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编程语言编程章彦博,天灭 Matlab !Mathematica 保平安!题主还是Too young。给你展示一下大 Mathematica 的中文编程能力:你们啊!NAIVE!显示全部徐飞,三流程序员,二流架构师说一些比较低端的事情吧。03年我学C#的时候,发现一个好玩的东西,可以用很复杂的字符当变量名,比如说,一般的语言写圆周率,都是写一个pi,但是在C#里面可以直接打一个π,除此之外,用中文也可以。当时我也就是这么惊讶一下,没觉得有什么用处。后来到04年,我听人说,他在一个使用.net的小软件公司,公司要求员工使用中文当类名,变量名,方法名,他很不开心,觉得非常2,我也这么觉得。后来,我参与过很多传统管理软件的项目,里面人员的能力参差不齐,低端外包居多,有什么头疼问题呢,就是变量命名,我发现这些人多数英文特别渣,压根没法根据软件所处的行业对变量进行合理的命名,而且到处都是拼写错误,而且你也知道,这种行业人员流动很快,后一个人接手的时候,很多时候就不知道前一个人写的是什么了。如果说系统规模够大,真的会有至少20%的时间花到这种破事上。这时候我回顾之前那种东西,觉得还是能适用一些场景,解决一些问题的。我们说中文编程,并不是指要很变态地把操作符之类底层的东西都汉化,而是只限于变量名,那么,你就有可能看到这样的代码:定单 一个定单 = 定单工厂.创建定单(参数);一个定单.校验();一个定单.提交();尽管输入的时候有些别扭,但这个至少不会有人看不懂了……而且,如果是C#那么好的东西,借助强大的VS,一个点出来,后面列出一堆中文方法和变量名,对这个群体的生产力提升还是有帮助的。不是所有软件都是那么高端,很低层的总要有人做,而且这些软件一般都都是在处理业务逻辑,那些懂业务但是不懂代码的人想审阅他们的逻辑是不是正确,也很便利。可见,10年前那家公司的架构师并不是我们想象的那样没见识。罗骏飞,喜欢计算机的学心理学的人力资源管理者没有意义吧。。程序与其说是英文,不如说是数学,区别一种语言与另一种语言,不是看它语法的表皮是“let a =10” 还是“a=10” 还是 “SHORT A =10” 还是 “ a等于十”还是“(=,a,10)”,语言根本的区别在于语言提供的数据结构和算法表现力,以及编译的方式,是否提供了面向对象的类、对象等数据结构?是否提供了继承、多态等处理方法?是否支持模板以及函数的重载?是强类型还是弱类型?是解释执行还是编译执行?是静态编译还是动态编译?中文编程语言,如果只是把SHORT A=10变为 整型数据A等于十,那么不过是对词法处理器进行了一定的变更,对于整个语言完全没有影响,就相当于给你的脸换了一层皮,不可能你就从中国人变成了外国人。。。基本属于骗钱的东西。至于深入的,从头到尾的, 对整个编译器前后端的完全汉化,乃至创造符合汉语言思维方式的语言,个人觉得因为语言的核心都是数学,而数学都是不分国界的,基本也毫无意义。。王琰元,欲速则不达单独用中文开发一种编程语言是毫无意义的。但是长久来看,只要世界语言的发展不以”英文“为终结,用中文完成一套”深入的,从头到尾的,乃至符合汉语言思维方式的编程语言“会使得国内很多人学习编程的障碍降低很多。当前的使用者可能会因为不习惯而不用,但是真正普及开来以后受益的将是后面数代人,会有更多人因此能体会到"编程语言的核心都是数学"、"编程是一种思想"。归根到底,这是一种技能的传播(模仿)难易问题。全世界统一用一种语言,会使得沟通成本急剧下降,单纯从发展的角度来讲,统一语言是比创建一套中文编程方法更好的选择。杨尼玛,直男癌/路怒癌/拖延癌/贫乳控/短发控“吃了没,世界!”陈良乔,C/C加加/C#,http://www.chenlq.net你的这个问题,让我想起了之前的一个“易语言”,就是号称中文编程不过,大家的看法是,这不过是一个几个内行搞出来骗那些政府的外行的钱而已,没有什么实际的价值zhihu有关于它的讨论,你可以搜索一下http://www./question/20136202萧井陌,http://cocode.cc技术社区能不能设计出一个终极傻瓜编程软件,让普通人可以完美编程? - 知乎用户的回答其实我倒是想到一个完美的解决办法,对于觉得if这种单词难认、又觉得汉语难打字的人。。。我们可以隆重推出拼音编程——pin yin bian cheng对于嫌拼音长的人。。。还可以隆重推出——ud pn bm igRednaxelaFX,软件工程师、主攻高级编程语言虚拟机的设…每次看到这种讨论我都忍不住想拿一些现成的例子出来看。中文的编程语言大家讨论的可能比较多,所以拿CJK大家庭中的J,日语来考察看看。日语编程语言几例:なでしこ:なでしこ:日本語プログラミング言語以及其前身的ひまわりひまわり:ひまわり-日本語プログラミング言語这俩的特点都是:它们比较像AppleScript,本身的语言风格就是比较接近自然语言的语序和结构的,主要用于批处理脚本的场景,这样可以充分发挥其“本地语言”的优势。如果是更hard-core的编程的话“本地语言”就没啥优势了,要么罗嗦要么别扭。Wiki列表里的一堆:Non-English-based programming languages其中像丙正正这么欢乐的概念大家欢乐完之后还是得用C++?另外?想起以前在淘宝的某业务组轮岗时的体会:那边某些代码充斥着英文、拼错的英文、汉语拼音、拼错的汉语拼音,全部混在一起看得我头昏脑胀。我实在受不了了,于是给他们写的单元测试一概用了汉语方法名,例如:@Testvoid 测试提交订单() {
