如何彻底清除mackeeper 彻底清除app3这个流氓杀毒软件

既然以“Pro”为名,机能的进步是至关重要的,尤其是它的 GPU 将要迎来的变化。
苹果推出的无线键盘 Magic Keyboard 有着非常不错的表现,但是并非每个人都准备花上 1...
苹果与亚马逊,Verizon,LG 和三星都跻身五强,而惠普与东芝则遗憾垫底。
Tales & Dice AB 推出的《汉娜&亨利-生日会(Hanna & Henri - The Party)》是一款深...
《夜之门》的开发团队是曾经推出过《Last Voyage(最后的航程)》、《Kotoro(探索色...
Wall West 早些时候曾推出过 3 部作品,但是综合质量和可玩性都不高,于是 Wall West ...
虽然这款最早于2012年登陆 App Store 的应用现在来看已经是个一把年纪的“老家伙”了...
《开心农场:热带度假(FarmVille: Tropic Escape)》是 Zynga 推出的一款经营类游戏...
苹果推出的无线键盘 Magic Keyboard 有着非常不错的表现,但是并非每个人都准备花上 1...
Privoro 公司表示,有了这款产品,监听 iPhone 是一件不可能完成的事情。
三星也是拼了,不过对Apple Watch的影响好像不会很大。
它内置4000mAh锂离子电池,可完整充满Apple Watch多达6次。
小小的一根U8,却可以解决许许多多烦恼,让你的 iPhone,iPad 不再因为“瘦身”而烦恼...
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青苹果, 积分 174, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
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22:03 上传
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1,一个网页广告又没扫描你全盘,怎么知道你已中毒? 2,注意关键词“有可能”“建议” 3,理他干嘛,该干嘛干嘛……=_=
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在线时间99 小时 UID
1,一个网页广告又没扫描你全盘,怎么知道你已中毒? 2,注意关键词“有可能”“建议” 3,理他干嘛,该干 ...
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在线时间90 小时 UID
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在线时间288 小时 UID
Mackeeper 算得上是流氓软件了
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在线时间150 小时 UID
Mac keeper,灰常的流氓
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在线时间1653 小时 UID
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在线时间143 小时 UID
這軟件就是一只胖胖的機器人只天要你裝他們的軟件 騙你說中毒
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在线时间39 小时 UID
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在线时间337 小时 UID
沪公网安备 29号 | 沪ICP备号-1
Powered by Discuz!天气开始慢慢转凉,是时候多去室外走动走动了。不管是秋游,还是逛街难免会无聊无事做...
既然以“Pro”为名,机能的进步是至关重要的,尤其是它的 GPU 将要迎来的变化。
苹果推出的无线键盘 Magic Keyboard 有着非常不错的表现,但是并非每个人都准备花上 1...
苹果与亚马逊,Verizon,LG 和三星都跻身五强,而惠普与东芝则遗憾垫底。
Tales & Dice AB 推出的《汉娜&亨利-生日会(Hanna & Henri - The Party)》是一款深...
《夜之门》的开发团队是曾经推出过《Last Voyage(最后的航程)》、《Kotoro(探索色...
Wall West 早些时候曾推出过 3 部作品,但是综合质量和可玩性都不高,于是 Wall West ...
虽然这款最早于2012年登陆 App Store 的应用现在来看已经是个一把年纪的“老家伙”了...
《开心农场:热带度假(FarmVille: Tropic Escape)》是 Zynga 推出的一款经营类游戏...
苹果推出的无线键盘 Magic Keyboard 有着非常不错的表现,但是并非每个人都准备花上 1...
Privoro 公司表示,有了这款产品,监听 iPhone 是一件不可能完成的事情。
三星也是拼了,不过对Apple Watch的影响好像不会很大。
它内置4000mAh锂离子电池,可完整充满Apple Watch多达6次。
小小的一根U8,却可以解决许许多多烦恼,让你的 iPhone,iPad 不再因为“瘦身”而烦恼...
