哪位大神有Red In The Grey-MФ的mp3百度云资源跪求大神别搞笑谢谢

听力材料一般不是新闻就是影视剧,但我一直喜欢有声书-audiobook。看电影练听力,固然有利于保持兴趣,但效率如何难说。据研究,人的日常信息摄入绝大部分靠视觉,听觉本来占的比例就有限,再加上是外语,所得更少了。看电影或美剧,注意力一般集中在画面、人物上,还得分点心看字幕(能看英文字幕或不看字幕的毕竟很少),真正入耳的对白没有几句。这样一部电影看下来,听力方面并没得到多少锻炼。而且很多电影大量俚语,对词汇的要求也挺大。再说新闻,BBC, VOA等新闻网络资源十分丰富,无论国内国外的网站、论坛都很容易找到。但也有问题,就是材料的趣味性。新闻(尤其是那种整点新闻播报)无非是国际政治、经济、外交那些事,和普通人的生活距离有些远,长时间听容易烦。我曾试过听新闻的法子,结果以失败告终(每次只能坚持半小时左右)。podcast稍好,但也不及有声书来得有趣。
有声书,即audiobook,是演员朗诵的有声读物,可以避免上面两种材料的弊病。首先它没有影视剧画面的干扰,注意力完全放在声音上,时间利用更高效。换个角度,也可以说逼着你扔掉视觉这根拐杖,就用耳朵拾取、辨别信息,这样对听力的锻炼效果会更明显。更要紧的是,有声书的趣味性可以避免听新闻难坚持的毛病。比起新闻有限的范围,有声书的种类就太多了。不管你喜欢什么,都能找到相关的有声书。喜欢名著,有War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre;喜欢魔幻,有The Lord of the Rings, Discworld series, His Dark Materials;喜欢侦探,有Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie的书;嫌这些难,有Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland等童书。情节引人入胜,加上生动的朗诵,想不入迷都难。这样坚持,或是一次较长时间的聆听就容易多了。
因为对英音的喜爱,美音的有声书一概过滤掉,有时不得不舍弃一些本来很喜欢的书,比如Le Guin的地海系列。入门听英音有声书,Stephen Fry朗诵的哈利波特不错,英音纯正,速度也慢。男声里面印象较深的有读Three Men in a Boat的Martin Jarvis(当然一半的功劳得记在书上:)),Discworld碟形世界系列的前21部朗诵者Nigel Planer(模仿各色人物惟妙惟肖,语言节奏极佳),Sherlock Holmes全集的朗诵者John Telfer,还有德伯家的苔丝朗诵者Peter Firth(在电影苔丝里演Angel Clare,声音典雅低调,不夸张,很喜欢)。女声里朗诵Painted Veil的Sophie Ward是过耳最好听的,简爱的朗诵者Susan Erickson,声音也好,平静又不乏激情,与小说格调很契合。
近来发现老一辈演员的发音和现在人有所不同,不像一般英音给人留下的有些顿挫费劲的印象,元音发得一点不夸张,整体感觉伶俐轻盈,十分优雅。代表是Edward Petherbridge,朗诵的道连格雷一听倾心,可惜网上能搜到的资源音质都一般。还有Derek Jacobi,也是老牌戏剧演员,声调变化更多更戏剧化一些,正在听他朗诵的王尔德短篇作品集。
Edward Petherbridge版(大力推荐)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - A Woman of No Importance - The Importance of Being Earnest - Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - The Trials of Oscar Wilde
Lady Windermere's Fan
Naxos出的full cast drama,Samuel West,Juliet Stevenson主演,推荐
An Ideal Husband
he Painted Veil---------------W.Somerset Maugham
Sophie Ward朗诵,大力推荐
North and South——Elizabeth Gaskell
Juliet Stevenson朗诵
Brideshead Revisited--Evelyn Waugh
Jeremy Irons,声音朗诵都好
Lolita——Vladimir Nabokov
Jeremy Irons朗诵
(Distant Dreamer)
上面说的都是单人的朗诵,还有分角色朗诵的有声书,不过较少,毕竟成本高很多。我听过的只有Philip Pullman的His Dark Materials,作者本人读叙述部分。还有一个没提,就是广播剧,radio drama,BBC的制作水准很高,很容易听入迷,最近在听福尔摩斯系列。一次听战争与和平到夜里两三点,呵呵。
4G多,慢慢下。。。谢谢 收下啦..~~
huangmei92说:这个很美好!!!因为刚入门所以不敢听太难的了TVT但是福尔摩斯的书倒是翻来覆去看了不少遍,所以听这个还是很开心很舒服o(≧口≦)o 广播剧做得很棒,对初听有声书的来说有难度,有些角色的口音较重,整体语速不慢。不过看过书知道情节应该会好些,试试吧。有一版128k的,比VC上的小,音质很好。
求分角色的有声书= =……LZ有不?
