已知X=+0.1001,Y=-0.1011 1001, 用补码一位Booth乘法求X×Y

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96. Although parapsychology is often considered a pseudoscience, it is in fact a genuine scientific enterprise, for ituses scientific methods such as controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stated hypotheses to examine the questions it raises.
The conclusion above is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?
(A) If a field of study can conclusively answer the questions it raises, then it is a genuine science.
(B) Since parapsychology uses scientific methods, it will produce credible results.
(C) Any enterprise (that does not use controlled experiments and statistical tests) is not genuine science.
(D) Any field of study that employs scientific methods is a genuine scientific enterprise.
(E) Since parapsychology raises clearly statable questions, they can be tested in controlled experiments.
露珠是逻辑渣,看了og的解答还是不太明白C的tricky,任何不使用blah方法的enterprise不是genuine science的否命题应该是什么,做这道题在CD里徘徊好久,希望能得到大神门的解答。。。。。。。如果觉得问题太弱智也&&不要喷露珠。。。实在脑洞太大做题好惆怅。。。。。
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原命题:& &【使用科学方法和控制变量法(简称S)的研究】是真命题的一种。即:S包含于真。
逆命题:& &真命题是【使用科学方法和控制变量法的研究】的一种。即:真包含于S,错。
否命题:& &不【使用科学方法和控制变量法的研究】是假命题的一种。即:非S包含于非真。从图上看,就是说S圈外的部分面积要小于真圈外的面积,这样才能被包含,对吧?然而S圈小,明显S圈外的面积要大于真圈外的面积,因此否命题错误。即:不【使用科学方法和控制变量法(简称S)的研究】不一定是假命题。
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文章说的是scientific methods such as controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stated hypotheses
科学方法可能还有很多别的,不用 controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stated hypotheses,也不见得就不是科学方法。
2.就算改成scientific methods也不对 道理是一样的
原文:因为用了科学方法,所以是genuine scientific enterprise
原文没说scientific method是唯一方式,就可能还有别的方式成为genuine scientific enterprise,所以不用科学方法也不见得不是genuine scientific enterprise
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vocalyang 发表于
原命题:& &【使用科学方法和控制变量法(简称S)的研究】是真命题的一种。即:S包含于真。
逆否命题:假命 ...
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lsy103759 发表于
文章说的是scientific methods such as controlled experiments and statistical tests of clearly stat ...
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Any enterprise (that does not use controlled experiments and statistical tests) is not genuine science
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Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Pecan growers get a high price for their crop when pecans are comparatively scarce, but the price drops sharply when pecans are abundant. Thus, in high-yield years, growers often hold back part of their crop in refrigerated warehouses for one or two years, hoping for higher prices in the future. This year's pecan crop was the smallest in five years. It is nonetheless quite possible that a portion of this year's crop will be held back, since ___________.
Aeach of the last two years produced record- breaking pecan yields&&Bthe quality of this year's pecan crop is no worse than the quality of the pecan crops of the previous five years&&Cpecan prices have not been subject to sharp fluctuations in recent years&&Dfor some pecan growers, this year's crop was no smaller than last year's&&Ethe practice of holding back part of one year's crop had not yet become widespread the last time the pecan crop was as small as it was this year&&
正确答案: A
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65. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?Pecan growers get a high price for their crop when pecans are comparatively scarce, but the price drops sharply when pecans are abundant. Thus, in high-yield years, growers often hold back part of their crop in refrigerated warehouses for one or two years, hoping for higher prices in the future.This year’s pecan crop was the smallest in five years. It is nonetheless quite possible that a portion of this year’s crop will be held back, since ______.(A) each of the last two years produced record-breaking pecan yields(B) the quality of this year’s pecan crop is no worse than the quality of the pecan crops of the previous five years(C) pecan prices have not been subject to sharp fluctuations in recent years(D) for some pecan growers, this year’s crop was no smaller than last year’s(E) the practice of holding back part of one year’s crop had not yet become widespread the last time the pecan crop was as small as it was this yearkey:A谢谢!!!!
