
  If you're gearing up for a job search now as an undergraduate or returning student, there are several bright spots where new jobs and promising career paths are expected to emerge in the next few years.
  Technology, health care and education will continue to be hot job sectors, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' outlook for job growth between 2008 and 2018. But those and other fields will yield new opportunities, and even some tried-and-true fields will bring some new jobs that will combine a variety of skill sets.
  The degrees employers say they'll most look for include finance, engineering and computer science, says Andrea Koncz, employment-information manager at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. But to land the jobs that will see some of the most growth, job seekers will need to branch out and pick up secondary skills or combine hard science study with softer skills, career experts say, which many students already are doing. 'Students are positioned well for future employment, particularly in specialized fields,' Ms. Koncz says.
  Career experts say the key to securing jobs in growing fields will be coupling an in-demand degree with expertise in emerging trends. For example, communications pros will have to master social media and the analyti nursing students will have to learn about risk management an and techies will need to keep up with the latest in Web marketing, user-experience design and other Web-related skills.
  Technology Twists
  More than two million new technology-related jobs are expected to be created by 2018, according to the BLS. Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and Web developers. Recruiters anticipate that data-loss prevention, information technology, online security and risk management will also show strong growth.
  A computer-science degree and a working knowledge of data security are critical to landing these jobs. Common areas of undergraduate study for these fields include some of the usual suspects, such as computer science, information science and management-information systems.
  But those might not be enough. That's because not all of those jobs will be purely techie in nature. David Foote, chief executive officer of IT research firm Foote Partners, advises current computer-science students to couple their degrees with studies in marketing, accounting or finance. 'Before, people widely believed that all you needed to have were deep, nerdy skills,' Mr. Foote says. 'But companies are looking for people with multiple skill sets who can move fluidly with marketing or operations.'
  Social media has opened the door to the growth of new kinds of jobs. As companies turn to sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to promote their brands, capture new customers and even post job openings, they will need to hire people skilled in harnessing these tools, Mr. Foote says. In most cases, these duties will be folded into a marketing position, although large companies such as Coca-Cola Co. are creating entire teams devoted exclusively to social media.
  Similarly, employment for public-relations positions should increase 24% by 2018. Job titles-like interactive creative director-will reflect the duality of the required skill sets.
  Back to School
  Students will have to study strategy to maximize relationships between third-party content providers and their company's Web team. Other key skills will be search-engine optimization to maximize Web traffic and marketing analytics to decipher the company's target demographic, says Donna Farrugia, executive director of Creative Group, a marketing and advertising staffing agency in Menlo Park, Calif.
  Many universities and community colleges are offering certification programs focused on burgeoning sectors. For example, the University of California at Los Angeles's extension program offers a certificate in information design.
  That, program, like similar certificate studies at other schools, aims to give students an edge in Web site search optimization-a major attraction for Web-based companies who want to boost user traffic, says Cathy Sandeen, dean of UCLA's extension program.
  User-experience design-a sort of architecture for information that Web viewers see-is another emerging field. Jobs there include experience specialists and product designers at firms ranging from computer-game companies to e-commerce Web sites.
  Ms. Sandeen says the school will offer a certificate program for user-experience design as well, at a cost of about $3,000 to $5,000. The program will run one to two years, depending on a student's schedule, and will couple product design with consumer psychology and behavior.
  'Our students [will] learn to think like anthropologists, evaluating how easy it is to utilize the products,' she says.
  Not surprisingly, green technology, including solar and wind energy and green construction, are also booming areas. Engineers who can mastermind high-voltage electric grids, for example, will have a great advantage over other job applicants, says Greg Netland, who oversees recruiting for the U.S., Latin America and Canada for Sapphire Technologies, an IT staffing firm in Woburn, Mass. that is a division of Randstad.
  'Global sustainability will become more important to employers,' Mr. Netland says. 'It cuts costs, making experts in the field highly attractive to employers.'
  Jobs in alternative-energy systems, including wind and solar energy, will require a variety of skills: engineers to design systems, consultants who will audit companies' existing energy needs, and those who will install and maintain the systems.
  Financial Opportunities
  Despite the slashing of positions seen in the financial sector during the economic crisis, recruiters also expect thousands of new jobs to be created in the compliance field, says Dawn Fay, district New York/New Jersey president of Robert Half International.