再有就是BBC广播剧了,verycd上也有不少。网盘上搜直接用作品名+BBC radio drama+torrent (rapidshare)做关键词。
最近下了一版Picture of Dorian Gray有声书,Edward Petherbridge朗诵,声音优雅,是目前听过最好的男声,已在电驴共享。
Juliet Stevenson朗诵的简爱,大赞,传到电驴上了。
最近在听Stephen Fry写的自传的有声书^_^
Stephen Fry:&The Fry Chronicles&——转自豆瓣Stephen Fry小组
Stephen Fry的有声书集合,太多了,直接发豆瓣小组地址了,^_^
阿加莎o克里斯蒂有声书全集包括全套的波洛、马普尔还有其他系列及短篇,加上自传。很大,一共16G左右。种子打包到网盘了。 内容 Complete Hercule Poirot Series - UnabridgedAgatha Christie - HP 01 (1920) - The Mysterious Affair at Styles - 133pt May U 2000 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 02 (1923) - Murder on the Links - 11pt Kendall U 2000 Tape 64k Agatha Christie - HP 03 (1924) - Poirot Investigates (short story collection) - 83pt Suchet U 2003 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 04 (1926) - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - 141pt Bailey U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 05 (1927) - The Big Four - 91pt Fraser U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 06 (1928) - The Mystery of the Blue Train - 145pt Moffatt U 2001 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 07 (1932) - Peril at End House - 79pt Fraser U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 08 (1933) - Thirteen at Dinner (aka Lord Edgware Dies) - 102pt Fraser U 2003 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 09 (1934) - Murder on the Orient Express - 120pt Suchet U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 10 (1935a) - Three Act Tragedy - 93pt Sachs U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 11 (1935b) - Death in the Air (aka Death in the Clouds) - 86pt Fraser U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 12 (1936a) - The ABC Murders (aka The Alphabet Murders) - 97pt Fraser U 2003 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 13 (1936b) - Murder in Mesopotamia - 83pt Massey U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 14 (1936c) - Cards on the Table - 91pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 15 (1937a) - Dumb Witness - 91pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 16 (1937b) - Death on the Nile - 120pt Suchet U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 17 (1937a) - Murder in the Mews (UK release) - 68pt Fraser U 2002 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 18 (1937b) - Dead Man's Mirror (US release) - 44pt Fraser U 2002 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 19 (1938) - Appointment with Death - 89pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 20 (1938) - Hercule Poirot's Christmas - 5pt Fraser U 2009 LDL 64k Agatha Christie - HP 21 (1940a) - Sad Cypress - 89pt Suchet U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 22 (1940b) - One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - 76pt Fraser U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 23 (1941) - Evil Under the Sun - 116pt - Suchet U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 24 (1942) - Five Little Pigs - 79pt Fraser U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 25 (1946) - The Hollow - 76pt Fraser U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 26 (1947) - The Labours of Hercules (short story collection) - 116pt Fraser U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 27 (1948) - Taken at the Flood - 89pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 28 (1951) - The Under Dog & Other Stories (short story collection) - 50pt Fraser U 2002 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 29 (1952) - Mrs McGinty's Dead (U) (2009) Agatha Christie - HP 30 (1953) - After the Funeral - 2004 Agatha Christie - HP 31 (1955) - Hickory Dickory Dock - 74pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 32 (1956) - Dead Man's Folly - 132pt Suchet U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 33 (1960) - Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (short story collection) - 43pt Fraser U 2001 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 34 (1963) - The Clocks - 99pt Bailey U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 35 (1966) - Third Girl - 86pt Fraser U 2007 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 36 (1969) - Hallowe'en Party - 102pt Moffat U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 37 (1972) - Elephants Can Remember - 81pt Moffatt U 2001 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 38 (1974) - Poirot's Early Cases (short story collection) - 122pt Fraser & Suchet U 2005 CD 64k Agatha Christie - HP 39 (1975) - Curtain, Poirot's Last Case - 6pt Moffatt U 128k For tips on specific reading order to the Poirot series you can check the file: Poirot_reading_order.pdf An extra bonus is a few Old Time Radio files: Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot - Careless Victim - 450222.mp3 Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot - Flock of Geryon.mp3 Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot - Hercule Poirot's Christmas,with Peter Sellers.mp3 Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot - Rendevous With Death - 450712.