// ...}这样JUnit跑出来的结果就都是正统汉字了。再见,恶心的拼写错误(逃(不过我轮岗结束后那些汉语方法名应该又都被干掉了哈哈哈哈)知乎用户,midcore programmer我的观点是编程语言并非等同于英语,英文只是一个记号而已,如果所谓的中文编程只是将这些标识符和关键字换成中文的话技术上没有难度,只是这样做完全没有意义。因为编程语言与编程语言的区别并不在于所使用的记号是英文、法文还是中文,而是在于其设计思想和算法表现力。而且如果采用中文的话源代码会由于编码不统一带来非常蛋疼的问题。由于计算机底层不支持中文,中文编程势必无法胜任底层编程,(除非往裸机上装汉卡)。所以中文编程的缺点远大于其优势(如果有的话)。知乎用户,原谅我一生不羁放纵爱土狗首先中文编程会很恶心,一旦实现难免会有素质不怎么样的程序员起一些恶心的变量名,“你妹你姐大姨妈”。其次就是简化,英文单词可以简化成几个字母容易理解,str=String、cmp=Compare等等,中文就比较难吧,当然文言文编程也许可以解决这问题。再有就是可读性,各国家地区程序员可以利用英文交流,互相促进,写一套只有自己看得懂的程序其实没有什么意义的Matthew Zeng,蛤帕斯怎么没人提这个 https:///p/chtml/CHTML 项目组和草泥马编程语言已经达成谅解备忘, 互相推动彼此发展, 推进马勒戈壁信息化产业的发展, 三年内开创戈壁上的新硅谷. CHTML 是国际互联网组织 W3C 超文本标记语言 4.0 的一个实现. 是在汉语编程光辉思想的指导下, 互联网普遍协议与中国国情相结合的产物. 和汉语编程一样, 原来使用英文的标签现在可以全部使用中文; 除此之外, 还额外扩展了两个标签, 即 &反功夫网& 和 &勾&. 除此以外, 该协议和现有 HTML 标准完全兼容. 目前 CHTML 的版本是零点零一. &勾& 是和中国国情结合的产物. 有时候我们需要创建只有一个答案的投票, 此标签即可用于及时丢弃用户投票, 节省服务器资源, 彰显社会主义优越性. &反功夫网& 是著名的 CAPTCHA 系统的浏览器实现. 所以在此标签中的元素都变成 CAPTCHA 从而人可以顺利阅读, 而机器不能. 目前的实现有两个, 一个是由 CMU 构建的 reCAPTCHA 文字自动转系统, 另一种是由中国网民发起的竖起来的文字系统. 此标签对人和搜索引擎都无害, 但可以透明飞跃长城. 技术细节还在讨论当中. 为便于中文开发者理解含义, 其他标签也按照中文互联网的特色做了相应的定义. 如, &em& 变成 &含泪劝告&, &strong& 变成 &停顿鼓掌&,更多的细节可以参见这个 中文文档. 我们的新版本也在紧锣密鼓的开发中, 请各界群众查看我们新版本中部分标签的 任前公示题叶,Writing programs for people to read.代码正学着, 中文编程没有体验到过, 挑过很多种语言的语法我觉得输入法才是最大的问题, 有输入符号的便利那样自然可以有各种尝试然而输入符号汉字都不如英文符号方便的话遑论中文编程了另外看发明语言的大牛, C 系列, Lisp 系列, Smalltalk 系列, 都是英文的源头语法和习惯都大受影响, 而语言本身也不该是标新立异设置交流障碍的比较怀疑外国人在不认识汉字的前提下看到几个不同的汉字是否误认相同技术实现上不懂...戴威,系统分析师程序员的时间是宝贵的,请不要把有限的时间浪费在输入中文字符上。空气类名.方法切换中英文就得累的吐血Hu Xin诚如第一条答案所言,通常认为编程语言的区别不在于语法表皮,而在于功能与工作方式。甚至说,语言的功能性通常会被夸大,以至于其实语法上的规定很多时候会显得过于随意。我记得看过某google group讨论串,是关于python/ruby/R这种以缩进表示语句块的语言的。没有多少人会喜欢打大括号(特别是js用户),但也有人坚持一门语言的语法应当要求程序员打大括号而不是缩进,因为对于lexer来说从一门基于大括号的语言来生成AST,其实现可以非常非常简洁可靠,而基于缩进的话则产生一些不必要的歧义,比如python和R对于换行的处理即不同。也就是说,归根结底,设计语言这件事情是面向编译器而不是面向程序员的。如果设计者可以在语言使用者的便捷性和编译器的可靠性上做出选择的话,应当选择编译器的可靠性。遇到任何问题时,语法是最先被妥协的。然而,随着虚拟机技术的发展,如今一门带有成熟jit的虚拟机语言与原生代码已经劣势不明显了。如果面向某个虚拟机设计语言,是可以在自定义语法表现力的前提下,支持该虚拟机上其他语言,并且享受该虚拟机的性能优化的,比如groovy/scala之于java。就中文编程语言来说,也未尝不能基于某种大牌虚拟机之上。在功能与性能上不必自己开发且与其他语言兼容的情况下,发展一下面向程序员的一面,而这里尚有许多可以挖掘的地方。中文天生行文不带空格,也许应当另行设计分词算法规则。中文比英文的字符集大上许多倍,以其表现力来说,表达语法并不需要堆砌过多字词或符号。在不牺牲功能性能的基础上,让编程对程序员来说更加自然,这至少会是很有意义的探索。布拿拿Lee,做一个低调的Lisp脑残粉不看好。中文编程看起来就傻极力。中文编程显示不出你会而别人不会的逼格。栗子君这个题目想象空间好大脑洞自动打开~拿JS举个栗子function foo(){
return "foo";};function bar(func){
return func;};bar(foo)如果计算机语言是中国四大发明之五,顺序应时由上到下,由右到左,并且沿用古文的标点和注释习惯,稍微改一改就是哒哒哒酱的!(字丑捂脸)显示全部shl,一个人没有意义,编程不是看语言是什么,是看你有没有思想吴嘉文,未定义。中文编程 当然是不错的,多一个选择,普及更多人群。优点:当然是简单易用。劣势:相对应的支持跟不上,如你用的系统是英文的,编程技术资料是英文的。中英文编程其实没什么差别,之所以有人认为中文编程不好,只是编程一开始就是用英文来编而已。竹闲,慵懒疏狂,一无是处编程的函数名、过程名、变量名均可使用汉字。