hphp 2570p如何关掉触控有m.2插槽吗?

1十大被忽视笔记本盘点——惠普8470p    可能很多朋友在选购的时候,都碰到过这样一个问题,虽说有不少品牌,但是选来选去总是那么几款产品。由于厂商对于不同机型的宣传广告力度大有不同,因此让大家的目光和机型认知广度停留在了那么几款主流产品上。    其实,有很多平时宣传力度不是很大的,不被大家熟知的机型,同样拥有很不错的使用价值。不管是注重性价比、想要节省开支,或是不差钱的用户,还有不想与别人“撞本”的消费者,都有更多的选择空间。下面笔者就盘点了十款平时可能容易被大家忽视的不错的产品。十大被忽视盘点——惠普8470p推荐理由:   说到,可能很多消费者想到的就是小黑,当然小黑是经典的商务系列,不过除了它还有不少优质的商务本,比如这款惠普的EliteBook系列2570p,拥有出色的安全性能,坚固耐用的品质以及超长的电池续航时间。惠普 EliteBook 2570p惠普 EliteBook 2570p    这款产品外观采用了大量镁铝合金材质,搭配1.63Kg的轻薄机身,使其既方便用户携带,与其它产品对比起来也更为时尚。操作系统Windows 7 Professional 64bit(64位专业版)CPU型号Intel 酷睿i7 3520MCPU主频2.9GHz内存容量4GB硬盘容量750GB光驱类型DVD刻录机屏幕尺寸12.5英寸屏幕比例16:9屏幕分辨率显卡芯片Intel GMA HD 4000摄像头集成摄像头数据接口2×USB2.0+1×USB3.0(其中一个e-SATA共用接口)读卡器多合1读卡器扩展插槽ExpressCard电池类型6芯锂电池,5500毫安笔记本重量1630g外壳材质镁铝合金惠普EliteBook [促销价格] 12999元[推荐商家] 产品:
2十大被忽视笔记本盘点——神舟A560N十大被忽视盘点——神舟A560N推荐理由:    神舟电脑一直以超高性价比和惊人的实惠价格著称,不过外观设计上不能满足很多追逐时尚潮流的消费者们,而这款神舟A560N是打破了人们的一贯思维,可以说是目前神舟笔记本中最为时尚优雅的设计。神舟 A560N    神舟A560N的外观进行了全新的设计,银灰色的外壳上布满了金属拉丝般的暗纹,整体简约。巧克力键盘设计时尚,还配有数字小键盘。值得一提的是,C面上部设置了触控的功能键,左右为扬声器。主打轻薄时尚,线条流畅圆润,机身仅厚32毫米。  神舟 A560N CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 2430MCPU主频2.4GHz内存容量2GB硬盘容量500GB光驱类型DVD刻录机屏幕尺寸15.6英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M+Intel GMA HD(集成于处理器)显存容量2GB摄像头集成130万像素摄像头数据接口2×USB2.0+2×USB3.0视频接口VGA,HDMI电池类型6芯锂电池,4400毫安神舟优雅 A560N-i5 D1[新品报价] 3299元    更多优惠请咨询神舟电脑免费订购电话:800-830--6022(固定电话);400-886--7668(手机用户),或登录,,,或,轻松享受网上支付、送货上门、定制升级等个性化服务!产品:
3十大被忽视笔记本盘点——戴尔灵越17R十大被忽视盘点——戴尔灵越17R推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 17英寸的超大屏笔记本确实是一个小众选择,不过针对目前家庭用户的使用需求来看,大屏笔记本比主流尺寸本和台式电脑都更合适,这款戴尔灵越17R全高清17英寸屏是看电影玩游戏的很好保障,整机性能也很强。戴尔灵越17R Turbo戴尔灵越17R Turbo&#160; &#160; 戴尔灵越17R Turbo笔记本采用17.3英寸、分辨率的全高清防眩光屏幕,即便是在室外光线强烈的地方也能够看清屏幕上的字;顶盖采用阳极氧化铝材质,外面覆盖着蜂巢式纹理外壳,整体的设计风格与之前推出的灵越14R Turbo、灵越15R Turbo相同;该机还具备独立的数字小键盘区,满足游戏玩家以及数据输入的需求。操作系统Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit(64位家庭普通版)主板芯片组Intel HM77CPU型号Intel 酷睿i7 3630QM内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz硬盘容量1TB光驱类型DVD刻录机屏幕尺寸17.3英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M+Intel GMA HD 4000无线网卡英特尔n无线网卡有线网卡1000Mbps以太网卡蓝牙支持,蓝牙4.0模块电池类型6芯锂电池,4800毫安笔记本重量3340g关于戴尔直销:&#160;&#160;&#160; 戴尔直销一向以客户需求为导向,不断提供最新最全的产品、最新最潮的增值应用解决方案,实现个性定制。了解更多产品信息及最新促销信息,可拨打客服专线<font color="#c08-2035(座机)/400-884-9428(手机)或登录官方网,与330万用户共同见证卓越。戴尔 Inspiron 灵越 17R Turbo(INS17TD-2728)[参考价格] 7999元[订购咨询] 点击[联系电话]&#160;<font color="#c08-2035(座机)/400-884-9428(手机)产品:
4十大被忽视笔记本盘点——东芝M805十大被忽视盘点——东芝M805推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 其实东芝的M800系列娱乐本,并不是小众机型,反而是主打的明星本,不过这款机型丰富的颜色着实让人挑花了眼,而狂热金这一配色绝对是够小众,不是所有人都有胆量去尝试。东芝 &#160;&#160;东芝 M805-T01C(狂热金)&#160;&#160;&#160; 这款东芝 M805-T01C(狂热金)笔记本,采用了很少见的金色配色,运用新一代炫色金属镀印技术,让靓色更具金属质感,尽显奢华时尚气息。顶盖面板和掌托部分新的S型“波曼”纹理装饰,个性十足。最薄处仅为25毫米、重量为2千克的机身,携带更加轻松。配备分辨率的14英寸显示屏。新的悬浮式键盘,手感更舒适。操作系统Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭普通版)CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 2450MCPU主频2.5GHz内存容量4GB硬盘容量750GB屏幕尺寸14英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片AMD Radeon HD 7670M显存容量1GB有线网卡1000Mbps以太网卡蓝牙支持蓝牙功能数据接口1×USB2.0+2×USB3.0视频接口VGA,HDMI电池类型6芯锂电池,4800毫安笔记本重量2000g外壳描述狂热金东芝 M805-T01C(狂热金)[市场参考价格] 4000元产品:
