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[开箱] Astro A40 Audio System 电竞耳机
Astro Gaming
对于台湾的玩家来说,相较于几个知名的电竞品牌如 、 () 或跨足电竞耳机的耳机品牌如 、 () 或甚至
() 等,Astro Gaming 这个品牌可能不是很熟悉,也可以说几乎在台湾没什么曝光,连 Google 搜寻都找不到几篇台湾的文章在讨论。
不过 Astro Gaming 的 A40 系列耳机可是入选美国电竞联盟 (Major League Gaming,
) 的官方指定耳机,在欧美的电竞、游戏耳机界享有极高评价,包含 、 都有撰文推荐,也是知名评价网站 的第一名推荐耳机。
若说到 Astro Gaming 的起源 – ,相信各位对于他们的产品应该就听过了。他们曾经设计过的作品包含微软 (Microsoft) 的 、Nike 运动电子表以及友讯 () 的
等产品 (),具有优秀及丰富的设计经验。也因此,这个深具设计色彩的耳机品牌,不仅仅是在游戏的音质方面,更在设计层面跳脱了既有耳机的设计元素,融入了一些小细节,让玩家能体验到每一其巧思。
首先来看看我收到的 A40 2013 Edition 到底有那些东西吧!(以下所有照片都是使用 iPhone 4s 拍摄,室内灯光偏黄请见谅!)
当当,打开来后可以看到里面塞得相当满,因为一些平常不见得都用会用到的线材也通通被塞进来了。各位也可以看到这个 A40 Audio System 除了耳机外的最大主打 – 支援 4 种 EQ 模式及多种输入输出接口的 Mixamp 耳扩。
摊开后,可以看到有许多的粗细不等 (但大多都很粗,口桀口桀) 的线材,质感超棒的耳机本体、耳扩和右下角的MLG Logo 耳机造型片。
把耳机拿起来看,Astro 的耳机造型片外包复了一层胶膜,重量大约为 324 公克,跟我前一款的 Gamecom 777 相比轻上不少。各位可以看到左边耳罩边缘有个孔,这是插入音源线材用的,这个设计除了便于拆装外,后来我发现非常好的是如果不小心勾到线不会拉扯到整个耳机而只会把线拉掉,相当贴心。
这是另一边的样子,可以明显看到线材从保护的管子伸出来钻进耳罩内,说到这个管子型的设计也蛮有趣的,耳罩的伸缩方式完全是管子在伸缩,机构看起来比较简单也比之前 Gamecom 777 那种两片接合在一起的方式看起来稳固的多。而耳罩也是可以环绕着管子转向让它们更贴合你的耳朵,戴起来相当舒适,但是这样设计下的缺点是管子的伸缩有点紧,如果戴在头上不大好直接调整,可能要先调好再戴。
这边是头顶的头带部分,同样为了轻量化中间都有许多空隙,而内部的衬垫相较于 Gamecom 777 也没有很厚但是很软,可能因为都靠耳罩夹住耳机了所以这边就比较没设计一些缓冲吧!戴起来是没有特别感受到头顶有压迫。外部的部分则是有 Astro 的 Logo 浮凸。
近看 Astro 的造型片,接下来就要把膜给撕掉了。
这款 Astro 极为自豪的耳扩如果单购就要 $129.99 美金,支援 DOLBY DIGITAL 7.1 声道,对于需要听音辨位的 FPS 游戏而言帮助很大。
这个耳扩的整体外观都是塑胶,顶端的大颗音量转盘以及底端调整人声、音乐平衡的转盘边缘则为金属。面板上除了转盘外,还有顶端的开关按钮以及下方的两颗按钮,分别是左边的调整 EQ 模式和右边的 7.1 声道模式开关。
前端的输出接口,提供两个串联孔 (喇叭图示)、一个耳机孔以及一个 XBox 把手耳机孔。
后端的接口则有 3.5mm 立体声输入、MP3 音源输入、串流输出以及 USB 电源接口。
接下来是线材囉!第一个登场的是对我来说经常用到的耳麦。Astro 的耳麦都采用外接的方式,我想这样比较方便携带,如果坏了可能也能单买吧?整支耳麦的材质都是柔软的塑胶,有点像是铁丝一样可以往任意方向弯,不过不知道寿命如何会不会弯久了断掉就是。
这是耳机的专属音源线,非常的粗,长度应该有将近 2 公尺,上方有一控制器但只能调整麦克风静音,可能是为了怕跟耳扩的功能冲突所以没有加入音量调整,但对于没有购买耳扩的使用者或是单独带出去来用的情况有点可惜。
接着这条就是音质的命脉,接入电脑用的光纤囉!这条线的粗度已经跟缆线差不多了,接头上贴心的塞上了保护套。其余线材如接 MP3 的,或直接接电脑时用的输入输出分接线等我就不介绍了。
最后是耳机造型片,除了原本的 Astro Logo 贴片外还送了两片 MLG 的。安装的方式非常简单,第二张照片可以看到后端有四个接点那是磁铁,而耳罩内的接点是金属所以直接吸上去就装好了。官网上还有提供不同游戏的贴片,也接受客制化订做的服务。
A40 耳机、Astro 耳机造型片以及 Astro MixAmp(TM) 耳扩
2M 3.5mm Quick Disconnect Cable、PC Splitter/Adapter
MixAmp 线材:
Mini TOSLink to TOSLink, 3M USB-USB Mini, 1.5M Xbox Live Chat Cable, 2M 3.5mm Audio Cable
15 - 28,000 Hz
重量 (不含线材):
声音压强级别 (SPL):
12 秒差距内 (星际大战梗)
6.0mm uni-directional noise canceling
USB mini-B (USB 2.0 compatible)
70mW 32ohm per channel
35 - 20,000 Hz
接口 (前端):
Headset Connector、2.5mm Xbox Live voice communication connector、Two daisy chain 3.5mm ports
接口 (后端):
3.5mm Mini TOSlink、3.5mm mp3 connector、USB mini-B (audio/power)、3.5mm Stream Output
由于耳扩跟声卡在实际上的功用差不多,所以如果本身已经有一张中高阶卡我会建议可以省下耳扩的钱,不过如果没有的话也是很推荐 Astro 这款耳扩。
首先,先把光纤的一端插入电脑音效芯片的S/PDIF孔,另一端则插入耳扩的后端 OPT 孔。
之后再把耳机线插入耳扩前端的耳机孔,接着将 USB 电源线插入电脑上的 USB 孔,这样就完成了,相当简单。
其中左下方的 EQ 模式灯则以红光的位置显示切换的模式,四个模式由左上角开始顺时针分别为:
