
114网址导航域名 - 诈骗邮件, 炸你没商量... - 外贸钓鱼邮件 - 出口交流 -
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UID 2088848
阅读权限 40
域名 - 诈骗邮件, 炸你没商量...
网络上处处是坑...., 且行且珍惜.
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huahong Ltd on May 26, 2014. They want to register & ABC & as their Internet Keyword and & ABC .cn &、& ABC . & 、& ABC . &、&ABC . & domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find &ABC & conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager&&
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 6
Mobile: +86 1
Fax: +86 7
UID 2088848
阅读权限 40
China Domain Name Registration Scam
Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
China Domain Name Registration Scam, So I got an email today from a client asking if the email they received from a Chinese domain name company was legitimate or not. I went on the internet and did a little digging and I ran across this great blog post about getting emails just like this saying your domain is going to
Hey! Got an Email from China Domain Name Registration Center, Asian Domain Registration Service In China, The Department Of Registration Service In China etc.?
(21/05/ pm)
China Domain Name Registration Scam - Christopher Hofman Laursen
China Domain Name Registration Scam - Scam Fighter
Christopher Hofman Laursen
The reason that you have landed here is surely due to an email in your inbox from an Asian named domain name registrar such as China Domain Name Registration Center, Asian Domain Registration Service In China or The Department Of Registration Service In China. In the email they probably request you to forward the email to your CEO with an urgent request to react quickly to a list of available domain names about to be registered by another company infringing your trademark rights. (This other “company” could also email you to tell that they plan to register the domains). In the following I will list the types of emails, discuss if this threat email should be taken seriously and which measures you should take. At the end we have collected a list of Chinese companies and individuals to be aware of plus examples of their emails. Please contact me if you have other examples, and do share the article so we can avoid more victims.
20.08.13: LAST NAME ADDED TO THE LIST: James Zhang, China Registry (Headquarters)
China Domain Name Registration Scam
Three types of emails
There are basically three types of unsolicited emails that you can receive:
1. A third party is interested in some available domain names (typically .hk, .cn, .tw), where you have a matching trademark. In only a few days the other party will register these domains, unless you react.
2. You receive a renewal reminder for a domain name which is very similar to the one you have registered. It could be that you , and they want you to renew .
3. You receive a renewal reminder for a domain name that you have registered with another registrar. This should be reported to the right authorities. We got an example here from 18th May 2013 at the bottom, so you can see how they look.
Is this a real threat, where you have to react?
Our clients here at European Domain Centre are international companies with worldwide brands to defend, and a couple of times each month they forward these emails to me with the question: Are they fake? Are these domains really going to be registered by another company inside a few days? I went back to look at emails that clients had send over the years. One client got an email from The Department of Registration Service In China on 13.02.12 with a list of 10 domains. All of these domain names are still available one year after. Another client received an email from Asian Domain Registration in China on 17.10.11 with a list of four domains. The client ended up registering one of the domain names with us and the other three have been left unregistered for the last two years. The question in the title must be answered with a NO. This is a Chinese domain scam, where a third party company is used without its consent to pressure you to purchase some domain names via this Chinese registry. The domains will not be registered if you ignore them.
If you start a conversation with them, they will in each email tell you how urgent it is to register your domains. I have even been informed that they can call you at a certain point to put on more pressure. If you ask them for a reference or any information about the third party company interested in registering your domain names, they will not pass on any information, as it is “confidential”.
UID 2088848
阅读权限 40
Are they real domain registrars?
Some yes, and others no. Going through the list of contacts I can see that many of the contacts only recently registered the domain name for their email, and no website exists. It is very likely that they will take your money and run. Some of the scammers regularly change their email address. E.g. Michael Hong has used eight different email addresses over the last months. They do this to avoid being blocked by spam filters.
What should you do when you receive an email from China Domain Name Registration Center or other similar named registrar?
As confirmed above your domain names will not be registered by another company, however I would still recommend you to do a couple of actions. First and foremost, there are companies taking the bait. Over the next two years hundreds of new gTLDs will be launched, so there will be even more confusion. If you have received an email like this, then please forward it to me at , and I will list it in the article to warn about these emails. I have already enclosed a sample of these below. You can also do like this guy and start a conversation with the scammer!
Secondly, it is surely not possible to stop these scam emails. You can search in Google where to report scams to your local authorities. Especially for fake renewal emails I would definetely take action, as this type of emails is far more scrupulous and easy to fall for, and they should be stopped immediately before others become victims. You can also share this article in your network so we can spread the message and ensure that the database is updated.
