
Lyra USB Audio Interface Home Page
Lyra USB Audio Interface Family
The Lyra family of USB audio interfaces offers Prism Sound performance at its most affordable ever. They are based on the Orpheus audio path and clock circuitry, but in a smaller package for those who don't need eight channels of analogue I/O. There are two models Lyra 1 and Lyra 2.
Lyra is based on an ARM Cortex processor design which offers class-compliant USB and the possibility for future Ethernet AVB interfacing, plus DSP and local mixing capacity beyond that of the present Orpheus platform.
Signal path
Analogue and digital input channels are available as inputs for your audio workstation software through the host computer's audio driver. Similarly, analogue and digital outputs and stereo headphone outputs can be played independently.
No-compromise, full Prism Sound audio quality
Lyra makes no compromises on audio quality. It is the result of years of research and development into digital audio conversion and extensive dialogue with Prism Sound's customers.
The Lyra design brief was: Prism Sound quality at an even more accessible price point. Lyra has the same no-compromise analogue front and back ends as its brother Orpheus, with the same fully-balanced-throughout architecture and the same isolation barriers protecting the analogue from digital and computer interference.
Standards compliant USB interface
For Lyra, we have created a unit that is compatible with the widest range of computer hardware by using a USB2 interface.
This is a UAC2 (USB Audio Class 2) interface supported natively in Mac, Linux and Android, and in Windows via a driver.
Flexible Inputs and Outputs
Our professional users wanted a highly integrated solution with stereo inputs serving as line, instrument or microphone inputs, and line outputs that could be used for stereo monitoring, mastering and/or foldback to performers. Lyra offers up to four monitoring outputs, digital inputs and outputs as stereo AES3 or S/PDIF or up to 8 channels of digital I/O on the ADAT optical format, plus stereo headphones.
Digital Mixer
Our customers also identified a need for a unit that could provide low latency foldback to performers, particularly when tracking and overdubbing. In answer to this need, Lyra has a built-in digital mixer that can be configured from the host computer to provide foldback feeds to performers, each with their own stereo mix of workstation playback and any of the inputs.
Sample Rate Conversion and Noise Shaping
The digital output is equipped with the four Prism Sound SNS noise-shaping curves and includes Prism Sound's renowned synchronous sample-rate conversion (Lyra 2), allowing outputs to various external devices at other sampling rates. The sample-rate converter can be used at the outputs as well as the inputs, so as well as dealing with unsynchronised or wrong-rate digital inputs, Lyra can also generate, say, a live 44.1kHz output from a 96kHz session. Since Lyra also includes the full suite of the famous Prism Sound 'SNS' noise shapers, you can also reduce to 16-bits for CD at mastering-house quality. Lyra 1 supports sample rate conversion on the input only.
Unsurpassed Jitter Rejection
In the 1990s Prism Sound pioneered testing of sampling and interface jitter and as a result our digital audio products deliver unsurpassed jitter rejection. Prism Sound digital audio products lock up fast and re-generate ultra-stable clock outputs. Another aspect of the traditional Prism Sound converter that is retained was the clocking - it's just as important as analogue-path considerations sound-wise. Lyra uses the same CleverClox dual digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) circuitry as Orpheus so whether it's providing a high-quality master clock for the rest of the room (Lyra 2 only), or dealing with a jittery clock from outside, Lyra is as rock-steady as its forbears.
Over the years, Prism Sound's reputation for audio quality has been matched by its reputation for after-sales support and technical advice.
Lyra has the benefit of that support and customers have access to one of the best technical teams in the business.
Lyra 2 Summary
2 A/D Analogue input channels select from:
2 x Microphone XLR inputs with phantom power and 20dB pads
2 x High-impedance front panel instrument inputs
2 x Balanced line inputs on TRS jack
4 D/A Analogue Line Output channels
Headphone output with independent mix and volume control
S/PDIF Digital in and out on RCA/phono
S/PDIF / ADAT Digital in and out on TOSLINK optical
AES3 mode on RCA/Phono with supplied XLR adaptor
Word-clock sync I/O on BNC connectors
Sample rate conversion on digital inputs or outputs
Ethernet port for future expansion
Lyra 1 Summary
2 A/D Analogue input channels select from:
1 x Microphone XLR input with phantom power and 20dB pad
1 x High-impedance front panel instrument input
2 x Balanced line inputs on TRS jack
2 D/A Analogue Line Output channels
Headphone output with independent mix and volume control
S/PDIF Digital in and out on TOSLINK optical
Sample rate conversion on digital inputs
Lyra 1 and 2 Features
No-compromise, full Prism Sound audio quality
Class compliant (UAC2) USB interface
ASIO drivers for Windows (32 and 64bit)
Windows WDM drivers for Vista and later
Native CORE AUDIO on Mac OS X
UAC2 operation on Linux (no control panel)
Outputs selectable between workstation bus or Lyra mixer
Prism Sound SNS noise shaping on digital outputs (4 curves)
Low-latency "console-quality" digital mixer for foldback monitoring
Fader, pan, cut, solo on every mixer channel
Front-panel master volume control, assignable to selected channels
State-of-the-art clock generation with proprietary hybrid 2-stage DPLL
Fully-floating (isolated) balanced architecture for optimum noise rejection
Trademark acknowledgements
Digidesign, Pro Tools, Pro Tools 24|MIX, 888|24 I/O, Pro Tools|HD, 192
I/O, 96 I/O, SYNC I/O andDigiLink are trademarks of Digidesign, a division of Avid
Technology Inc.
ADAT is a trademark of Alesis Corporation.
TOSLINK is a trademark of the Toshiba Corporation
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple, Macintosh, Core Audio, FireWire and OS X are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc.