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在线时间621 小时 UID
红苹果, 积分 314, 距离下一级还需 186 积分
(242.82 KB, 下载次数: 56)
15:45 上传
<p id="rate_30" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="q 云盘看片、安全、无毒、高清、无需任何播放器q.&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
q 云盘看片、安全、无毒、高清、无需任何播放器q.
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在线时间97 小时 UID
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在线时间379 小时 UID
I don't think so
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在线时间55 小时 UID
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在线时间30 小时 UID
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在线时间227 小时 UID
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在线时间39 小时 UID
木有用,SSD与机械硬盘不同,不会有碎片问题导致系统性能下降。所以如果容量足够,还不如让那些缓存放在那 ...
看了各位大神们的回答,果断就把那个软件删除了。。 我也是突然在看优酷视频的时候突然弹出来的广告,好奇了下。
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在线时间1077 小时 UID
装过一次 感觉没什么用删了
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在线时间425 小时 UID
我觉得都没什么用 MAC的OS X 绝不能跟Windows 一并而论啊
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在线时间3 小时 UID
沪公网安备 29号 | 沪ICP备号-1
Powered by Discuz!MacKeeper软件及如何卸载非app里的恶意软件
Finder to remove Application Bundles and Additional Files.
Uninstalling Applications in Mac OS X
Uninstalling applications in&&is very different than uninstalling in a
because Mac OS X has nothing like the Windows Registry. While most
Windows programs include an uninstaller that can be run through
using the Add/Remove Programs control panel, no such feature exists
in Mac OS X and so most users simply
bundles&(see below) to
However, often times there is more to uninstalling than a simple
drag-and-drop to the trash. This article will guide you on how to
fully uninstall applications.
Application Bundles
Control-click or RIght-click on any application to see if it is a
Most Mac OS X applications (anything that ends in .app),
The application icon you see in&&(typically
the&) is usually a special folder itself, made to appear as a
single double-clickable file. These "folders" contain all, or at
least most, of the files needed to run the application, ie they are
self-contained. This means that to uninstall these applications,
you only have to drag them to the Trash. If you control-click (or
right-click) on an Application icon, and you see "Show Package
Contents", then it is a bundle.
Additional Files
Applications will leave behind&, and sometimes application support files, neither of
which are stored in application bundles. Preference files can be
safely deleted, but they usually take up negligible disk space —
and, if you decide to reinstall the application again later,
keeping the preference file means your settings will still be
there. They are stored in the Preferences folder within your
(~/Library/Preferences), or may also be stored in the system-wide
Library located at the root of the system volume
Application support files can take up anywhere from a few kilobytes
to several gigabytes of space, depending on the application
installed. Examples of applications that have large support files
are multimedia programs such as&and&. They are located in the Application Support folder
within your user's Library folder, or in "/Library/Application
To remove an application's icon from the dock make sure that the
program is not running at the time, then simply drag the icon off
of the dock and let go. There will be a puff of smoke animation and
the icon will be gone. This will only remove the dock
icon/shortcut, and will not touch the application itself or any of
its support files.
Using Finder to remove Application Bundles and Additional
Using Finder to remove applications and all preference files
Adapted from a forum post by&
To manually remove an application and all associated
Launch Activity Monitor and
change "My Processes" at the top to "All Processes", then make sure
the app you want to remove is not running. If it is, quit the
process before proceeding.
Launch Finder and search for the
app name (hopefully unique, such as Skype)
You can narrow the search to
specific folders or search your whole Mac
Searching "File Name" vs
"Contents" usually provides better results.
Click the + button below the
search term to add criteria
Click the search criteria
drop-down and select "Other...", then "System files"
Click the "don't include" and
change to "include"
Sort by name, kind, date, etc. to
identify components of the app, such as folders, .plist files,
cache files. etc.
Delete all files and folders
related to the app.
Don't empty your Trash until
you've determined that everything is working OK, in case you need
to restore something you deleted by accident.
A reboot might be necessary to
completely remove some apps.