汉室弄璋——汉化 ml 6.14 版札记 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=92000汉气猗亡——汉化 turbo c 2.01 札记 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=89992汉化 阿门芯片编译器 iccArm 4.42A http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=88952汉梦茫茫——汉化 vc 6.0 札记 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=83409汉祚沧桑——汉化 delphi 7.0 札记 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=78581阿门芯片编译器 ArmCC 1.2版 汉化 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=66381兴复汉唐——Turbo C汉化浅析之一 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=39189tasm汉化浅析之三 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=37769炎汉重光——tasm汉化浅析之二 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=37770振我汉纲——tasm汉化浅析之一 http://www./bbs/view.asp?id=37168
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浏览:78发布: 16:34:08互联网服务条款(中英文)
I. General
II. Accounts 二、 账户
III. Regulations of Using Internet
Service 三、 互联网平台服务使用守则
IV. Your Rights and
Obligations四、 您的权利和义务
V. The company
’s Rights and Obligations
VI. Privacy and Protection of Other Personal
Information六、 隐私及其他个人信息的保护
VII. System Interrupt or Breakdown
VIII. Scope and Limits of
Responsibilities 八、 责任范围及责任限制
IX. Entire
X. Protection of the Trademark and Property
Right十、 商标、知识产权的保护
XI. Governing Laws and Dispute
Resolution 十一、 法律适用与争议解决
Internet Service (hereinafter referred to
Service”) refers to the
cloud computing products and services provided by Internet Science
and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”
) to its users of Internet Platform. This agreement shall be
concluded and signed between you and the
1. You shall confirm: you shall, before starting to use the
Service, fully read, understand and accept the whole content of
this agreement, for once you choose
“agree” to complete the
registration, start the procedure or use the Service, you agree to
abide by all the clauses hereof.
2. You shall agree: the Company shall have the right to
make unilateral amendments to this agreement as well as relative
service regulations, service content, product instructions, product
functions and other aspects thereof at any time, and publish such
amendments by means of one or more of sending information, website
notice, group sending SMS or other methods, with no need to inform
such amendments or adjustments shall not
be considered as the Company’s violation of the clauses hereof. If
you continue to use the Service after such amendments of the
content hereof being published, you shall be considered as having
fully read, understood and accepted the amended content hereof and
will use the Service in accordance therewith. If you don’t agree
the amended content hereof, you shall stop using the Service
