be t007ipad有备用电池吗支持ipad版吗?

关于IAP 功能限制,具体参见Apple Store Review Guideline,由于页面需要开发者账号登录,我从第三方()摘录了相关条款。其中并没有任何限制账号内容互通的条款,关键在于你不能在应用内提供一个除了IAP以外的支付方式。11. Purchasing and currencies(购买与流通货币)11.1 Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected(通过App Store以外的渠道解锁或开启附加属性或功能的应用会被拒。)11.2 Apps utilizing a system other than the In-App Purchase API (IAP) to purchase content, functionality, or services in an App will be rejected( 使用In App Purchase API (IAP)以外的系统提供购买内容,功能或服务的应用会被拒。)11.3 Apps using IAP to purchase physical goods or goods and services used outside of the application will be rejected(使用IAP为与应用无关的实体商品或商品服务收费的应用会被拒。)11.4 Apps that use IAP to purchase credits or other currencies must consume those credits within the application(应用使用IAP购买积分(Credit)或其他货币,必须在应用中消费。)11.5 Apps that use IAP to purchase credits or other currencies that expire will be rejected(使用IAP购买的积分(Credit)或货币会过期的应用会被拒)11.6 Content subscriptions using IAP must last a minimum of 7 days and be available to the user from all of their iOS devices( 使用IAP收费订阅的内容至少要在7天内有效,而且允许在所有iOS设备间共享。)11.7 Apps that use IAP to purchase items must assign the correct Purchasability type(用到IAP收费项目的应用必须分派到正确的收费类目中。)11.8 Apps that use IAP to purchase access to built-in capabilities provided by iOS, such as the camera or the gyroscope, will be rejected( 使用IAP向用户收费以获取iOS内建功能(如摄像头,陀螺仪)的应用会被拒。)11.9 Apps containing "rental" content or services that expire after a limited time will be rejected( 包含“出租”内容或服务的应用,在一段时间实效的会被拒。)11.10 Insurance applications must be free, in legal-compliance in the regions distributed, and cannot use IAP(保险类应用必须免费,遵守发布地区的法律,并且不允许使用IAP。)11.11 In general, the more expensive your App, the more thoroughly we will review it(一般来说,越贵的应用审核就越仔细彻底。)11.12 Apps offering subscriptions must do so using IAP, Apple will share the same 70/30 revenue split with developers for these purchases, as set forth in the Developer Program License Agreement.(提供收费订阅的应用必须使用IAP,Apple将会按照Developer Program License Agreement中约定的70/30的比例与开发者分账。)11.13 Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the App, such as a “buy” button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected(应用中如果提供了IAP以外的收费或订阅机制,如:“buy”按钮,跳转到一个购买电子书的web页面,会被拒。)11.14 Apps can read or play approved content (specifically magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video) that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the App, as long as there is no button or external link in the App to purchase the approved content. Apple will not receive any portion of the revenues for approved content that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the App( 应用可以阅读或播放任何在应用以外取得授权的内容(包括指定的杂志,报纸,书籍,音频,音乐和视频),只要在应用中不允许出现获取授权的收费链接或按钮。Apple不会对在应用外订阅或购买授权项目收取任何费用。)11.15 Apps may only use auto renewing subscriptions for periodicals (newspapers, magazines), business Apps (enterprise, productivity, professional creative, cloud storage) and media Apps (video, audio, voice), or the App will be rejected.(应用只能自动更新订阅的期刊(报纸、杂志),自动更新商业应用(企业、生产力、专业创意、云存储)和媒体应用(视频、音频,声音)将被拒绝。)
****************** 日
Dear Beijing Shiliangwanzhao Technology Co., Ltd.,
The following app has been approved. The status has changed
to&Ready for Sale.
If your contracts are not in effect at this time, however, your
app status will be Pending Contract. You may track the progress of
your contracts in the&&module in
iTunes Connect.
Note that it may take up to 24 hours before your app is live on
the App Store. This delay is dependent upon any app availability
App Name: 叙事曲&
App Version Number: 11.10
App Apple ID:
To make changes to this app, sign in to iTunes Connect and open
If you have any questions regarding your app,
click&&in iTunes Connect.
The iTunes Store Team
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around the world? Learn more about the&&and&.
**************** 日
Dear Beijing Shiliangwanzhao Technology Co., Ltd.,
The status for the following app has changed
to&Waiting For Review.
Version Number: 11.10
To make changes to this app, sign in to iTunes Connect and open
If you have any questions regarding your app,
click&&in iTunes Connect.
The iTunes Store Team
Dear Beijing Shiliangwanzhao Technology Co., Ltd.,
The status for the following app has changed
to&Waiting For Review.
Version Number: 11.10
To make changes to this app, sign in to iTunes Connect and open
If you have any questions regarding your app,
click&&in iTunes Connect.
The iTunes Store Team
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。请问,清理垃圾误把升级be/t007备用/主页器扔进了垃圾桶,怎么回复呢???_百度知道我想成为英雄ios破解版下载|I Wanna Be A Hero iphone/ipad版下载 1.0 - 跑跑车苹果网
I Wanna Be A Hero iphone/ipad版大小:86.3M  / 语言:英文 / 时间:
游戏中玩家化身为一名去高塔中冒险的少年,拿起自己的装备,一路路过关斩将!应用资料《我要做英雄》(I Wanna Be A Hero)本作的主角设定和一般的RPG游戏十分相似,主角起初只是一个普通人,并最终通过不断的冒险与锻炼最后成为一个拯救世界的英雄。应用评测在游戏中,玩家将扮演一名想要成为英雄的少年,这个少年手持长剑深入到怪物成群的场景中进行冒险,少年除了可以使用手中的长剑进行攻击外,随着游戏的进行还将解锁出不少的魔法攻击技能,例如小范围的冰冻术、会把自己点着的火球术、天降落雷术等等,每种技能的特效虽然不出色,但是各有特色,并不妨碍玩家辨认。游戏的冒险将会在十个不同的地牢关卡中进行,玩家要在每个关卡中不断的前进,并击杀敌人。另外,游戏加入了 Roguelike 元素,每个地牢关卡的怪物和宝藏都会在新的冒险开始时重新生成,因此减少了与其他类型游戏的相似度,还增加了游戏的重复可玩性。游戏采用了虚拟摇杆的操作方式,技能则放置在方向摇杆的左边,目的是让玩家能够更快更好的使用技能并不会出错。而游戏的画面则是采用了先下地牢 RPG 比较流行的像素画面设计,但是人物与怪物的设计十分可爱,打击感也十分不赖。安装ipa文件推荐使用iOS管理工具:
I Wanna Be A Hero iphone/ipad版 1.0 ipa
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游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M游戏大小 :86.3M
I Wanna Be A Hero iphone/ipad版 1.0 ipa
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