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Every minute, about 240 babies are born on the planet with only 100 deaths.
In total, about 128 million babies are born per year.
With only about 56M deaths per year (2.3 births for each death), world is growing by about 72M people per year.
The following shows what happens on the planet EVERY TWO MINUTES.
These new people need about 150 new acres (60 hectares) of farmland to produce enough food to eat (average world diet which is less than 1/2 a typical American's).
Let's look at some charts to see trends over the last 50 years
Overview: The following charts come from the
and separate countries by region.
Although, when it comes to food insecurity, each country and region is affected differently, it is illustrative to see how different regions are changing.
World population: As we all know, there are more people on the planet than ever.
While much of this growth has come from East Asia (e.g., China) and South Asia (e.g., India), Sub-Saharan Africa is catching up.
Population growth rates: While most regions have slowed their growth rates, all regions are still growing.
Only Sub-Saharan Africa hasn't slowed down.
Growth rates are most affected by the number of children an average woman has.
While, this number has gone down worldwide, growth rates take longer to go down as they are time-offset by 15-20 years.
Farmland: Except for the doubling of arable land in Sub-Saharan Africa, the amount of farmland hasn't changed in the last 50 years (note: Europe's data appears faulty).
Europe and North America has seen farmland reduced due to urban sprawl.
Cities are typically started in the most fertile places when then get paved over.
Farmland per person: The scary trend here is that across the planet, we have less farmland per person.
On average, there is 1/2 as much land per person as 50 years ago.
How can this be while we are eating more food than ever?
See the next chart.
Note: a hectare is about 2.5 acres.
An acre is about the size of an American football field (excluding end zones).
The next time you watch football, that's about an average amount of farmland there is per person.
Think how efficient that land must be to be able to feed you and all the animals you eat.
Farmland productivity: OK, the good news is that more efficient crops and the increase use of irrigation and fertilizer has increased how much food can be produced on the same amount of land.
In the last 50 years, productivity has tripled in many regions although not nearly as much in Africa.
As shown above, Africa's increased food production is mostly from cultivating more land.
Fertilizer/Land: First, this chart only shows data for the last 10 years but shows an increase use of fertilizer.
Other sources show that this number has gone up 5 fold in the last 50 years.
Fertilizer is made from oil, potassium and phosphorus with the later being the most finite.
Water/Person: In general, it's going down.
Many regions compensate by drilling deeper wells of fossil aquifers.
Malnourishment: The good news is that the last 50 years has seen a big drop in the percent of people who go hungry.
The big question is will this trend continue... especially in this century and beyond.
Where do we go from here?
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Every minute, about 240 babies are born on the planet with only 100 deaths.
In total, about 128 million babies are born per year.
With only about 56M deaths per year (2.3 births for each death), world is growing by about 72M people per year.
The following shows what happens on the planet EVERY TWO MINUTES.
These new people need about 150 new acres (60 hectares) of farmland to produce enough food to eat (average world diet which is less than 1/2 a typical American's).
Let's look at some charts to see trends over the last 50 years
Overview: The following charts come from the
and separate countries by region.
Although, when it comes to food insecurity, each country and region is affected differently, it is illustrative to see how different regions are changing.
World population: As we all know, there are more people on the planet than ever.
While much of this growth has come from East Asia (e.g., China) and South Asia (e.g., India), Sub-Saharan Africa is catching up.
Population growth rates: While most regions have slowed their growth rates, all regions are still growing.
Only Sub-Saharan Africa hasn't slowed down.
Growth rates are most affected by the number of children an average woman has.
While, this number has gone down worldwide, growth rates take longer to go down as they are time-offset by 15-20 years.
Farmland: Except for the doubling of arable land in Sub-Saharan Africa, the amount of farmland hasn't changed in the last 50 years (note: Europe's data appears faulty).
Europe and North America has seen farmland reduced due to urban sprawl.
Cities are typically started in the most fertile places when then get paved over.
Farmland per person: The scary trend here is that across the planet, we have less farmland per person.
On average, there is 1/2 as much land per person as 50 years ago.
How can this be while we are eating more food than ever?
See the next chart.
Note: a hectare is about 2.5 acres.
An acre is about the size of an American football field (excluding end zones).
The next time you watch football, that's about an average amount of farmland there is per person.
Think how efficient that land must be to be able to feed you and all the animals you eat.
Farmland productivity: OK, the good news is that more efficient crops and the increase use of irrigation and fertilizer has increased how much food can be produced on the same amount of land.
In the last 50 years, productivity has tripled in many regions although not nearly as much in Africa.
As shown above, Africa's increased food production is mostly from cultivating more land.
Fertilizer/Land: First, this chart only shows data for the last 10 years but shows an increase use of fertilizer.