Pro 模式:这是 FPS 类型游戏的特别模式,会强化脚步声、手榴弹的声音并降低其他的杂音。
Core 模式:这是一般玩游戏的模式。
Media 模式:特别为了音乐以及电影强化重低音的模式。
Sports 模式:加强回音制造体育场内效果的模式。
以我的 Windows 8 Pro 为例,播放装置会自动抓到 S/PDIF 数码音讯,而 A40 也会自动被系统侦测到显示为耳麦式耳机 ASTRO MixAmp Pro。
在 Media 模式下实测流行音乐、摇滚乐、电音等,人声并不会因为重低音强化而被影响到,一样是非常的清晰。不过在古典乐以及乐器的表现方面就比较普通了,听了几首贝多芬的钢琴曲后觉得只有一般水准,毕竟各有优劣,这支耳机我想应该不会有太多人拿来听古典乐吧?
由于音质太过于主观,所以这边就不着墨太多,另一方面是我听过的顶级耳机除了 Denon D5000 外也没有太多经验,恐怕也写不出什么龙飞凤舞的评测。
最后,对于 A40 Audio System 整体做个结论。
有着 Astro Studio 的加持,主打轻量的结构,A40 无论是固定点使用或者是携带外出都非常适合。出去比赛若担心撞耳机,官方也提供多种游戏的造型片可以购入甚至自行客制。
头带带给头部的压力有效的透过垫子和耳罩的厚棉释放出来,配合结构可以旋转耳罩使其更贴合耳朵,我自己长期配戴超过 4 小时也不会感到明显不适。
在原本没有额外声卡的情况下,A40 搭配上 MixAmp 耳扩后音质有至少 30% 的提升,使一般类型的音乐以及游戏中的音乐配合上杜比 7.1 环场音效后都有非常逼真且震撼的效果。
麦克风的收音相当好,抗噪也有效的降低了键盘打字等杂音,自从换上了 A40 后连聊 Skype 都被因为不讲话的时候太过安静以为挂掉了。
说到这个就伤心了,Astro 在几个大评测上往往因为价格因素被扣分,想想也可以理解毕竟声海或罗技都有较为经济的耳机,而价格差到至少一倍以上也让许多人却步。
以我为例,官网标价含耳扩的价格是 $249.99 美金未税,运费因为直接选择一般运送至美国国内所以免费,实际刷卡后帐单来是含税 $268.11 美金换算为 $7800 台币。而即使单买耳机也要 $199.99 美金,换算台币含税近七千,相较于声海的 PC330 约四千多的价格,或者雷蛇的巨齿鲨约五千的价格,都高出一截。
除了价格外的每一项若满分 10 分我都会给到 9 分,若是手头比较宽裕又打算买一个台湾比较少人拥有的耳机,又或者有认识的人在国外可以帮忙带回,那么我会非常推荐入手这只耳机。
电竞耳机还是给专业的来!A40 TR + MixAmp M80
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A40 TR + MixAmp M80
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Astro Gaming A50 wireless surround sound headset hands-on (video)
If you're serious about your sound when it comes to gaming, chances are you've at least heard of . Back in 2008, the company introduced its pro gaming-focused headset solution, the , and since then it's been actively adding to its lineup with lifestyle headsets like the A30, and various improved refreshes of the A40 itself. In the lead-up to E3, the company announced the $300 , marking its second major push away from the competitive gaming scene and into the living room. If you'll recall, Astro first dabbled in specifically bringing its tournament headset chops to the living room last year with its first wireless solution, the . Although we were pleased with the 5.8's performance and versatility -- namely that it worked with any 3.5mm-equipped headsets across the Xbox, PS3 and PC like the wired MixAmp Pro -- we worried some users would be put-off with having to deal with the three-piece setup. Basically, you had a wired headset that plugging into a belt pack, which wirelessly connected to a transmitter base. It appears that Astro took note as well, opting to get rid of the belt pack and cram its controls and radios inside of an A40, along with some other tweaks, including KleerNet lossless audio, to create the A50 -- something we'd been hoping to see for a very long while. We spent some time with Astro's Marketing Director, Aaron Drayer, to talk about the headset and try it for ourselves, and you'll find it all detailed just past the break.