Thirdly, if you do plan to register domain names in those countries, then I would recommend that you do not wait. Contact your current domain registrar (Not China Domain Name Registration Center!). If you decide to use us at European Domain Centre, you will only have to deal with one contact for all your domain names, even if you have registered domains in countries all over the world.
When you receive an email from China Domain Name Registration Center or a similar company about domains which are about to be registered, then it is most likely a false warning, and you should ignore it. You can send it to me, as we can then update the article to warn about new emails. Secondly, if you do think that some of these domain names could come in handy in the near future, then do go ahead and register them. I recommend as well that you read the article The Top 5 Domain Name Scams in 2012.
Company names and URLs used by scammers
China Registry (Headquarters) ()
Netregistry ()
Network Solutions Service Company (, dot-network.asia )
China Domain Name Registration Center
Tik Company , Shanghai Tik Admin Registry (tik-public , tik-china.org , tik-public.org , tik public , tik public org , tik-china.org , )
DES Registry Services (des-services.org , des- , des- , des-registry.org, , Des Services China, des-registry, .cn,
China Registry ()
Nus Network Center ()
Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China
Organization of trademark intellectual property protection in China ( , cm-nic.org )
Department of Asian Domain Registration Service in China ( dsa-web.org , dsa register china, , dsa-, )
Auditing department of a professional domain name registration and dispute solution organization in China (.cn)
Domain name registration and protection agency in Asia
domain name registration and solution center in China
The institution for registration service in the People’s Republic of China
Registration Law Office
Asian Domain Registration Service in China ( des- , des- , dg-network.org , dg- , dus solutions china , , dus-solutions.org , dus- , .dus-web.org ,
, dln center, .cn , des-, dus solutions, , dus-solutions, dus-web, , dus-)
UID 2088848
阅读权限 40
China Domain Name Registration Center (yg registry , ygregistry , ygregistry.org , yg-registry , yg-registry.org, , , yg registry china, , , ygregistry.net, , , , , , , , .cn, yg-registry.net, , , .cn, ygregistryltd)
The Department Of Registration Service in China ()
CN Network Solutions Ltd ( cn-network.net , cn-network.org, cnnetwork)
Asian Domain Registration Organization in China ( pxisp.net ,
, pxisp, pxisp.org)
Department of Registration Service in China
Department of Registration Service in Asia (, Easyfa)
Department of Domain Registration Service in Asia
senior domain registrar in Hong Kong ()
Contact person names and contact details used by scammers
Hannah Lin, Registration Dept. Tel:+86-551- || Fax:+86-551- Email:
Jackson Chen, Senior Manager, Tel: +53978 || Fax: +15586 Email:
Hill Su, Tel: +86-551- Fax: +86-551- Email:
Richard Wang, Senior Manager, Tel: +53978 Fax: +15586 Email:
Eric Li, Auditing Director, Tel:+22 Fax:+21 Email:
James Zhang, General manager Tel: +86-21- Fax: +86-21- Email:
Jim Bing, General Manager Tel: +86 6 Fax: +86 7 Email: , ,
Tom Zha, Tel: +86-551- Fax: +86-551- Email: , ,
Jack Zhang, General Manager Tel: +86-21- Fax: +86-21- Email:
Andrew Zhang, Tel: +86-551- Fax: +86-551- Email:
Larry Chang, Registration Department Manager Office: +86
Lex Ren, Tel:+86-4 Fax:+86-4 Email: , ,
Jim Gong, General Manager, Tel: +86 6 Mobile: +86 1 Email:
Andy Wong, Registration Department Manager Office:+86
Email: , ,
Regan Yang, Tel: +86. Fax:+86. Email:
Abby Wang, General Manager, Office: +86
Bruce Liu, Auditing manager, Tel :57821 Fax: 57823 Email:
Tina Ni, Registration Department, Tel: +86-551- Fax: +86-551- Email:
Mark Zeng, Registration Department Manager, Tel: +86
Nicholas Lee, Email:
Vivian Lee, Auditing Department Tel: 34 (English) 49 (Chinese) Fax: 09 Email:
Louis Zha, Tel:+86-4 Fax:+86-4 Email:
Steve Zhang, , ,
Cameron Wu, Tel: +86-4 Fax: +86-4 Email:
UID 2088848
阅读权限 40
Tired of getting spam mails? Block the spammers
In your email system you should be able to block specific emails. Copy/paste these emails to avoid spam from our “Bad Guy” List:
UID 2242925
阅读权限 40
晕倒啊 骗子无处不在
UID 185154
福步币 60 块
阅读权限 40
还有些骗子伪装成 126、163或者GMAIL,HOTMAIL邮箱的登录界面让你进去查看。
UID 852499
阅读权限 40
来自 江苏无锡
UID 1591889
积分 25636
福步币 30 块
阅读权限 80
这个SB的一模一样的邮件也发过给我, 我又两个域名, 结果两个域名都发给我一样的邮件, 制定骗子无疑.