5十大被忽视笔记本盘点——索尼Z13十大被忽视盘点——索尼Z13推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 索尼近几年的产品和市场策略有所调整,很多高性价比、价格实惠的机型纷纷涌现。不过这款顶级Z系列的绝对是继承了传统,做工精细、设计讲究,性能出色,拥有秒杀很多超极本的超华丽机身数据,当然价格也的确不菲,适合精英商务人士。索尼 Z13&#160; &#160; 索尼 Z13笔记本顶盖与底部均采用了高端的碳纤维材质、铝合金一体式键盘和掌托、独到的六棱贝边造型和隐藏式中轴设计。索尼 Z13&#160; &#160; 采用了13.1 英寸标准的16:9宽 LED背光液晶屏,其最佳分辨率为,表面为磨砂效果并采用了广视角面板,实际屏幕显示效果非常出众,颜色还原准确度很高。此外,该机拥有超高的便携性,可以拿出5毫米的屏幕厚度和1.15千克的重量的与超极本相媲美。操作系统Windows 7 Professional 64bit(64位专业版)CPU型号Intel 酷睿i7 3612QM内存容量8GB内存类型DDR3 1600MHz硬盘容量512GB硬盘描述SSD固态硬盘屏幕尺寸13.1英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片Intel GMA HD 4000无线网卡支持802.11a/b/g/n无线协议有线网卡1000Mbps以太网卡蓝牙支持,蓝牙4.0模块续航时间5.5小时左右,具体时间视使用环境而定笔记本重量1175g外壳描述流光黑索尼 [参考价格] 23999元&#160;[商家名称] VAIO梦工厂(先验货后付款) 官方授权经销商[联系方式] 010-0;[商家地址] 北京市 海淀区 中关村 E世界财富中心A座产品:
6十大被忽视笔记本盘点——ALIENWARE M18x十大被忽视盘点—— M18x推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 虽然外星人的名号非常响亮,是界的标杆式产品,不过顶级配置、设计所带来的售价也是让很多大众用户却步,因此它也成为了少数高端游戏发烧友才拥有的小众产品。这款M18x是外星人游戏本中尺寸最大的机型。ALIENWARE M18xALIENWARE M18x操作系统Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit(64位家庭高级版)CPU型号Intel 酷睿i7 3740QMCPU主频2.7GHz内存容量16GB硬盘容量2TB(1TB+1TB)硬盘描述5400转,SATA光驱类型蓝光光驱屏幕尺寸18.4英寸屏幕比例16:10屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M显存容量2GB显存类型GDDR5摄像头集成210万像素摄像头蓝牙支持,蓝牙3.0模块数据接口1×USB2.0+4×USB3.0(其中一个e-SATA共用接口,其中一个powered供电USB共用接口)电池类型12芯锂电池,9700毫安笔记本重量5410gALIENWARE [参考价格] 30666元&#160;[商家名称] 北京鸿日东方数码科技有限公司 孙先生[联系方式] 010-[商家地址] 北京市海淀区中关村二街 中关村SOHO11层1111室产品:
7十大被忽视笔记本盘点——联想Z500A十大被忽视盘点——联想Z500A推荐理由:&#160; &#160; Z系列是联想的时尚娱乐本系列,但是包括Z在内的各种机型,绝对都是被超人气的“小y”抢跑了风头。这款Z500A确实不太为人所熟悉,不过整体性能配置和外观设计都不错,能满足用户日常的主流娱乐、游戏需要。价格也很实惠。联想 Z500A联想 Z500A&#160; &#160; 联想Z500A属于轻薄娱乐本,15.6英寸的大机身仅重2.2千克,比很多14英寸本还要轻巧。 CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 3210MCPU主频2.5GHz内存容量4GB硬盘容量500GB屏幕尺寸15.6英寸屏幕分辨率屏幕描述超薄炫彩屏显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M显存容量2GB数据接口2×USB2.0+1×USB3.0视频接口VGA,HDMI笔记本重量2200g外壳描述巧克力棕联想 [市场参考价格] 4500元产品:
8十大被忽视笔记本盘点——宏碁 M3十大被忽视盘点——宏碁 M3推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 拥有超极本素质,笔记本价格的实惠机型,鉴于目前移动娱乐话的趋势,这款宏碁M3确实是一个不错的选择,适合年轻用户、学生群体。宏碁M3宏碁M3 CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 3317UCPU主频1.7GHz内存容量4GB硬盘容量500GB屏幕尺寸14英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M LE显存容量1GB摄像头集成130万像素摄像头数据接口2×USB3.0视频接口HDMI笔记本重量1950g厚度20.7mm外壳材质镁铝合金Acer M3-481G-53314G50Mass[促销价格] 4599元[推荐商家]&#160;产品:
9十大被忽视笔记本盘点——华硕A45十大被忽视盘点——华硕A45推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 非常适合女性用户的一款可爱配色的主流娱乐本,价格亲民,同时个性十足,大大降低了撞衫几率!华硕A45&#160;华硕A45 操作系统Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit(64位家庭普通版)CPU型号Intel 酷睿i5 3230MCPU主频2.6GHz内存容量4GB硬盘容量500GB屏幕尺寸14英寸屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 610M显存容量2GB数据接口1×USB2.0+2×USB3.0视频接口VGA,HDMI,Mini D-sub 15-pin外接显示器电池类型6芯锂电池,4700毫安笔记本重量2300g外壳材质复合材质外壳描述粉色华硕 [市场参考价格] 4000元&#160;产品:
10十大被忽视笔记本盘点——苹果MacBook Pro十大被忽视盘点—— Pro推荐理由:&#160; &#160; 苹果15.4英寸的顶级笔记本,搭载有酷睿i7处理器,GT 650M独显,16GB内存,512GB超大固态硬盘,Retina视网膜显示屏。人们购买苹果主要将目光集中在了小尺寸本上,而这款足以代替台式机的产品也是相当出色。苹果 MacBook Pro&#160;&#160;苹果 MacBook Pro操作系统Mac OS X LionCPU型号Intel 酷睿i7 3740QMCPU主频2.7GHz内存容量16GB硬盘容量512GB硬盘描述SSD固态硬盘屏幕尺寸15.4英寸屏幕比例16:10屏幕分辨率显卡芯片NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M+Intel GMA HD 4000显存容量1GB数据接口2×USB3.0,Thunderbolt接口视频接口HDMI笔记本重量2020g外壳材质镁铝合金外壳描述银白色苹果 MacBook Pro(ME665CH/A)[参考价格] 16999元[商家名称] 北京博鑫腾达科技有限公司[联系方式] 010-[商家地址] 中关村E世界A座11层A1109室
惠普2570p和神舟优雅 A560N-I5 D1和戴尔Inspiron 灵越 17R Turbo和东芝M805-T01C和索尼Z13119GCXI和Alienware M18x和联想Z500A-IFI和Acer M3-481G-53314G50Mass和华硕A45EI323VD-SL和苹果MacBook Pro有什么区别盘点笔记本十大被忽视的存在:这些笔记本的确是平时被大家忽略的机型,发现了其中的闪光点。
产品定位 屏幕尺寸
4¥107885¥84856¥65887¥63998¥43999¥988810¥10999老本获新春 笔记本更换固态硬盘实测
日 00:46&&&出处:&& 作者:宋阳&& 编辑:宋阳 分享
