proofreading 有用吗service uk 好吗

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阅读&18734&发表& 22:07:25
现在很多同学正在与考试和论文搏斗,委媛表示很心疼。有一件事请在苦海中遨游的小伙伴牢记:为了保证论文质量,请一定要记得去做proofreading!Proofessor专为国际学生提供proofreading服务,一共有三种选择,大家可以根据自己的需求选择服务。Proofreading每千字£9.99,Heavyediting每千字£14.99,Paraphrasing每千字£29.99。Professional Transcription,具体价格请大家发送邮件至咨询。HeavyEditing是proofreading的升级版,在他们官网上有具体的详情和修改样本,大家点击左下角【阅读原文】或者【Read more】,登陆Proofessor官网就可以查看。下面这张图就是经过proofreading后的文章,他们会详细标注出文章中错误的地方,并且修改成更正确的用法。有没有觉得特别明了啊?你需要知道:1. 只要是第一次找他们的同学,都可以先免费试用200字服务。Proofessor保证是英国本地人帮你检查,所有员工都是英国本土大学毕业生,并通过了他们公司严格的测试。但是请注意,这200字并不是指给你要求服务的论文有200字的免费优惠,而是指可以先发200字给他们试试效果,满意的话就可以发你的论文给他们了。如果大家交作业的时间很紧,那么最好在发送给给他们全文之前几天就将试用的200字发送过去。否则修改免费样本可能会占用你的时间,到最后万一赶不上deadline,就真的dead了。2. 请同学首先把论文发送至,并且写清楚以下信息:你需要的服务种类(Proofreading、Heavyediting、Paraphrasing,Professional Transcription)你需要他们完成并且发送给你修改版的的日期和时间你希望修改后的论文的最少及最多的字数(你原版的论文除去reference以后的字数必须在你规定的最多及最少的字数内)以及你选择的付款方式( bank transfer, paypal或者pay by card)。在收到你的论文后,他们会发送付款详情给你。收到付款后,会开始修改。3. 欢迎添加Rick的微信:rick446732 ,他的旧QQ号人数已满,新的QQ号为4. 请大家不要使用126或者163邮箱,因为在工作中发现,这两个邮箱在发邮件和收邮件的时候有非常严重的延时现象!QQ邮箱是没有问题的,请大家注意哦!有比较重要的论文,还是建议大家送去检查一下比较好。很多人都已经找过他们服务啦,如果想看大家的评论, 的微博页面搜索“proofessor”,查看以往微博下的评论。看样子评价很不错哦。请大家一定要注意,越提早发约好:四月份是最忙的季节,请大家至少提前48小时把你的论文发给他们!1、4月是Proofessor最忙的时间,因为假期将近,很多人要提交论文,所以大家一定要为他们准备尽量多的时间来为你查看论文。2、10000字以上的论文提前3-5天(取决于员工安排情况,因此请尽早)3、1字的论文需要更长时间6、你为他们空余的时间越长越好。以上的时间都是最迟发送时间,请大家一定要注意,越早发送给他们约好!7、因为工作量很大,所以请大家耐心一些不过,Proofessor会尽量帮助大家。不管你的deadline是什么时候,都清先发送邮件询问他们的工作人员,不要先给自己的论文判死刑啊!还经常有同学咨询英国学雅思的地方,也可以找他们。Proofessor还有语言中心提供在线英语课程,并专业提供雅思口语培训及模拟英语面试培训。更多详情,请点击左下角【阅读原文】或者【Read more】,登录官网查看。工作时间:正常情况下,他们的工作时间为10am-7pm。如果你在这段时间发送邮件,会在当天就得到回复(并不是改好的论文啦)。Rick非常欢迎大家在微信上问他各种问题,如果Rick不在线的话,可以直接发送邮件,他都会尽快查看哒。【Sponsored content】此文内容不代表红领巾观点最后希望大家的论文全都完美!点击左下角【阅读原文】或者【Read more】,直接进入官网查询更多信息。
微信公众号Proofreading Services UK | Get Your Text 100% Improved
The UK's Best Proofreading Services
Get Your Text Expertly Improved - 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Proofreading Services UK
The Ultimate Proofreader is a leading UK-based provider of&English&proofreading services.
With our top-quality proofreading services, we ensure any text assigned to us -&&be it an&essay, a&dissertation, a&book, a&report&or any&other&written copy -&is 100%&error-free. In addition to our proofreading services, we provide top-notch&editing and&.
Armed with&a highly experienced team of English&proofreaders, editors and rewriters,&we serve a wide network&of clients, including undergraduates, MA &&PhD students, academics, book and script writers, playwrights, professionals&and companies.
We help students,&postgraduates, researchers, and academics obtain the&highest grades, by&forensically checking&their essays, dissertations, theses, scientific papers or journal articles to ensure they are written in the best academic and idiomatic English&language, and are free of any errors, before submission.
Through our proofreading services,&we strive to amend and&polish up&any&academic&text we are entrusted with -&regardless of&the level of the writer's&English language&and writing skills. We ensure it is&expertly and professionally proofread and edited up to the highest academic standard, whether it was written by&a non-native or a native.