Applications with Installers/Uninstallers
If you ran an installer to install an application, you may wish to
try running the installation program again to see if an uninstall
option is available at any point during installation (many times in
a drop-down menu). Check the installation CD
or&&for the original installer file. Some
vendors have included simple&&scripts
that will run in the command line to uninstall applications, and
may be named "uninstaller.pl".
Third Party Uninstallers
Be aware that third party uninstallers, including those listed
below, do not completely remove all files/folders associated with
apps. Many will remove small files, such as .plist files, but leave
behind much larger files. For more information,
complete removal of all files/folders associated with uninstalled
apps, use Finder and the manual method described above.
Caution is advised when using any automated method of deleting
files, as such methods could result in files being deleted that you
didn't want deleted. Many have reported problems caused by the use
of apps like CleanMyMac and MacKeeper, so avoidance of these apps
altogether may be wise.
Third party uninstallers exist which will search for these
preference files for you, such as AppCleaner, AppTrap, AppZapper,
CleanApp and TrashMe, but these apps will not remove all components
of installed apps.
Uninstalling MacKeeper
MacKeeper icon and drag it to the Trash.
Drag the MacKeeper icon to the
security reasons, you will be asked to enter your Mac user
Enter your Mac user
window that appears, click&Uninstall
MacKeeper. (Optional) In the survey form under
MacKeeper&button, choose one of the
reasons for uninstalling MacKeeper.
6Enter your
Mac user password once again.
7Empty Trash
to completely remove MacKeeper.
When you remove MacKeeper, please be aware that ALL of its
additional components and related processes will be also removed.
Manual removal is NOT needed!
how to uninstall MacKeeper &&updated
also known as&911
Bundle‘ in the App store — yes, you’ve seen the ads all
over the internet, pop ups on your favourite webpages, it seems to
be everywhere.
Many people that download and use MacKeeper experience severe
problems as a result. If you have installed MacKeeper and wish to
remove it, read on.
Uninstalling MacKeeper 2012
If you have used MacKeeper to encrypt any data, unencrypt it now.
If you remove MacKeeper without unencrypting your data first, you
will not be able to access it later. This only applies to data
encrypted with MacKeeper, and not data encrypted using Mac OS
built-in encryption services or using any other program.
Once that is done, you can follow MacKeeper’s uninstall
instructions here:
These instructions promise that they will remove all MacKeeper’s
associated files (see the note ‘Important’ at the bottom of their
page). However, you may wish to do Step 4 in the procedure below
for earlier versions of MacKeeper to check MacKeeper does not have
access to your Keychain.
Uninstalling earlier versions of MacKeeper
If you have a version of MacKeeper earlier than MacKeeper 2012 you
should follow the procedure below. You may not find ALL of the
following, but any you do find should be removed.
i. Again, a warning: if you have used MacKeeper’s encryption
feature, be sure to unencrypt before you uninstall MacKeeper.
Time Machine
ii. If you use Time Machine, leave it connected and do the Time
Machine Step (TM step) where indicated. Instructions for the TM
step are given in the box in step 1 below.
iii. If you use a clone without archiving, disconnect the clone and
run the procedure below on your internal disk. When it is complete
and you have verified everything is OK, connect your clone and wipe
the partition using Disk Utility. Then make a new clone.
iv. If you use a clone with archiving, reboot into your clone now
and run the procedure below on the clone first. Then shutdown your
computer, disconnect the clone from the system and reboot into your
internal drive. Run the entire procedure again on your internal
v. If you have anything in the Trash, empty it now before you
The Uninstall Procedure:
Once you have prepared everything as above, you’re ready to start
the uninstall procedure.
1. If MacKeeper is running, quit it. From the sidebar in any Finder
window, choose your&hard
disk icon&and go to
Look in the&Application
Support&folder for the folder inside it
called ‘MacKeeper’:
/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper
Click on the folder once.
If you are using Time Machine do the TM Step now.
Enter Time Machine via the TM icon on your menubar at the top of
your screen.
Click the little gear/cog in the Finder window and choose ‘delete
all backups of xxx file’.