  Ms. Fay counsels job seekers to look at the misdeeds of the past year or two to identify where new jobs will bloom in the financial sector. 'It was a year of Ponzi schemes and banking meltdowns,' she says. 'Be strategic and position yourself as someone who can mitigate those risks.'
  That makes risk management an emerging specialty with strong growth in jobs expected. Those on track to be financial analysts can get additional certification in risk management through organizations like the Risk Management Association or the Risk and Insurance Management Society.
  'Risk management was a mainstay in financial companies, but I believe it will be present in every Fortune 500 company,' says Jeff Joerres, chairman and chief executive officer at staffing firm Manpower Inc.
  Hospital Upgrades
  Health care is expected to continue to see a surge in hiring, with more than four million new openings estimated by 2018, according to the BLS. Hiring for physical and occupational therapists will likely be strongest. But new specialties are popping up, particularly in case management, says Brad Ellis, a partner with Kaye Bassman International, an executive-search firm based in Plano, Texas.
  Case managers do everything from managing the flow of information between practitioner and insurance company to mitigating risk to the hospital.
  'If you're a licensed nurse, for example, getting a certificate in risk management from the state board of health would make you extremely competitive,' Mr. Ellis says.
  Harris Miller, president of the Career College Association in Washington, D.C., says IT will be increasingly important in the quest to drive down health-care costs, too. Students specializing in nursing informatics, which combines general nursing with computer and information sciences, at the master's degree level will swap a clipboard for a smart phone to manage patient data. Schools like Vanderbilt University are offering nursing informatics degrees via distance learning, and certification is offered through American Nurses Credentialing Center, based in Silver Springs, Md.
  The strong push toward making medical records and information more accessible through computerized record-keeping means opportunity, Mr. Miller says. 'This is going to require people who are skilled in the hardware and software of nursing informatics.'
  根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)对2008年至2018年就业增长前景的预测,科技、医疗和教育仍将是热门职业。但是其他行业也将提供新的工作机会,甚至某些传统的行业也将推出一些复合型新职位。
  美国大学与雇主协会(National Association of Colleges and Employers)的就业信息经理安德烈娅•孔茨(Andrea Konc)称,雇主们最需要的是金融学、工程学和计算机科学专业人才。但就业专家称,要找到最有发展前途的工作,求职者需要多方面发展,学习第二技能或将硬科学知识与软技能相结合,而这正是许多学生正在做的。“学生们根据未来就业市场需求进行准确定位,尤其是在专业领域内进行准确定位”,孔茨说。
  但这可能并不够,因为这些工作并不都是纯技术性的。IT研究公司Foote Partners的首席执行长戴维•富特(David Foote)建议现在的计算机科学专业学生在攻读本专业的同时学习市场营销、会计或金融。“以前,人们普遍认为只要掌握精深的书本知识就够了”,富特说。“但是企业现在需要的是拥有多种技能、能够自如地兼事市场营销或经营的人才。”
  社交媒体为新型工作机会的增长打开了一扇大门。富特说,当企业转而求助于Twitter、LinkedIn 和Facebook等网站推广其品牌、赢取新顾客甚至是发布工作机会时,它们需要雇用能熟练运用这些工具的人才。在多数情况下,这隶属于市场营销人员的职责,但可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)等大公司正在建立整支团队,专门负责社交媒体工作。
  学生们必须学习能促进第三方内容提供商与所在公司网络团队相互关系的策略。其他重要技能包括提高网络流量的搜索引擎优化技能和识别公司目标客户群的营销分析技能,Creative Group(一家位于加利福尼亚州的市场营销与广告职介机构)的执行总监唐娜•?法鲁希亚(Donna Farrugia)说。
  许多大学和社区学院都开设了以新兴行业为重点的认证课程。例如,加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)继续教育学院就开设了信息设计认证课程。
  加州大学洛杉矶分校继续教育学院院长凯西•桑迪恩(Cathy Sandeen)说,就像其他学校的类似认证课程一样,该课程旨在让学生具备网站搜索优化的技能优势──这对希望增加用户流量的网络公司而言具有很大吸引力。
  不难想见,绿色科技──包括太阳能、风能和绿色建筑──也是蓬勃发展的领域。例如,能规划设计高压电网的工程师和其他求职者相比就拥有很大优势,Sapphire Technologies公司(位于麻萨诸塞州的一家IT职介公司,是任仕达公司(Randstad)的分支机构)负责美国、拉美和加拿大地区招聘工作的格雷格•内特兰德(Greg Netland)说。
  Robert Half International公司的纽约/新泽西区总裁唐?费伊(Dawn Fay)说,尽管经济危机期间金融业的职位需求锐减,但招聘人员也预期合规领域将产生数以千计的新职位。
  这让风险管理成为职位需求增长强劲的一门新专业。准备成为金融分析师的人还可以通过美国风险管理协会(Risk Management Association)或美国风险与保险管理学会(Risk and Insurance Management Society)等组织取得风险管理证书。
