
哗啦啦是什么意思 哗啦啦在线翻译 哗啦啦什么意思 哗啦啦的意思 哗啦啦的翻译 哗啦啦的解释 哗啦啦的发音 哗啦啦的同义词
哗啦啦 基本解释哗啦啦哗啦啦[huā lā lā]词典哗啦啦 双语例句1. 1. 此刻阳光明媚,从屋顶慢慢照下来,一路穿过 17层,16层,15层,一直到5层的树上分不清枫树、桉树还是大叶黄杨树阳光从树身上走了一圈,拉走了一群树叶细细的脚哗啦啦细细的孩子们的脚啊跑得那么快那么快,此刻阳光明媚漂亮得像造出好心情的宽阔马路干净公交车即使阳光不明媚不漂亮我还是要写一首相爱之诗我的相爱之诗从早晨7点钟的太阳开始——一大群树叶哗啦啦落下,孩子们的小脚跑得多欢啊&&&&This moment sunshine bright, down the roof quiet, passes 17f, 16f, 15f, settling on the tree of 5f Maple or eucalyptus unclear Or boxtree Whirls his body away with a flock of leaves. Slim feet hua-la-la Slim childish feet rush So swift, So swift, this moment sunshine bright, As the broad road to nice mind A bright bus. Even though sunshine is not bright at all I still wanna Write a poem for love My love poems start from the 7 a. m. Sun A lot flock of leaves hua-la-laly Fall, childish little feet run so Cheerfully.2. 坐在小潭边听听哗啦啦不断流淌的水声,用清凉的泉水洗洗脸,跳进溪水里尽情地游泳嬉戏,或者看看倒映在水里的花草树木、蓝天白云……都会感到无限的惬意。&&&&Sitting in a small Tanbian listen Hua Lala constant sound of flowing water, wash face with cool spring water, jumped into the stream where to swim enjoy playing, or see reflection in the water the flowers and trees, blue sky, white clouds would feel......3. 在暴风中屋顶的瓦片哗啦啦地落了下来。&&&&During the gale roof tile s came hurtling down.4. 在暴风中屋顶的瓦片哗啦啦地落了下来。&&&&During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.5. 一开 始花销颇大,殡仪馆开出的账单很长,又要把院内贫民穿的衣裳改小,才喝了一两个礼拜的稀粥,衣服就开始在他们那枯瘦如柴的身上哗啦啦地飘动起来。&&&&It was rather expensive at first, in consequence of the increase in the undertaker's bill, and the necessity of taking in the clothes of all the paupers, which fluttered loosely on their wasted, shrunken forms, after a week or two's gruel.6. 那天的雨从睡梦中就下起来,到中午了还在哗啦啦下个不停。&&&&The rain started to fall that day in my sleep, and it was still pouring down splish- splash at noon with the sky being shrouded in a curtain of mist.7. 她扭开干衣机的开关,哗啦啦,瓷器和玻璃器皿撞成了碎片。&&&&She turned on the machine, smashing china and glasses.8. 另外还有一个专以擤鼻涕声的洪亮震耳而著名于小院,小学生们都管她叫哗啦啦啦夫人。&&&&Another was never known in the convent except by the formidable noise which she made when she blew her nose.9. 但事实并非如此,对大多数人来说,坐下来一两个小时,将一本好书翻得哗啦啦响,仍然是很有趣的。&&&&It wasn`t: for many, there is still little to match the joy of cracking the spine of a good book and settling down for an hour or two of reading.10. 10. 我的泪水像珍珠,哗啦啦洒落了一地,心碎成一片一片飘零的落叶。&&&&My tears, like pearls, Hua Lala floating down one, the heart-broken into 11 Falling leaves.11. 活泼的洪妈妈,时不时,就将他因操持多年家务而粗厚的温暖手掌盖覆在我手上,拉著我,讲著我听半懂、半不懂的潮州话,一开匣就哗啦啦的数分钟不停,脸上憨厚真诚的笑容不断,肢体语言一样丰富。&&&&&&If Chinese culture could be categorized as a religion, my mother would have been a fanatic devout. Having watched her teaching Chinese history, Chinese literature, and Chinese Geography since probably before I was born, her power to actuate any audience alike had always been immeasurably inspiring.12. 地震的时候有些盘子哗啦啦地落了下来。&&&&&&Some of the dishes clattered down during the earthquake.13. 发生了一次轻微地震,一些碟子哗啦啦地掉了下来。&&&&&&There was a slight earthquake and some of the dishes clattered down.14. 发生了一次轻微地震,一些碟子哗啦啦地掉了下来。&&&&&&There was a slight earthquake and some of the dish clattered down.15. 15. 分离器呼呼地转,抖擞器震得哗啦啦的响。&&&&&&The separator whirred the agitator jarred and crashed.16. 水液哗啦啦地流淌下来,从她的头顶浇下,完整地裹住了她的身体,宛若一幅透明丝缎,薄薄覆着她的身躯上。&&&&&&Water gushed out, cascading down from her head completely covering her body like a wrapping of transparent silk.17. 小河流水哗啦啦,我和你妈去自杀,你妈先杀我后杀,你妈死了我回家。&&&&&&The gurgling flowing water, I and your mother to suicide, you fucking kill me first kill, your mom died I go home.18. 18. 大雨哗啦啦打在屋顶上。溪水哗啦啦地流淌。&&&&&&The heavy rain shattered on the roof. The stream went gurgling on.19. 警方表示,嫌疑犯熟悉油厂事务,而且能打开阀门,让好几百万吨的石油哗啦啦的流走。&&&&&&Police say the saboteur must have had a working familiarity with the refinery to be able to open the tank's main valve and send tons of oil pouring out.20. 隔壁牢房的铁锁响了一声,接着,传来推开铁门的哗啦啦的巨响。(罗广斌《红岩》)&&&&&&A lock rattled and there was a loud clank as the door of the next cell was flung open.哗啦啦是什么意思,哗啦啦在线翻译,哗啦啦什么意思,哗啦啦的意思,哗啦啦的翻译,哗啦啦的解释,哗啦啦的发音,哗啦啦的同义词,哗啦啦的反义词,哗啦啦的例句,哗啦啦的相关词组,哗啦啦意思是什么,哗啦啦怎么翻译,单词哗啦啦是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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