3. You shall admit: this agreement shall be governed by the
existing laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and
their amendments at any time. The service content and standards of
the Company shall not be ruled out by the laws of your residing
countries or regions. If any provision hereof is against the laws
and regulations of your residing countries or regions, both Parties
shall agree to apply to the laws and regulations of PRC as the only
governing law.
4. You shall proclaim: you shall, when you agree to accept
this agreement and register yourself to become a user, be natural
persons, corporate entities or other organizations or fully
authorized by such who enjoy the full capacity for civil rights and
civil conducts provided by relevant laws. Otherwise, you shall
terminate the registration or stop to use the Service
5. You shall promise: any usage of the products and
services hereunder shall abide by the provisions of relevant laws
and regulations, accord with the requirements of social public
morality and infringe no legal rights and interests of any third
party. If any third party claims any compensation or right due to
any usage, you shall take full responsibility and make sure the
Company and any relevant shareholder, member of the board of
directors or manager at any level shall not be involved or take any
responsibility. As for any loss caused thereby to any third party,
the Company shall take no responsibility or make no promise for any
joint or related compensation.
1. Registration
You shall, before using the Service, register to get your
Internet Platform account (hereinafter referred to as “the
account”), and agree and warrant that:
(1) When you complete the account registration or
activation process, you shall, in accordance with the requirements
of the laws and regulations, follow the instructions of relevant
websites to provide and timely update your information, which shall
be real, timely, complete and accurate. If the Company has
reasonable reasons to question your information to be false,
unreal, outdated or incomplete, the Company shall have the right to
send to you a notice of inquiry and/or correction requirement and
shall have the right to directly delete relevant information,
suspend the registration, suspend the account and even stop or
cease to provide part of or all services to you. The Company shall
take no responsibility for the service suspension, discontinuation
or termination caused thereby and you shall bear any consequence
caused thereby.
