她是谁? 网易云音乐导入歌单:歌单-“[电子·女生]惊艳耳际,一秒倾心”的封面这女歌手是谁?

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Our Verdict
A strong choice for those that like email and web browsing on the go - but there are better options out there.
1080p HD video playback
Fast dual-core processor
Bright screen
Super cheap
Too few apps
Small screen
Clunky interface
Weak battery
Update: With more price drops for the BlackBerry tablet, we've taken yet another look at the Playbook to see if it's finally worth the cash, in light of a 4G PlayBook coming later this year.It's probably fair to say that the BlackBerry Playbook had something of a rocky start to life. Hailed by many as as the first worthy successor to the
when it was announced, it eventually arrived with a bit of a crash landing, pulling in average reviews and failing to really attract customers.
In no small part, the problem was that it didn't come across as the kind of complete package that the
- released about the same time - did. Its lack of third-party apps was a shame, but the fact that it lacked its own email and calendar apps, relying on a BlackBerry phone to provide this functionality, really dragged it down.That error was made all the more disappointing by the fact that it boasts a dual-core 1GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM, powerful multitasking features and crisp 1024 x 600 screen. At just 425g, it's nice and light, and the all-black design is comfortable and handsome.Whether a 7-inch screen is big enough comes down partially to personal preference, but at 194 x 130 x 10mm, this is definitely a dinky device.The rear camera is 5 megapixels, and capable of 1080p video recording, while the front camera is three megapixels. There's a micro-USB port and micro-HDMI port, and Wi-Fi, as you'd expect.RIM has released
to power the BlackBerry PlayBook, which is intended to fix a lot of the original problems.Android apps now work on the BlackBerry tablet operating system, and can be downloaded through the App World store, where they appear just like any other app.This could really help to flesh out the range of apps available for the BlackBerry PlayBook, although the whole Android catalogue isn't here yet.There are additional built-in apps too, including the long-awaited email and calendar apps, which are coupled with some changes to how the Home screen works.Now that the price of the BlackBerry PlayBook has dropped to &129 ($199) for the 16GB version, &149 ($249) for the 32GB (but still &249 ($299) for the 64GB model), does the combination of updated software and -beating price make PlayBook with OS 2.0 more appealing than ever?
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&&&&&& &&&赠送100美元代金券!黑莓PlayBook促销
日 08:30&出处:&【原创】 作者:彭辉 编辑:
   泡泡网平板频道9月8日 RIM目前正在进行PlayBook平板的返校(Back-at-school)促销活动,活动仅面向已有黑莓设备的用户,这些用户现在购买PlayBook可获得100美元的预付费代金卡。
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产品号苹果手机There is no row at position 0. 有误产品号荣耀6There is no row at position 0. 有误产品号三星A5There is no row at position 0. 有误
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* 手机/邮箱任填其一Playbook美国促销降价达100美元
网易科技讯 9月18日消息,RIM黑莓平板电脑PlayBook将在美国家电零售商斯台普斯(Staples)进行短期降价促销。本月初Playbook刚刚在百思买进行过短期促销。上周四RIM宣布Playbook销售情况欠佳,整个第二财季仅卖出20万部,比分析师预期的49万部的一半还少。RIM为此宣布将进行系列促销。在斯台普斯,Playbook低配版降价50美元,高配版分别降价100美元。百思买的降价幅度达到150美元,不过仅仅持续了一个周末。在和iPad作战的阵营中,Playbook已经成为硕果仅存的非Android平板之一。(詹平)


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