怎么在虚拟机里装windows2003server r2 server 2003

怎么在虚拟机里装windows server 2003_百度知道解决windows2003下无法使用VMware vSphere Client - 正冰
解决windows2003下无法使用VMware vSphere Client
最近几天在我indows2003服务器上登陆安装在本机的VC(VirtualCenter server)总是遇到如下问题:
而安装在本机(windows 2008)的VMware vSphere Client却可以顺利登陆VC,这让我想起来之前遇到过在服务器上无法登陆,却可以在别的电脑上安装客户端登陆。那么问题应该出在客户端身上才是。我将现有的客户端进行了卸载,然后重新安装,无法解决。(这里我要告诉各位:windows服务器有个很大的特点,那就是遇到问题先重启试试看,或许就有效,而我却没第一时间去重启,囧~或许我重启一下,问题解决也不用走下面这么多弯路,当然,如果你重启后没效果,请继续往下看!)
清理完成后重启,新的问题出现了。服务中的VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices服务却没有启动,之前也出现过这个问题,每次手动启动即可。而这次多次尝试后依然没法启动,我变查看日志,查看与该服务相关的服务是否有问题。
VMware vCenter Converter
VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configuration
VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices
VMware VirtualCenter Server
完成服务启动,我顺手打开VMware vSphere Client却弹出来初始化失败,忘记装.net 2.0了。将.net 2.0安装好后,再次登陆,稍等片刻,登陆成功!问题解决。
使用vsphere 客户端连接vpshere 服务器时,跳出窗口,提示:分析服务器&X.X.X.X&的&clients.xml&文件时出错。从网上看到,是由于.NET 自动升级造成的。修改方法是删除升级的补丁(980773),然后将自动升级更改为&安装时提示我&,然后在升级时忽略掉这个升级包。
vSphere Client does not open on any Windows operating systems with the error: parsing the server &&servername&& &clients.xml& file
注:&微软更新了.net framework。可能是load .net framework的工作机制改变了,
&When trying to launch the vSphere Client you receive errors similar to:
Error parsing the server &&servername&& &clients.xml& file.
The type initializer for VirtualInfrastructure.Utils.HttpWebRequestProxy' threw an exception.
You cannot use vSphere Clients prior to the Update 1 release, to access the vCenter Server or ESX hosts because of a Microsoft update that targets the .NET Framework (), released on June 9th 2010. &
Perform one of these two options to correct the issue:
1.Download and install vSphere Client 4.0 Update 1 (build 208111) or Update 2 (build 258672) using method a or b below, depending on your environment.
a.To download and install the vSphere Client for ESX, ESXi (paid version), and vCenter Server:
i.Go the&.
Note: The vSphere Client .exe is part of the ESX, ESXi, or vCenter Server download binaries.
ii.Click&Download&next to your ESX, ESXi, or vCenter Server edition.
iii.Log in with your VMware Account credentials.
iv.Click&Yes&to agree to the EULA.
v.Click the&.exe&link next to&vSphere Client and Host Update Utility.
Note: You do not need to download the entire vSphere suite, only the vSphere Client.
vi.Follow the on-screen instructions to install the updated vSphere Client.
b.To download and install the vSphere Client Update 1 for ESXi (free version):
i.Go to the&.
iii.Log in with your account credentials, or register for free.
iv.Click&Download&next to&vSphere Client and Host Update Utility.
v.Follow the on-screen instructions to install the updated vSphere Client.
2.Remove the MS update from your Windows operating system. The vSphere Client works after the update is removed.
Note: This affects Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
&If the build number for your vSphere Client is 208111 or higher, then you have vSphere Client Update 1 or later, and should not be affected by this issue.
You can determine the version of vSphere Client by reviewing the build number located in the first line of a viclient.log file, located in %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\VMware\vpx on the system running the vSphere Client if the OS is Windows XP or 2003 and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\VMware\vpx in 64 bit Windows 7 or 2008. Build 208111 or higher indicates you are using vSphere Client 4.0 Update 1 or later.
