如何评价 Serif 出品的 affinity designer吧?使用体验如何

Affinity Designer 1.5 - 推酷
Affinity Designer 1.5
Affinity Designer: the perfect tool for UI and UX design
Affinity Designer has quickly built a formidable reputation as the fastest, smoothest, most precise professional graphic design app available. A coveted Apple Design Award, and thousands of 5 star customer reviews on the Mac App Store are testament to that.
It’s already proved revolutionary for creative professionals working on
. With the latest features added in version 1.5, we’re changing the game for UI, UX and web designers too.
Here are 15 reasons why:
1. The complete package
Affinity Designer is a fully-fledged professional graphic design application, not a one trick pony. This means it’s packed with all the tools necessary for end-to-end production of UI – from initial concepts to the creation of every asset to final device ready output.
Fully Featured
Including all the tools you need in a professional vector design app, carefully considered and meticulously developed for designers like you.
Watch all your adjustments, effects, transformations and brushes take effect in real time, with pan and zoom at up to 60fps, no matter how large the project.
Affinity Designer boasts the incredible ability to zoom in by more than 1 million per cent, and tools with the precision to match.
Integrates easily into your familiar workflow in any color space, with the best PSD import engine and full support for SVG, EPS, PDF, PDF/X and FH files.
2. Symbols taken to another level
New in v1.5, the Symbols feature allows you to have multiple instances of the same object, where editing one object will change all versions simultaneously. But it’s not as simple as that – Affinity Designer offers the most powerful toolset available for control and management of your symbols.
Nested Symbols
Nested Symbols lets you build up intricate designs by using unlimited levels of symbols within symbols. At the same time, it keeps your workflow organized and manageable even with the most complicated work.
In place, real time editing
Edit in place on a document and the changes will be updated instantaneously, in real time on every version. So when you’re designing for different devices, you can see immediately how different versions are going to look.
Unlimited versions
Use attribute sync to attach or detach symbol properties allowing for customisation of individual instances of your symbol. Whether it’s color, text, shape, size, stroke or effect, you maintain total control over which properties are shared and which of them stay unique.
3. Designs that respond
The Constraints feature, new in v1.5, delivers the ability to control the position or size of an object relative to its container, making it possible to create reusable elements which perform in a pseudo-responsive fashion.
An invaluable addition when working on different device sizes or for responsive web design, it’s another Affinity Designer feature engineered to make your creative process as smooth as possible.
4. Perfect pixels
One of the standout features of Affinity Designer is the seamless way in which it enables you to work with both vectors and pixels interchangeably in the same document. This completely removes the frustration of switching apps – your workflow is covered end-to-end.
Comprehensive pixel editing tools
Our Pixel Persona allows you to switch to working with pixels on the same document at a single click and boasts an eye-popping array of selection tools and brushes to inspire raster creativity.
Real time pixel preview
Perfection is assured by viewing your work in pixel preview mode. This allows you to view vectors in both standard and retina resolution, giving you a completely live view of how your design will export.
5. Amazing effects
Affinity Designer’s non-destructive workflow mean you can refine and polish your UI elements with customisable layer effects such as blurring, glows and drop shadows. Any combination of different effects, fills and strokes can be saved as styles too to quickly apply to other objects.
6. Total precision
Full control over your grids and snapping options is one of the features which continually wows users of Affinity Designer.
Alignment is easy with customizable grids and v1.5 now offers instant live feedback making it a breeze to guarantee the precision of your design.
What’s more the Force Pixel Alignment snapping option is a treat for UI and web design, and the ability to save your favourite snapping configurations as presets is a huge time saver.
7. Advanced typography
Whether you want to add eye-catching text for headlines or flow text along a curve, the full range of professional typography tools is baked into Affinity Designer. You have full control over all properties like kerning, leading and tracking, and all attributes can be saved to text styles to be re-used and edited instantly across your entire design.
8. Asset management
Affinity Designer’s new asset management panel is another key element of a smoother workflow. It couldn’t be simpler – just drag and drop items into, or out of, the panel for easy access when you need them. Build up full galleries of objects, organised in your own folder structure, making them instantly available whatever project you are working on.
9. Huge documents, zero lag
Affinity Designer has the most advanced memory management system available. Whether you are working on huge retina website mock ups, or a project with hundreds of artboards, you can still pan and zoom at 60 fps, with all edits and adjustments happening in real time with no lag.