We have a team of high-quality English proofreaders and editors, based in the UK and around the world, and they bring, not only many years of experience in editing and&proofreading services, but also academic knowledge, information and background - assets that facilitate their job and help us deliver outstanding proofreading services to our clients.
The standard of English and writing style vary from one student to another and from one academic to another, so we have designed&our editing and&proofreading services in such a way to accommodate all&different needs and requirements.
Our existing clients are completely ha so, for all new clients who still do not know how professional and expert we are,&we&do a&free&sample of up to 200 words to prove that we are worth their trust and try.&
You can email your sample directly to&. We aim to return academic&samples completed within 12 to 24 hours. It is completely free of charge, and would cost you NOTHING.&
How our proofreading services&will improve your text:
1)&We will clear your essay,&thesis, scientific paper, journal article or any other academic form&of any grammatical errors, typographical errors,&punctuation mistakes, or misspellings.&
2)&We will ensure any non-academic language used in the text is corrected,&amended and&improved to be academic, idiomatic and sophisticated.
4)&We will replace any American expressions or words with their British English equivalents, or vice versa, depending on your choice.
5)&We will make sure that your text flows nicely, and is clearly and&fully comprehensible.
6)&We will ensure your argument or point of view&is well explained and well laid out in a convincing,&logical and coherent&manner.
7)&We will ensure your ideas are well&organised, connected and make perfect sense to your&readers.
8)&We will correct&any mistakes&with your in-text citations, referencing, or bibliography.
9)&We will offer you a very friendly service. You will find us absolutely happy to&answer your questions and respond to your comments at any stage, whether before, during or after the completion of your assignment.&
For&undergraduates,&MA & PhD students, academics and&researchers,&we provide three layers of academic proofreading services&that are tailored&to help you get&the best results for which&you have worked hard.
For further details about each of these academic language improvement&services, please click the relevant link below or in the menu bar.
In addition to our layered range of&proofreading services which are&focused on&the language and style of writing of&essays,&dissertations,&theses or academic papers, we&provide an outstanding&rewriting and&. This service is provided&to students and academics who need to cite from other sources of literature and require a paraphrase so as&to avoid&falling in the trap of plagiarism - which is an extremely serious offence in academia.
Our paraphrasing service is delivered through highly qualified and skilled paraphrasers and text rewriters who&expertly and professionally rewrite and paraphrase&the original text using a different structure, different&words, and different&style, but still&retaining the intended meaning of the author in the produced paraphrased version.&
Why do&students and academics&need&proofreading services?&
Although it might be&an obvious&fact, we still&find it important to highlight that,&if you make language mistakes or write your essay, thesis, dissertation, or any other academic text&in&poor quality English, this will be detrimental to the quality and credibility of&your&academic&research work, despite all the hard work that you may&have put into it.
This will often result&in you&receiving lower grades than you deserve.&That is why it is commonly established&that getting your essay, thesis, scientific paper or dissertation&proofread is certainly&.&
Common errors
There is a long list of serious&language flaws that we often find&in academic texts that we proofread and edit.
This is particularly the case with those essays and dissertations written by&non-native students who are not adept enough&at the use of English for academic purposes.&
Some examples of these flaws include:
- Grammatical errors&
- Typographical errors
- Punctuation mistakes
- Badly structured sentences
- Non-academic, non-idiomatic&and incomprehensible language
- Informal words, phrases&and expressions
- Mistakes&in in-text&citations,&referencing style&and bibliography.
How do we help?
Over the years, we have&been&assisting foreign MA &&PhD students, researchers and academics studying at UK universities with a range of professional and high-quality&essay and&dissertation editing&and&proofreading&services that are essentially aimed at helping them overcome such language&pitfalls.&
We carefully check any academic text we are entrusted with to ensure it&is completely clear of any language problems,&and is also&written&up to the academic level&that is required by teachers, supervisors,&lecturers&and&professors. Find out more about our&.
Although our focus on quality is a given, we are equally very&keen to offer our proofreading (not proof reading)&services at reasonable and&affordable prices.
It is no secret to us that most academic students run on a tight budget and need affordably and sensibly priced proofreading services.&We also take the confidentiality of our clients very seriously, so we have&a zero tolerance policy&in place.
A native student, do I need proofreading services?
There is a misconception that native English-speaking students, postgraduates and academics&do not need English&proofreading services to improve their academic writing. In fact, it is highly recommended that native speakers too&should enlist the help of a professional provider of proofreading services to&have their essay, journal, academic paper or&dissertation proofread and edited expertly before submission to their supervisors.
The reason is simple: we, as&human beings, are naturally blind to our&own mistakes and&faults in writing. In what we write we see only what we want to see. We hardly spot our own flaws.&That is why, it is crucial that&texts as important as an essay,&thesis or dissertation&should be expertly revised, edited and&scrutinised with a “”.
