
你可能喜欢Get Documents
This is main function to get data in FarBox, it allows to get your directories and files like querying a database.And not all the parameters are required when calling this function.
Parameters Accepted
There are five different types document, post (default value)/folder/image/file/template. You can use + to join multi-types, like post+folder which is equal to ['post', 'folder'].
Similar to types, but not allowed + in it, just one type one time. If type is declared, the types won't be valid.
Default value is / (means under the root of site folder), if path='docs/', all the documents returned must be under &site-folder&/docs/.
Works together with path, means the depth of a path. If level=1, means only t if level=2, will include the subf [2, 3] is acceptable too, it includes level=2 and level=3, but exclude other deeper path, and exclude level=1 too.
And &n or &n is acceptable, &1 means level=2, level=3, level=4 etc.
The sort type below:
desc, DESC order by date (default value)
asc, ASC order by date
position, ASC order by the position field that owner customed
score, the recent hottest documents sorted by the dig score
_score, same to score, but the dig score is customed by the owner
-m_date, DESC order by m_date, a new comment on a document will update the m_date
How many records to fetch, if limit=1 and with_page=False, then the result returned will be a document object, not a list.
Records needed on which page number, default value is 1, or get the value from URL /URL/PATH/page/&page_number& automatically.
Use paginator or not, default value is True, then the limit will be equal to
objects count per page.
Mark a paginator, recommended! When rendering a page, there may be many paginators (produced by calling get_data and with_page=True), if using pager_name, you can get the paginator by the this name lately.
The date of documents must be newer than the declared date (exclude equal).
The date of documents must be older than the declared date (exclude equal).
A document must include more than min_posts_count posts, works for post and folder, the posts_count of all post is 1.
If the name of a folder starts with _, the min_posts_count does not work.
A document must include more than min_images_count image, works for image and folder, the images_count of all image is 1.
If the name of a folder starts with _, the min_images_count does not work.
Default value is False, if set to True, the result returned will be an integer that means the documents count matched in total.
Parameters Only for post
The post's default status is public, other values are customed by the author.all is a special value, the result will include all posts. So, do not set a status named all for post.
If the parameter of keywords is not declared, then the status can be a list, like status=['public', 'protected', 'my_status'].
If using url_path, means with_page=False and limit=1, only return one post if exists.
Find posts matched the tags that customed by the author in the metadata. 'tag1+tag2' is equal to ['tag1', 'tag2'].
keywords: Fulltext Search
This parameter means a fulltext search, the length of keywords should be less than 50. And it will search title and content of a post.
When using keywords,
min_images_count/min_posts_count are not valid.
And the parameter of sort, _score、score、-m_date are not supported. There are two new values for sort, slot2 and -slot2(DESC).
Note: slot1 & slot2 are two properties for extending keywords search, slot1 is a search field and slot2 is a sort field.
Working together with keywords, default value is ['title', 'raw_content'], means to search keywords in title and content of a post.
An extra field is slot1, which is customed by author in the metadata of a post.
Declare the parameters on demand.
The parameter of limit, means to generat if with_page=False or a declared page, then paginator won't be generated.
If a parameter is only valid for a special type, then a mixed types will not work. For example get_data(types='post+folder', status='public') will return posts only.
Get a document by path, the path is the only parameter acceptable.
Get a document which is before or after (computed by the date) of the specified document that has same document type. Acceptable parameters are &doc& &same_folder& &position&.
doc: a document to specify.same_folder: None/True/False. If True, means the document you need should b If False, try to find it under the whole site folder. If not declared or set to
None, whole site folder for posts, same folder for other documents.position: & or &, means next one or previous one.
In fact, 'get_connected_one' is using get_data to get result, the logical code on FarBox server looks like below:
if 'date' not in doc:
if (same_folder is None and doc.get('type') == 'post') or not same_folder:
path = None
path = '/'.join(doc.get('path').split('/')[:-1]) + '/'
if position == '&':
return get_data(type=doc.get('type'), path=path, limit=1, with_page=False, date_end=doc.get('date'), sort='desc')
return get_data(type=doc.get('type'), path=path, limit=1, with_page=False, date_start=doc.get('date'), sort='asc')
Doc Properties
Doc includes all the resources under your site folder, like posts, images, CSS/JS files, and folders.
