
I wrote the following WPF sample app in VB.NET 14 using .NET 4.6.1 on VS2015.1:
Class MainWindow
Public Sub New()
Private Async Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Using window = New DisposableWindow()
For index = 1 To 1
Await Task.Delay(100)
Class DisposableWindow
Inherits Window
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
The sample below produces the following output:
Debug mode: Pre, Disposed, Post
Release mode: Pre, Post
This is strange. Why would Debug mode execute this code differently than Release mode...?
When I change the using block to a manual try/finally block, the call to window.Dispose() even throws a NullReferenceException:
Dim window = New DisposableWindow()
For index = 1 To 1
Await Task.Delay(100)
And even more strange stuff: When the for-loop is excluded, the sample works perfectly. I've only let the For-loop run once, to specify the minimum amount of loops the produce the issue. Also feel free to replace the For-loop with a While-loop. It produces the same behavior as the For-loop.
Using window = New DisposableWindow()
Await Task.Delay(100)
Now you might think: 'That is strange!'. It gets even worse.
I've also made the exact same example in C# (6), where it works perfectly. So in C# both Debug and Release mode result in 'Pre, Disposed, Post' as output.
The samples can be downloaded here:
I'm pretty stumped at this point. Is this a bug in the VB.NET stack of .NET Framework? Or am I trying to accomplish something strange, which by luck seems the work in C# and partially in VB.NET?
Did some more test:
Disabling compiler optimizations in VB.NET for Release mode, makes it behave like Debug mode (as expected, but wanted to test it, just in case).
The issue also happens when I target .NET 4.5 (the earliest version where async/await became available).
This has since been fixed. Public release is planned for version 1.2, but the latest version in the master branch should contain the fix.
解决方案 I'll write this one up, this Roslyn bug is exceedingly nasty and liable to break a lot of VB.NET programs.
In a very ugly and difficult to diagnose way.
The bug is pretty hard to see, you have to look at the generated assembly with a decompiler.
I'll describe it at break-neck speed.
The statements in the Async Sub get rewritten into a state machine, the specific class name in your snippet is VB$StateMachine_1_buttonClick.
You can only see it with a decent decompiler.
The MoveNext() method of this class executes the statements in the method body.
This method is entered multiple times while your async code runs.
Variables used by MoveNext() need to be captured, turning your local variables into fields of the class.
Like your window variable, it will be needed later when the Using statement ends and the Dispose() method needs to be called.
The name of this variable in the Debug build is $VB$ResumableLocal_window$0.
When you build the Release build of your program, the compiler attempts to optimize this class and fumbles badly.
It eliminates the capture and makes window a local variable of MoveNext().
This is horribly wrong, when execution resumes after the Await, that variable will be Nothing.
And thus its Dispose() method won't be called.
This Roslyn bug has a very large impact afaict, it will break any VB.NET code that uses the Using statement in an Async method where the statement body contains an Await.
This is not easy to diagnose, a missing Dispose() call very often goes undetected.
Except in a case like yours where it has a very visible side-effect.
There must be lots programs running in production that have this bug right now.
Side-effect is that they'll run "heavy", consuming more resources than necessary.
The program can fail in many hard to diagnose ways.
There is a temporary workaround for this bug, be sure to never deploy the Debug build of your VB.NET app, that has other problems.
Turn off the optimizer instead.
Select the Release build and use Project > Properties > Compile tab > Advanced Compile Options > untick the "Enable optimizations" checkbox.
Yikes, this is bad.
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我写了下面的WPF示例应用程序在VB.NET 14使用.NET 4.6.1上VS2015.1: 类主窗口
的Public Sub New()
对于指数= 1:1
末级末级 下面的示例产生下面的输出:调试模式:pre,处置,邮政 Release模式:pre,邮政这是奇怪的。为什么会调试模式不同执行此code比Release模式...?在我的使用块更改为手动try / finally块,调用window.Dispose()甚至抛出一个NullReferenceException: 昏暗的窗口=新DisposableWindow()尝试
对于指数= 1:1
window.Dispose()结束Try 和更奇怪的东西:当for循环被排除在外,样品完美的作品。我只让for循环运行一次,以指定产生的问题环路的最低金额。还随意更换for循环与while循环。它产生相同的行为for循环。作品: 使用窗口=新DisposableWindow()
等待Task.Delay(100)使用完 现在你可能会想:“这是奇怪!”。它变得更糟。我也用C#(6),它完美的作品做完全一样的例子。因此,在C#Debug和Release模式导致'pre,处置,邮政作为输出。样品可以在这里下载:
我在这一点难倒pretty。这是.NET Framework的VB.NET堆栈中的错误?还是我试图完成一些奇怪的事情,它通过运气似乎在C#和部分VB.NET中的工作? 编辑: 做了一些更多的测试:禁用编译器优化在VB.NET的发布模式,使得它表现得像调试模式(如预期,但要测试它,以防万一)。问题还当我面向.NET 4.5(其中,异步/的await成为可用的最早版本)发生。 更新: 这已经被修复。公开发行计划于1.2版本,但在主分支的最新版本应该包含的修补程序。请参阅: &
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