The Thunderbolt icon and logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation
All trademarks acknowledged
&&Prism Media Products L Registered in the UK, Reg. No. 2719511,
&&Prism Sound L Registered in the UK, Reg. No. 2176912
&&Registered offices for both companies: The Old School, High Street, Stretham, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3LD, UK查看: 1902|回复: 14
在线时间407 小时
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
Lavry DA10
用的人也不少,奇怪的是很多人认为这个解码更加transparent. 不知道是不是他们觉得其它解码缺少中低频信息。
Bechmark DAC1
Mytek 96 DAC
这个价位用的人都说好,总是拿DA10 DAC1比较,说这两个很不错,但最后挑选了这台
Lavry Blue
Lynx Aurora
Apogee DA16X
Prismsound Orpheus/Lyra
Metric Halo ULN8
这款据说比奥菲斯还好,而且相位误差是和Prism ADA8-XR一个级别的。
不要奇怪,Lnyx Hilo在国外评价很高,常常被说是最透明的解码。其原因是因为有个帖子,将录音通过解码然后在录制回来,Hilo录制的文件和源文件差别是最小的,奥菲斯失真比它严重的多。
这两款一个字, 贵!大家都不太用。
Antelop Eclipse
Weiss DAC1
Forssell MADA-2
Lavry DA924
Lavry Gold,大家评价它都说是个很好的解码器,但是有些染色。它传奇的地方是被一个很有名的母带工程师御用。
Cranesong HEDD
Bob Katz喜欢这个解码器,他认为单纯从声音上说,这个解码不能列在这个级别,但是因为它能给母带增加模拟谐波,让听感自然温暖,因此是个非常实用的工具。而且没有第二台解码能有这种能力。所以它无可替代。
Prismsound ADA8XR
Prismsound Dream DA2
在线时间407 小时
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
本帖最后由 yuxiaoyanran 于
13:40 编辑
& & 相对于民用音响的“2B”之争,专业行业的音质竞赛就是“2A”之争,Apogee 与 Avid(前 Digidesign)是录音行业的老宿敌,从90年代末开始,888|24 便与 AD8000 较劲,然后到 192 I/O 与 AD-16/DA-16,现在变成 HD I/O 对战 Symphony I/O。
在线时间407 小时
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
本帖最后由 yuxiaoyanran 于
13:41 编辑
在线时间4675 小时
业余侠客, 积分 453, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
业余侠客, 积分 453, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
经验453 点
金钱141 ¥
在线时间8298 小时
经验8028 点
金钱2500 ¥
Prismsound Lyra
Prismsound ADA8XR
Prismsound Dream DA2
在线时间1880 小时
罗宾汉, 积分 2551, 距离下一级还需 3449 积分
罗宾汉, 积分 2551, 距离下一级还需 3449 积分
经验2551 点
金钱2214 ¥
在线时间407 小时
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
新一轮的“3A 争霸”又要开始了:Apogee、Antelope、UA Apollo
在线时间674 小时
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
经验146 点
金钱142 ¥
本帖最后由 verite 于
06:53 编辑
1) DAD AX32 (ADDA)
2) Merging Horus (ADDA)
3) Briscati M1 (DA)
看看伦敦Abbey Road录音室买了多少台DAD AX24。
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06:50 上传
在线时间407 小时
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
论坛游民, 积分 85, 距离下一级还需 115 积分
以上所列的很多都是老掉牙的东西了,要不就是在 ...
在线时间8298 小时
经验8028 点
金钱2500 ¥
以上所列的很多都是老掉牙的东西了,要不就是在 ...
DAD是丹麦的牌子,当初Merging没做AD,DA时候是跟DAD ODM的,Merging Hrous和HAPI一模一样,没区别。只是通道多少区别,品质一样,Merging一共就三个东西,Hrous,HAPI和NADAC。
Briscati M1就不多说了,有段日子很热门的机器,可以自己搜搜。
Abbey Road录音室历史悠久,名气顶级,因为甲壳虫都在这里录制的,由于唱片业衰落,一直不怎么赢利,所以很多年没更新设备了,但当前硬件也非常顶尖的。
这是Abbey Road 2号录音室设备列表,可以在官网查到。
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20:53 上传
DAD才2台,PrismSound 14台。
在线时间674 小时
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
经验146 点
金钱142 ¥
本帖最后由 verite 于
23:31 编辑
DAD是丹麦的牌子,当初Merging没做AD,DA时候是跟DAD ODM的,Merging Hrous和HAPI一模一样,没区别。只是 ...
Prism和Apogee等设备用来录制流行音乐还算凑合,但一用来录制Classical时就露出短板了,因为录制Classical对器材的动态范围和透明度有极高的要求。所以这几年世界各著名的Classical录音室买新器材时几乎都在DAD和Merging之间打转(其实Abbey Road录音室在Classical领域的评价并不高)。
我还认为专业Sonoma DSD工作站中的Meitner ADC8 MK IV的音色相当迷人,足以跟DAD和Merging相提并论。
在线时间8298 小时
经验8028 点
金钱2500 ¥
DAD和Merging有 ...
就旗舰而言,DAD这些比Prism Sound便宜多了,这些年录音行业不赚钱,能省则省。
在线时间18275 小时
青铜剑侠, 积分 15360, 距离下一级还需 9640 积分
青铜剑侠, 积分 15360, 距离下一级还需 9640 积分
经验15360 点
金钱14168 ¥
此CD是某音响界老大,偶然在非洲一家酒吧,用 Sony MD 即場收錄。
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00:00 上传
在线时间674 小时
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
论坛游民, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
经验146 点
金钱142 ¥
来自加利福尼亚的Burl B80 Mothership也是目前一款非常流行的ADDA,全Class A分立元件输出电路,有略微的音染但很多人就是喜欢。
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