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這一題第一次作錯了, 後來細看發現, 決定要不要囤貨的原因是產量, 不是價格.
in high-yield years, growers often hold back part of their crop in refrigerated warehouses for one or two years, hoping for higher prices in the future.
(A) each of the last two years produced record-breaking pecan yields(C) pecan prices have not been subject to sharp fluctuations in recent years
要選跟產量有關的(A), 而不是價格, 如果選(C)變成倒因為果.
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A 的意思是 前兩年的产量都非常高:record-breaking pecan yields。根据题干,在产量高的时候,会囤积pecan,如果囤积量十分大的话,即使今年的产量小,pecan的存量还是会很大,所以还是会囤积一部分今年的,把前两年的先卖出去了。题干中This year’s pecan crop was the smallest in five years. It is nonetheless quite possible that a portion of this year’s crop will be held back似乎是存在矛盾的,所以since后边要解释这个矛盾。楼主选C似乎只表述了一个价格的现象,不能解释为什么今年的产量小但还是会囤积一部分pecan。
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LZ最好是把自己的思路和对各个选项的理解困惑一起贴上来,这样大家才知道你的思考过程在什么地方除了问题。-- by 会员 keithyang926 ( 20:18:05)
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楼主理解错了。。。题目的问题是“当P很多的时候会被hold back以期待后面卖出好价钱,今年P很少,而今年有可能一部分P会被hold back是因为?”照理说P很少应该不会被Hold back, 但在前面供给很足的情况下,需要把前面的先卖掉。A:因为前几年已有大量库存,所以今年的供给很足,所以今年产出的P卖不出去。C:P的价格这几年没变不能说明P被hold back,因为这只和P的数量有关。
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題目說 crop生產多了 &市面上的crop就多了 價格會下降 &怎麼辦 &把產出的crop藏起來,只能冰凍儲存一到兩年, 這樣市面上的crop 就少了 可以維持高價位。 今年生產的crop 很少 &但還是可能要藏起來。為什麼? & 如果前兩年的產出都破紀錄的高 , 那肯定藏了好多crop 了啊已經存了兩年的crop 拉 再不把他們拿出來就要壞了啊。 拿出來了的話 & 市面上的crop就多了 ,價格就可能會下跌,所以呢,也有要把今年產出的crop 藏起來的可能性。
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LZ & & & & C说价格稳定并不表示价格就一定低啊
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我也是看不懂这题,看了几位牛人的解释,终于理解了,先进先出法 啊
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求助大牛们:OG13 P537 CR No.120
Codex Berinensis, a Florentine copy of an ancient
Roman medical treatise, is undated but contains clues
to when it was produced. Its first 80 pages are by a
single copyist, but the remaining 20 pages are by
three different copyists, which indicates some
significant disruption. Since a letter in handwriting
identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a
plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148,
Codex Berinensis was probably produced in that year.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports
the hypothesis that Codex Berinensis was produced
(A) Other than Codex Berinensis, there are no
known samples of the handwriting of the first
three copyists.
(B) According to the account by the fourth copyist,
the plague went on for 10 months.
(C) A scribe would be able to copy a page of text
the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a day.
(D) There was only one outbreak of plague in
Florence in the 1100s.
(E) The number of pages of Codex Berinensis
produced by a single scribe becomes smaller
with each successive change of copyist
里面提到Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyiest mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148. 这句话到底应该怎么理解呢?
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文中说,the remaining 20 pages are by three different copyists, which indicates some significant disruption.
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晓野的野 发表于
hmmmmmm, make sense. Thanks!
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MangoYu 发表于
hmmmmmm, make sense. Thanks!
默默的问句 你明白了么&&我也觉得D只能说明著作是有可能在1148年或之后完成的
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ljwqlcl881703 发表于
默默的问句 你明白了么&&我也觉得D只能说明著作是有可能在1148年或之后完成的 ...