We have helped many clients who are&native speakers with our&essay & dissertation proofreading services, not only&to correct mistakes, but also to ensure that their written copy is&solid,&coherent&and&well laid out, and that their ideas&are&appropriately organised,&argued and defended.&
Book authors/Writers
Writing a book is not&an easy task. It takes a lot of effort and time, and above all a great deal of thinking.
As a writer, you would like&to make sure that all the content you have worked very hard to produce&is presented to readers in the best and most attractive&shape possible. Here comes our role as a top-notch proofreading services provider.
We have three layers of&proofreading services&for book authors, script writers and playwrights&which we believe perfectly&meet their different&needs and requirements.
For more details on these services, please click , or choose the relevant section in the menu bar.
We offer a free sample from two different editors, to give you more choice.
The credibility and reputation of any business or company is noticeably affected by&how it presents itself in various respects, including its&written business communication, press releases&or its website content.
For this reason, we havewho are dedicated to&ensuring&that any English-language&text you wish to have proofread or edited is presented in the best English possible, in terms of language, content and form. With our various , we will make your text speak for you.
Send us your free&sample for an edit&or a&proofread&today!
Employers and business managers looking for recruits often scruitinse candidates' CVs and personal statements for information and to establish&how well&he or she presented themselves, their knowledge and their experience.
Our tailored&will help you ensure your CV and&personal statement shine through.&We also help individuals and professionals with business letters, reports&and other&texts.
If you have a sample and want to&test our editing &&proofreading services, why not send it us&today!
Building a good reputation in this highly competitive market is never easy, so we decided from the very beginning that we would employ only top-quality proofreaders, editors and rewriters.
We are very privileged to have&a very strong team of highly-qualified&native English-speaking&&who&have&many years' experience of providing&English proofreading services, editing services&&&paraphrasing services.
Thanks to their dedication, professionalism and expertise, we have been able to constantly achieve 100% customer satisfaction.
Free sample
We have provided as much detail and explanation as possible on our website as to how we proofread, edit&or paraphrase a text.&
But for all new clients, we do offer a 200-word sample option, that is completely free of charge, with no obligation whatsoever.&
Our aim is to show clients in advance our high-quality&proofreading (not proof reading)&and editing&services,&as well as our rewriting &&paraphrasing services.
You can email us your sample to&, specifying which service you are interested in: Academic Proofreading Service, Academic Editing Service, Substantive Copy-editing Service, or Paraphrasing Service.
Who are we?
The Ultimate Proofreader is a&provider of&proofreading services &&editing services & paraphrasing services. We are&based&near London, UK.
For many years, we have been assisting PhD students,&academics, book authors, professionals and&businesses&with proofreading&services of the highest quality.
We strongly believe in our name, as we provide immaculate English editing and&proofreading services of a quality and standard that can hardly be matched by any other service provider.
As a proofreading services UK provider, we&have come to exist and thrive, fully aware that, if we do not deliver high-quality English language correction and improvement&services, we would not stand an opportunity in this highly competitive market of&proofreading services.
That is why, delivering services of an excellent quality has been our first guiding principle.
Our second guiding principle is affordability. We are equally aware that, if the top-quality editing and&proofreading services that we deliver to clients in the UK are highly priced, we would be beaten by other service providers.
So, we have been determined to provide outstanding, yet affordable and reasonably priced, services.&
For instance, we appreciate how students often run a tight budget, especially with the high cost of education in the UK.&We have therefore priced our different proofreading services in a way that would make them accessible to all students. For&professionals, businesses and book authors, we also offer highly competitive rates, particularly on large assignments.
The third guiding principle we have been working to is to deliver our excellent, affordable proofreading services in a timely fashion. Although we try our best to complete assignments within fast&turnaround times, we never give priority to speed over quality.
For us, priority always comes first. Unlike other text editing and&proofreading&service&providers, our proofreaders and editors may spend one or even two hours on a single page to correct, improve and clarify the text. We do not wor we give every document we receive all the time and care it needs, no matter how much time or effort we put into it. Our ultimate goal is to produce a text that is proofread or edited to a high&standard that would help students,&academics, book authors, professionals or&businesses&to achieve their desired results.
Having said that, we still strive to meet orders with tight deadlines by making sure that we have proofreaders and editors available 24/7, ready to step in when needed.
The Ultimate Proofreader prides itself on having a very experienced team of proofreaders and editors who help us deliver those sterling proofreading services to our UK clients.
We are also a very friendly&secure&proofreading&service UK&provider, and are always happy to interact with our clients, whether before, during or after the completion of their assignments.
We also believe that our task goes beyond the mere improvement of the language and style of writing to an informative, insightful, and educational service to academics and students. For this reason, we provide&feedback, as appropriate, on the areas of language that need to be worked on. Additionally, we have created a on our website that is purely dedicated to language-related matters.
Our aim is to help academics and students, particularly non-native speakers, to&learn and&improve their knowledge about the use of the English language for academic purposes.&
We can be reached by email () or by phone (), around-the-clock.
We accept payments via PayPal and bank transfer
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