   相信向笔者面对的问题,不少网友都深有同感,那么有什么好办法让我们的老本重焕青春呢?为其安装升级SSD就是一个最可行性的解决方案。SSD是没有任何的机械部件,无需进行复杂的机械运动,可以快速准确地访问驱动器的任何位置。SSD的随机数据访问时间为0.1ms或更短,而传统的2.5寸或3.5寸 HDD所用的时间约为10-14ms,SSD的数据访问要比HDD快上100倍。更换SSD不仅能获得更快的系统响应速度,缓解老本硬盘传输速度慢的问题,同时SSD发热量低、防震抗摔的特性还能降低掌托区域的发热量,更好保护数据安全,一举多得。   既然决定了就开始动手吧,笔者从京东一下就看到了这款东芝的Q系列SSD,笔者自己测试过这款产品,知道它性价比极高《》,现在256GB大容量卖家仅749元,笔者没啥犹豫就选定了,其实如果价格略贵的话,笔者肯定不会选择的,因为笔者的笔记本根本不支持SATA3接口,所以即便选择了高性能的SSD,笔者也享受不到,不过749元的价位实在很诱人,无所谓啦,这款老本享受不到那么高的速度,以后可以放在我的台式机或者换新本儿的时候就可以用到了,现在先让旧笔记本尝尝鲜吧。   更换固态硬盘就不需要多说了,简单的很,哦,当然了,笔者是因为选购了256GB,所以没有打算再把老的机械硬盘留下来作为存储盘用,而是更新之后,仅用一块SSD就够了,毕竟是工作机,太大容量用不到,不过很多朋友如果选择128GB或者64GB SSD的话,可能会需要老的机械硬盘继续作为存储盘用,那么一个硬盘位就不够用了,大家就需要光驱位硬盘托架来解决这个问题。   这种光驱位硬盘托架很好用,将你笔记本的光驱卸掉,装上它,就能多出一个硬盘位了,非常实用,而且价格不贵。好了,一切搞定之后,我们来实际测一测更换了固态硬盘之后,老本的新性能如何。&性能提升很明显   CrystalDiskMark:这是一款比较主流的硬盘基本性能测试工具,通过五次测试取平均值,因此拥有较高的准确率。对于持续传输率,这款软件的测试是比较准确的。这里我们采用1000MB数据量的测试。   CrystalDiskMark测试下,可以看到读写速度得到明显提升,不过固态硬盘的超强实力,笔者可怜的SATA2接口委屈它了...   ATTO Disk Benchmark:一款简单易用的磁盘传输速率检测软件,可以用来检测硬盘、优盘、存储卡及其它可移动磁盘的读取及写入速率。采用分级测试模式,让测试结果更加精准可靠。   ATTO Disk Benchmark测试成绩与之前相差不大,固态硬盘的优势没有完全发挥出来,不过与之前的笔记本硬盘相比,就要强大的太多了。   Mark 7:Mark 7是一套针对PC系统进行综合性能分析的测试套装,包含七个不同的测试环节,由总共25个独立工作负载组成,涵盖了存储、计算、图像与视频处理、网络浏览、游戏等PC日常应用的方方面面。   PCMark7是整体考量硬盘性能的测试软件,在经过一系列测试后,得出该盘的性能成绩,得分比较准确,很有参考意义,可以看出固态硬盘优势明显。   FastCopy:FastCopy是Windows 平台上最快的文件拷贝、删除软件。由于其功能强劲,性能优越,一时间便超越相同类型的所有其他软件。由于该软件十分小巧,你甚至可以在安装后,直接将安装目录中的文件复制到任何可移动 存储设备中,方便携带,随取随用。   FastCopy是实际文件拷贝测试软件,这个才是大家真正关注的实际拷贝能力,笔者选择的是4GB左右的文件,拷贝到固态硬盘与之前笔记本硬盘的速度相差了四倍多。   接下来的测试为开机时间测试,笔者选择的是金山开机助手软件,可以检测开机时间甚至看出在硬件启动、系统启动与软件启动中分别花费的时间   开机时间也是之前笔者最不能容忍的一点,当然这次测试,笔者已经将之前笔记本进行过格式化,很多软件都已经删除掉,所以开机速度明显有了提升,这也是为了对其公平一些,要知道再之前,笔者开机是要超过1分钟的。   游戏加载时间测试:笔者在这里选择了孤岛惊魂4进行游戏加载。   游戏加载速度也是固态硬盘的优势之一,笔者在这里选择了孤岛惊魂4进行游戏加载,固态硬盘的感觉就是一个字“爽”。   Photoshop打开时间测试:笔者在每个固态硬盘中都装上Photoshop CS6,并打开30张照片,每张照片大小为3MB左右,分辨率为。   对于笔者来说,Photoshop是非常重要及常用的软件之一,所以Photoshop的打开速度非常影响笔者的办公效率及心情,这也是笔者受不了之前笔记本硬盘,必须更换SSD的一个原因,打开应用软件超快的速度是固态硬盘的优势之一,从测试成绩可以看出来,同样的三十张照片,固态硬盘只用了不到机械硬盘的三分之一时间,让笔者小兴奋了下,以后工作效率和心情看来要好的多了。&&& &总结:总的来说,SATA 2接口会明显限制SSD的最高速度,这也让笔者无法测得最真实的SSD性能,不过笔者本次对比目的并非测试SSD,而是告诉大家为老本更换SSD后其性能会有明显提升。当然,如果您的笔记本支持SATA 3接口,那么更换SSD能够使用上该SSD的全部性能,更加超值。可以看到,即便使用的是SATA2接口,但测试的这各内容平均能够节省一半以上的时间,所提高的效率不言而喻。随着SSD售价的不断调低,大家实在没必要再忍受自己笔记本电脑的龟速了,如果想让笔记本的性能更上一层楼,那么现在就不要犹豫了。■
扯扯车精品文章推荐Review HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA Notebook - NotebookCheck.net Reviews
Review HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA Notebook
Martina Osztovits ( Bernie Pechlaner), 09/26/2012
Underexposed. HP's Elitebook 2570p is a subnotebook that bucks the trend towards increasingly lighter and slimmer systems. Its sturdiness, durability, battery life, performance, and communication interface options seem to make it the perfect ultra-mobile companion for professionals. We uncover the shortfalls of the notebook in our review.
HP calls their series of laptops designed for professionals &Elitebook&. Superb build quality and upscale&materials do not come cheap however - the price of admission starts at 1000 Euros (~$1288). The range encompasses&systems from 11.6-inch (2170p) to 12.5-inch (&and 2570p) and 14-inch (&and&8470p) to 15.6-inch&(&and 8570p). We should also include the Elitebook 2760p in this list - a 12.1-inch tablet PC.