(2) You shall correctly provide and timely update such
contact information as email, telephone number, address and postal
code, in order for the Company to make effective contact with you.
If the Company can’t contact through such contact information, you
shall be fully responsible for any losses or any added fees caused
in the process of you using the Service. You shall understand and
agree that you shall have the obligation to make sure the validity
of your contact information provided and make updates in accordance
with the requirements of the Company in
2. Account Safety
You shall be responsible for every operation concerning
your account and its password and every speech given under your
account. You shall agree that:
(1) You shall enjoy the right of using your account
provided you shall be responsible for your
Internet Platform account and only you yourself can use your
if you transfer, bestow or authorize the right of using
your account to other people, the Company shall be notified in
written form and the successor shall obtain the legal right to use
the said account until the Company agrees therewith and the said
otherwise, The company shall have
the right to suspend or terminate all services provided to you
without bearing any responsibilities at any
(2) Since the Company will recognize your instruction
through your username and password, therefore you shall take good
care of your username and password and any loss or consequence
caused by the exposure of the password shall be undertaken by you
yourself only. You shall warrant not to reveal your account and
password to anyone, and not to use anyone else’s Internet Platform
account and password.
(3) If you find any situation where other people have
stolen or illegally used your account and password or any other
illegal authorization, you shall notify the Company immediately and
effectively and request the Company to suspend relevant services.
At the same time, you shall understand there will be a reasonable
period before any action taken in accordance with your request, and
therefore the Company shall not be responsible for any loss caused
by any implemented instructions before that
(4) If you forget your account name or relevant password,
you shall make contact with the Company in time and retrieve your
password or reset your password in accordance with the instructions
of the platform website.
The Company shall retain the right to cancel your account
or suspend or terminate the provision of services to you if you
violate any law or regulation of the nation or the region or go
against the clauses of the Service.
三、 互联网平台服务使用守则
In order to guarantee your legal rights and interests of
using the Service, you understand and agree to accept the following
1. The content of this agreement, the instructions about
the exchange operations appearing on the Website or the messages
sent to your mobile phones by the Company (in the form of short
messages or phones, etc.) in the process of your using the Service
shall be considered as the relevant regulations for your using the
Service and your continuing to use the Service represents your
agreement with and acceptance of the said regulations. You shall
understand and agree that the Company shall have the unilateral
right to amend the said regulations without your consent. The
Website instructions in the process of you using the Service
(including but not limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice,
website announcement and others) shall serve as the norm of the
service regulations. If you want to use the Service, you shall
agree to abide by these service
2. The Company may inform you of the service progress and
notice for the next step operation by email (including but not
limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice, website
announcement and others), but the Company shall not make sure that
you may receive or timely receive such email (including but not
limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice, website
announcement and others) and shall not be responsible for any
consequence caused thereby. Therefore, you shall, in the process of
service, timely login in on the Website to check and make
operations. The Company shall not be responsible for any dispute or
loss caused by your failure to timely check, modify or confirm the
service status or provide relevant
3. If you use the Service, the Company shall have the right
to charge service fees in accordance with relevant service charge
price bill, order and/or relevant agreements. The Company shall
have the right to stipulate and adjust the service charge. Concrete
service fees shall be based on the charges listed on the platform
website when you use the Service or other agreements concluded and
made by and between you and the Company.
四、 您的权利和义务
1. You shall have the right to enjoy the Internet
technology and information service provided by Internet Platform,
and to get such services (including technological support,
consultancy, etc.) as are provided by Internet Platform. More
information about services and prices can be seen on the
introduction to relevant products of the platform
2. You shall warrant that: you are qualified for the
performance of this agreement in accordance with necessary
requirements provided by
if any legal
responsibilities or harmful consequences are caused by the lack of
such qualification, you shall bear the entire responsibility and
the Company shall, at the same time, suspend or terminate services
provided to you.
3. You shall acknowledge that: you shall, in accordance
with Regulation on the Protection of the Right to Network
Dissemination of Information, Measures for the Administrative
Protection of Internet Copyright and other laws and regulations,
record the relevant information of online users and, make backup
copies of the record and preserve them for 90 days in accordance
with laws and regulations, and provide them for the lawful check by
state authorities.
