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&&N​I​K​E​新​推​出​的​A​I​R​ ​R​E​L​E​N​T​L​E​S​S​拥​有​后​跟​可​视​低​压​气​垫​,​其​特​有​的​N​I​K​E​缓​震​科​技​能​给​人​带​来​非​常​舒​适​的​穿​着​感​受​。​在​此​基​础​上​,​时​尚​界​众​多​元​素​也​被​加​入​到​了​这​一​系​鞋​款​上​,​无​论​是​金​属​的​未​来​感​、​彩​虹​的​混​搭​风​,​还​是​仿​动​物​皮​革​的​高​质​感​都​是​大​行​其​道​的​时​尚​风​潮​,​为​喜​欢​运​动​的​年​轻​女​孩​们​提​供​了​更​多​个​性​而​又​时​尚​的​运​动​鞋​款​选​择​。​这​些​鞋​款​都​是​为​爱​而​诞​生​!
你可能喜欢发表于 14:22:27
真地 绝对是真滴!!!
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发表于 13:36:19
省天天低价,畅选无忧近期好价!Nike耐克Air Relentless 5男士跑鞋--找羊毛
推荐理由:轻质缓震中底搭配鞋跟处的内嵌式Air-Sole气垫!6pm特价!6pm目前图片色和灰色款低价至$42.99(转运到手约430元),图片色6、9、10码及以上可选,灰色款6、7码可选,近期好价!同款淘宝售价600元,这里注意下,6pm对低于$50的单件商品会收取$4.95的美国境内邮费,如果可以凑单多件,或者直接买两件便无需美国境内邮费,相比更加划算!有需要的朋友千万不要错过哦~商品详情:NIKE,这个牌子相信也就不用小编向广大JRS介绍了,全球最大的体育用品公司,运动品牌巨头。旗下有科比,詹姆斯,杜兰特,欧文等等等等众多巨星代言,还有最爱的帮主的Jordan也是耐克的子公司。如果有谁不知道nike的话,小编要去找静静了……这款 Nike 耐克 Air Relentless 5 男士跑鞋,合成网眼面料,穿起来透气舒适。可拆卸的泡沫鞋垫。优越的牵引格子图案的橡胶鞋底,耐磨防滑。经典的耐克标识,彰显出了品牌的魅力,轻质缓震中底搭配鞋跟处的内嵌式Air-Sole气垫,轻质缓震。适合日常生活运动穿着。热门专场推荐:来自:识货海淘
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100% Felt true to width
Felt true to width
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Felt wider than marked
71% Moderate arch support
Excellent arch support
Moderate arch support
No arch support
Item Information
Hit your health goal by sweating it out in the & Air Relentless 6 running shoe.
Predecessor: Air Relentless 5.
Support Type: Neutral to underpronation (supination).
Cushioning: Light, flexible response.
Surface: Road.
Differential: Not provided.
Breathable, single-layer mesh and synthetic upper materials.
Lace-up closure.
Padded tongue and collar.
Removable foam insole.
midsole provides resilient underfoot cushioning.
Full-length rubber outsole delivers lasting durability and traction.
Weight: 11 oz
Product measurements were taken using size 11.5, width D - Medium. Please note that measurements may vary by size.
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Customer Reviews
Air Relentless 6
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3 people found this review helpful
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I just turned 40 so I broke down and bought George Costanza colored
and I have to say I like looking like a dad now. These are sure to make you blend in like the average looking white guy you are.
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John P - customer
Review for Zappos Rewards Points
Rated:5 stars!
Rated:5 stars!
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My son (19yrs old) loves theses . Very comfortable, in style without spending 180.00 on a pair of . Comfort, style, and price...what more can you ask for??
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Runs Large
Felt true to size
Runs Narrow
Felt true to width
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Anonymous - customer
from Florida
Review for Zappos Rewards Points
Rated:5 stars!
Rated:5 stars!
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are very comfortable. I am 6'4"/210lbs and they support my size 12 perfectly. I read that some people recommend ordering a half size large so I ordered the 12.5. Now I am not sure if I am really a 12.5 because all my size 12
feel a little tight after getting used to these.
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Runs Narrow
Felt true to width
Poor Support
Great Support
Anonymous - customer
Rated:4 stars!
Rated:4 stars!
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Great shoe but the gray is much darker than what is portrayed in the photo.
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Runs Large
Felt true to size
Runs Narrow
Felt true to width
Poor Support
Great Support
- customer
from new york
Rated:5 stars!
Rated:5 stars!
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Great running shoe for me light and comfortable good padding in the heel area.
Zappos really understands their business of providing good products, at fair prices and the value of good service!!A proven resource for me every purchase!!
I'd also recommend:
Fit Survey
Runs Small
Runs Large
Felt true to size
Runs Narrow
Felt true to width
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Great Support
Anonymous - customer
from Dana Point CA
Was $70.00
Ships Free!
Black/University Red/Bright Mango/Metallic Silver
Cool Grey/Anthracite/White/Total Orange
Cool Grey/Volt/Black/White
Deep Royal Blue/White/Racer Blue
Hyper Cobalt/Bright Citrus/White/Black
Choose Men's size
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Width: D - Medium
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SKU 8714039
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