10. Powerful export
Our dedicated Export persona puts everything you need for image export into one complete workspace. It’s never been easier to export all your elements in any size, resolution and format, ideal when you’re creating designs for different display types. What’s more in v1.5 you can specify different folder locations for different elements in the same document, so re-exporting even the most complicated of projects is now a one click process. You can even automatically generate Xcode assets and Spine JSON from your designs to improve your workflow.
11. Outline View
Instantly switch to a wireframe view of your design, even viewing in split screen if you wish. It’s really powerful way to see all the elements across all layers in your project, and adds incredible efficiency to selecting the right target object in complicated multi-layered designs.
12. Artboard-aware embedded document editing
One of the most impressive features of Affinity Designer is the ability to edit embedded documents in real time – seeing changes reflected instantly in your mock-up view.
Version 1.5 adds the much requested feature of having artboard-aware embedded documents. This means you can now instantly switch between different screens or pages to see how every element of your design will look.
13. Unlimited undo
We’ve got your back. Affinity Designer’s rich history means you can undo, or re-do, more than 8,000 steps. In fact, the savable, shared history allows you to undo steps later even if you’re on a different machine, or working in a different Affinity app.
For extra peace of mind, Snapshots allows you to store documents at different stages, while the unobtrusive Auto Save protects you against unexpected interruptions.
14. Free UI kit worth $58
Sergey Azovskiy’s incredibleGrade UI kit is included for free with every purchase of Affinity Designer. Featuring 10 categories, 100+ icons and an incredible 1000+ elements, this UI kit is something every creative should tuck away in their toolbox. Bought separately, it’s worth more than you pay for the app!
15. No subscription. Just &258.00
Your purchase of Affinity Designer for a one-off payment includes free future updates too.
Affinity Designer
Professional graphic design software for Mac
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Affinity Designer 给我的第一感觉相当好,我担心的是与 PS,AI (以下简称 P&A)等原始工具操作上的差异。但第一次打开 Affinity Designer (以下简称 AD),发现大多数快捷键与 P&A一样。界面风格有分离模式和一体模式。类似 P&A 的 Application Frame。&br&&img src=&/b8b0cceecb926cb7d84fbbf_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1116& data-rawheight=&619& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1116& data-original=&/b8b0cceecb926cb7d84fbbf_r.jpg&&&img src=&/b0db238a3e3f031cf459d43fef7992e5_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1053& data-rawheight=&636& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1053& data-original=&/b0db238a3e3f031cf459d43fef7992e5_r.jpg&&&br&AD 分为三种形象模式(Persona):Draw Persona, Pixel Persona, Export Persona.