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> Java SE Development Kit(JDK) v8.0.730下载
Java SE Development Kit(JDK) v8.0.730
Java SE Development Kit 8.0官方下载,是Java开发环境。JDK(Java Development Kit)是Sun Microsystems针对Java开发员的产品。自从Java推出以来,JDK已经成为使用最广泛的Java SDK。JDK 是整个Java的核心,包括了Java运行环境、Java工具和Java基础类库。JDK是学好Java的第一步。而专门运行在x86平台的Jrocket在服务端运行效率也要比Sun JDK好很多。从SUN的JDK5.0开始,提供了泛型等非常实用的功能,其版本也不断更新,运行效率得到了非常大的提高。
关于java jdk
JAVA语言恐怕是稳居网路应用程序语言的首选了,这都要归功于它高度的安全性以及跨平台的特性,几乎在目前所有的电脑平台上您都可以见得到Java的芳踪。过去很可能会有不少人抱怨Java虽然有著相当不错的跨平台以及安全防护等特性,但是它的执行速度远远不及C++等各种传统惯用的程序语言。不过这次Sun Microsystem可是有备而来的,不要看只是在J2DK上小小的一个数字改变而已,事实上J2DK已经已相当大的跃进了,不仅在执行速度上有大幅度的改革,而且在内容上也有做了一些修改以及增强。
本版的JDK中新增的最新的Java API,除此之外还有相当多的新功能如支持拖放、Java interface definition language (IDL)、Java servlets、Javadoc doclets、Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface (JVMDI)等等。由于JDK新增的功能以及程序修正之处相当多,如果需要详尽资料的话不妨可以参考Sun的官方网页。想要撰写出高效能的Java应用程序吗?先将您电脑中的JDK版本更新成为JAVA 2 SDK吧。
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Java SE Downloads
Java Platform (JDK) 8u101 / 8u102
NetBeans with JDK 8
Java Platform, Standard Edition
Java SE 8u101 includes important security fixes. Oracle strongly recommends that all Java SE 8 users upgrade to this release. Java SE 8u102 is a patch-set update, including all of 8u101 plus additional features (described in the release notes).
Readme Files
Server JRE
Which Java package do I need?
Software Developers: JDK (Java SE Development Kit). For Java Developers. Includes a complete JRE plus tools for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications.
Administrators running applications on a server:& Server JRE (Server Java Runtime Environment) For deploying Java applications on servers. Includes tools for JVM monitoring and tools commonly required for server applications, but does not include browser integration (the Java plug-in), auto-update, nor an installer.
End user running Java on a desktop: JRE: (Java Runtime Environment). Covers most end-users needs.
Contains everything required to run Java applications on your system.
Java SE 7 and Java SE 6 updates
Updates for Java SE 7 , and updates for Java SE 6 released after April 2013 are only available to Oracle Customers through
(requires support login).&
offers users commercial features, access to critical bug fixes, security fixes, and general maintenance.
Early Access Releases
Early access versions of future releases of the JDK and the JRE are available for testing.
These early access releases include
future update and future major releases.
These releases are licensed only for testing, not for use in production.
JDK 8 Demos and Samples
Demos and samples of common tasks and new functionality available on JDK 8. JavaFX 8 demos and samples are included in the JDK 8 Demos and Samples packages. The source code provided with demos and samples for the JDK is meant to illustrate the usage of a given feature or technique and has been deliberately simplified.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) Cobundles
JDK 8 with NetBeans
This distribution of the JDK includes the , which is a powerful integrated development environment for developing applications on the Java platform.
Additional Resources
Oracle Java Advanced Management Console
Advanced Management Console (AMC) enables desktop administrators to track and manage Java usage across their organization -- understanding which Java versions are used with which applications and managing compatibility/security. AMC is a commercial product available for Java users who license Java SE Advanced or Java SE Advanced Suite.
Java SE 8 Documentation
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for JDK/JRE 8
Java Time Zone Updater Tool
The TZUpdater tool is to enable an Oracle JDK or JRE user to patch their installation with the most recent timezone data.
Java API Documentation Updater Tool 1.3
Java API Documentation Updater Tool repairs-in-place Java API Documentation created with javadoc versions included with JDK 5u45, 6u45, 7u21 and earlier.& See the
for more information.
Java Access Bridge for Java SE 6 and earlier
Java Access Bridge is a technology that exposes the Java Accessibility API in a Microsoft Windows DLL, enabling Java applications and applets that implement the Java Accessibility API to be visible to assistive technologies on Microsoft Windows systems.
Java Access Bridge is integrated into Java SE 7 Update 6 and later. Consequently, you only require Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 for Java SE 6 and earlier.
Java Archive
The Java Archive offers access to some of our historical Java releases.
WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems.
They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.
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软件大小:52.25 MB
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应用平台:Win2000 WinXP
Java SE Development Kit(jdk下载)是 Java 语言软件开发工具包,是整个Java的核心所在。其中包括了Java运行环境(Java Runtime Envirnment),很多公司都开发了自己的JDK,比较著名的是Sun和IBM,可见JDK是多么的重要。所以初学者要学号Java,JDK是必须进行的一步,因为无论什么Java应用服务器实质上都是内置了JDK。如果你对Java感兴趣,那么请下载JDK吧。本站提供jdk1.7官方下载,包括jdk1.7官方下载32位和jdk官方下载64位。


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