Most Elitebooks now feature Intel's Ivy Bridge hardware. Our review system, the&12.5-inch 2570p, is the successor to the (already reviewed)&. This time around, we check out a top-of-the-line configuration featuring mobile broadband,&&dual-core CPU, integrated&&graphics card, 4 GB RAM, and 256 GB SSD.Bulky but durable: Elitebook 2570pAs far as the chassis is concerned, HP stayed with the tried and true. The Elitebook 2570p looks like its&.
The hefty construction has its benefits: the chassis is very sturdy, does not deform when pressure is applied, and resists twisting forces extremely well. HP outfitted the notebook with a very rigid bottom cover, which can be removed in its entirety without unscrewing a single screw. The display resists pressure well, is torsionally very rigid, and does not deform when the notebook is lifted at a corner. We have no issues with the overall sturdiness of this notebook.
In addition, all materials are of very high quality. The aluminum surfaces (both brushed and painted) feel cool to the touch and resist scratching. The keys of the keyboard, for example, are made from matte, slightly rough plastic and feel pleasant under the fingertips.
The hinges are metal and hold the display securely with minimal back-and-forth movement after an adjustment of the display angle. Because of the weight of the base unit, the display lid can be opened with one hand without issues.&
HP decided to forgo the massive display lock&featured on&the predecessor. The hinges of the 2570p, even though quite stiff, don't manage to hold the display lid securely closed when the notebook is turned upside down and held by just the base unit. It might be advisable to use a sleeve for transport to prevent items from wedging themselves between the lid and the base.The sides and the back of the notebook house the connectivity option a business user would demand - including a dedicated docking port, which makes&the integration of the notebook in the home and office environments a breeze.
Pretty common for a business notebook is the inclusion of a DisplayPort instead of an HDMI port. A VGA port allows for analog connections to an external monitor or projector. The laptop also features two USB 2.0 ports and one SS/USB/eSATA combination port.
Additional connections can be added via an&ExpressCard34. The system also features a SmartCard and SD reader. We like the fact that HP decided to place the two USB ports and the VGA connector on the back. The network jack and the modem connector are located towards the r the DisplayPort and the eSATA port are in front of the middle line on the right-hand side - not a perfect placement.&Front: tiny status LEDs
Left side: power jack, RJ-45 (LAN), RJ-11 (modem), optical drive, SmartCard reader
Back: VGA, battery, 2x USB 2.0
Right side: ExpressCard34, card reader, combination audio jack, DisplayPort, eSATA/SS/USB, fan exhaust, docking port, Kensington LockCommunication
Our review model of the 2570p has pretty much all the communication options a user could want. The&Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection&(10/100/1000 MBit) allows for speedy hardwired Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, while the&Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (a/b/g/n)&allows access to Wi-Fi hotspots (even Standard-n, if supported). The new model now features&Bluetooth&version&4.0. Our model also features&HP's&un2430 Mobile Broadband. Alternatively, an LTE compatible broadband modem is available. The built-in&RJ-11 modem&allows the user to connect via dial-up in areas lacking infrastructure.
