如何将 nstimeinterval是什么 转换为 int

= [NSTimeZone&defaultTimeZone];//获得当前应用程序默认的时区
= [localeDate&timeIntervalSince1970];
= [@".211"&doubleValue];
&&NSLog(@" date2
-------------------- %@",date2);
(NSString&*) theDate
&&NSDate* dat =
style="color: rgb(140, 139, 252); "&1) {
&&timeString =
&&timeString =
style="color: rgb(140, 139, 252); "&1) {
&&timeString =
&&timeString =
&&timeString =
&&timeString =
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。iphone获取1970年以来的毫秒数 - pengyingh - 博客园
NSTimeInterval time = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
// NSTimeInterval返回的是double类型,输出会显示为10位整数加小数点加一些其他值
// 如果想转成int型,必须转成long long型才够大。
&&&&NSTimeInterval&time = [[NSDate date]&timeIntervalSince1970];
&&&&long&long&dTime = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:time]&longLongValue];&// 将double转为long long型
&&&&NSString&*curTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%llu",dTime];&// 输出long long型iphone - How to convert NSTimeInterval to int? - Stack Overflow
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How do I convert NSTimeInterval into an Integer value?
My TimeInterval holds the value 83.01837. I need to convert it into 83. I have googled but couldn't find any help.
Direct assignment:
NSTimeInterval interval = 2542;
NSInteger time =
//time is now equal to 1002343
NSTimeInterval is a double, so if you assign it directly to a NSInteger (or int, if you wish) it'll work.
This will cut off the time to the nearest second.
If you wish to round to the nearest second (rather than have it cut off) you can use round before you make the assignment:
NSTimeInterval interval = 2542;
NSInteger time = round(interval);
//time is now equal to 1002344
According to , NSTimeInterval is just a double:
typedef double NSTimeI
You can cast this to an int:
seconds = (int) myTimeI
Watch out for overflows, though!
I suspect that NSTimeInterval values from NSDate would overflow an NSInteger. You'd likely want a long long. (64 bit integer.) Those can store honking-big integer values (-2^63 to 2^63 -1)
long long integerSeconds = round([NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]);
In Swift 3.0
let timestamp = round(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970)
I had a need to store an NSDate in a Swift Number.
I used the following cast which is working great.
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