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Complete Miss Marple Series - Unabridged Agatha Christie - MM 01 (1930) - Murder at the Vicarage - 99 pt Hickson U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 02 (1932) - The Tuesday Club Murders (short story collection) - 114pt Hickson U 2004 CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 03 (1942a) - The Body in the Library - 87pt Cole U 2003 CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 04 (1942b) - The Moving Finger - 8pt Hickson U CD 128k Agatha Christie - MM 05 (1950) - A Murder Is Announced - 12pt Leach U 2006 LDL 64k Agatha Christie - MM 06 (1952) - They Do It With Mirrors - 8pt Hickson U CD 32k Agatha Christie - MM 07 (1953) - A Pocket Full of Rye - 6pt Ayers U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 08 (1957) - 4.50 from Paddington - 110pt Hickson U CD 80k Agatha Christie - MM 09 (1962) - The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side - 93pt Hickson U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 10 (1964) - A Caribbean Mystery - 80pt Ayres U 2006 CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 11 (1965) - At Bertram's Hotel - 96pt Cole U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 12 (1971) - Nemesis - 125pt Hickson U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 13 (1976) - Sleeping Murder - 103pt Cole U CD 64k Agatha Christie - MM 14 (1979) - Miss Marple's Final Cases - 49pt Hickson U CD 160k ------------------------------------------------- Complete Minor Detective Series, Autobiography & Most Non-Series Works = Autobiography and Interviews =- \Agatha Christie - Agatha Christie, An Autobiography - 63pt Walthrope U CD 48k - Agatha Christie - BBC Interview 1955 - clear recording - 32k - Agatha Christie - BBC Radio Archive
- Close-Up of Agatha Christie - fair recording - 32k -= Complete Minor Detectives Series =- |Colonel Race| \Agatha Christie - Colonel Race (1924) - The Man in the Brown Suit - 123pt Fox U 2005 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Colonel Race (1944) - Sparkling Cyanide - (82@96kb) |Parker Pyne| \Agatha Christie - Parker Payne - Parker Pyne Investigates 5pt Fraser U CD 64k |Quin and Satterthwaite| \Agatha Christie - Q&S - The Mysterious Mr Quin - 112pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k |Superintendent Battle| \Agatha Christie - SB 01 (1925) - The Secret of Chimneys - 101pt Fraser U 2004 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - SB 02 (1929) - The Seven Dials Mystery - 103pt Fox U 2005 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - SB 03 (1936) - Cards on the Table (short story collection) - 91pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - SB 04 (1939) - Murder Is Easy - 88pt Fraser U 2005 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - SB 05 (1944) - Towards Zero - 94pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k |Tommy and Tuppence| \Agatha Christie - T&T 01 (1922) - The Secret Adversary - 126pt Jennings U 2004 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - T&T 02 (1929) - Partners in Crime (short story collection) - 17pt Warwick U 2005 Tape 64k \Agatha Christie - T&T 03 (1941) - N or M - 8pt Warwick U 64k \Agatha Christie - T&T 04 (1968) - By the Pricking of My Thumbs - pt Jennings U 64k \Agatha Christie - T&T 05 (1974) - Postern of Fate - 91pt Wallis U 2004 CD 64k -= Non-Series Fiction Works =- \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1931) - The Sittaford Mystery - 8pts Parker U 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1934) - The Listerdale Mystery - 98pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1934) - Why Didn't They Ask Evans - 112pt Fox U 2005 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1939) - And Then There Were None - 99pt Fraser U 2001 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1945) - Death Comes as the End - 79pt Fox U 2006 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1949) - Crooked House - 78pt Fraser U 2004 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1951) - They Came to Baghdad - 107pt Fox U 2005 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1954) - Destination Unknown (also So Many Steps to Death) 81pt Fox U 2004 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1954) - Spider's Web - 48pt Fraser U 2000 CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1958) - Ordeal By Innocence - 16pt Bailey U Tape 48k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1961) - The Pale Horse - 8pt Fraser U CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1967) - Endless Night - 12pt Planer U CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1970) - Passenger to Frankfurt - 88pt Fraser U CD 64k \Agatha Christie - Non-Series (1991) - Problem at Pollensa Bay (Short stories) - 61pt Cecil U 2003 CD 64k ---------------------------------- Agatha Christie - HP (1959) - Cat Among the Pigeons - 6pts Paul Shelley U CD 64k.torrent Agatha Christie - HP 14 (1936c) - Cards on the Table - 91pt Fraser U 2006 CD 64k 最后两本是前面集子错误的校正。
(auf dem Weg)
James Herriot The Audiobook Collection
1972 - All Creatures Great and Small
1974 - All Things Bright and Beautiful
1977 - All Things Wise and Wonderful
1981 - The Lord God Made Them All
1992 - Every Living Thing.
All unabridged and read by Christopher Timothy.
the complete James Herriot ebooks.
James Herriot是一位英国兽医,30年代起在约克郡行医50多年,用幽默感人的文笔记述了乡间生活,形形色色的动物和人的故事。朗诵者Timothy在BBC剧集All Creatures Great and Small里扮演作者,嗓音独特,朗诵生动,让人一听难忘。可以作为床头有声读物放松用,由于情节不是那种联系紧密的,大可以一次听一两章,就像听一两个单口相声。
(Distant Dreamer)
(Distant Dreamer)
(Distant Dreamer)
De Profundis
Simon Russell Beale reads remarkable correspondence from Oscar Wilde to his lover Lord Alfred Douglas
Broadcast on BBC7 from 06 Dec 2010 to 10 Dec 2010.
Five epis of app. 15 mins each.
* Episode 1
1/5. Simon Russell Beale reads the remarkable letter from Wilde to his lover Lord Douglas.
* Episode 2
2/5. The jailed playwright tells lover Lord Alfred how his loving care is not reciprocated.
* Episode 3
3/5. The playwright recounts how he ended up in Reading Gaol to his lover Lord Alfred Douglas.
* Episode 4
4/5. Writing to his lover Lord Douglas, the playwright muses on Christ, suffering and humility.
* Episode 5
5/5. Simon Russell Beale concludes the playwright's letter to lover Lord Alfred Douglas.