For example:
03:08:58.508 &Log for vSphere Client Launcher, pid=4756, version=4.0.0, build=build-208111, option=release
&当然如果你不想升级vSphere Client也不是没有其他办法。见下面方法,同样来自官方。
This issue is resolved in VMware vSphere 4.0 Update 1. Prior to this update, the vSphere Client is not&supported in&Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2&and it does not run in Compatibility Mode.&This issue may&occur because of the .NET loading mechanism change in Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
You can download and install the&VMware vSphere 4.0 Update 1 from the&.
If you cannot upgrade to VMware vSphere 4.0 Update 1, there are 2 possible workarounds. Perform one of these options:
&Using&&or&, install&a Windows XP virtual machine in Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2.
&Bypass the normal .NET Framework loading mechanism.
Warning: This workaround is unsupported.
To bypass the normal .NET Framework loading mechanism:
1.Download the file system.dll. This file is typically located&in &%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ directory of a non-Windows 7 or Windows&2008 R2 machine with .NET v3.5 SP1 installed.
2.Copy the file to&C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\lib.
Note: If&the lib directory does not exist,&create it.
3.Open&VpxClient.exe.config&in a text editor. The file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher.
4.Add the&following three lines to VpxClient.exe.config, just before &/configuration&:
&developmentMode developerInstallation=&true&/&
5.From Windows&2008 R2 or Windows 7 System Properties, click the&Advanced&tab &&Environment Variables.&
6.Create a new System variable called DEVPATH and assign the value:
C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Virtual Infrastructure Client\Launcher\Lib
Note: For 32bit operating systems, replace Program Files (x86)with&Program Files.
You can now&launch vSphere Client from a&Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 machine. You may have to right-click on the vSphere Client icon and choose&Run as administrator.
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想在VMware中安装windows service 2003怎么操作,已知能正确安装XP系统
主要想在虚拟机中做一个服务器,并安装sql server。请问去哪里下载中文版windows service 2003的iso镜像,要求能在虚拟机中用!另外虚拟机中装好后,要有那些要点,比如怎么在虚拟机中的什么里面添加真实电脑的用户名administrator和密码?怎么弄啊
2、 什么原版系统都有
补充楼主的第三点,想要和实机一样的用户名和密码直接在虚拟机装系统的时候设置成和实机一样就行了吧,另外虚拟机的硬件驱动就是那个Vmtools,记得要安装,在VM-install vmtools点一下应该就可以了。
版区有你更精彩: )
相同的话会不会提示网络中有同名计算机的 2003的vol版输入序列号激活而且没有正版验证,记得是这样的
感谢解答: )
其实是一样的,密钥网上一搜一大把,至于SQL,貌似只有个人版和开发板可以装载XP上,其余的就要在服务器操作系统上用了,VMWARE TOOLS完全可以通用
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Windows Server 2003虚拟操作系统的安装过程
  要安装Windows Server
2003虚拟网络操作系统,一是先安装虚拟机,目前常用的版本有Vmware5.5.3汉化版和VMware 6.0.2
build汉化版。二是必须有Windows Server
Server 2003虚拟系统的过程。
2.在C盘创建 win 2003 文件夹(安装文件夹)
3.开始→程序→VMware→VMware Worktion(启动虚拟机),显示虚拟机命令窗口。
  (2)当提示安装什么操作系统时,在客户机操作系统:选择: Microsoft windows在版本栏选: windows
Server 2003 Enterprise Edition(企业版)
& & (3)当提示操作系统安装位置时,点浏览按钮,选C:\Win
& & (5)当提示磁盘容量时,选默认的8.0G
& & (6)点完成结束虚拟机的创建
  (2)按F2,安装 Windows 2003 Server SP2 企业版,开始Windows Setup安装。
7.安装完后,点虚拟机菜单栏上“虚拟机”,执行安装Vmware Tools;将虚拟机显


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