Basic Properties
relative path to site folder, lower-case
full path of document, lower-case
same to full_path, but preserving the case
parent path of path
parent path of full_path
parent path of raw_path
the full path of the file
document type, like folder/post/image/file/template
document title
the date of document, if a post, means the publish date
last modified date, a new comment on the document will make m_date updated
last modified date in system
a customed position by owner for sorting, a float number
document's mimetype, like image/jpeg
visits (page views) of the document
approach to visitors
most time is the raw content of the document
filename extension like jpg txt
Properties Only For post Type
post type, refers to the documents whose suffix is .txt/.mk/.md/.markdown.
body text, HTML format
TableOfContens, HTML format
status of post, default value is public
cover for post, the first image in the main body
raw content of file, plaintext format, excludes metadata strings
raw content of file, includes metadata strings
metadata of post, the extra properties
tags of post, a List
'/post/’+url_path or /+url_path, it depends
comments count
always equal to 1
If the url_path is not customed, the system will generate one instead base on the filepath.
If there is no image in post, the cover will be None.
url is a default value to refer the URL of a post, but if the post detail template file is not template/post.html, the url won't work.
Properties Only for image Type
address of the image
the exif information, a dict type object
always equal to 1
image.exif Properties
like Apple
like iPhone 4
original dateTime, like
aperture value
exposure time
south latitude is a negative value
west longitude is a negative value
original image height
original image width
Properties Only For folder Type
body text, HTML format
raw content of file, plaintext format, excludes metadata strings
raw content of file, plaintext format, includes metadata strings
the extra properties
how many posts in it (includes in sub folders)
how many images in it (includes in sub folders)
how many posts in it (excludes in sub folders)
how many images in it (excludes in sub folders)
The properties content/raw_content/_content/metadata are from a document named index.txt in the folder.
Other Related Data
This function help us to get a paginator, accept one parameter index (integer type), default value is 0, means the first paginator of current page.
If index is a string type, FarBox will treat it as a pager_name, which one is set in the function get_data.
When calling get_data or get_comments, if there is no page parameter, a new paginator will be generated. If using get_data, and with_page=False, no paginator generated either.
Code snippet:
{% set posts = get_data(type='post', limit=3, pager_name='posts') %}
{% set images = get_data(type='image', limit=10) %}
{% set p1 = get_paginator(0) %}
{% set p1_2 = get_paginator('posts') %}
{% set p2 = get_paginator(1) %}
p1 is the paginator of posts, 3 p2 is the paginator of images, 10 records per page. And p1_2 is euqal to p1.
The paginator we got (p1 or p2), will compute page_number from URL automatically. For example, when visiting /URL, the page=1; and /URL/page/2, the page=2.
Note: Avoid using multi-paginators in one page, because the page_number from URL is shared by every paginator.
Properties List
the objects count per page
objects of current page, like posts files
objects count in total
current page number
number of previous page
same to previous_page
same to previous_page_url
number of next page
same to has_previous
Code Snippet
A common code sinppet to handle the paginator:
{% if paginator.has_previous or
paginator.has_next %}
&div class="pager"&
{% if paginator.has_previous %}
&a class="round pre" href="{{ paginator.previous_page_url }}"&Pre&/a&
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.has_next %}
&a class="round next" href="{{ paginator.next_page_url}}"&Next&/a&
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Accept parameters &parent& &limit& &sort&.
If parent is not set, then get all the comments of current site.
Code snippet to get comments for a post:
{% set comments = get_comments(post) %}
Comment Properties List
comment content, HTML format
comment content, plaintext format
author name
the site url of commenter
comment datetime
the md5 value of commenter's email address
IP of commenter
comment.email_md5 can help to get the avatar of a author,like /avatar/{{ comment.email_md5 }}
Default Variables
current site on visiting.
Properties List
site title
in lower-case, /site_folder_name/
site domains, a List
tags of (public) posts, a List,tag_name+tag_count
avatar of site owner
site configs
site description (HTML)
site description (TXT)
Template Package Key inherits from
Template Package Key the site owns
current site config file path, may be site.txt
content of comment_js.txt(md/mk/markdown) (TXT)
1,site.tags is a list of (tag_name, tag_count), sorted by tag_count looks like, :
[('tag 1',3), ('tag 2', 1)]
2,code snippet for site.tags:
{% for tag_name, tag_count in site.tags %}
{{ tag_name }}, {{ tag_count }} &/br&
{% endfor %}
3, site.tags means the posts whose status is public, and if a tag contains :, it will not be in site.tags.
The default value is your site folder name or equal to site.configs.title.
the request (broswer) information of current user.
