实现方式是将用户熟悉的 Microsoft Lync 平台的影响范围扩展到网络上的所有设备。无论您身在何处,您的个性化信息将总是唾手可得。因此当您需要某人时,总是能立即找到他/她。
有了 Polycom CX 系列,您可以:
首个专门针对 Microsoft Lync 优化的会议电话
具有 Polycom 高清语音的主流 IP 桌面电话
在 Lync 2013 环境中提供独特的沉浸式 360 度体验,高清视频分辨率达 1080p,并可跟踪当前发言者(仅 USB)
使用 Lync 2013 可以获得 1080p 高清有源音箱跟踪的、卓越且独特的 360 度体验,并可进行 IP 音频 (VoIP) 电话呼叫
Remember my selectionMicrosoft Lync 2010 for iPad on the App Store
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Microsoft Lync 2010 for iPad
By Microsoft Corporation
Open iTunes to buy and download apps.
IMPORTANT: Microsoft Lync 2010 for iPad requires a Lync Server or Office365/Lync Online account and will not work without it. If you are unsure about your account status, please contact your IT department. Lync 2010 for iPad extends the power of Lync to your mobile device – including rich presence, instant messaging, audio conferencing, and calling features from a single, easy-to-use interface. Key Features: - View colleagues’ availability in real time and select the best way to communicate – initiating an instant message (IM), email, or a phone call. - Connect to Lync conference calls with a single touch, without requiring long numeric passcodes or conference numbers. - Make and receive calls using your Enterprise Voice (Lync ID) number only, so you can connect with others using a single, consistent identity. - Lync 2010 for iPad provides transport layer security (TLS) and perimeter/internal network protection without requiring a VPN, so your communications experience is safer no matter where you are or what network you use. IMPORTANT: THIS SOFTWARE REQUIRES CONNECTIVITY TO VALIDLY LICENSED COPIES OF MICROSOFT LYNC SERVER 2010 OR OFFICE365/LYNC ONLINE AND WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT IT. UPDATES TO MICROSOFT LYNC SERVER 2010 MAY BE REQUIRED FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. SOME FUNCTIONALITY MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL COUNTRIES. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOUR COMPANY’S LICENSE TO AND/OR DEPLOYMENT OF LYNC, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR IT DEPARTMENT.
What's New in Version 4.7
iPad Screenshots
Customer Reviews
In a pinch only
I use this only when I need to quickly message someone in my organization who I know is available. You can message people, and view a quick overview of your calendar.
You cannot use and enjoy any other of Lync's features, such as seeing your missed conversations, joining Lync meetings, or changing font size and color. It lets you know someone tried to contact you, but not what they said, a little embarrassing asking many people to repeat what they said, makes me sound almost like a young, half deaf, idiot.
Once again it's what I expect from Microsoft Office products
I have an Office 365 subscription and pretty much wasted my money on it. All the applications are nearly useless (Word, Excel, etc). The worst of all these are Outlook and Lync. Outlook isn't capable of the simplest scheduling tools like recurring events and tasks. I decided to try Lync. It doesn't even connect. I tried many various configurations and nothing worked. So like I did with Outlook, I deleted this pathetic excuse for software off my iPad Pro also. Wake Up Microsoft. You are a software company. Start acting like one!
This app doesn't notify you if it isn't opened and running in the foreground. If it is running in the background, you will receive the message but there's no notification. And you will only receive messages if you initiated the conversation from your iOS device. If someone initiated the conversation then the message will only go to the app on your computer. And messages don't sync between your iOS device and computer. You only see conversations that originated from the device.
Customers Also Bought
FreeCategory: Version: 4.7Size: 8.4 MBLanguages: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, TurkishSeller: Microsoft CorporationCompatibility: Requires iOS 4.0 or later. Compatible with iPad.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
2.20224&&&&&89 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&434 Ratings
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微软CEO Nadella喊出的口号就是“重塑生产力”,现在他们正在努力实现这一目标。该公司为了更好地服务企业用户,准备将旗下企业级通讯平台Lync整合进Skype for Business。之所以要这样做,是因为微软希望让企业可以联系到范围更广的Skype用户,打破各自的业务壁垒。Lync支持企业用户进行内部聊天,而且同事之间还可以通话,该平台的下一个版本将会有一个全新的客户端体验,一个全新的服务器发布,以及在Office 365中的相关服务更新。用户可以利用Skype的通话监控,在进行其他工作或访问其他App时,可以保持活跃通话可见,此外Skype用户之间还可以进行视频通话,当然,也支持多款设备。另外,之前的电话转移功能需要点击三次才能完成,而现在则是“一键搞定”。Lync Server的客户需要将Lync Server 2013更新到Skype for Business Server,这样才能使用新功能,Office 365用户则可以通过自动更新来完成优化。自从微软在2011年五月以85以美元收购Skype之后,本次是他们最大的一次动作。
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微软的 Lync 为什么做的这么烂
出门在外也不愁Microsoft(R) Lync(TM)
Microsoft(R) Lync(TM) 新一代企业整合沟通平台(前身为 Communications Server),提供了一种全新的、直观的用户体验,跨越 PC、Web、手机等其他移动设备,将不同的沟通方式集成到一个平台之中。极具视觉冲力的统一界面,只需一个身份标识,您就可以随时随地与您的员工、客户、合作伙伴以及供应商流畅沟通;新版同时拥有卓越的安全性和可靠性,更能够顺利部署和迁移,帮助企业减少投资成本和运维成本,从而全面提高您的公司运转效率,助力业务迅猛发展!
Microsoft(R) Lync(TM) 北京发布会与五城市巡展精彩回顾
Microsoft(R) Lync(TM)已于日在北京盛大发布,并成功举办五大城市巡展。欲了解更多活动盛况,马上观看精彩图片与视频。
> Microsoft(R) Lync(TM) 概览
> Microsoft(R) Lync(TM) 白皮书
Microsoft(R) Lync(TM)预发版本现已提供
Microsoft(R) Lync(TM) 新体验


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