Wives and Daughters-Elizabeth Gaskell-audiobook (unabridged)
Prunella Scales朗诵,标准的老派RP,128kMP3,一共1.3G左右。115网盘。
英版的哈利波特,Stephen Fry朗诵。网上的版本极多,我这个是80k的MP3,在音质和大小间取得一个很好的平衡。
huangmei92说:最近在听第七本,大叔朗读的太赞了&&是啊,开始听美版的Jim Dale惊艳,长了就觉得夸张太过,还是Fry版耐听。
matrim说:是啊,开始听美版的Jim Dale惊艳,长了就觉得夸张太过,还是Fry版耐听。那次在沪江转的时候听到了个美音版的,实在是不能比啊,太夸张了,而且会觉得读的很累,大叔读起来就很有讲故事的感觉
Martin Jarvis朗诵Three Men in a Boat,听过的几版里,这版最出色。
Anne - Agnes Grey (read by Emilia Fox)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Amanda Root)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Flo Gibson)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Josephine Bailey)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Juliet Mills)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Juliet Stevenson)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Susan Ericksen)
Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Wanda McCaddon)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Anne Flosnik)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Donada Peters) -
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Flo Gibson)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Janet McTeer and David Timson)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Juliet Stevenson)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Michael Kitchen)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Michael Page and Laural Merlington)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Patricia Routledge)
Emily - Wuthering Heights (read by Wanda McCaddon)
Anne - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (read by Jenny Agutter and Alex Jennings)
Charlotte - Shirley (read by Anna Bentinck)
Charlotte - Villette (read by Davina Porter)
Charlotte - Villette (read by Karen Cass)
PLUS a complete collection of Brontë Sisters eBooks.
mark 这张一定要存起来 大谢分享
Pride_and_Prejudice (read by Lindsay Duncan)
Emma (read by Prunella Scales)
(1804 - The Watsons (read by Carmella Ross) ——clover上传
1805 - Lady Susan (read by Carmella Ross)
1817 - Sanditon (read by Carmella Ross))
Mansfield_Park_(read_by_Frances_Barber) ——clover上传
Persuasion (read by Anna Massey)37年出生的英国老演员
继续115分流Charlotte - Jane Eyre (read by Juliet Stevenson) 目前为止听到的最好的一版,原来在电驴上下的128k版,这版是勃朗特姐妹有声书集子里的,96k,效果也很好。
-----------------------------------------------两版呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights)Juliet Stevenson朗诵
Patricia Routledge朗诵,这个文件较大,因为码率高(96k),音质比上一个好。
------------------------------------------------All Things Great and Small (read by Christopher Timothy) 温暖感人幽默的故事,这是James Herriot的系列自传体小说第一部,感觉也是最有意思的一部,最近下了同名BBC剧集,发现还挺忠实原著的。朗诵者(也是电视剧里的主演)Timothy的声音很喜欢。
------------------------------------------North and South (read by Juliet Stevenson)
提醒一下,本书部分人物(如桑顿母子、希金斯)北方口音浓重,初听有声书的朋友不建议尝试。---------------------------------------------Brideshead Revisited (Jeremy Irons) ——豆友clover上传 ------------------------------------------Samuel West朗诵有声书集锦帖,嗓音出众、气质高雅的中年演员,感兴趣的朋友移步:
The Summing Up (by Somerset Maugham, read by David Case) t 这套书并非朗诵特殊,David Case的处理有的人会觉得有点装腔作势。录音效果也一般,转自磁带,噪音有点大。推荐这个主要是文章好,毛姆在这个自传性的集子里不光是谈写作、生平,还有对文学、戏剧、散文的评论,对人生、人性的看法,冷静又不乏幽默,读着(听着)很舒服。其中论英文文字的一节常被收入散文选,如黄源深先生编的《英国散文选读》。
再见matrim 开心啊。大拥抱个
Charlie Bone系列讲的是古代一个红衣国王魔法师,十个子女分别继承他的部分魔力,其中五个走向邪恶,另五个被逼走。他们的后代不时出现遗传祖先魔法能力的孩子,正邪之间的冲突也从未停止。本书的主人公Charlie Bone偶然发现自己的超能力——能听到照片里人物的声音,被邪恶的奶奶强制送到城中教育超能力孩子的学校。在那里他结识了其他具魔力的红衣国王的后裔,开始了一系列冒险行动,最终当然是正胜邪的结局。一共8本,属于儿童奇幻,情节够曲折有趣,语言较简单,适合有声书入门听。朗诵者Simon Russell Beale是杰出的英国中年戏剧演员,变换嗓音塑造不同角色的能力极强,朗诵的节奏也好。后三本换了演员(Simon Jones),差别不说是天地也是很大的,原来自然生动的朗诵变得做作,尤其是用假嗓模仿女性角色和孩子,分寸把握不好,听着十分别扭,所以只传Russell Beale朗诵的前五册。