  “风险管理向来是金融企业中的支柱,但我相信它也将存在于每家财富500强企业之中”,职介公司万宝盛华公司(Manpower Inc)的董事长兼首席执行长杰夫•约雷斯(Jeff Joerres)说。
  根据美国劳工统计局的估计,医疗业的招聘需求将继续高涨,到2018年,将有400多万个新职位需求。对物理治疗师和职业治疗师的需求可能最大。但Kaye Bassman International公司(总部位于得克萨斯州的一家高管猎头公司)的合伙人布拉德•埃利斯(Brad Ellis)说,对新型专业人才,尤其是病例管理师的需求也在不断涌现。
  位于华盛顿的职业学院联盟(Career College Association)的总裁哈里斯•米勒(Harris Miller)称,为寻求降低医疗成本,信息技术也将变得越来越重要。护理信息学将一般护理学和电脑与信息学相结合,该专业的硕士生将用智能手机代替笔记板来管理病人数据。范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)等学校开设了护理信息学远程教育学位课程,证书是通过位于马里兰州的美国护士认证中心(American Nurses Credentialing Center)颁发的。
• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.UX Design Defined
User Experience Design (UXD, UED), Interaction Design (IxD), User Interface (UI) Design and other web/application design professionals use the term User Experience Design to refer to the judicious application of certain user-centered design practices, a highly contextual design mentality, and use of certain methods and techniques that are applied through
to produce cohesive, predictable, and desirable effects in a specific person, or persona (archetype comprised of target audience habits and characteristics). All so that the affects produced meet the user’s own goals and measures of success and enjoyment, as well as the objectives of the providing organization.
This is not the only definition of User Experience Design. The term was coined by
while he was Vice President of the Advanced Technology Group at Apple. In his own words: “I invented the term because I thought human interface and usability were too narrow. I wanted to cover all aspects of the person’s experience with the system including industrial design, graphics, the interface, the physical interaction, and the manual. Since then the term has spread widely, so much so that it is starting to lose it’s meaning… user experience, human centered design, all those things, even affordances. They just sort of entered the vocabulary and no longer have any special meaning. People use them often without having any idea why, what the word means, its origin, history, or what it’s about.” 1
Given the persistent level of confusion about the meaning of User Experience Design, defining it by what it is not can be useful. It is not a trendy new name for, or in any way synonymous with
Web design
User-centered design
Graphic design
Human factors engineering
User interface (UI) design
Information architecture (IA)
Interaction design (IxD)
Usability testing
Customer satisfaction
The most common or default interpretation of User Experience, of anything that we expect another will experience while using an interactive system, also falls far short of usefulness. A definition of it that does not encapsulate within it specific methods, techniques, and success metrics, is not useful to designers, producers, or managers. A user-centered mentality is necessary for the success of any interactive system, so perhaps the term is better used poorly than not at all. Yet, as with any definition, the more precise and widely agreed, the greater power and utility it provides us.
No discussion of User Experience or User Experience Design would be complete without acknowledging the profound and practical insights of . In his easily absorbed
we can see how
relate to both “web as software interface” (interactive utility) and “web as hypertext system” (content delivery) site types. Shortly after Garrett’s diagram was published
arrived in book form, where his model of “planes” was expanded to include those of surface, skeleton, structure, scope and strategy, across a continuum of design effort. This is an extremely useful model which emphasizes the relationship between elements as a project takes shape. I strongly recommend
to anyone involved in web design, in any capacity.