4. You shall respect the property rights and other legal
rights of the Company and other third parties and warrant to do
everything possible to protect the Company and its shareholders,
employees, partners or others from any influences or losses caused
by such infringements of the said rights and interests. The Company
shall reserve the right to terminate services for you and return no
fund of any kind to you in case of your infringements of the lawful
rights and interests of the Company. You shall be fully responsible
for the losses caused by your violations of laws or infringements
to the Company or its other clients.
5. You shall confirm that the contact information you
provide is accurate. In case of any consequences caused by the
incorrect contact information or the safety or stability problem of
the email you provide to receive mails from the Company, you shall
bear the entire responsibility, including but not limited to any
consequences or losses caused by your failure to receive relevant
notices from the Company in a timely way.
6. You shall agree to use the service charging and data
searching system provided by the Company. If you have any doubt
about the charge and data, such cannot become the reason for you to
suspend or stop to perform this agreement or the obligation of
payment. You shall pay the service charge in time and shall have
the right to get invoices for your service expenses. All kinds of
expenses, amounts, prices, taxes or others involved in this
agreement shall not include added-value tax or other taxes not
included in the price. If the Company shall, in accordance with the
state policy requirement to replace the business tax with an
added-value tax, turn from a business tax payer to an added-value
tax payer, relevant added-value tax or other taxes not included in
the price shall be calculated separately
however, the Company will, before the accomplishment of the tax
replacement, offer you invoices for the service expenses in
accordance with the existing tax system.
7. You shall have the right to inquire the products,
services, prices and others involved herein. Once you choose to use
these products and services, we will consider that you have no
doubts and you have acknowledged to forsake any claim due to such
8. You shall know that you can pay for the products and
services by credit cards or account pre-payment. If you choose to
pay by means of account pre-payment, your account balance cannot be
transferred or bestowed to other accounts on the Platform, and
cannot be turned to or withdrawn in cash
9. You shall warrant that you will abide by the national
and local laws and regulations, industry practices and social and
public moralities in the process of using the Service and will not
make use of the services provided by the Company to store,
distribute and publish any of the following information and
(1) That is against the general principles established in
(2) That may jeopardize the national security, disclose
national secrets, overthrow the state power, or destroy the
(3) That jeopardizes the national honor and
(4) That stirs up hatred and discrimination among
nationalities and destroys the unity of
(5) That destroys national religion policies and advocates
(6) That is to spread rumors, disturb the social order and
(7) That is to distribute obscenity, pornography, gambling,
violence, murder, terror or to encourage
(8) That insults or slanders others and infringes other
people’s lawful
(1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;
(2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
(3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;
(4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;
(5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
(6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
(7) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
(8) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;
You shall, at the same time, warrant that you will not make
use of the services provided by the Company to conduct any illegal
actions that damage the telecommunication network safety and the
information safety or disturb the telecommunication market order.
You shall be aware of the specialty of the internet, and therefore
if your account and any use thereof cause damages to the lawful
rights and interests of any third parties, the Company shall have
the right to terminate the use of your account and preserve the
right to make claims against you for any
You shall admit that the Company shall have the right to
terminate the services and return no fund of any kind if you
violate any of the above-mentioned agreements or the Company
receives any request from the authorities or any lawful claim of
any third party right owner. In case of any losses caused thereby,
you shall make compensations.