Midnight for Charlie Bone (Children of the Red King, Book 1)
Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (The Children of the Red King, Book 2)
Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy (The Children of the Red King, Book 3)
Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors: The Children of the Red King, Book 4
Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King, Book 5)
Fairy Treasure t55e719b21 61.47MB 故事简单,语言简单,推荐的理由是朗诵者Sophie Ward。第一次听她的书是毛姆的The Painted Veil,除了感叹书比电影黑暗残酷,再就是朗诵者的声音印象颇深。一直到现在,仍觉得Sophie Ward是听过的女性朗诵者里音色顶尖的一位。这本书讲的是一小女孩Connie和一个受惩罚的小仙女的友谊和帮她重返仙境的故事,比前面贴的Charlie Bone还简单。Ward朗诵语速慢,发音极清晰,没有交代不清的词语,可以作女生模仿英音的范本。码率不高,只有48k,但压制效果很好,没有失真和杂音。
Restless by William Boyd BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour Drama: 6 Apr 2009 - 17 Apr 2009 Dramatisation of William Boyd's thriller in ten episodes. In the summer of 1976, Ruth discovers that her very English mother is in fact a Russian emigre and one-time British secret service spy. Sally/Eve ...... Eileen Atkins Ruth ...... Fenella Woolgar Directed by Marc Beeby. Source: Radio 4 listen again. Type : MPEG Layer-3 (mp3) Bitrate : 128 Kbps Mode : stereo Frequency : 44100 Hz Encoder : mp3PRO by Fraunhofer IIS (Cool Edit pro) t5fa08bdac 124.53MB 年轻的单身母亲Ruth突然发现自己的母亲曾是特工,过去几十年的形象一下坍塌。更糟的是她还卷进了母亲的一个复仇计划,目标是她的老上司。。。Eileen Atkins的沉稳智慧和Woolgar的活力困惑反差很大,也可以听到两代人发音的不同。
看过几部Fenella Woolgar打酱油的戏~~觉得她的发音和声音都挺好听的~~
rpfan说:看过几部Fenella Woolgar打酱油的戏~~觉得她的发音和声音都挺好听的~~声音是很好听。发音没有老一代标准,也是当代RP和老式RP的区别。
BBC R4 - Bernard Shaw's 'The Man Of Destiny' Directed by Pat Trueman First broadcast by Radio 3 in 1980 One of Shaw's best. V and all done in under 60 minutes. Cast Napoleon Bonaparte - David Suchet The Lady - Paola Dianazoti The Lieutenant - David Timpson Giuseppi, The Inn Keeper - John Bott t5f28e1046 53.74MB 萧伯纳的剧作,关于拿破仑和一位偷他信件女士的交锋。语速相当快,大段犀利幽默的台词,听着很过瘾。主角Suchet(大侦探波洛剧集的主演)当时还年轻(34),声音和后来不太一样,非常漂亮的RP,人物塑造也好。
His Dark Materials (by Philip Pullman) 较少见的分角色朗诵有声书,作者读叙述部分。三部曲的故事架构很大,语言不错,书中人和自身精灵的设定很有意思。 1_-_Northern_Lights dnbvte6d 2_-_The_Subtle_Knife bh9cmx4s 3_-_The_Amber_Spyglass dnbtdtat
The Chronicles of Narnia (by C.S.Lewis) 儿童奇幻经典,语言的优美不是现在的畅销书能比的。迟迟没发这套书,是觉得朗诵和预期有点差距,听着没有看的感觉好,尽管有Jacobi这样的大腕。提示一下,虽说狮子、女巫和魔衣柜是作者写的系列第一本,但从内容上说,第六本魔法师的外甥才是开篇,也是作者希望读者看的第一本,大家不妨从这本听起,然后再听狮子、女巫和魔衣柜。 06_The_Magicians_Nephew clipz47v 01_The_Lion,_the_Witch_and_the_Wardrobe aq8otqjk 02_Prince_Caspian e61gwn7p 03_The_Voyage_of_the_Dawn_Treader bh12l9er 04_The_Silver_Chair aq8572wt 05_The_Horse_And_His_Boy e6co2oan 07_The_Last_Battle aqpdbbag
And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie, narrated by Hugh Fraser)
Death on the Nile (Agatha Christie, narrated by David Suchet)
Persuasion by Jane AustenDramatised by Michelene WandorDirected by Vanessa WhitburnBBC Radio 4 31/12/1986 - 02/01/1987Anne Elliot...............Juliet StevensonCaptain Wentworth.........Tim BrierleyJane Austen...............Sorcha CusackSir Walter Elliot.........Walter HumeElizabeth Elliot..........Clare FalkenbridgeMr Elliot.................Peter HarlowMary Musgrove.............Catherine HerbertCharles Musgrove..........Alistair CameronMrs Musgrove..............Sheila GrantHenrietta Musgrove........Alison DowlingLady Russell..............Patricia GallimoreMrs Smith.................Carole BoydMrs Clay..................Hedley NicklowSophia Croft..............Tina GreyCaptain Harville..........Paul Alexander86年的广播剧,当时主演Stevenson还算年轻。旁白是南与北里桑顿夫人扮演者的妹妹。
Persuasion by Jane Austen (narrated by Juliet Stevenson)Stevenson的朗诵,无须多言。转自audible文件,网上搜了半天,也没找到对付enhanced format的办法,只好用audible 4,和最高格式比音色有点闷,清晰度没问题。80kMP3。