Gallery: Astro Gaming A50 wireless surround sound headset (hands-on) | 20 Photos
Although this is Astro's first embedded wireless gaming headset solution, it should be mostly familiar to anyone who has used the A40. The headsets are nearly identical from a distance, aside from the A50 having a red trim on its inner cabling and more matte accenting. The materials on both headsets are mostly the same as well, save for the headband which has extra padding. Naturally, it's because the A50 is a bit heavier from now having all the MixAmp tech jammed inside of its earcups. Still, the headset pretty much has the tried-and-true comfort and fit that the A40 is known for -- something that's only rivaled by that of the Sennheiser PC 360 to our heads. Among the main things that've changed, the earcups don't support removable speaker tags and are now of the closed back variety, offering better isolation and bass response. Furthermore, the noise cancelling boom mic is nearly the same as the A40's, but it's now non-removeable and affixed to the left earcup. This allows it to function like the
boom mic, whereby muting is handled by simply flipping the boom upright instead of an inline mute switch like the A40's. Moving along, the lower rear edge of the earcup houses a Xbox 360 chat cable port and Mini-USB for charging the unit's battery. Estimated battery life is slated for 10-12 hours per charge, with an average lifespan of over three years. We're told a service replacement program will be offered if the battery dies out, as it's not user replaceable. The headphones also packs a 5.8GHz KleerNet-equipped wireless radio, which is said to be compatible with newer HP Beats-enabled laptops out of the box.
The right earcup is where the MixAmp magic takes place. Rather than having the MixAmp's balance dial for chat and game volume, the earcup is now a two-way rocker switch. Pressing forward gives you more game volume, while pushing back mixes in more voice volume. Thankfully, audio cues are given to inform you when you've maxed out in either direction or set the two to an even balance, however, we do wish there was a beep for every increment. If we had to nitpick, the rocker makes a bit of a hollow wom sound when pressed, but it does have a nice tactile click to it when pressed. The rear edge of this cup features a click-wheel for the overall volume, as well as a three-way audio preset switch (details in a bit). The wheel's position made it lineup our thumb, making it easy to adjust volume quickly. Better yet, there was absolutely no static while adjusting it unlike previous MixAmps. The three-way switch we mentioned is another first for Astro headsets. Out of the box, it has a Pro mode for shooters with toned down bass and enhanced highs, a Core mode mixed for a flat response and a Media mode that adds extra bass and mids for movies and music. Like
programmable headsets, Astro plans to offer software so that users can make custom presets down the line. You're might still be confused as to how sound gets to the headset itself. The unit has a transmitter base that's functionally similar the MixAmp 5.8 TX, but it can only connect to A50 headsets because the 5.8 RX belt packs don't use KleerNet lossless audio processing. It's a bummer for those with A40 and A30 wireless systems, but understandable given that newer DSP is at play. The transmitter features an optical input with a pass-thru for your other home theater gear, a 3.5mm aux. input for chat connection to the PS3 or a music line-in with the Xbox 360, USB ports for charging and potential accessories, along with an input for a power cord. On it's top there's a button for power and Dolby Headphone switch for toggling between stereo and surround sound. By the way, the plastic stand shown is included to cradle headset for charging and storage while also holding the transmitter base. Conveniently enough, it can also hold a MixAmp Pro, but there's no word on when it'll be offered as a standalone accessory.
A quick round of Call of Duty let us test out the sound in Pro mode, and unsurprisingly, it essentially sounds like an A40 with more isolation and added warmth. The Dolby Headphone-enabled virtual 7.1 gave us a good sense of the battlefield around us, and we didn't feel as though the soundstage was drastically affected by the closed back earcup design. If anything, we felt more immersed since we were fairly isolated from everything around us. We didn't notice any crackling or distortion either cranking the headset's volume up, which is notable as Astro claims this headset is its loudest yet. Overall, the A50's smooth and punchy voicing seemed very suited for the task at hand. As far as the microphone is concerned, we couldn't gauge how it would sound to others, but the MixAmp-supplied voice monitoring is actually useable this time around. In past MixAmps the feature was distorted and barely audible, but now it's clear enough that would could talk without shouting despite all the noise-isolation from the ear cups. The A50 audio system is set to hit pre-order status in about two weeks, priced at 300 bones, with the first shipments set to hit doors in July. Rest assured that we'll bring you our in-depth impressions once we get a unit in for review in the coming weeks.
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