’s Rights and Obligations
五、 本公司的权利和义务
1. The company shall provide to you proper network
technology and information service chosen and paid by
record necessary information according to the sevices you
choose,and provide them when you need or the relevant government
regulators proposed regulatory scrutiny, compliance, or to provide
3. The company shall warrant to keep secret all your
information and not to disclose it to any third party or authorize
any third party to use it, except:
(1) It can be provided in accordance with the clauses
hereof or the provisions of other service agreements, contracts or
online clauses concluded and reached between you and the
(2) It shall be provided in accordance with the provisions
(3) It is required to be provided by administrative,
(4) It is agreed by you to be provided to third
(5) It is submitted to solve any report incident or legal
(6) It is necessary for the company to take reasonable
actions to prevent serious illegal conducts or suspicious
(7) It is provided to third parties in order to provide to
you products, services and information, including the situation
where the company provides to you products, services and
information through third parties’ technology and
(8) The websites of the company and all its affiliated
companies shall have the right to use your
(1) 依据本协议条款或者您与本公司之间其他服务协议、合同、在线条款等规定可以提供;
(2) 依据法律法规的规定应当提供;
(3) 行政、司法等职权部门要求本公司提供;
(4) 您同意本公司向第三方提供;
(5) 本公司解决举报事件、提起诉讼而提交的;
(6) 本公司为防止严重违法行为或涉嫌犯罪行为发生而采取必要合理行动所必须提交的;
(7) 本公司为向您提供产品、服务、信息而向第三方提供的,包括本公司通过第三方的技术及服务向您提供产品、服务、信息的情况。
(8) 本公司及本公司关联公司所有网站有权使用您的资料和信息。
4. The Company shall, within 24 hours after the day’s
service, have the right to charge the service expenses in
accordance with the situation of your actual use which shall be
deducted from your account (credit card or pre-paid account). You
shall pay timely attention to any change of your account amount
(the balance of your credit card or pre-paid account), and if the
balance of your account (or the balance of your credit card) is not
sufficient, the Company shall have the right to immediately suspend
or terminate to provide services to you. You shall, at the same
time, charge your account to be able to pay the said service
expenses within 24 hours after the suspension or termination of
services, or the Company shall have the right to charge 0.3% of the
overdue payment as penalties for every overdue
六、 隐私及其他个人信息的保护
Once you agree to accept this agreement or use the Service,
you also agree that the Company can use and disclose your personal
information in accordance with the following
1. Account and
When you register yourself as a user of the Internet
Platform, we will request you to set up your account and password
to identify yourself. You can only use your account through your
password, and, therefore, if you leak your password, you may lose
your personal information of identification which may probably
result in unfavorable legal consequences. If the account and
password is under potential or actual risk due to any reason, you
shall immediately make contact with the Company and you shall be
completely responsible for all consequences caused by the leakage
of the account and password.
2. Account
When you complete the account registration or activation
process, you shall provide to the Company your real name, address,
nationality, telephone number and email address, and you can also
choose to fill in some other relevant information (including but
not limited to the province and city where your company resides,
its time zone and postal code, fax number, personal homepage and
your own position). In order to provide you with new services and
opportunities especially suitable for you, you shall know and agree
to receive such information from the Company and its affiliated
companies or other websites you log in by your email or mobile
3. Bank Account
If the services provided by the Company require you to
provide your bank account information, the Company will strictly
abide by the privacy policy after receiving such information from
In order to guarantee the safety of the Service you use and
gradually improve the quality of Service, the Company will record
and preserve relevant information about your login and use of the
Service, but the Company promises not to provide such record to any
third party (except otherwise agreed by both parties or provided by
laws and regulations and excluding the affiliated companies of the
The Company will make comprehensive statistics about the
status data of the Internet Platform users to be used or disclosed
for the purpose of advertising, sales and
6. External
On the Website are links to other websites for whose
privacy policy the Company is not responsible. The Company may at
any time add the websites of business partners or public brands if
7. Safety安全
The Company shall take the relevant safety measures
available at the moment to prevent the data of the Company from
being lost, misused and altered. These safety measures include
backing up data in other servers and encrypt the user password. In
spite of these safety measures, the Company will not guarantee the
absolute safety of this information.
七、 系统中断或故障
System may not function well due to the following problems,
which make you unable to make use of any Internet service whose
damages the Company shall not be responsible for, including but not
limited to:
1. Telecommunication equipment breaks down, unable to
transmit data.
2. Due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, blackout,
war, terrorist attack and other force majeure factors, the system
of the Company breaks down, unable to execute
3. The service is interrupted or delayed by hacker attack,
virus invasion, technological adjustment or problem of the
telecommunication department, website update, bank payment and
other problems.
八、 责任范围及责任限制
1. The Company is only responsible for the responsibilities
listed in this clause.