The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham (narrated by Sophie Ward) dzgx125w 414.58MB 看了同名电影才去找书听,原著比电影黑暗残酷得多,对人性丑恶、软弱处毫不留情。Sophie Ward声音很美,直到现在都觉得是最好听的英音女声之一,语速慢发音规范清晰,是女生学习当代RP的好材料。 强烈推荐。
Sense_and_Sensibility_(read_by_Juliet_Stevenson) ——clover上传
complete audiobooks of Sherlock Holmes (narrated by John Telfer) A Study in Scarlet bha0agju The Sign of Four dns9cxrb The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes bha053mr The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes bha0ufop The Hound of the Baskervilles bha0kfxv The Return of Sherlock Holmes bha0rzzv The Valley of Fear bha0rbb9 His Last Bow and the Case-book of Sherlock Holmes dnsgfmye clv7bsr0 听过的福尔摩斯有声书里,以John Telfer朗诵的最对胃口。对比现在的同类书,柯南道尔的文笔更典雅有嚼头,尽管当时也是通俗小说类。虽然码率不高(32k),但很清楚,效果可以接受。
柯南道尔的写的很生动&o((&ω& ))o& 看到有些地方真的觉得很好玩~~~
huangmei92说:柯南道尔的写的很生动&o((&ω& ))o& 看到有些地方真的觉得很好玩~~~刚传了广播剧全集,下来听听吧。
The Complete Sherlock Holmes (BBC Radio Collection) Clive Merrison塑造的福尔摩斯精力充沛,就是没案子时也是如此,和印象里的形象有点出入。Michael Williams的华生极出色。整体制作属于BBC广播剧最高水准。VC上的版本192k有点大了,此版是网盘上找的128k,效果很好。 Part 1: 1-12集 clv7y5tv Part 2:13-26集 e62mcfdq Part 3:27-40集 aqbx8wo1 Part 4:41-54集 clvyi8sh Part 5:55-66集 e62g1ab2 Part 6:67-78集 bhagzrwi
Krabbe - The Vanishing - R4 Saturday Play - 128 k Tim Krabbe's cult novella dramatised by Oliver Emanuel. Rex and Saskia stop at a petrol station. Saskia goes in to buy drinks and is never seen again. Eight years later, Rex is so haunted by her disappearance that he sets out to discover what happened to her, regardless of the cost. A chilling love story that takes us to the heart of the perfect crime. Cast: Rex ... Samuel West Saskia ... Melody Grove Lieneke ... Ruth Gemmell Lemorne ... Liam Brennan Denise...Natasha Watson Cashier/Woman ... Claire Knight Jean-Pierre Gallo/Manager ... Robin Laing Directed by Kirsty Williams Producer Kirsty Williams. Broadcast Sat 30 Oct
BBC Radio 4 心情坏的话不要听,会很难受。Samuel West演出很投入。 dnsmui0b
福尔摩斯广播剧第一部分没传好,重传了一次 Part 1:1-13集 e6uw5vmw
Roald Dahl的童书,语言难度不高,情节精灵古怪,是很好的入门书,不过相当部分的有声书语速不慢,开始会有点困难。传上来的是朗诵、音质都不错的版本,有些码率过低的没有传。 Tales_of_Childhood aqb5ab7e The_Giraffe_and_the_Pelly_and_Me (Hugh Laurie朗诵) dnsopnut Dirty_Beasts_(for_kids)——儿童诗歌,很简单 clv02mux Danny_the_Champion_of_the_World clv0ljlx Esio_Trot aqb5h17e The_Twits e62a7ngl The_Enormous_Crocodile (Stephen Fry朗诵) dnsr95v4 The_BFG aqboasme James_and_the_Giant_Peach (Jeremy Irons朗诵) dnsm6fg4 Matilda aqb5a7h7 The_Witches aqb5azdo Charlie.And.The.Chocolate.Factory e62pru9l
Les Liaisons Dangereuses: Dangerous Liaisons 200多年前的一部法国小说,发表40多年仍被法国法庭断为“危险”,在91、92年由BBC两次制作成广播剧。91年版编剧是Hampton,根据他自己的舞台剧剧本改编而成,92年版直接改编自小说,保留了原著书信体小说的形式。两版都有大腕,相对而言91年版的两个主角表现更优秀一些,Lindsay Duncan是80年代大获成功的舞台剧主演(另一位是Alan Rickman),Ciaran Hinds把Valmont时而轻浮时而真挚的情场高手形象塑造得极让人信服。 92年版就是各个角色朗诵自己的信,互动、生动感稍差些,另外两版的结尾小有差异。91年阵容: Mme. de Merteuil - Lindsay Duncan Valmont - Ciaran Hinds Mme. Tourvel - Emma Fielding Danceny - Adam Godley Cecile - Alison Petit Mme de Volange - Joanna David Mme de Rosemonde - Elizabeth Spriggs Emilie - Sarah Jane Home Narrator - John Moffat 92年阵容: Marquise de Merteuil...........Diana Rigg Vicomte de Valmont.............Roger Allam Madame de Tourvel..............Juliet Stevenson Madame de Rosemonde............Gudrun Ure Cecile de Volanges.............Alison Reid Madame Volanges................Melinda Walker Raphael Danceny................Samuel West 91年版 e62tfymk 92年版 bh5bilj9
The Chronicles of Narnia (BBC Radio Drama) 01_The_Magicians_Nephew e6ufcael 02_The_Lion,_the_Witch_and_the_Wardrobe e6uffy9d 03_The_Horse_And_His_Boy bh5lli4j 04_Prince_Caspian dncllhd4 05_The_Voyage_of_the_Dawn_Treader bh5llf1t 06_The_Silver_Chair bh5lliqs 07_The_Last_Battle aq3992w7