Properties List
the incoming values through POST method
the incoming values through GET method
merge form & args
like GET POST PUT .etc
if the mimetype of client sent is application/json
login or not
login user is the site owner or not
lower-case, the language of client's browser like zh_cn
http or https
Note,is_login/is_admin is also stored into Cookie of client's browser.
When visiting /page.html?x=y,the request has some variables below:
Common Variables
common variables are generated automatically from the get_data function. If your page logic is complicated, please directly use get_data instead.Be careful to use them in if/else, for example {% if posts %} means nothing, because posts is always with some records.
equal to get_data(type=context_doc.type, date_end=context_doc.date, sort='desc', limit=1, page=1)
get_data(type=context_doc.type, date_start=context_doc.date, sort='asc',limit=1, page=1)
The categories of posts, equal to get_data(type='folder', level=[1,2], min_posts_count=1).
If the URL is /any_thing/&folder-path&, FarBox will try to find a folder.Note, the
must end with /
And it's equal to get_doc(path=path2).
Same to category.
Equal to get_request_path(offset=1).split('+')When visiting /any_thing/tag1+tag2, then {{ tags }} will return ['tag1', 'tag2'].
Case 1: when category matched a folder, means the post equal to get_data(type='post', path=category.path);
Case 2:when tags matched, means the posts marked the tags; equal toget_data(type='post', tags=tags);
Case 3: If current URL is /feed, output the recent ten posts (the status is public); equal to get_data(type='post', page=1, limit=10);
Case 4: If current URL looks like anything/?s=keywords, equal to type='post', keywords=request.args.get('s'));
Finnaly: If nothing matched for posts, output the posts (status is public) under current site.
Case 1: when folder matched a folder, means the images and alb equal to get_data(types='folder+image', path=folder.path, min_images_count=1, level=1);
Case 2:all the images and albums under currente site,equal to get_data(types='folder+image', min_images_count=1, level=1)。
Case 1: when folder matched a folder, means the alb equal to get_data(types='folder', path=folder.path, level=1, min_images_count=1;
Case 2:first 100 albums under the site, equal to get_data(types='folder', min_images_count=1, level=[1,2], limit=100)
Get a post whose url_path=path2.
Equal to:{% set post = get_data(type='post', url_path=get_request_path(offset=1), limit=1, page=1) %}, then {{ add_doc_actions(post) }}
Get a file whose path=path2.
Equal to:{% set post = get_doc(path=get_request_path(offset=1)%}, then {{ add_doc_actions(post) }}。
equal to get_paginator(0), if you find the paginator is different in you mind, try to use the function get_paginator instead.
Code Snippet:
{% for post in posts %}
{% endfor %}
{{ paginator.page }}
same to paginator
equal to get_comments()
Other Variables
The sites list that current login account owns.
The id of current login account .
The information about
current login account.
Cloud Service, current is Dropbox only
timezone, integer
a datetime
a datetime
last synced datetime
name computed from email address
MD5 value of email address, usually used to get avatar
A context document, after running add_doc_actions(doc), the doc will be the context_doc.
A comment object commited by a user through browser.
comment content in plaintext format
commenter's name
commenter's email
commenter's site
if comment failed, the reason
The first part of a URL path.
'/abc/de/fad' --& abc
'/abc/de/~~fad' --& abc/de
Exclude the path1, the rest parts of a URL path.
abc/de/fad' --& de/fad
'abc/de/~~fad' --& fad
The interface configs for site admin dashboard,.
The template_key of the template package which current site inherents from.
A list of template packages that maintained by FarBox team.
Return a template package object if current site has one.
Special Format
When rendering some fields/properties in a page, multi-formats will be needed. To make calling API much more humanistic, we wrapped some special data types.
Use {{post.date}} directly, return a strings like
10:11 by default.
Combine strings in TimeFormat to get a formated date strings.
code snippet:
{{ post.date.format('%Y-%m-%d') }}
Locale’s abbreviated weekday name.
Locale’s full weekday name.
Locale’s abbreviated month name.
Locale’s full month name.
Locale’s appropriate date and time representation.
Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].
Month as a decimal number [01,12].
Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM.
Second as a decimal number [00,61].
Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week)
Weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].
Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week)
Locale’s appropriate date representation.
Locale’s appropriate time representation.
Year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
Year with century as a decimal number.
Time zone name (no characters if no time zone exists).