UID 1340537
积分 112850
福步币 6 块
阅读权限 120
General Manager&&
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 6
Mobile: +86 1
Fax: +86 7
UID 2479013
阅读权限 25
General Manager&&
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 6
Mobile: +86 1
Fax: +86 7
UID 1047213
福步币 6 块
阅读权限 40
看来骗子姓张啊, 又换邮箱了,中国人干这行。。。。。报警拿下他。。。
(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Aug 13, 2015, we received an application from Huajin Holdings Ltd requested &kst-steel& as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it's necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
Kind regards
Peter Zhang
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
B06, Yujing Building, No.1 Jihe Road,
Shanghai 201107, China
Tel: +86 21
Mobile: +86 138
Fax: +86 21
Nothing is impossible
UID 1644153
阅读权限 25
回复 #1 iloveyou2013 的帖子
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent, Thanks)
We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China.
We received an application from Huayin Ltd on October 26, 2015. They want to register “xxx & as their Internet Keyword and & xxx .cn &、domain names etc.., they are in China and Asia domain names. But after checking it, we find &xxx & conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager&&
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 6
Mobile: +86 1
Fax: +86 7
[ 本帖最后由 sweetyqueena 于
15:22 编辑 ]
UID 1644153
阅读权限 25
回复 #13 sweetyqueena 的帖子
然后我竟然还信了 赶紧去抢占了其他几个域名。 刚收到骗子第二封信。。。。幸好百度到帖子。 互联网万岁,分享万岁,也共享下我的遭遇,让骗子都去吃屎!
Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have suggested they should choose another name to avoid this conflict but they insist on this name as CN/ASIA domain names (asia/ cn/ / / ) and internet keyword on the internet. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company and register it to promote his company.
According to the domain name registration principle: The domain names and internet keyword which applied based on the international principle are opened to companies as well as individuals. Any companies or individuals have rights to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Because your company haven't registered this name as CN/ASIA domains and internet keyword on the internet, anyone can obtain them by registration. However, in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has priority to make this registration in our audit period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these CN/ASIA domain names (asia/ cn/ / / ) and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send an application form and the price list to you and help you register these within dispute period.
Kind regards
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3008, Jiulong Building, No. 836 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 6
Mobile: +86 1
Fax: +86 7
UID 179522
积分 19922
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 80
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-300家钓鱼网站域名被封
作者: 罗添
  商报讯 (记者 罗添) 互联网“毒瘤”钓鱼网站得到有力的遏制。昨日,记者从中国反钓鱼网站联盟(APAC)处获悉,截至2008年11月,基于CN域名管理体系建立的反钓鱼快速解决机制已经封杀了300家钓鱼网站的域名解析。   所谓“钓鱼网站”,是指以克隆银行、电子商务网站骗取用户账号,用以非法牟利的网站。业内人士称,目前“钓鱼网站” 已成为互联网安全最大的隐患,严重阻碍电子商务、在线金融业务的正常发展。特别是今年9月以来,金融海啸在全球蔓延,许多不法分子趁机制造钓鱼网站非法牟利,上升为国际性问题,各国政府以及权威机构均加大力度给予打击。   由中国域名注册管理机构中国互联网络信息中心牵头成立的反钓鱼网站联盟,针对影响范围最广、危害最为严重的电子商务、在线金融等领域进行打击,自今年7月成立以来,取得了良好的网络净化效果。目前,中国工商银行、中国农业银行、百度、淘宝等知名企业相继加盟,联盟成员已达42家,基本涵盖了互联网金融、证券、电子商务、网络游戏等重要领域。   商报链接   什么是钓鱼网站  所谓钓鱼网站,实际上就是诈骗者伪装成为银行网站,窃取访问者提交的账号和密码信息。钓鱼网站的页面与真实网站界面完全一致,要求访问者提交账号和密码。一般来说钓鱼网站和真实网站有细微差别,如真实的工行网站为.cn,针对工行的钓鱼网站则为.cn,很容易让普通网民上当受骗。
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