Federico Garcia Lorca, Blood Wedding (BBC 1986) &An evocative meditation on fate, war, tradition, passion and repression, inspired by the true story of a fatal feud between two families in the Almeria province, high in the mountains of rural Spain.& Cast: Anna Massey ... The Mother Juliet Stevenson ... The Bride Michael Jenner ... The Bridegroom Alan Rickman ... Leonardo 源文件的质量不太好,对音质有高要求的可以忽略。Rickman粉可以下来听听。 dncntxp2
Animal Farm dnccj8oo 奥威尔的名著,不必多言。Patrick Tull朗诵。语言不难,语速也不快,入门听不错。
War and Peace dncajqsz 最早听的BBC广播剧之一,制作出色,曾一次听到半夜。:)像这种大部头的名著,听有声书会有压力,而分角色的广播剧就轻松多了。剧中的Simon Russel Beale给我留下不错印象。 War and Peace is a novel by Leo Tolstoy, published in 1869, after portions of a previous version were serialized from 1865 in The Russian Messenger It chronicles the epic story of the French invasion of Russia, of the events leading up to it and the reactions of five major aristocratic families within Russian society during the Napoleonic Era. War and Peace, along with Anna Karenina, is considered by many one of Tolstoy's two major masterpieces, as well as one of the world's greatest novels War and Peace stretched the boundaries of Russian fiction and world literature. It has a huge cast of characters and many far-reaching themes, including the philosophy of history, the place of the i youth vs. and the pros and cons of acting in conventional ways. It broke so many previous conventions of the novel that Tolstoy, who called it an historical novel when working on it, said later that &it was not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less an historical chronicle. Cast: Leo Mckern Simon Russell Beale Gerard Murphy Richard Johnson Sean Baker Nicola Pagett Emily Mortimer Amanda Redman
High Table, Lower Orders (by Mark Tavener, BBC Radio 4 drama) f546b65040 High Table, Lower Orders is a BBC Radio 4 comedy-drama murder mystery written by the late Mark Tavener and set in a fictional Cambridge college in crisis. The first series was broadcast in six episodes from 18 February 2005, and the second series was broadcast 7 April – 12 May 2006. Its title refers to the custom of High Table and the murder and skullduggery that occurs in the series Cast: Gilbert - Geoffrey Palmer Dean - Michael Maloney Simon - Samuel West Zoe, journalist - Sharon Small Bernard, bursar - Jonathan Coy Second series Jane - Tracey Wiles Jim - Stephen Hogan Written by Mark Tavener Producer Dawn Ellis 原来发在Samuel West组的,刚听完,非常棒的一个系列,两季。背景是剑桥一学院,每季都有一个谋杀案,穿插着教授院长的勾心斗角。语速较快,对话因为是发生在高知间,比较文。
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (narrated by Jeremy Irons) clnr4ovk aq3djwuo aq3dfjc2
De Profundis Simon Russell Beale读的自深深处节选,115网盘 dncvu01w
Neil Gaiman是近年很红的一个奇幻作家,作品除了想象丰富、英国作家独有的幽默感之外,还有一种哥特式的黑色倾向,即便是童书Coraline,The Graveyard Book也不例外。除了个别作品,都是作家自己朗诵,这在小说类作品里很少见。Gaiman声音不错,就是语速慢了些。 The_Graveyard_Book cln24z2k 躲过杀手的幸存儿,被墓地的一对鬼夫妇收留并养大成人,但杀手是不会轻易罢休的。。。出版后获了很多奖。不错的童书。 Stardust dncplk6g 写得很美的作品,文风特意模仿老一点奇幻或童话的风格,和原著比,好莱坞的同名电影拍得太烂俗了。 Anansi Boys e6u4tlkk 在他的成人奇幻里较好的一部,无论从情节、人物塑造来说都是如此。故事主人公是两个黑人青年(这部书里主要角色都是黑人,也选了黑人演员Lenny Henry朗诵),但开始并没有通过相貌强调,写得很巧。
接着发Neil Gaiman。 Coraline bhzw1j7b 童书,改编的动画片《鬼妈妈》名气不小。作为童书有点太过阴森,心理恐怖的意味挺浓,小朋友看能受得了么? Neverwhere dnh2pnu2 根据剧集改编而成,地下伦敦的想象奇特,男主的个性发展有点欠缺。以上几部除了Anansi Boys,都是作者自己朗诵的。
matrim说:是吧?我也看了一点动画,和原著有点情节出入。书里面的场景描绘生动,更显阴森。只能说现在的小孩心理素质很强~现在的孩子都太强悍了= =。。。还是觉得小孩最好别听这么阴森的故事。。
Lord Arthur Savile‘s Crime and Other Stories (Oscar Wilde) 资深老演员Derek Jacobi朗诵,老派RP bh1u7yz6
The Chronicles of Narnia: Abridged EditionSir Michael Hordern朗诵,demonoid刚放出来的种子,wiki上评价很高,听了一下,是极佳的老式RP,现在很难听到这么地道的了,强烈推荐给英音爱好者。注意,这是删节版的。 e6y678cl