Business laptops usually offer security features - and the&2570p&is no exception. HP's&ProtectTools are pre- while a&TPM Embedded Security Chip 1.2&helps with data integrity. Since the CPU supports vPro, maintenance is possible from afar. Like all Elitebooks, our test system features a fingerprint&as well as a&SmartCard reader.
AccessoriesHP 2570p Docking Station (A9B77UT)
Easy & tool-less maintenanceIn addition to the necessary accessories like battery and power adapter, the box includes a&recovery disk&as well as a driver and software disk. HP offers a plethora of optional accessories. An example is the special docking station (190 Euros/~$245), which features 1 x eSATA, 4 x USB (3 USB 3.0, 1 USB 2.0 Powered), 1 DisplayPort, 1 VGA, 2 audio connectors, and 1 LAN/Ethernet jack. If so desired, the user can swap out the included battery for one with larger capacity.
Maintenance of the Elitebook&2570p&is extremely easy. After removing the entire bottom plate via sliding latch mechanism (no screws need to be removed), all components are readily accessible.
HP offers a warranty of 3 years for the&Elitebook 2570p. The battery is only warranted for 12 months, although there are&HP Care Pack options that include the battery. 3-year next business day service worldwide is about 180 Euros (~$232). Warranty extensions of up to 5 years are possible&().The input devices are the same ones featured in the&. A quick synopsis:
The keyboard offers a very good typing experience - the result of the slightly indented and nonslip keys, the distinct click-point, and the medium key travel. The keyboard is adequately supported and does not flex even if the typist is a bit too enthusiastic.&
To avoid potential damage from fluids the notebook features a&spill-resistant keyboard&with bottom case drain.
Touchpad and Point Stick
The&2570p&features two mouse substitutes: a touchpad&(Synaptics LuxPad V7.4) and a point stick (Synaptics TouchStyk V2.0). Both are very precise. The textured buttons are made from a hard rubber compound and are nonslip. The mechanical quality, the not overly firm but distinct click-point, and the medium travel of the buttons make both devices a pleasure to use.
Multitouch gestures are supported. Scrolling is also possible via scrolling areas (which need to be enabled in the settings menu).Keyboard
Point stickavailable display resolutionsHP uses a panel with the same basic specs as the&:&a resolution of& pixels&and&16:9 aspect ratio. The resolution is acceptable, especially since it's the de facto standard for both business and consumer notebooks&featuring the same form factor. The 12.5-inch large panel (type&SEC4149) is&non-glare&- appropriate for a business notebook.&
The display only offers&two additional resolutions&besides the native one. Both of them are 4:3:
and 800x600.
Unfortunately, the display exhibits all the shortcomings of the&. The average brightness of&166 cd/m?&and the maximum of 185&cd/m? are slightly higher than before (151 cd/m? and 163 cd/m?, respectively) - but that's still comparatively low. The&black point&also shows no improvement. The value of&1.1 cd/m? is still a bit high so the contrast is consequently low (152:1).
Distribution of brightnessGossen Mavo-MonitorMaximum: 185&cd/m&sup2; Average: 165.6&cd/m&sup2;Brightness Distribution:&82 %Contrast: 152:1 (Black: 1.1&cd/m&sup2;)
Coverage of the color spaces is quite important for professional photo editing. Of course, such tasks are usually performed on devices with a larger display. For the sake of completeness, we should mention that the WXGA panel&doesn't even come to close to covering sRGB. Even some subnotebooks are more suitable. The 13-inch Sony&Z13&(which we reviewed recently) comes close to covering Adobe RGB.2570p vs. sRGB
2570p vs. AdobeRGBThe fact that the display is non-glare certainly helps when using the notebook outside. Since the brightness is not nearly high enough, there are limits to the usability outdoors: the display is readable in the shade, but in sunlight it's hard to decipher anything. A brightness result above&250 cd/m? would be desirable. The&&didn't fare any better.&&-&which is a notebook in the same class - manages to do much better here since it features a brighter IPS display panel.In the shade
Direct sunlightAs far as viewing angles are concerned, the Elitebook 2570p certainly can't outdo its competition. In the vertical plane, even small deviations from the (ideal) vertical axis result in changes of the picture quality. From above, colors invert quickly and the display gets dark. Viewed from below, the picture seems overexposed. The viewing angles are more stable in the horizontal plane.Viewing angles HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EAThe Elitebook 2570p is based on&Intel's QM77 (Panther Point) chipset. Our version features the fast&&dual-core processor. For this particular Elitebook, this is the top CPU. System RAM is four&GB&- part of which is shared with the integrated&Graphics 4000.
Our test system is the&top-of-the-line configuration. Other models come equipped with a slower&Core i5 Ivy Bridge CPU and (in some cases) only two&GB&of RAM. We consider four&GB&to be the current standard. For simple office tasks and Internet browsing, the less expensive model with the Core i5 processor should be sufficient. More complex applications like databases or virtual machines will take advantage of the more powerful Core i7 processor.
System information HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA
The Intel Core i7-3520M&is manufactured using the&22 nanometer process&with&3D transistors&and has a core frequency of&2.9 GHz. If cooling permits, Turbo Boost allows the Ivy Bridge CPU to overclock to 3.6 GHz (one core) or 3.4 GHz (two cores). Since the processor features hyperthreading the two physical cores can execute four threads simultaneously. For a detailed look at the processor, please check&. Our&&allows a comparison of the CPU performance.
To determine processor performance, we&conduct a series of CPU-specific benchmarks.&SuperPi&only tasks one core. The calculation of 32 million digits took 612 seconds - last place in our comparison of laptops with the same CPU. Lenovo’s 14-inch&&is a bit quicker with 608 second. Two direct competitors - the&&(Core i5-3320M, Graphics 4000) and the&&(Core i5-3320M, Graphics 4000)&achieve the same result or are only marginally slower.
