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关于丁香园&&&微生物多样性指数 在 环境科学与资源利用 分类中
&&&&The medium biofilm microbial population diversity indexes increased during the experiments,with the first collected sample ranging from 1.77 to 1.91 and the second from 1.96 to 2.35 in experiment one. The three ponds planted with Eichhornia crassipes had more abundant microbial species than those without hydrophytes,according to the results of ERIC-PCR bands.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Through field investigation, We have analyzed the soil microbial biodiversity status and concentration of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in soil. The results showed that the scopes of the amount of microbes and the indicator of microbial biodiversity were wide, in which the total amount of microbes was high and the bacteria was the main part, however the indicator of microbial biodiversity was lower. There were effects of Pb anf Cu on soil microbial biodiversity status, especially Pb and Cu. The comprehensive indicator of... Through field investigation, We have analyzed the soil microbial biodiversity status and concentration of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in soil. The results showed that the scopes of the amount of microbes and the indicator of microbial biodiversity were wide, in which the total amount of microbes was high and the bacteria was the main part, however the indicator of microbial biodiversity was lower. There were effects of Pb anf Cu on soil microbial biodiversity status, especially Pb and Cu. The comprehensive indicator of heavy metal had significant relationship to ratio of fungi-bacteria and ratio of fungi-actinomyces. The indicator of microbial biodiversity decreased rapidly with the increasing of comprehensive indicator of heavy metal.对呈贡县蔬菜土壤微生物种群数量和土壤重金属质量分数进行大田调查分析,结果表明,土壤微生物种群数量和微生物多样性指数变化较大,土壤微生物种群数量总体水平较高,但微生物多样性指数偏低,其中以细菌占较大的优势;土壤重金属对土壤微生物数量和微生物多样性均有一定的影响,其中土壤中Pb和Cu的质量分数与土壤微生物种群数量显著相关;土壤重金属综合污染指数与真菌/细菌个数比例、真菌/放线菌个数比例与微生物多样性指数均呈显著的指数相关。随着重金属综合污染指数的增加,微生物多样性指数呈指数式地迅速下降。 As a new DNA fingerprinting technique, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) can be used to analyze the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. Three biofilters treating air loaded with ammonia will be studied with respect to microbial diversity by applying cultivation-independent molecular methods DGGE. The principal objectives of this paper include the development and application of a suitable set of molecular tools to deliver information about the possible microbial community changes... As a new DNA fingerprinting technique, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) can be used to analyze the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. Three biofilters treating air loaded with ammonia will be studied with respect to microbial diversity by applying cultivation-independent molecular methods DGGE. The principal objectives of this paper include the development and application of a suitable set of molecular tools to deliver information about the possible microbial community changes within carriers during treatment of ammonia-contaminated gas. Carriers were sampled at different time during operation of biofilters. After extraction and purification of the genomic DNA, the 16S rRNA genes (V3 region) were amplified by using the specific primers. These amplified DNA fragments were then separated by paralleled DGGE. The profile of DGGE showed that the same carrier at different time had the different bands' patterns. The structural diversity of the microbial community was examined by the Shannon index of general diversity H. Shannon indexes of three kinds of carriers all showed a decrease with time, which had a similar trend to NH
3 removal efficiency.变性梯度凝胶电泳技术 (DGGE)在微生物生态学领域有着广泛的应用 .本文应用DGGE技术对处理含氨废气的生物滤塔中微生物多样性随时间的变化进行了研究 .在生物滤塔运行的不同时间采集滤塔中的填料样品 ,进行了生物滤塔对氨处理效果的分析和DGGE分析 .结果显示 ,污泥和混合填料生物滤塔氨的出气浓度在经过一段时间后 ,逐渐升高 ,而堆肥生物滤塔的运行情况较好 ,对氨的去除效率始终在 98%以上 .PCR DGGE图谱显示 ,不同时间的相同填料中微生物DGGE图谱有着明显的差异性 .Shannon指数分析表明 ,填料中微生物的多样性都随着反应器运行时间的延长而有所减少 .运行一个月后 ,混合填料的微生物多样性指数最低为 0