Other sources show that this number has gone up 5 fold in the last 50 years.
Fertilizer is made from oil, potassium and phosphorus with the later being the most finite.
Water/Person: In general, it's going down.
Many regions compensate by drilling deeper wells of fossil aquifers.
Malnourishment: The good news is that the last 50 years has seen a big drop in the percent of people who go hungry.
The big question is will this trend continue... especially in this century and beyond.
Where do we go from here?
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? 招聘岗位及招工条件:? 品保部品检员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受过ISO、? HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训;主要工作:进料油品的检测,进料原辅料的检测进料异常品质处理、追踪等。? 品保部品管员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受油脂生产工艺及检验的专业学习或培训;接受过ISO、HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训。主要工作:现场异常整理及追踪改善;库存品检验及报告;参与内外训之教育训练等。? ★电工:要求:30-40岁,高中以上学历,电力电气类专业,持有相关职业操作证,能适应工厂倒班,2年以上工作经验者优先录用;? 污水处理工:,20-40岁,高中以上学历,机械与电机相关专业,工作职责:按污水处理厂设备维护保养计划的实施日常保养,以保证各种设备的正常运转,有一定工作经验优先录用。? 作业员:高中以上学历,油脂、食品或机电类专业尤佳;工作内容:完成带班主管(领班)交付的生产任务,按照规范执行对机器进行维护、保养,保证生产顺利进行,参与QCC、5S活动? 员工报到时应提供以下资料:? 毕业证书原件和复印件(没有毕业证,提供在校证明);? 身份证原件以及复印件;? 白底彩照1寸4张;备注:禁止冒用他人身份证;禁止使用伪造证件、证书,否则不予录用。公司网址:.cn/公司地址:内蒙古巴彦淖尔市磴口工业园区上海佳格食品有限公司内蒙古分公司联系电话: -44  电子邮箱:
? 招聘岗位及招工条件:? 品保部品检员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受过ISO、? HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训;主要工作:进料油品的检测,进料原辅料的检测进料异常品质处理、追踪等。? 品保部品管员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受油脂生产工艺及检验的专业学习或培训;接受过ISO、HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训。主要工作:现场异常整理及追踪改善;库存品检验及报告;参与内外训之教育训练等。? ★电工:要求:30-40岁,高中以上学历,电力电气类专业,持有相关职业操作证,能适应工厂倒班,2年以上工作经验者优先录用;? 污水处理工:,20-40岁,高中以上学历,机械与电机相关专业,工作职责:按污水处理厂设备维护保养计划的实施日常保养,以保证各种设备的正常运转,有一定工作经验优先录用。? 作业员:高中以上学历,油脂、食品或机电类专业尤佳;工作内容:完成带班主管(领班)交付的生产任务,按照规范执行对机器进行维护、保养,保证生产顺利进行,参与QCC、5S活动? 员工报到时应提供以下资料:? 毕业证书原件和复印件(没有毕业证,提供在校证明);? 身份证原件以及复印件;? 白底彩照1寸4张;备注:禁止冒用他人身份证;禁止使用伪造证件、证书,否则不予录用。公司网址:.cn/公司地址:内蒙古巴彦淖尔市磴口工业园区上海佳格食品有限公司内蒙古分公司联系电话: -44  电子邮箱:
? 招聘岗位及招工条件:? 品保部品检员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受过ISO、? HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训;主要工作:进料油品的检测,进料原辅料的检测进料异常品质处理、追踪等。? 品保部品管员:大专以上学历,油脂、食品或化工等专业;接受油脂生产工艺及检验的专业学习或培训;接受过ISO、HACCP、QS等质量体系和国家食品法规的培训。主要工作:现场异常整理及追踪改善;库存品检验及报告;参与内外训之教育训练等。? ★电工:要求:30-40岁,高中以上学历,电力电气类专业,持有相关职业操作证,能适应工厂倒班,2年以上工作经验者优先录用;? 污水处理工:男,20-40岁,高中以上学历,机械与电机相关专业,工作职责:按污水处理厂设备维护保养计划的实施日常保养,以保证各种设备的正常运转,有一定工作经验优先录用。? 作业员:高中以上学历,油脂、食品或机电类专业尤佳;工作内容:完成带班主管(领班)交付的生产任务,按照规范执行对机器进行维护、保养,保证生产顺利进行,参与QCC、5S活动? 员工报到时应提供以下资料:? 毕业证书原件和复印件(没有毕业证,提供在校证明);? 身份证原件以及复印件;? 白底彩照1寸4张;备注:禁止冒用他人身份证;禁止使用伪造证件、证书,否则不予录用。公司网址:.cn/公司地址:内蒙古巴彦淖尔市磴口工业园区上海佳格食品有限公司内蒙古分公司联系电话: -44  电子邮箱:
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