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MangoYu 发表于
嗯,我依然这样认为。但是这道题的其他选项比这个选项更差。所以只有选这个 ...
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我觉得这道题干每一个词都传达一中似是而非联系,并不是很绝对,其实在题中就说“虽然没有明确的截稿日期,但有一条线索(clues) ,既然是线索,就尽量扩大1148年是截稿日期的可能
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有同样的纠结~~ 但是只能选the best answer了
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OG13 CR39Which ofthe following most logically completes the argument?Sviatovin is amedieval Moringian text whose author and exact date of composition are unknown.However, the events in the life of Prince Sviatov that the text describesoccurred in 1165, and in the diagram of Sviatov’s family that accompanies thetext his father, who died in 1167, is identified as still living. Thus Sviatovin must have been written between 1165 and 1167, assumingthat
& &.(A) the life of Prince Sviatov is not thesubject of any other medieval Moringian texts(B) the author of Sviatovin intended it to provide as accurate a report about PrinceSviatov’s exploits as possible(C) the diagram accurately represents thecomposition of Sviatov’s family at the time Sviatovin was written(D) Sviatovin is theearliest Moringian text whose composition can be dated to within a few years(E) Sviatovin was notwritten by Sviatov’s father himself正确答案是C。我觉得B和C没啥区别啊……我觉得C讲的是关于1167年这个下限的正确性,而B讲的是关于1165年这个上限的正确性:因为author把S的事迹写得尽量准确,所以这些时间参考才会是有价值的,我们才能推断这个书的确是65-67年间写的。而且我觉得,如果B正确了,那么C就也是正确的,因为author要使故事尽量真实,用的图谱就应该是准确的啊……所以基于这个考虑,我就没选C……TT事实证明我的思维肯定是有问题的……是因为我对exploits的理解错了吗?(所以exploits应该是无关选项?)请大家帮帮忙啦!
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B 是as accurate as possible, 不代表真得accurate.
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哦……没有别的区别吗?OG上的解释是:issues about the accurate reporting of Sviatov's exploits (or about the author's intention to report them accurately) are irrelevant to the argument, which hinges on the accuracy of the diagram that accompanies the tex. The diagram does not report Sviatov's exploits.为什么OG说他的exploits是irrelevant呢?不理解。感觉OG有些“先入为主”的就一定说问题在于diagram的准确性,而不是其他。为什么呢?我觉得OG对B的解释主要focus在那个exploit上面,所以还是想搞明白那个到底是怎么回事
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题目的主体是讲 “Sviatovin”这个集体的 , Sviatovin is amedieval Moringian text。逻辑链是 :1165 王子死了, 补充text的S集体图表表明1165王子死时他爸还在, 1167 他爸死了 —— &所以集体是写在答案:只要图表是正确的 逻辑链就成立。B 说的只是要把王子的功绩尽可能写的准确
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结论是 Thus那句话between 1165 and 1167推理的主题还是关于时间B 王子的准确功绩C 家谱的准确书写时间楼主,您说哪个合适?
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求问题目中的那个is identified as still living到底是修饰什么的啊?
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euphemiax 发表于
求问题目中的那个is identified as still living到底是修饰什么的啊?
原句是:... in the diagram of Sviatov’s family that accompanies the text his father, who died in 1167, is identified as still living.
in the...the text是介词短语 应该是状语,介绍背景的,就是说 在那个图谱里,其中of短语和that定语从句都是修饰diagram的。his father是主语,who died...是非限定性定语从句修饰father的,去掉不改变句子的主要意思,is dentified...是句子的谓语部分啦(so不是修饰语)~~
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杀G给猴看 发表于
原句是:... in the diagram of Sviatov’s family that accompan ...
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杀G给猴看 发表于
同学 这题我还是不懂呢 他爸啥时候死和这书写作时间的下线 有啥关系啊 没看懂啊 翻译成中文我还是没懂!!!你给我说说呗! 谢了啊 :D
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