Another Approach: A User’s Eye View of User Experience Design
As a web/software designer, my concept of User Experience Design was arrived at in 1999, well before discovering that of Norman or Garrett. It is borrowed from the discipline of linguistics: User Experience Design as a synthetic, compound language, or pidgin, resulting from the integration and synthesis of multiple discreet vocabularies, which are apprehended by a user simultaneously as one.
To show you what I mean allow me to build on Garrett’s diagram, and shift the perspective, so we can see how by looking at it from a users point of view, instead of as a development process,
occur singularly in our mind’s eye:
The result of comprehensive User Experience Design is a controlled design vocabulary that can then be applied to a number of related communication media for different purposes so that their entirety results in the intended overall experience of an individual, or group. Ideally, this synthesis results in a cohesive Gestalt pattern registered both consciously and sub-consciously by the user, so that the whole expresses, and equals, more than a collection of parts.
UX Design Is Contextual Design
Garrett’s diagram, being process-oriented, appropriately includes User Needs and Site Objectives. “Site objectives” are easily correlated to strategic business objectives. But like user’s needs,
is implicit. In terms of process, these are contextual elements. Other contextual design elements such as technology and resource availability provide limits and , which can lend a work focus and clarity, thus power. Design context discovery is one of the designer’s main challenges: it is the key to successful User Experience Design. The outcome of each project should be as unique as its context. The mix and proportion of contextual elements will vary widely from one project to the next. However, there are some contextual elements which most interactive media share in common:
Too, we can consider the cultural contexts of User Experience Design. That is, the cultural assumptions, beliefs, , and shared expectations that color our personal experience while using an interactive system. Which of course are many and varied. Yet the expectations and assumptions people bring with them are not to be ignored if we seek success, any more than we can ignore other .
Organizations of all kinds and sizes can foster specific cultural habits. And so the role of Ethnographer is borrowed from anthropology in service of Interaction and User Experience Design. The Ethnographer contributes “” observing the person using the system when, how, and where they normally do, rather than in a controlled environment such as for Usability Testing.
Though User Experience Design is closely allied with Usability Testing and other User-Centered Design methods, which focus on human performance enhancement, one of its distinguishing aspects is inclusion of emotional aspects of human experience. E.g. happiness as a worthy pursuit in itself.
User Experience Design Process
One of the main tenets of User Experience Design is simply incorporating user feedback in to the design evolution process. That is, co-evolving the system with its user’s. If the design process is not managed for timely collection, experienced interpretation, and judicious application of user input in to the system’s design revision cycles, then it is not a User Experience Design process. In my view this is the most difficult aspect of User Experience Design. It cannot be achieved without consistent management support. And it is why UX Management, and management by any name, is tightly coupled with UX Design.
UX in Organizations
Evangelizing subjective individual experience and co-evolutionary (life) processes in organizations that are still anchored in industrial age models of hierarchy and achievement is no small feat. Commercial enterprises are organized for self-reinforcement. But a shift is occurring. Some organizations, especially those who produce web-based software primarily, accept the idea of equal, or nearly equal, provider-user and external-internal interchange and symbiosis. Networks are nothing if not reciprocal. Businesses that recognize themselves as a network node often have a flatter organizational structure, and are more informal in style in order to support collaboration. What’s more, the ‘network-ification’ of work may relate to a growing awareness of the merits of qualitative metrics of success. Regardless, only by utilizing such metrics can we ensure a desirable user experience, as well as a functional and efficient one. Or, as one respected supervisor once put it, “the better part of design is empathy.”
User Experience, Culture, and Human Experience
Of course we don’t work all the time. So as use of interactive digital/information networks becomes more frequent, socially acceptable, and ubiquitous, our social interaction models reflect increased network consciousness too, resulting in the recent social networking revolution (a.k.a. “web 2.0”). What’s more, though we use and design interactive networks in a cultural environment, the cultural environment, itself an interactive network, influences us in return. We and our environment continue to co-evolve, as ever. The difference now is in our increased ability to define our environment. In my view this expands the scope of User Experience Design to that of Human Experience in a
Continued on
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