The results of the&Cinebench tests&show our model to perform at the same level as other notebooks equipped with the same CPU. Single-Core rendering resulted in 1.47, Multi-Core rendering in 3.38 points. The&&is slightly slower.&Fujitsu's Lifebook P772 (Core i5-3320M, Graphics 4000) and Lenovo's ThinkPad X230 (Core i5-3320M, Graphics 4000) received 3.10 and 3.06 points, respectively (during the same Multi-Core test). The P772 achieved 1.32 points during the Single-C we don't have any data for the X230 here.
Unfortunately,&CPU performance decreases significantly&while the notebook is running on battery.&Cinebench R10 64-bit Single-Rendering now resulted in only 5.164 points (6.203 points while on external power). That means that the laptop is about 20% faster while it's plugged in. The Multi-Rendering test shows an even larger difference of 22%.
We never experienced any significant latency even when the wireless modules were turned on.
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit4855 Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit10536 Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit5370 Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit6203 PointsCinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit13151 PointsCinebench R10 Shading 64Bit5366 PointsCinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit1.47 PointsCinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit3.38 PointsCinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit13.19 fpsHelp
To evaluate overall system performance we normally use the two&PCMark&benchmark tests. Unfortunately, PCMark 7 did not finish, so we don't have any results. Let's take a look at&PCMark Vantage&instead. The&Elitebook 2570p achieved an overall score of 13123 points - an excellent result, owing mostly to the speedy storage&drive (SSD). The&&(GeForce GT 640M LE, 3520M CPU, and RAID 0 with two Samsung MZRPC512HAFU-000SO SSDs) scores 10% better (14496 points).&&(NVS 5400M, 3520M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTSE630) is quite a bit slower since it features a conventional hard drive (8385 points - our review system is 57% faster).&&(3320M, Graphics 4000) also features a standard hard drive (7200 RPM) and isn't able to keep up (only scores about half the points).&&(3320M, Graphics 4000) also has a 7200 RPM conventional hard drive and achieves 8503 points - better than the 6747 points the P722 could muster, but still a far cry from the performance of the 2570p with SSD.
Programs and data load speedily and the daily workload is a breeze. System boot and wake-up are significantly faster than those posted by systems equipped with a regular hard disk drive.
4.9Windows 7 Experience IndexProcessorCalculations per second7.2Memory (RAM)Memory operations per second5.9GraphicsDesktop performance for Windows Aero4.9Gaming graphics3D business and gaming graphics6.3Primary hard diskDisk data transfer rate7.9
PCMark Vantage Result13123&pointsHelp
Our review system comes equipped with a&Micron RealSSD C400 (MTFDDAK256MAM-1K12) SSD. The drive features a nominal capacity of 256 GB and comes partitioned:&20.98 GB are reserved for system recovery, while a partition called &HP_TOOLS& takes up 2 GB. The advantages of an SSD compared to a conventional hard drive with mechanical platters are the very low access times and the silent operation. For a detailed comparison of SSDs and regular HDDs, please take a look at this&
In order to compare performance of the SSD to other SSD models, we use&CrystalDiskMark.&as well as the&&are a bit faster. The Micron RealSSD is able to outperform Intel's SSD 320 series by a fair margin, however. For a detailed comparison please check&.
Considering this is only a 12.5-inch system, we appreciate the integrated optical drive on the left side. The&HP CDDVDW TS-U633J writes and reads all current CD and DVD formats.
Transfer Rate Minimum:
214.3 MB/sTransfer Rate Maximum:
369.4 MB/sTransfer Rate Average:
292.9 MB/sAccess Time:
0.1 msBurst Rate:
Sequential Read:
440.9 MB/sSequential Write:
241.8 MB/s512K Read:
351.5 MB/s512K Write:
263.6 MB/s4K Read:
22.45 MB/s4K Write:
56.98 MB/s4K QD32 Read:
186.8 MB/s4K QD32 Write:
230.6 MB/s
Sequential Read:
432.68 MB/sSequential Write:
236.8 MB/s4K Read:
19.9 MB/s4K Write:
46.33 MB/s4K-64 Read:
170.78 MB/s4K-64 Write:
197.01 MB/sAccess Time Read:
0.104 msAccess Time Write:
0.534 msCopy ISO:
195.96 MB/sCopy Program:
109.04 MB/sCopy Game:
158.02 MB/s
Even though this is the top model of the&2570p the customer still has to make do with the integrated&. Depending on the processor, the clock speed of the&Intel HD Graphics 4000 changes and the available cache amount varies. In addition,&Turbo Boost&is able to overclock the graphics card. Fast CPU versions, like our Core i7-3520M start with a core frequency of 650 MHz and are supposed to overclock from 1.1 to 1.25 GHz. Our review model behaves as we expected - see the section on temperature (stress test).
To evaluate graphics performance we run a series of&3DMark benchmarks. The 2570p reached 4949 points running&3DMark06, 2995 points running&3DMarkVantage, and 612 points running 3DMark11. Considering this is a speedy Core i7 dual-core CPU the results are all a little below what we would have expected. The difference to the only system with identical hardware that we have evaluated before (One M73-2O) is between 20 and 30%, depending on the test. Some laptops with Graphics 3000 outperform the HP here - for example the&&(15.6-inch, 2720QM, HD Graphics 3000, +7%). Same is true for systems with ULV processors: the&&(15-inch, 3317U, HD Graphics 4000, +7%). The&Elitebook 2570p doesn't stand a chance when we compare it to the systems with dedicated graphics cards we mentioned in our section about the processor:&Lenovo's&&features an&&and Sony's&&comes equipped with a GeForce GT 640M LE. Let's look at the direct competition: &does better in all&3DM&&offers the same performance.
We couldn't detect any changes in frequency when we ran the stress test. That means that throttling due to excessive heat does not occur.&
When the laptop is running on&battery power, graphics performance takes a hit - but not nearly as much as the CPU performance.
