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4 Things You May Not Know About the After Effects Render Queue
Today we’re going to look at a few options found in the Render Queue that many people don’t realize are even there. Hopefully you can pick up something that will save you some time for your next project!
Before I even start listing these, I have to show you this section from a project I did a few years ago when I had a much slower computer. I created this video for our local Fire Dept. and had a very limited time frame to put it together. It was the worst rendering experience I’ve ever had!
From what I remember, this comp had over 50 HD precomps of green screen firefighters, all of which I was keying on the fly with added motion blur and falloff. There was also light smoke that I was generating with a 3d layer of
in the background. It was a rendering nightmare.
一、Post Render Action
This first option I’ll mention really goes along with the idea of baking render-heavy animations. By this I mean if you have an effect like keying out a green screen where you know that you’re never going to need to go back to alter the original footage, you can render that video out instead of having to use processing power to keep keying frame by frame as you continue to work. This is a bridge you won’t need to cross again.
For Example: In the case of the firefighter shot, I could have rendered out each individual keyed clip of the people and then scattered those in 3d space instead of scattering slow processing, effect-heavy pre-comps.
So let’s say I have a Lower Third Pre-comp in my Main Comp and this Pre-comp is locked, meaning I don’t plan to go back to it for more alterations.
I could add this Pre-comp to the Render Queue and down under the Output Module there is a “Post Render Action” option which we can change to “Import and Replace Usage“.
添加到渲染队列(Render Queue),在渲染面板中展开输出模块(Output Module)在渲染后执行(Post Render Action)选项中选择导入并替换使用(Import and Replace Usage)。
If we pick whip up to our Pre-comp Composition and then hit Render…
AE will import the rendered video and swap it in for anywhere the Pre-comp Composition was.
You’ll still have your original composition if you do need to make alterations, but from this point forward, you’re not being slowed down by the Pre-comp continuing to steal render power.
二、Drag Comps to Adobe Media Encoder
拖动合成到 Adobe media Encoder 中渲染
One way you can save time is to allow Adobe Media Encoder to do your rendering for one comp while you continue to work on another back inside AE. With a recent version of AE (CS5.5+) you can simply grab a composition from the Project panel and drag it over into the AME window.
有一个节省时间的渲染方法,就是使用Adobe media Encoder作为你的外部渲染。同时你可以继续在AE里面工作。方法很简单,在AE项目窗口中拖动一个合成到Adobe Media Encoder中渲染即可。
Choose your render settings and render away while you continue to work.
三、Render Region of Interest
Let’s say you just need to render out a small section of an animation like a Lower Third for a client’s approval. You can enable the Region of Interest and only select the are you’d like to be rendered.
如果你需要渲染画面的一部分区域,你可以使用“Region of interest(目标兴趣范围)”框选你需要渲染的范围。
After adding to the Render Queue, under Output Module you can choose Crop and select Use Region of Interest.
将合成添加到渲染队列(Render Queue),在输出模块(Output Module)中,裁剪(Crop)下,勾选使用目标兴趣区域(Use Region of Interest)。
This will give you a rendered video of just that section of the comp.
四、Image Sequence Rendering
This last one is more of a workflow tip than simply a function of the Render Queue. When you do have hefty rendering to do, I recommend exporting an image sequence.
最后这个应该是渲染队列里的一个功能。如果你需要一个具有更多细节、更高质量的渲染文件,我建议使用序列帧(image sequence)渲染。
There’s nothing worse than sitting for an hour waiting for something to render out only to find it frozen at frame 314!
You don’t dare cancel in case it’s still processing, but it’s been on the same frame for 20 minutes! If you were exporting to an *.mov file, then you’ve just wasted an hour. However, if you were exporting an image sequence, you can just pick up on frame 314 and continue rendering the remaining frames. This also allows you to see the full render quality by previewing one of the still frames that have already exported.
For Example: Going back to the Firefighter animation, each frame was taking an average of nearly 10 minutes to render. At 24 frames per second, you can see that any sort of a fast turnaround wasn’t looking good. I finally ended up using 4 different computers loaded with the project to render cluster ranges of 10 frames each. I was able to take a massive render job and break it up knowing that I’d be able to put all the frames back together again once the hard rendering was completed
(以下是 Adam Fex 修正翻译,感谢!)
例如,我们再来说说之前消防员的动画,每一帧平均要渲染10分钟左右。对于一个24帧每秒的视频来说你会发现渲染中每一帧的切换都很耗时。我最终使用序列帧渲染的方法取代使用“4台电脑联机同时集中渲染每10帧一停”的方法。我尽最大努力完成了这一巨大工程量的项目,就算电脑崩溃我也知道我可以从崩溃后的那一帧继续向后渲染直到整个视频渲染完成。( by adam fex)
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用户名或电子邮件地址3秒的片头,渲染输出竟然花了一个多小时......天呐,这是哪里不对了你们平常渲染需要多久呢~如何才能减少AE的渲染时间呢?且听我一一道来如果特效、层数及 comp 嵌套较多,渲染时间会指数增加学习意见不要一次渲染所有带特效的层,而是每个子 comp 独立渲染,然后再进行素材替换。有个便捷的方法就是在渲染设置中 Output Module 项的 Post-Render Action 中选择 Import & Replace Usage,这样渲染每个子 comp 后会将父 comp 中的素材替换成已渲染的素材,再接着渲染父 comp 就能明显快很多,整体时间也能节约不少。需要注意的是,渲染格式最好选用支持 alpha 通道的式(如 TGA 序列帧 32 bit RGB + Alpha),以免后续图层叠加时出现问题。另外如果批量渲染,需要在 Render Queue 中调整好合适的顺序(比如先渲染子 comp,后渲染父 comp)。如果需要后续修改,直接把素材替换回来,修改完成重复上述步骤即可,非常方便如果机器配置较低,建议先将最终 comp 渲染成 TGA 序列帧,然后再将 TGA 序列渲染成你想要的视频格式。这样做的好处是,即使渲染一半死机或断电了,你还可以接着从上次渲染的位置开始,而不是从头开始不直接用AE渲染是最好的解决办法在AE编辑完文件后,不要渲染,保存最终的aep工程文件然后打开Media Encoder工作界面如下然后点左上角的小加号然后打开aep工程文件下一个窗口中导入你需要渲染的合成然后在左侧的窗口中选择配置然后就可以调整输出文件的格式了当然这个480p只是一个示例,如果需要的话点它就可以更改成1080p啊720p啊之类的……&img src=&/72b9ea013eb673d3e03a2da1aee3dac7_b.png& data-rawwidth=&432& data-rawheight=&107& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&432& data-original=&/72b9ea013eb673d3e03a2da1aee3dac7_r.png&&用这个方法渲染出来的视频文件既清楚又比较小,渲染时间也短,更好的是可以同时渲染多个文件(导入多个合成然后按照队列渲染即可)做好了很多aep之后都拖过来,趁睡觉的时候渲染就好啦~只是个人见解,仁者见仁,智者见智!可作为参考对比!祝大家学习愉快!也欢迎大家加入邢帅教育进行系统专业的学习!早日摆脱学习的困扰!◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆系统学习推荐阅读:(点击下面蓝色标题可直接阅读)感谢您抽出&&·&来阅读此文每日直播课学习入口:AE、PR、C4D、达芬奇免费试学体验课堂→点击阅读全文↓↓↓影视后期微课堂(yswketang) 
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