&br&&img src=&/adb7fcdfb478f0b8e6b41_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&119& data-rawheight=&38& class=&content_image& width=&119&&&br&Draw Persona 模式中,所有图形元素均为矢量模式,最大可放大到 %,最小缩小到 0.1%。在这个模式中左侧工具栏为矢量图形工具。&br&&img src=&/9b6fd7fff3_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&38& data-rawheight=&484& class=&content_image& width=&38&&Pixel Persona 模式中,可以对已栅格化的图形进行处理。如果你直接切换到这个模式在画布上操作矢量图形,该图形/图层会自动转换为栅格图层。&br&&img src=&/bd680d4d748_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&40& data-rawheight=&548& class=&content_image& width=&40&&&br&图层分为普通图层(矢量)和像素图层:&img src=&/89dbf6e7b7ee2d3bfbc02_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&52& data-rawheight=&23& class=&content_image& width=&52&&Export Persona 模式中,可以直接对图形元素切片导出。&br&&img src=&/ea2e8a655caebb246d808_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&38& data-rawheight=&146& class=&content_image& width=&38&&&img src=&/75aef9ec96fa_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&120& data-rawheight=&27& class=&content_image& width=&120&&&br&可以选择要导出的图像倍数。&br&&img src=&/2e53db046def0e1dedb6_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&171& data-rawheight=&55& class=&content_image& width=&171&&&br&导出设置也很全面。&br&&img src=&/9f74ed73becba2f478e17907_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&253& data-rawheight=&283& class=&content_image& width=&253&&&br&&br&类似 AI 的像素预览,AD 里面还提供了三种预览模式:实际像素预览模式、Retina 像素预览模式,线框预览模式。&br&&img src=&/d4beabc93e4_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&131& data-rawheight=&34& class=&content_image& width=&131&&&br&自定义图形非常多,每种图形都可以单独进行调整,十分便利:&br&&img src=&/8a0c13ccdd6d9841ae9cfecfbea89a4f_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&233& data-rawheight=&438& class=&content_image& width=&233&&&br&&br&所有图形/图层顺序、水平垂直水平翻转(P&A 的翻转都在变换菜单中)、顺逆时针翻转,对齐都放到了顶部工具栏。&br&&img src=&/a3b6c4ed4a44d5fc974afec_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&583& data-rawheight=&319& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&583& data-original=&/a3b6c4ed4a44d5fc974afec_r.jpg&&&br&&br&智能对齐模式设置也非常详尽,而且真的非常好用。&br&&img src=&/bc7ab999b3acb49_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&272& data-rawheight=&597& class=&content_image& width=&272&&&br&图形分割和图形插入顺序:&br&&img src=&/307f5e8c9dc718bed8de1_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&364& data-rawheight=&36& class=&content_image& width=&364&&&br&&br&路径功能很全面,AI 有的一并有。贝塞尔手柄操作也提供了 AI 没有的一些动作:&br&&img src=&/631e98e96_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&492& data-rawheight=&25& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&492& data-original=&/631e98e96_r.jpg&&&br&&br&描边提供了压感曲线,非常实用。&br&&img src=&/9cbbc1a1ed3a7bab7bd20_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&654& data-rawheight=&402& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&654& data-original=&/9cbbc1a1ed3a7bab7bd20_r.jpg&&&br&色板基本上和 P&A 一样。可以存储和导出&br&&img src=&/963cb4ce03f_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&247& data-rawheight=&326& class=&content_image& width=&247&&&br&大部分人非常重视的实时蒙版,AD 也做得相当好。