HD Graphics M, Plextor PX-256M5M
532 Points &1%
HD Graphics M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTSE630
541 Points &1% +2%
HD Graphics M, Toshiba MK3261GSYN
601 Points &1% +13%
HD Graphics M, Plextor PX-256M5M
13.19 fps &11%
HD Graphics U, SanDisk U100 128 GB
13.97 fps &11% +6%
HD Graphics M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTSE630
13.3 fps &11% +1%
HD Graphics M, Toshiba MK3261GSYN
19.02 fps &16% +44%
Asus N53SV HD3000HD Graphics QM, Seagate Momentus 7200.4 ST9500420AS
11.41 fps &9% -13%
HD Graphics M, Plextor PX-256M5M
5366 Points &25%
HD Graphics U, SanDisk U100 128 GB
3907 Points &18% -27%
HD Graphics M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTSE630
5209 Points &24% -3%
HD Graphics M, Toshiba MK3261GSYN
5681 Points &26% +6%
Asus N53SV HD3000HD Graphics QM, Seagate Momentus 7200.4 ST9500420AS
5960 Points &28% +11%
3DMark 06 Standard4949&points3DMark Vantage P Result2995&points3DMark 11 Performance612&pointsHelp
The integrated&&in the Elitebook 2570p definitely&does not offer enough performance to turn the system into a&multimedia or gaming&powerhouse. The system is designed to be a mobile office companion. We only attempted to play two games:&Anno 2070 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In both cases, we recorded graphics performance lower than we would have expected from a system with a fast Core i7 dual-core CPU.
ultra (2011) 25.512.57.5fps
(2011) 3618.512.2fps
During idle and while under&low load, we recorded a constant 34.5&dB(A). The default is for the fan to never turn off. To change this behavior the setting&&Fan always on while on AC Power& needs to be deactivated in the BIOS. The fan then turns off at least occasionally. Since the system is equipped with an SSD, it is then completely silent.
During times of&high load, the overall noise level increases to a significant 50.3 dB(A). During a real-life test with 3D applications, the notebook emitted&42.7 dB(A)&- still very audible. The noise is a constant but low frequency hum. We didn't observe any strange behavior of the system fan.
Noise Level
34.5 / 34.5 / 34.5 dB(A)DVD
41.9 / dB(A)Load
42.7 / 50.3 dB(A)
&&30 dBsilent40 dB(A)audible50 dB(A)loud
min: , med: , max: &&&Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)
No throttlingDuring&idle, the notebook stays&comfortably cool. Under load, the temperatures increase (as expected). The palm rest, touchpad, and keyboard area never got unduly warm even when we subjected the system to a stress test lasting several hours. The metal surface is an advantage here. Only the underside of the laptop heats up significantly - we measured 56 degrees Celsius (132.8 degrees Fahrenheit) near the system vent. Since the system is designed for office tasks with low graphics and CPU requirements we doubt that this scenario is applicable in real life.
According to GPU-Z, the idle frequency of the GPU is 350 MHz. While running&Cinebench R11, Turbo Boost can overclock the base frequency of 650 MHz to 1250 MHz. We saw the maximum value maintained during the entire stress test. After a short period, the CPU frequency decreased from the maximum 3.4 GHz to a still very high 3.3 GHz.
&31 &C35.2 &C41.4 &C&&28.9 &C34.8 &C38.7 &C&&28 &C29.7 &C35.7 &C&
Maximum: 41.4 &CAverage: 33.7 &C
56.4 &C35.5 &C31.5 &C44 &C36.4 &C31.7 &C35.3 &C35.8 &C31.8 &C
Maximum: 56.4 &CAverage: 37.6 &C Power Supply (max.)& 55.3 &C | Room Temperature&23.7 &C | Voltcraft IR-360Idle
&26.5 &C27.3 &C26.7 &C&&26.1 &C27.3 &C27.4 &C&&26.2 &C27.5 &C28.3 &C&
Maximum: 28.3 &CAverage: 27 &C
28.6 &C28 &C26.2 &C27.8 &C27.8 &C26 &C26.6 &C26.3 &C25.8 &C
Maximum: 28.6 &CAverage: 27 &C Power Supply (max.)& 34.2 &C | Room Temperature&22.2 &C | Voltcraft IR-360
The speakers and grilles are located underneath the front edge (which slants towards the back) and direct their sound towards the table surface. Sound is loud and remains undistorted even at maximum volume levels, but bass is lacking and mids are over-emphasized.&
Output via the 3.5 millimeter combination audio jack is without any issues.While&idling, our review system benefits from the energy-saving mechanisms of the Ivy Bridge processor: the maximum power draw is 12.3 Watts. The values during standby and when the laptop is turned off are also very low.
When performing graphics-intensive tasks (for example during the&3DMark06 benchmark test), the power consumption increases to 39.9 Watts. At maximum load levels we measured 42.1 Watts (for the CPU alone) and 55.8 Watts&(Prime95 and FurMark).
Power Consumption
Off / Standby 0.3 / 0.5 WattIdle 6.4 / 10.5 / 12.3 Watt
39.9 / 55.8 Watt
max: &&&&&&&&Voltcraft VC 940
Our review system uses a&55 Wh battery, which protrudes in the back. A 9-cell (100 Wh) and a 6-cell (62 Wh)&battery are also available.
We determined the&maximum battery life&with the display o energy-saving profile enabled and turned off Wi-Fi modules. The&Battery Eater Reader’s Test simulates reading text. The 2570p lasted almost&11.25 hours&before we needed to plug it in.
With the display set to a brightness of&150 cd/m? and energy-savings profile enabled, the user can expect about&6 hours while surfing the Internet. For this WLAN test we run a script which simulates surfing the web and hitting pages with different content. With the energy-saving profile enabled and the display turned up to maximum brightness (only one step above the setting for the WLAN test), the system was able to play&DVDs&for&4.5 hours.
