worldeditor in chieff求助好友

英译汉,求大神翻译,百度的就算了Dear Editor-in-Chief,
Congratulations on, the, 5’h anniversary, of Global Mirror!
I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that, by simply turning the pages, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week. Equally attractive are the success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.
As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us in our English learning , and I hope that it will become even more popular
主编你好首先恭喜Global Mirror周报五周年纪念我是你们Global Mirror周报的忠实读者,我很喜欢这份报纸的原因在于:第一,它包含了国际国内新闻,我只需稍稍翻动几页报纸,就可以了解在一周内发生的重大事件。另外同样吸引我的一点是上面的世界名人的成功故事,这让我明白了一个人如何努力工作才能让世界更美好。作为一个年轻的学生,我建议Global Mi...
祝贺global mirror发行5周年!
作为一位年轻学生,我建议global mirror刊登一些能帮助我们的英文学习的文...
恭喜《全球镜像》(Global Mirror)创刊五周年!
首先,它既囊括国内新闻也囊括了国际新闻,所以,我只消翻阅,就能知晓一周内发生的所有重要的事情。同样引人入胜的就是世界著名人物成功的故事,这些故事使我懂得了:一个人怎样勤奋工作才能使这个世界变得更好。 ...
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Sept. 30, 2016
In the News
The foundation — sustained for years by donors outside the Trump family — never obtained the registration that New York requires to solicit money from the public, state officials said.
Donald Trump’s attack on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, which appeared to be based on rumors circulating on the Internet, came amid a controversy over his comments about her weight gain in the months after she won her title in 1996.
With his pre-dawn tweet storm, Donald Trump did everything Hillary Clinton could have hoped he would, drawing out a now-week-long story about Alicia Machado, making things up and — above all — reinforcing questions about whether he has the temperament to be president. By
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(The Washington Post)
Thousands of miners in this remote landscape in southern Africa dig by hand. Children, too. They’re searching for cobalt, a key mineral in lithium-ion batteries. In many ways, the current Silicon Valley gold rush — from mobile devices to laptops to driverless cars — is built on the power of these batteries. But it comes at an exceptional cost. By Todd C. Frankel
This is the second time since 2003 that the state's top judge has been effectively pulled from office for violating judicial ethics by encouraging probate judges to deny marriage licenses to gay couples. By
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Providing useful science up to the last moment, the space probe crashed — as planned — into the ancient comet it had been orbiting for the past two years. By
Leaders from 70 countries gathered in Jerusalem and paid respects to Peres, the 93-year-old former prime minister, president and Nobel Peace Prize winner who died at a Tel Aviv hospital this week.
(Saturday Night Live/NBC)
The show’s 42nd season opens as the comedy world is engulfed in an angry debate about how to make fun of Donald Trump — and whether some have given him a pass on his more objectionable stances. It has prompted some of the show’s writers, actors and producers to ask: What if he wins? Will anyone blame them if he does? By
Sign up to have The Fix’s Aaron Blake text you the highlights of each debate as it unfolds.
Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office in July, more than 3,300 Filipinos have been killed by police or assassins. He's now comparing his campaign to kill criminals to the Holocaust. By
Republican congressional leaders said the new law may have to be revisited over worries that it will expose U.S. officials to lawsuits abroad. By
The change would aid the government in its sweeping national investigation into child porn on the “dark Web.” But critics fear federal law enforcement, with one warrant, could hack thousands of computers whose locations are unknown. By
The bodies of Annie and Robin Korkki, who were described as “healthy and adventurous,” were discovered last week in Seychelles. By
Police say Kevin Bell lied to officers and tried to hide the crash that killed his girlfriend because he feared getting arrested.
When the student didn’t cooperate with a trip to see the principal, authorities said, he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and petit larceny. By
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(Joao Pina For The Washington Post)
(Chiqui Esteban and Dan Keating/Post)
(Lazaro Gamio and Kevin Uhrmacher/Post)
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
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(Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)
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Today&s Paper
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Post columnists and policy experts from the Cato Institute and Brookings Institution will preview the 2016 vice presidential debate.
Policymakers and experts will discuss and debate top cybersecurity issues facing the country today.
Who is Donald J. Trump? To discover the man in full, The Washington Post assembled a team of award-winning reporters and researchers to delve into every aspect of his improbable life. (Also available in hardcover.)
Explore the trove of original documents used in the development of The Post's biography about the Republican presidential nominee.


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