老式RP听上去真的很好听&o((&ω& ))o&超适合欣赏~~
Abhorsen Trilogy (by Garth Nix) Garth Nix是澳大利亚青少年奇幻作家,这个三部曲(也叫Old Kingdom)非常出色。无从设定、人物性格、情节、节奏、细节等方面都是如此。死界的九重门描写细致,如身临其境。三部曲的开头,一个叫Sabriel的女孩,突然发现她父亲--一个白魔法师最重要的法器--七个召唤或遣送死灵的铃铛和魔剑送到了她的学校,意味着她的父亲要么死了,要么困在死界的某个地方,为营救她的父亲,Sabriel必须提前接过父亲的衣钵;但要做到这点,她先得躲过死灵手下的追杀,回到自己真正的家,搞清自己的身份。书中一个配角Mogget(受控制的白魔法师精灵仆人)亦正亦邪,狡黠惫懒,喜剧的戏份很多。这几本书有不少死亡相关的东西,比如受黑魔法师控制的僵尸之类,对这类事物反感的同学谨慎下载。三部曲按顺序为:Sabriel,Lirael和Abhorsen。 dnhxtxy4 aqz5p4al dnhxk8ot
<span name="body_" id="body_5网盘提取码
BBC-R4 - Le Carre - The Complete Smiley aq7uufo2 Simon Russell Beale主演的系列广播剧,改编自Le Carre的八本间谍小说。作者有在军情五处、六处工作经历,写出来的间谍小说自然和纯想象不同。这几部Smiley(一个矮个特工,貌不惊人但智力超凡)并不都是主角,有好几部只是串联角色。情节曲折,对人性的描写深入。语速较快,难度较高。共21集,每集近一小时,VBR可变码率MP3,音质很好。 近900M。Call For the Dead The first Smiley novel, which sees him looking into an apparent suicide only to uncover a murderous conspiracy. A Murder of Quality Finds Smiley investigating a murder in a private school. Who could have hated Stella Rode enough to kill her? The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Introduces Alec Leamas, a British intelligence officer whose East Berlin network is in tatters. Recalled to London, he is offered revenge on the man who destroyed his agents: but to have it he must stay out in the cold a little longer... The Looking Glass War Features former spy Fred Leiser, lured back from retirement to investigate a claim that Soviet missiles are being installed close to the West German border. But the harsh realities of the Cold War now prevail, and there is no place for heroes... Karla Trilogy - Book 1: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The first book in the Karla trilogy, and sees Smiley searching for a mole who has infiltrated the Circus. Karla Trilogy - Book 2: The Honourable Schoolboy Sees Smiley determined to destroy his nemesis, Karla, and his spy networks. He recruits Jerry Westerby - the Honourable Schoolboy of the title - and despatches him to the Far East, where a new battle is about to begin... Karla Trilogy - Book 3: Smiley's People Finds George Smiley called out of retirement to exorcise some Cold War ghosts from his clandestine past. What follows takes to a thrilling conclusion his career-long, serpentine battle with the enigmatic and ruthless Russian spymaster Karla... The Secret Pilgrim Sees Smiley invited to dine with the eager new recruits at the Circus. He offers them his thoughts on espionage and, in doing so, prompts a former colleague to re-examine his own eventful secret life.
Cakes and Ale by Somerset MaughamJames Saxon朗诵,非常标准的当代RP,可以用来正音。32kMP3。 bhis1xet
我想问下 对于初学的听哪些比较好呢
新年礼物 其实要发的不是新书,James Herriot的自传体小说All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Things Wise and Wonderful,以前资源帖发过,但那版的制作有问题,每每听到结尾的时候少一小段,极为不爽。前些天看到BWB上这套有声书特价,就买了一套,用itunes抓轨cd,转成80k的AAC,效果非常好。 偶然碰到James Herriot这个作家。某天在avaxhome下了第一本的有声书,听了一下,先是被生动的朗诵吸引,接着就觉着作者幽默的文笔很不一般。网上搜索,发现Herriot原来是个兽医,在英国约克郡行医几十年,写书不过是副产品。一般幽默类的书,为造喜剧效果常有夸张的描写,或是抓住人性弱点狠狠讽刺一下,Herriot写文章这两点都不沾,算是挺难得的事。无论他自己、他的老板还是平日打交道的形形色色的农夫、顾客,性格行事上的可笑之处都是不动声色地写出来,没有添油加醋。笑过之后回味,是作者的宽厚,对生命的爱与尊重。作为玩票性质的业余作家,Herriot的文笔很出色,简洁优美,画面感很强,一些英美文选里能看到他的文章,新近出版的陆谷孙编选现当代英美散文也收了一篇Herriot。 朗诵者Chritopher Timothy在BBC剧集All Creatures Great and Small扮演作者James Herriot,用声音塑造不同角色的能力很强,读得生气勃勃,很契合这套的书幽默特质。虽说不是特别标准的RP,但大体没什么问题。要提示的是,朗诵语速不慢,里面不少人物的约克郡口音初听会困难些,需要点时间适应。 祝大家新年一切顺利,天天开心! aqx7vsg6# All_Things_Wise_and_Wonderful.rar bhkdq3zb# All_Creatures_Great_and_Small.rar cl1q7b17# All_Things_Bright_and_Beautiful.rar
楼主 之前的电驴资源下载不了了 能不能再发个链接 谢谢
其实我是搜索《英国散文》 黄源深——编著,结果没看到,有的朋友给我一个pdf可好,thank you,


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