The&minimum battery life&is fairly short (2 hours).
Sony's 13-inch&&(equipped with a 49 Wh battery, the same CPU and a&GeForce GT 640M) fares a bit worse.&Lenovo's 14-inch&&(much larger capacity 94 Wh battery, 3520M, NVS 5400M) doesn't do much better than the Elitebook. The&Lenovo ThinkPad X230 (which has a much brighter display) also features a larger battery (63 Wh), but lasts about an hour less during the WLAN test. Same is also true for the Fujitsu Lifebook P722.Readers Test
Classic Test
Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
WiFi Surfing
Load (maximum brightness)
HP's Elitebook 2570p has the same strengths and weaknesses as the&&Our main point of criticism remains the&display&- even though it is now slightly brighter, it is&still too dark&and consequently mobility (outdoor use) suffers.&
Plus points are the very&comfortable keyboard&and the&touchpad/point stick&combination. Build quality, sturdiness, port selection, and security features all support the status of the little Elitebook as a serious business laptop. We especially appreciate the inclusion of an optical drive in this small 12.5-inch subnotebook.
Equipped with a speedy SSD, the notebook is capable of convincing performance. The hardware components (,&, and 4 GB RAM) are certainly sufficient for the typical office and Internet tasks. Even the top model of the 2570p is not suited for graphics-intensive applications.
The&Elitebook 2570p appeals to business travelers who have high demands as far as sturdiness and connectivity options are concerned. Many potential buyers are not going to like the dark display with its low contrast. Those who travel a lot might consider the&&with its much brighter IPS display instead.
Courtesy of ...
In Review: HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA, courtesy of:
(download rating image as
2.9&GHz ()Graphics adapter, , DDR3 SDRAMDisplay12.5 inch 16:9,
pixel, SEC4149, glossy: noMainboardIntel QM77 (Panther Point)StoragePlextor PX-256M5M, 256&GB& SoundcardIntel IDT 92HD81B1X @ Intel Ibex Peak PCH - High Definition Audio ControllerConnections1 Express Card 34mm, 2 USB 2.0, 1 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 DisplayPort, 1 Modem, 1 Kensington Lock, 1 eSata, 1 Docking Station Port, Audio Connections: headphone, Card Reader: SD, 1 SmartCard, 1 Fingerprint Reader, Sensors: HP 3D DriveGuardNetworkingIntel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (10/100/1000MBit), Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 (a/b/g/n), Bluetooth Broadcom 20702 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter, HP un2430 Mobile Broadband Module ModemOptical driveHP CDDVDW TS-U633JSizeheight x width x depth (in mm): 27 x 305 x 209 ( = 1.06 x 12.01 x 8.23 in)Battery55 Wh Lithium-Ion, 10.8 VOperating SystemMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional 64 BitCameraWebcam: HD WebcamAdditional featuresKeyboard: Spill proof hiclet keyboard with drainage chanell, Recovery DVD, driver CD, HP 3D DriveGuard, Microsoft Office Starter, Corel WinDVD, Roxio Secure Burn, Roxio MyDVD Business 2010, 36 Months WarrantyWeight1.63 kg ( = 57.5 oz / 3.59 pounds), Power Supply: 180 g ( = 6.35 oz / 0.4 pounds)
Price2075 EuroLinks&
Bulky, but sturdy constructions (unlike Ultrabooks)
SmartCard reader
Power jack, RJ-45 (LAN) andRJ-11 (modem) towards the back on the left side
2x USB-2.0 (back)
VGA connector in the same location
ExpressCard34 Slot for expansion, SD card reader and combination audio jack
DisplayPort and eSATA-USB-Kombi-Anschluss: unfortunately no USB-3.0
Dedicated docking port and Kensington Lock slot
Great overall performance
The bottom can be removed without having to use any tools (no screws)
Maintenance made easy
Only one RAM slot is occupied
Broadband modem
Adequately sized power adapter
The 55 Wh battery provides good battery life
Tiny status LEDs on the front edge
Many communication options - broadband modem is included in the package
Still a very good-looking system
High quality materials, aluminum surfaces
The battery protrudes in the back
The metal hinges are sturdy and are capable of holding the display in any position
Maximum display angle
The display is comparatively dark...
... and has low contrast
Hard to decipher the display in direct sunlight
Very good keyboard
I white: function enabled, orange: deactivated
Power switch
Indirect keyboard lighting
Very good, but slightly small touchpad
Very decent point stick
Plenty of security features: finger print reader
Devices from a different Manufacturer and/or with a different CPUHD Graphics 4000, Core i5 3427UHD Graphics 4000, Core i3 3110MHD Graphics 4000, Core i5 3320MHD Graphics 4000, Core i5 3320MHD Graphics 4000, Core i5 3320MDevices with the same GPUHD Graphics 4000, Core i3 3217U, 14", 1.54 kgHD Graphics 4000, Core i7 3632QM, 13.3", 1.7 kg
Tips for buying a notebook - Find the right notebok - Display resolution compared - Manufacturer's Information
Pros+Very powerful
+CPU performance
+Very good input devices
+Fast storage
+Port selection reflects what business users demand
+Recovery media&Cons-Dark display with low contrast
-Restrictive viewing angles
-Power loss on battery
What we like
The overall very good performance (thanks to the SSD), the sturdy construction, and the very decent input devices.
What we'd like to see
A brighter display with better contrast.
What surprises us
That HP equips their notebook costing 2000 Euro with a inferior display panel.
The competition
Powerful business subnotebooks:&&or the&.
HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA - 09/20/2012
v3(old)Martina OsztovitsChassis95%Keyboard94%Pointing Device98%Connectivity87%Weight91%Battery89%Display68%Games Performance68%Application Performance94%Temperature77%Noise72%Add Points80%Average84%86%Subnotebook - Weighted Average
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> Review HP Elitebook 2570p-B6Q10EA Notebook Martina Osztovits,&&(Update:&)
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