直接把对象作为蒙版对象的子层即可。比 AI 甚至 PS 要方便得多(AI 的蒙版相当麻烦)。&br&&img src=&/937ba5ab40494_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&504& data-rawheight=&76& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&504& data-original=&/937ba5ab40494_r.jpg&&&br&图层样式,PS 有的 AD 也有,&img src=&/b820f1a54c6cdce6cca8708_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&491& data-rawheight=&522& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&491& data-original=&/b820f1a54c6cdce6cca8708_r.jpg&&&br&3D Effect 是特有的一种样式,可以添加多个光源。实时高斯模糊性能也很高。在高斯模糊对象基础上添加多个图层样式效果都非常流畅。&br&&br&(持续更新中……)&br&&br&除开官网 Video 中介绍的特性让人期待,我更担心 AD 这个工具某些细节会做得不好,比如蒙版(AI 的蒙版用出了阴影),路径功能,对齐和图形分割,网格,色板……etc。但试用后真的是让我打消了顾虑,并没有让我觉得潦草或粗糙,完成度相当高!一个才1.1.0版本()就做到这个地步,非常了不起。对于经常使用 P&A 的设计师来说,操作上的兼容性和用户体验 AD 也做得不错.&br&&br&我觉得 AD 这个工具会逐步的成为部分设计师的主力工具(我已开始在项目中使用),我个人认为它有这个潜力和实力,328元的价格也相当值。&br&&br&&br&--- 以下内容于
添加 ---&br&&img src=&/bbecb9d4aa4e2547aa2bdbefeed0bcf3_b.png& data-rawwidth=&598& data-rawheight=&540& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&598& data-original=&/bbecb9d4aa4e2547aa2bdbefeed0bcf3_r.png&&&br&去年12月的时候,AD 迎来了一次比较大的更新 1.4,现在也已经迭代到了 1.4.1 版本。不知道大家有没有持续地使用 AD 进行设计。我个人基本上是什么都用。因为每个工具都有各自长处,关键是看大家如何调配自己对功能的需要了。&br&&br&截至到今天 Sketch 更新到了3.6.1版本。作为从 1.0 就开始使用的老用户,Sketch 现在可以说是非常健全的工具了,但是有些老问题还是没有得到很好的解决,比如智能间隙和对齐的权重混乱:&br&&img src=&/acefa15b14ca2e85833a_b.png& data-rawwidth=&315& data-rawheight=&148& class=&content_image& width=&315&&这真是非常让人头痛,因为你没办法对它的对齐吸附进行相关设置。个人认为 Keynote 的吸附到间隙是做得最好的。不过这个功能在 AD 中还没有开放(&a href=&///?target=https%3A///forum/index.php%3F/topic/3913-how-to-enable-that-snap-to-gaps-and-sizes-option/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&How to enable that &Snap to gaps and sizes& option?&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a& 完全搞不清楚不开放为什么还要显示出来)。现在大家在 AD 中仍然只能像 AI 中一样 使用对齐的间隔工具;在这一点上至少 Sketch 还能勉强使用了,也算是满足。&br&&br&好多人吐槽 Sketch 的文字工具太难用了。是的,到 3.6.1 仍然没有 Baseline 没有 Leading Override ,没有 SuperScript 没有 SubScript……连大小写转换都没有,难用到爆炸啊!&br&&br&AD 一开始就把 Text 工具向 PS 看齐。到现在也有 Sketch 的最近使用字体了,而且也可以同步系统字体册字体集。&br&&img src=&/11c5cf7cfaeba1ae0254d_b.png& data-rawwidth=&316& data-rawheight=&333& class=&content_image& width=&316&&现在 AD 也有 PANTONE(R) 色板了。色板功能较1.1.0也有非常大的提升。到目前还添加了旋转画布,性能依然非常棒。&br&&br&AD 里还有非常强大的 Grid And Snapping Axis 管理器:&br&&img src=&/1a9ff46eef7f7b32d3790_b.png& data-rawwidth=&623& data-rawheight=&641& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&623& data-original=&/1a9ff46eef7f7b32d3790_r.png&&你可以打出很特殊的三角网格和轴侧网格, So sweet……&br&&br&基本上 Photoshop ,Illustrator , Affinity Designer, Sketch各有各的长处,你基本上不可能在一个工具中看到所有你想要的功能。Affinity Designer 对我来说最有吸引力的就是它的图形性能,我曾打开将近3000个图层的 PSD 文件,PS 打开这个文件吃我10GB 的硬盘空间:(,移动起来也是非常不流畅,但 AD 除了能够兼容打开而且处理起来也非常顺畅。简直是爽翻(不过兼容性还是有些小问题),但是相对于 1.1.0版本,兼容性已经有了质的飞跃。这个开发团队应该非常猛,因为他们每次版本更新 New Features 总比 Bug Fixed 多(Sketch 说你呢……)。&br&&br&对了,AD 即将开放 Windows 版本。希望它有长足的发展,越来越好用……&br&&br&--- 以下内容于