Enter your Admin password to confirm the delete. Exit Time Machine
and then…
If you don’t use TM or after you have completed the TM step, hold
down the ‘command’ key and press the ‘delete’ key once to send the
file to the trash.
2. Still in&Library,
look for and trash any of these you find in the same way,
remembering if you have Time Machine to do
step&first in each case:
3. If you are using OS X Lion 10.7 or later, use the ‘Go’ menu in
hold down the ‘option’ key. Choose ‘Library’
from the menu (yes, this is a different Library folder from the one
you were just in). If you are using Snow Leopard or Leopard, just
click on the little ‘Home‘
icon in the Finder sidebar and navigate to the Library. Then trash
any and all of these that you find, remembering to do the TM step
(if applicable) first in each case:
Be careful not to delete the wrong files: only those that have got
the words ‘zeobit’, ‘MacKeeper’, ’911& or ’911bundle’ should be
4. Go to&Applications
& Utilities & Keychain
Access.app&and double click on it. Notice
the padlock in the window is up there on the left, rather than down
the bottom. Click on it and enter your admin password. Now go
through all the items in the ‘Keychains‘
list (such as Login, System, Root) with ‘All items’ selected in the
‘Category’ list. Anything you find related to ‘MacKeeper’ or
‘zeobit’, click on it, then choose&Edit
& Delete&from the menu.
(Thanks to Al for also mentioning this point in the Comments
5. Open the Activity Monitor utility (Applications&Utilities&Activity
Monitor.app), make sure ‘All Processes’ is showing in the
drop down menu just over on the right of the dialogue box, then
scroll down the list and see if any processes called ‘MacKeeper’,
‘zeobit’ or ’911 bundle’ are still running. Older versions of
MacKeeper may have a ‘WINE’ process running, so also look for
‘wine’. Anything you find, click on it and hit ‘Quit Process’ (top
6. Go to your&Applications
folder&from a Finder window and select
MacKeeper (if you have Time Machine, do the TM step now). Then,
hold down ‘command’ and press ‘delete’ once. If you assigned
MacKeeper to be pinned in the Dock, be sure to also drag the icon
off the Dock and release it anywhere over the desktop. It will,
satisfyingly, disappear in the ‘poof’ of a
7. When you’re done filling up your trash can with all this junk,
click on the Finder&&Empty
&#63743; & System Preferences & Users
& Groups (or ‘Accounts’ for Snow L) | Login
If you see anything to do with MacKeeper in the list of items
there, highlight it, then click the little minus ‘-’ button near
the bottom of the list.
your Mac. Everything should be back to normal, but check
the Activity Monitor one last time to be sure.
10. After restart, be sure to&fix
your system permissions. If you encounter any problems that you
did not have before,&fix
the ACLs&too.
**If you are running a clone, remember to follow the instructions
given above under “Preparation: Clones”.**
Supplementary:&If you have a problem with
MacKeeper pop-ups while using your browser, try clearing out the
caches, like this:
In Safari menubar, choose ‘Safari & Reset Safari’.
Make sure all the options are checked.
This will not only clear out your caches, but everything else
stored by the browser. Don’t worry, it won’t affect your bookmarks,
but it will reset your ‘top sites’ and history.
In Firefox menubar, choose ‘Tools & Clear Recent
History…’ and choose ‘Everything’. Again, it’ll clear everything
out but won’t delete your bookmarks.
Obviously, if you use any other browsers like Opera or something
you’ll have to find the same options for those too.
Related Posts
block MacKeeper and other browser ads
protect your mac from malware viruses and other threats
1. If you have any problems carrying out the steps, try starting
your Mac up in&, and then running the procedure.
2. You can safely ignore any MacKeeper files that are in the Logs,
BOM or Receipts folders.
3. If you have only downloaded the MacKeeper package but not ran
the installer, you only need to send the .pkg file in your
Downloads folder to the Trash. That’s it!
This post has been refined and improved over time thanks to
suggestions and replies made in the Comments and
on&. Thanks especially to Al, Lyndon and


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