
Not unique table/alias
SQL 语句中出现了非唯一的表或别名。
1、请检查出现问题位置的 SQL 语句中是否使用了相同的表名,或是定义了相同的表别名。
2、检查 SELECT 语句中要查询的字段名是不是定义重复,或者没有定义。
调试程序的时候发现,果真是调用MySQL的mysql_real_query()方法执行查询的时候,同时使用了&left join table1&和&from table1&两个项,从而导致出现该错误提示。
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(38)(42)(20)(35)(48)(23)(29)(49)(25)(3)backup - mysqldump: Got error: 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'foo' when using LOCK TABLES when lower_case_table_names=1 - Server Fault
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I'm trying to dump a MYSQL DB on a linux server (Centos 5.2 32bit, MySQL 5.0.45)
In /f the following value is defined:
When I try and do a dump with mysqldump I get the following error:
[root@linuxbox backups]# mysqldump --user=root --password=secret
mysqldump: Got error: 1066: Not unique table/alias: 'foo' when using LOCK TABLES
I can't figure out what I need to do to work around this, and we can't set lower_case_table_names to 0 f because that will break some things that require case insensative table names.
How can I do a mysqldump in this situation?
(or, another way to make a backup of the DB to file would work since that is the goal)
Rename one of the conflicting relations.
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Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled1、错误描述1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings
查询:SELECT (SELECT CONCAT( s.name, '/', sr.reame, '[', DATE_FORMAT(a.startTime, '%Y-%m-%d'), ']' ) FROM t_stu_info a, t_...
错误代码: 1066
Not unique table/alias: 'c'
: 0.001 sec2、错误原因& & &在拼接SQL语句时,给t_stu_amount 和t_tea_info 取别名时,都取c& & &... from t_stu_info a,t_stu_amount c,t_tea_info c& & &导致表别名重复3、解决办法& & &将两个表的别名改为不一样的,如&... from t_stu_info a,t_stu_amount c,t_tea_info o
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I am learning mysql and I am having trouble with one of my tables which produces #1066 - error not unique table alias. I have tried a number of different queries but all have the same result. Can someone put me out of my misery and help point out what I am doing wrong! - Thanks
look_id (fk from table 1)
item_id (fk from table 3)
item_id (pk)
image_id (pk)
item_id (fk from table 3)
Queries I have tried - add_look_item is a compound key
SELECT DISTINCT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id,
add_images.image_name FROM looks JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.look_id = looks.look_id
JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id WHERE look.user_id = 94
#1066 - error not unique table alias 'add_look_item
SELECT DISTINCT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id,
add_images.image_name FROM looks JOIN
add_look_item ON add_look_item.looks_id = look.look_id
JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id
JOIN add_images ON add_images.item_id = item.item_id WHERE add_look_item.item_id =
item.item_id AND look.user_id = 94
#1066 - error not unique table alias 'add_look_item
SELECT DISTINCT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id,
add_images.image_name FROM looks INNER JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.look_id =
INNER JOIN add_images ON add_images.item_id = item.item_id
INNER JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id
WHERE look.user_id = 94
#1066 - error not unique table alias 'add_look_item
SELECT DISTINCT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id,
add_images.image_name FROM looks
INNER JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.looks_id = look.look_id
INNER JOIN add_images ON add_images.item_id = item.item_id
INNER JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id
WHERE add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id AND look.user_id = 94
#1066 - error not unique table alias 'add_look_item
SELECT DISTINCT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id,
add_images.image_name FROM looks
INNER JOIN add_look_item ON add_look_item.looks_id = look.look_id
INNER JOIN add_images ON add_images.item_id = item.item_id
WHERE add_look_item.item_id = item.item_id AND look.user_id = 94
#1054 - Unknown column 'item.item_id' in 'where clause'
Try this -
SELECT looks.look_id, looks.title, looks.date_modified, add_look_item.item_id, add_images.image_name
FROM looks
JOIN add_look_item
ON looks.look_id = add_look_item.look_id
JOIN add_images
ON add_look_item.item_id = add_images.item_id
WHERE look.user_id = 94
Make an alias for add_look_item since you are joining it multiple times.
For example:
SELECT tbl.a, a.y, b.y
JOIN tbl2 as a ON tbl.x = a.x
JOIN tbl2 as b ON tbl.x = b.x
Otherwise the query engine won't know what to do :)
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