添加 ---&br&有朋友跟我吐槽 AD 难用的地方。就是 AD 的混排实在是让人无语:&br&&img src=&/3c6caecd7cdcbaedda43fbc9_b.png& data-rawwidth=&808& data-rawheight=&489& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&808& data-original=&/3c6caecd7cdcbaedda43fbc9_r.png&&同样都是设置全部对齐,但是 AD 基本上没法使用。所以就目前版本来看,大家可能需要避开大量排版的使用场景(已在他们的 forum 反馈)。&br&&br&还有朋友跟我吐槽 AD 的吸管。实在是让人头疼。大家去试用下就知道,吸管不是作为单独工具存在的。而且吸取了颜色还要再点一下吸管旁边的色块储存器才会上色(WTF)。&br&&br&不过瑕不掩瑜,就图形上,AD 还是比较好用的。
Affinity Designer 给我的第一感觉相当好,我担心的是与 PS,AI (以下简称 P&A)等原始工具操作上的差异。但第一次打开 Affinity Designer (以下简称 AD),发现大多数快捷键与 P&A一样。界面风格有分离模式和一体模式。类似 P&A 的 Application Frame。 …
现在 Serif 提供了试用版,这两天尝试了一下。&br&&br&Affinity Designer 的界面相对于 AI 来说更简单明了。如果 AI 用的熟练的话,过一遍、熟悉 Affinity Designer 的大多数功能不出半个小时,但适应其操作仍需要时间。最常用的一些功能被收纳进了顶部工具栏里(这个好评)。界面视觉风格更类似 Photoshop。默认是暗色界面(好评),支持 OS X 的全屏幕模式,并且支持触控板操作,还支持触控板的惯性滚动。工具栏图标比 AI 精致的多。大多数功能,如钢笔工具、自动对齐等用用起来很顺手。&br&&br&的确如其宣传的一样,性能很不错。用双指缩放、平移文稿比较流畅,虽然仍然能看到有些掉帧,但整体上感觉还是很好。在试用过程中,暂无遇到崩溃、卡死等情况。&br&&br&功能上 AD 和 AI 两者各有千秋。&br&&br&AD 基本的矢量功能都有。相对于 AI,AD 提供了像素编辑功能,可以创建像素图层并编辑之。AD 还提供了 Layer Adjustment 功能,就是白平衡、曲线那些,这一点比 AI 好太多。AD 可以做环形渐变(AI 都到现在了还不能做,MD)。AD 支持内阴影 effect(AI 要实现内阴影效果要使用一些奇技淫巧)。AD 提供的基于图层及对象的 effects,用起来感觉更类似 PS。AD 可以一下子导出原始大小、@2x、@3x 的切图文件(AI 的产品负责人这两年一直在睡觉吗?)。不过和 AI 一样,没有类似 Sketch Mirror 这样的在设备上实时预览功能。&br&&br&但反过来,先不提好用与否,AI 经过长年累月的积累,功能上仍然超越 AD 不少。比如 AI 有填色网格功能而 AD 没有;比如 AI 支持多重填充和多重描边功能;比如 AI 的文本框支持串接、亚洲文字的避头尾及标点挤压。另外,AD 里的 effects 就真的只是图形样式的 effects,而 AI 里的 effects 包括很多矢量图形变换、形变,更类似一些三维软件里的「修改器」。还有很多……&br&&br&再说一下兼容性。AD 可以读取 AI 格式的文件。对于一些简单的 AI 文件,AD 可以准确显示并直接编辑:&br&&br&&img src=&/2ad9cbe1dba7c87fdaee3_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&2176& data-rawheight=&860& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&2176& data-original=&/2ad9cbe1dba7c87fdaee3_r.jpg&&&br&(可以看到,AD 不仅准确显示了 AI 文稿,并且成功解析了 AI 文稿里的图层、对象这些元素。&br&&br&对于稍复杂一些的 AI 文稿,AD 可以准确显示,但不能直接编辑:&br&&br&&img src=&/0ac7f35acb71deb043d33f_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1296& data-rawheight=&762& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1296& data-original=&/0ac7f35acb71deb043d33f_r.jpg&&&br&(AD 虽然准确地显示了图稿,但矢量对象被解析成了两个 image,故无法直接编辑。)&br&&br&遇到更复杂一些的 AI 文稿,就无法保证显示准确了,比如这个:&br&&br&&img src=&/48086cfc48d4ed0e5681_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1090& data-rawheight=&1458& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1090& data-original=&/48086cfc48d4ed0e5681_r.jpg&&&br&这个 AI 图稿使用了如多重填充、渐变网格等效果。作为对比,在 AI 里显示如下:&br&&br&&img src=&/50e8d399c31dc261ed40_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1124& data-rawheight=&1448& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1124& data-original=&/50e8d399c31dc261ed40_r.jpg&&&br&最后说一下总体的看法。虽然 AD 有很多特性和功能十分惊艳,不过出于使用习惯、兼容性、功能等方面,在试用期结束后,我暂时不会购买 AD 投入生产中。不过,直到现今,市面上的矢量编辑工具,如 AI、PS、AD、Sketch,每一个都有一些让人难以接受的方面。这几年看着 Adobe 碌碌无为的样子,打心底希望有一个优秀的搅局者出现,而 AD、Sketch 等软件有这方面的潜质。个人会关注这些软件的发展,如果 AD 等软件在未来会持续改进,可能会去购买并投入生产中。&br&&br&(PS:Serif 最近推出了 Affinity Photo,一款类似 PS 的图像处理软件,现阶段为试用版,大家可以去官网下载体验一下)
现在 Serif 提供了试用版,这两天尝试了一下。 Affinity Designer 的界面相对于 AI 来说更简单明了。如果 AI 用的熟练的话,过一遍、熟悉 Affinity Designer 的大多数功能不出半个小时,但适应其操作仍需要时间。最常用的一些功能被收纳进了顶部工具栏里(…
UX Design / Creative / High Tech Researcher


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