389;其次为污泥填料 ,其多样性指数为 0
4 73;堆肥填料的微生物多样性程度最高为0
5 6 9.生物滤塔对氨的去除效果与填料中微生物多样性Shannon指数之间有一定的相关关系 .主成分分析 (PCA)显示对于堆肥和污泥来说 ,填料样品之间微生物群落结构相似性较高 ,而混合填料样品间的微生物群落结构相似性较低 A new technique,with medium biofilms and hydrophytes as main components,with microbes,plankton,hydrophytes and aquatic animals as basic ecological elements, was adopted to deal with eutrophication water in Shanghai.A pilot-scale test was carried on,with influent as 6(m~3/d),7 ponds parallelly connected,and with continuous influent and effluent.Water qualities were analyzed and ERIC-PCR fingerprinting method was used to study the natures of biofilm microbes.The results show that,the device has obvious affection... A new technique,with medium biofilms and hydrophytes as main components,with microbes,plankton,hydrophytes and aquatic animals as basic ecological elements, was adopted to deal with eutrophication water in Shanghai.A pilot-scale test was carried on,with influent as 6(m~3/d),7 ponds parallelly connected,and with continuous influent and effluent.Water qualities were analyzed and ERIC-PCR fingerprinting method was used to study the natures of biofilm microbes.The results show that,the device has obvious affection on eutrophication water pollution removal,COD,TN,NH~+_4-N and TP removal efficiencies are respectively 20.7%~48.5%,20.1%~49.7%,39.8%~66.2% and 60.0%~73.9% higher than those of control experiment.Water plants contribute for N and P absorption and removal,the three ponds with plants have higher TN and TP removal efficiency than the tree ones without hydrophytes,the enhanced TN removal efficiencies are 30.1%,24.9% and 17.6% respectively.ERIC-PCR fingerprinting indicate that the three ponds with water plants have more similar microbial community structure to each other than no hydrophyte ponds,and that mean pairwise similarity coefficient value are 71.8%,86.9% and 91.0% respectively on 2nd,15th and 30th day,and at the same time the population diversity indexes rang from 1.89 to 2.22,2.17 to 2.43 and 2.28 to 2.68,respectively.The above discussions conclude that the systemic population diversity indexes and structure similarity increase,biofilm microbes have gradually abundant population and stable structure,which are in accord with pollution removal efficiencies.采用以填料生物膜和水生植物为主体,以微生物、浮游植物、水生动物为要素的生物栅集成装置,处理上海市某一富营养化水体,实验采用6m3/d的中试规模,7个廊道并联运行,连续进出水.测试进出水的理化指标,并采用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱技术对生物栅填料生物膜微生物进行分析.结果显示,生物栅技术对富营养化水体的污染物降解效果显著,稳定运行后,采用设置生物栅的2~7号净化池的COD、总氮、氨氮、总磷的去除率较对照池分别提高了20.7%~48.5%、20.1%~49.7%、39.8%~66.2%和60.0%~73.9%.水生植物有利于水体氮、磷的吸收和去除,设置水生植物的2号、5号、6号净化池对总氮去除率较未设置水生植物的3号、4号和7号净化池分别提高了30.1%、24.9%、17.6%,总磷的去除率也都提高了10%以上.ERIC-PCR指纹图谱分析显示,设置水生植物的3个净化池微生物群落结构相似,且微生物种类较未设置植物的净化池丰富.指纹图谱在第2d、第15d、第30d的微生物多样性指数分别为1.89~2.22、2.17~2.43和2.28~2.68,平均相似系数分别为71.8%、86.9%和91.0%,表明随...采用以填料生物膜和水生植物为主体,以微生物、浮游植物、水生动物为要素的生物栅集成装置,处理上海市某一富营养化水体,实验采用6m3/d的中试规模,7个廊道并联运行,连续进出水.测试进出水的理化指标,并采用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱技术对生物栅填料生物膜微生物进行分析.结果显示,生物栅技术对富营养化水体的污染物降解效果显著,稳定运行后,采用设置生物栅的2~7号净化池的COD、总氮、氨氮、总磷的去除率较对照池分别提高了20.7%~48.5%、20.1%~49.7%、39.8%~66.2%和60.0%~73.9%.水生植物有利于水体氮、磷的吸收和去除,设置水生植物的2号、5号、6号净化池对总氮去除率较未设置水生植物的3号、4号和7号净化池分别提高了30.1%、24.9%、17.6%,总磷的去除率也都提高了10%以上.ERIC-PCR指纹图谱分析显示,设置水生植物的3个净化池微生物群落结构相似,且微生物种类较未设置植物的净化池丰富.指纹图谱在第2d、第15d、第30d的微生物多样性指数分别为1.89~2.22、2.17~2.43和2.28~2.68,平均相似系数分别为71.8%、86.9%和91.0%,表明随着系统的运行微生物多样性指数逐渐增大,条带的相似性逐渐增加,系统中微生物种群趋于多样化,结构趋于稳定,污染物降解效率也同步提高.&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社运动增加肠道微生物多样性 --生命经纬
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6月9日在线发表于《肠道学》(Gut)的一项研究发现运动对肠胃健康有益。对于国际橄榄球联盟球队球员粪便样品的DNA测序表明他们的肠道细菌比久坐的人的粪便样本菌群更多样。来自科克大学的 Siobhan F. Clarke博士和同事使用16S核糖体RNA扩增子测序评估来自40名精英职业橄榄球队男性运动员(平均年龄29岁)和46名年龄匹配的健康参与者的粪便和血液样本。研究人员根据身体质量指数(BMI)将对照组分为两组,低身体质量指数组(BMI≤25 kg/m2)和高BMI组(BMI&28 kg/m2)。研究对象还填写了食物和锻炼问卷调查。相比对照组,运动员的肠道菌群更多样化,运动员组约有22门,68科,113属的微生物。低BMI组有11门,33科,65属的微生物,高BMI组只有9门,33科,61属,甚至更少的微生物。
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