2. The cooperators of the Service shall be responsible for
the quality and content of the service provided thereby, for which
the Company shall not be responsible for.
3. If the service you purchased is not available due to
reasons unaccountable to the Company or force majeure factors, it
is not the responsibility of the C based on the
characteristics of the Internet, the Company reminds you that you
shall back up data from time to time for the Company will not be
responsible for data loss, that the Company is not responsible for
the unavailability of the service due to your own system adjustment
or improper configuration or other reasons of yours, and that the
Company is not responsible for the losses caused by any act or
omission of any third party or the losses of any third party who
receives the service of the Company indirectly through
4. The Company shall not be responsible for any indirect,
punitive, special and derivative losses related to or arising from
this agreement (including but not limited to business losses,
income losses, profit losses, data losses or other economic
losses), no matter in what way, whether by the violation hereof (or
the warranty hereof) or by infringement, in spite of being informed
of the possibility of such losses. In addition, even though the
provision of exclusive relief herein fails to accomplish its basic
purposes, the Company shall not be responsible for any losses
mentioned above.
5. If you website is under hacker attack from any third
party website, you shall immediately communicate with the Company
in order to ensure the quality of services, but you still have to
pay the Internet flow or bandwidth caused
6. The Company provide fault control mechanism of fault
monitoring, automatic recovery, guaranteeing timely processing
cloud service failure and recovery. When the cloud service node
failure occurs, the node will be replaced by other nodes
automatically through local load balancer and global load balancer.
When the whole cloud service failure occurs, the company will
immediately notify the customer in accordance with the
corresponding contingency plans for
7.The Company shall make sure the service you purchased is
available. Combined with the relative characteristics of the
service you purchased, the service may be available: you can visit
or download the websites, files, stream media and other content
under the domain name of the Internet S or the service may
be unavailable: the remaining time, which refers to the total
service time deducted by the available service time, is
8. If the whole website of the service you purchased is
unavailable due to the Company’s own problems, the Company shall
calculate the expenses by minutes (considered as one minute, when
less than one minute), in order to exempt and reduce service
expenses in accordance with the actual unavailable time from the
total service expenses. The maximum amount reduced and exempted
shall not exceed the due service expenses and shall not be
calculated in any way continually into the next day. You shall
agree that other than the previous agreement in this clause, the
Company shall not be liable for any compensation due to
unavailability of services.
9. Unless otherwise provided, you shall, under any
circumstance, agree that the Company shall be liable for
compensations limited to direct economic losses and the total
amount of compensation shall not exceed the total service expenses
charged you of at the day.
This agreement shall be composed of the clauses hereof and
all regulations published on the Website. Related nouns can be
quoted and referred to mutually. If there is any different
understanding, the clauses hereof shall
You shall understand and recognize this agreement, which
means every part of this agreement, and you and the Company shall
be bound thereby once you use the Service.
十、 商标、知识产权的保护
1. The Company or the affiliated companies of the Company
shall legally own the legal property rights, including but not
limited to trademark right, patent right, copyright, trade secret,
etc. of all the content on the Website, including but not limited
to works, pictures, files, information, data, framework and website
2. Unless agreed by the Company or the affiliated companies
thereof, no one shall use, modify, copy, publicly transmit, change,
distribute, release or publicly publish any program or content on
the Website without authorization.
3. It is your obligation to protect property rights, so you
shall solve related problems by yourself, including but not limited
to software copyright, application permission and so on, and the
Company shall have no obligation to check and approve such work.
When this agreement is signed, you are considered to have admitted
the above-mentioned provision and have finished all related work.
In case of any violation, you shall be reliable for any damages and
the Company shall reserve the right to terminate this
1. ’s Republic of China,
regulations of telecommunication administrative department and
regulations of the computer
2. Any dispute related to this agreement or the performance
thereof shall be solved by mutual and amiable negotiation. If no
agreement is reached, the dispute shall be brought to the people’s
court with jurisdiction of the place where the Company is
Important notice: Any conflict occurred about the service
terms and conditions between the Chinese and the English versions
of the agreement, the Chinese version of the agreement shares
larger portion of the legal effect.


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