A literal '%' character.
only valid for the property of content
Output the plain text includes linebreaks only, if there is some HTML tags in the post, they won't be passed.
same to plain, but the HTML tags will be escaped to the safe strings.
for post type only, contents without toc (table of contents).
If &!--more--& in content, the content will be split by it and return the first part only.
If you using {{ post.content.opening }}, but no &!--more--& in content, will return nothing.
Function limit can get a section of content, it accept tow parameters, length and with_mark (default value is .......).
If content is longer then the length, will return the_section + with_mark.
The text object returned has two extra properties, more (boolean type) and no_pic.
{% set content = post.content.limit(100, '...')
&div& {{ content }} &/div&
{% if content.more %}
&a href="#"&Read More&/a&
{% endif %}
{{ content }} {# just the content return, maybe include images #}
{{ content.no_pic }} {#
the content without images #}
post.content[0:100] # from 0-100, plaintext format
post.content(100) # from 0-100 too, but in HTML format
Only available for the url property of a image type document.
image.url can resize the image size, syntax is image.url.s&width&x&height& or image.url.s&width&x&height&xfixed.
{{ image.url.s50x50xfixed }} will return a 50x50 fixed-size thumbnail, and it is equal to {{ image.url['50x50xfixed']}};
50x50, a thumbnail whose max_width and max_height is smaller than 50
0x50,max_height smaller than 50
0x50xfixed,the thumbnail height alwasy be 50 pixels.
btw, {{ image.url.s50x50xfixed }} is equal to `{{image.url}}?width=50&height=50&fixed=true`.
And {{ image.url.blur }} will return the url of a blured image.
If width=550, and FarBox will turn it into a valiable value 640.
valiable values
image width
[40, 80, 160, 214, 320, 428, 640, 960, 1280]
image height
[40, 80, 160, 214, 320, 428, 640, 960, 1280]
The max size of an image is , if the original size of image is larger than this, you need to use image.url.large or {{ image.url }}?large=true,
and the max size of an original image is .
The functions below, avaible for a object whose type is list. A list function usually calls traverses multi-times, so be careful to use them, otherwiste Timeout error will happen to your site.
Accept one parameter attr, resort the list by the attribue. if the attr starts with -, the result will be resorted in DESC order.
{{ posts.sort_by('position') }}
# resort by customed position
{{ posts.sort_by('-position') }} # resort by customed position in DESC order
{{ posts.sort_by('date.year') }} # resort by the year of the publish date of the post
Group the list, accept one parameter attr, if the attr starts with -, the result will be resorted in DESC order.
If you want to use multi-sub-properties, the attr should follow this format attr:sub_att1+sub_attr2, such as posts.group('date:year+month').
If the type of a sub-property is a list too, each of the sub-property values will be grouped, such as posts.group('tags').
The returned value is a list too, each item in the list looks like:[group_key, [item1, item2, item3, .etc].
Code snippet:
{% set posts = get_data(type='post', limit=300, sort='desc') %}
{% if request.args.use == 'tags' %}
{% set entries = posts.group('tags') %}
{% else %}
{% set entries = posts.group( 'date:year') %}
{% endif %}
The entries that returned looks like:
(2013, [&post1&, &post2&, &post3&]),
(2012, [&post1&, &post2&]),
Then we embed the data into the page.
{% for year, posts in entries %}
&li&{{ year }}&/li&
{% for post in posts %}
&li&{{ post.title }}&/li&
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Note:The sort refers the order of groups, not order of the items in groups. Make sure the original data is a sorted list before calling group function.
Filters a list, then returns a new list. Accept two parameters, one is attr, the other is attr_value, if the value of the attr is equal to the attr_value, the item will be appended to the new list.
Assume objects = [{value:1}, {value:2}, {value:1}]
Then objects.filter('value', 2) will return [{value:2}].
Pick some special values of a special attribute.
objects = [
{path: &1&},
{path: &2&},
{title: &hello&}
Then objects.pick('path') will return ['1', '2'].
add(obj, position=-1), add an item into the list, default position=-1 means insert at the foot.
And this function will try to avoid items conflict. For example:
posts = [&p1&, &p2&, &p3&]
new_post = &p2&
posts.add(new_post, 0)
// at the last, posts = [&p2&, &p1&, &p3&]
If the type of a object is list or dict, the json property will be available. It turns object into json format. If turning fails, the original object returned.
Code snippet:
{% set posts = get_data(type='post', limit=10) %}
{{ posts.json }}


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